Sequence Player

Chapter 758: Cause and effect cut off!

   Chapter 758 Causal Cutoff!

   In the dark and quiet lounge, there was a rustling sound.

   Li Changhe failed to verify whether he is leg control.

  According to Xiao Nan, he only supported the north of the city, although the time was not long, it only took four or five hours to go back and forth.

   But after fighting so many horrors, the stamina and stamina are drained.

   Now the most important thing is to rest and recover. Don't dare to mess around

   Looking at the tired girl with red ears, Li Changhe pinched her little face in dissatisfaction.

   "Silly girl, what are you thinking about, rest in peace."

   Even if you have any ideas, you have to put it after the disaster fog is over.

   Looking at her tired face, how could Li Changhe move?

   The defensive battle during this period made her very tired.

   After all, the Great Black Wall has a longer defensive line. Players have to run a marathon just to rush back and forth for support.

   Looking carefully at the little girl's face, the black lines on the cheeks have faded a little, but it still feels cold when touched.

   Her left hand also regained some consciousness, but she still had no strength.

   Looking at the tiredness and sleepiness in her eyes, Li Changhe felt very uncomfortable. So, put the tired girl in his arms and let her rest.

   Maybe he was really tired, Xiao Nan habitually buried his face in Li Changhe's neck, snuggled up on Li Changhe's body, and soon fell asleep.

   Smell the fragrance of the girl's hair and feel the tender ketone body in her arms. Li Changhe sniffed and complained in a low voice, "Is this too much of a test for me?"

   Then, he calmed down and closed his eyes. He also has to restore consumption as soon as possible.

   As a main body player, he also has the passive effect of breathing, and his stamina will recover quickly.

   But the energy value is troublesome. If you don't plan to take drugs, you have to rest well.

  Li Changhe actually enjoys this warm feeling of rubbing his ears and temples.

  Unfortunately, it is now in the fog of disaster. No matter how warm the time is, it is only for a moment.

   Even in the safe zone, players and combatants cannot get a good rest. Rarely even goes into deep sleep.

  Because, once the Terrors attack from all directions, except for the few who want to maintain the Great Black Wall, the rest basically have to climb the wall to deal with the siege of the Terrors.

   Now, there are nearly 300 people in the safe zone, and players are naturally not allowed to participate in the battle.

Among the    and not players, except for some elderly uncles and aunts, the rest have basically begun to receive training. If necessary, they will also climb the walls to deal with the terror.

   The combat power may not be much, but it is better than nothing.

   Now, the official is eager to split a player into two, is the human combat power insufficient?

  The largest human team in the disaster fog is the Zerg crusade team that is still underground.

  In order to kill the swarm, 30% of the human side's combat power is basically piled up there.

   When they return from victory, the human defense might be able to improve a lot.

   "I don't know what's going on over the box?" Li Changhe didn't send a message to He Feng, just worried that something would happen to him if he was distracted.

   Fortunately, there are players in the Zerg crusade team who update the progress in the [Forum] at all times. So that outside players can also know the battle situation.

   At present, in the underground battlefield, humans still have the upper hand.

   As the nutrients of the insect swarm were taken away by the blood and water of the insect god, the production capacity of the Zerg queen dropped a lot.

   Then, he was directly ridden by a blushing guy like He Feng.

   Now, that queen doesn't even have a chance to make Zerg soldiers, so she can only run wildly underground. It is uncertain when she will be successfully executed. Then she will also be the first world-destroying terror to be executed.

  Of course, this is a good idea.

  Thinking about the bad side, just a single terror in the Zerg Queen dragged hundreds of players and thousands of combatants.

   It is also a lot of pressure for the human side who lacks combat power. I don't know if there are any other strange horrors.

  【Safety Zone No. 3 has escaped, players who need Dream Cruises support, please light the distress signal after half an hour】

   Safe Zone 3 is said to have suffered a large-scale attack by the Terror before.

   Finally, I asked for the support of Dream Cruises.

   is also good news, at least the safe zone has not been directly breached. The support force of Dream Cruises is still trustworthy.

  Li Changhe thought to himself, when the sleepiness struck, he fell into a deep sleep.

   Feeling sleepy at the same time, there are also several soldiers who are vigilant.

   They suddenly felt a little sleepy, obviously they were a team that had just changed shifts.

  Have rested before climbing the city wall.

   At this moment, I feel that my eyelids are fighting. Many warriors even fell asleep against the city wall with their weapons in hand.

The    vigil player immediately felt that something was wrong and stood up immediately, but saw the dense snowflakes falling suddenly outside the city wall.

Snow? Snow in Yanyun is a rare thing.

   How could it possibly snow in Yanyun in March?

   Watching the snowflakes falling on the city wall.

   The alarm bells rang out in the hearts of the vigil players, and at the same time, a strong sleepiness struck.

   He bit the tip of his tongue without hesitation, trying to wake himself up a little while shouting.

   "Enemy attack!"

   However, very few responded.

  The players and fighters who should have rushed out of the lounge were quiet at the moment.

   Someone staggered out of the room, but quickly fell to the ground and fell asleep.

   The vigil player was furious, because he found that his eyelids also began to fall unconsciously. Intense tiredness began to creep in. The pain of biting the tip of the tongue cannot resist this drowsiness.

   So he decisively stabbed a knife in his thigh, and the intense pain refreshed him.

   At the same time, a distress signal was issued in the [Forum]. Once the three players who maintain the wall are also affected, it's all over!

   In the lounge, Chen Yu also felt an inexplicable force dragging her into a dream.

   But her sequence is Nightmare, which has a strong restraining effect on the effects of this ability. He suddenly woke up from his sleep.

   "Damn it! Sleeper?" Before she could put on a dress for herself, she quickly stood up against the wall.

   Looking at the fighters and players in the corridor, she already understood what was happening in the safe zone.

   At this time, the affected players must be awakened first. The rest have to wake up as soon as possible, otherwise the sudden low temperature will soon kill the sleeping person.

   And her primary target to wake up is naturally the strongest person in the safe zone. With Xiao Nan's divinity being eroded, the strongest person in the safe zone must be that guy.

   She pushed open the door of the lounge, and the strong mental shock was about to be released.

   I felt that my body was warm, and someone had put on a trench coat.

   At the same time, a low voice resounded in the room.

   "Dare to play a curse in front of Lao Tzu?"

   "Big guy lead, cause and effect cut off!"

   I got vaccinated, my arm is sore



   (end of this chapter)

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