Senior Superstar

Chapter 722: Lurk old man! (Seeking monthly ticket, seeking subscription

   Chapter 722 Lurk, old man! (Seeking monthly ticket, seeking subscription!)

  The currently released version of "Climbing" is 3DMAX, so when watching this film, Li Shixin and a group of old fans sat in the IMAX hall.

  When it comes to "Just, Love", it's time to change rooms.

  People who come out to watch movies on National Day files are basically fun. Therefore, movies like "Climbing" and "Demon Contract" are popular among movie fans in the market.

  After all, in terms of visual effects, the upgraded experience brought by new technologies is not comparable to traditional movies.

  On the other hand, 3Dmax movie tickets are also 30 to 40% higher than normal. On the other hand, the income of the theater will increase correspondingly, so 3D movies are generally arranged more.

  However, Li Shixin is worthwhile.

   took a group of livers for six hours, but the old fans who were still vigorous walked through the corridor to Hall 3, and Li Shixin was refreshed!

  Just now, the IMAX hall where "Climbing" was located had about 300 seats. After the movie started, Li Shixin visually estimated that the number of people present was about 170 or 80.

  The corners of the projection hall are all empty.

  Although there is a bad visual perception of the corners of the third brother movie, and the factors of the first day of release.

  But in general, the enthusiasm of "Climbing" is not worthy of its announcement and cast.

  But when it comes to "Just, Love", it's different.

  No. 3 theater is not big, as there are only 150 seats, but when Li Shixin took a group of old fans into the seat, less than a minute, the 150 seats were almost full!

  Seeing such a scene, Wu Ming and Liu Feng were very happy.

  "Brother Shixin..."


  When Wu Ming called her name, Li Shixin covered her mouth.

  Looking around, Li Shixin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that all the people sitting in the seat were fiddling with their mobile phones or adjusting their seats, and did not notice that he was here.

  Too careless!

What's the situation now?

  Old man, this is lurking among a group of fans who want to slice the old man’s gun!

   "The wind is tight, don't call your name directly. From now on, just call me Xinzai."

   Stroking his sunglasses, Li Shixin confessed in a low voice.

   "Puff, I said, Shi... Xinzi, how did you do it with the spy?"

   Aside, feeling Li Shixin's nervousness, Mr. Liu Feng was confused.

  It was at this moment, behind Liu Feng, a few young people who had been seated began to talk softly;

   "Brother, the king of heaven overpowers the tiger?"

   "Send the letter to the earth."

  "Pagoda Town River Monster?"

   "Cut his chicken!"

   "Haha, the Iron Guardian who was broken by Weibo?"

   "No, I can't fight for a heartbreaker."

   "Huh? How about you? Where did you come from?"

   "Quiet, low-key. The little friend of Baizhan who failed to come to criticize the smelly old man."

   "No, won't we all be comrades this time, right?"

  In the distance, a voice came faintly.

   "What a waste, the Mid-Autumn Festival, if it weren't for the irritation of the previous broken chapter, who would go to the movie theater to suffer this crime? Eating purple grapes at home and admiring the big white moon is not fragrant?"

   "Smelly old man!" "Next time I see a dog with broken chapters and rectify the law on the spot! Save him from harming the world!"

   Hearing a group of young young people in the screening hall talking angrily while the movie did not start, Grandpa Liu Feng curled his neck and collapsed into his seat.

   "Huh? Uncle, you are eighty years old, right?"

   Just then, a young man beside him greeted with a smile.

   "Ah, oh. Eighty-five."

  Nene, Liu Feng responded with a mouth.

   "Yeah, this is pretty good spirit. It's rare for you to be so old in the cinema."

   "Ha ha ha, yeah yeah."

   "How do I come to watch this movie? Did you watch the outside and the billboard, or did the younger generation bring you with you? Are you also a fan of Li Shixin?"

   "Ah, that...what did you say?!"

   "I said, do you always like Li Shixin?"

   "What is Li's letter?"

   "Li Shixin!"

   "What Shixin?"

   "Li Shixin!"

   "Li Shi what?"

   "I said, are you also a fan of Li Shixin?"

  "Wet wipes**?"

   "Well, you can rest all the time."

Sitting in the middle of a group of old fans, Li Shixin let out a long sigh of relief as Liu Feng wittily escaped from a few young people and lowered his peaked cap.


   At this time, the basic lighting in the cinema went out.

  As the photoelectric dragon mark lighted up on the screen, the auditorium finally became quiet.

  "Just, Love", the beginning!

  Although most of the audience present had already watched the first 30 parts of "Just Love", this did not affect the atmosphere in the theater.

  Because the sand sculpture netizens who are familiar with Li Shixin's urinary **** all know that with Li Shixin's temper, the content of the official version and the rough cut version will definitely not be exactly the same!

  In fact, this is also true.

  From the beginning of the life state of Dazhi, to picking up Ding Ding at the back, adopting and taking care of it, and then Ding Ding grows up and enters the kindergarten to experience separation.

  Although the general plot has not changed, in the official release version, there are a lot of life details and easter eggs that are not in the rough cut version.

  For example, the family of Dazhi’s three mentally retarded friends, such as Ding Ding’s interesting daily life with his neighbors when he was growing up, and even when Dazhi told Ding Ding’s bedtime story, there was a sound on the radio that instantly stopped the atmosphere in the theater.

  Naturally is the fairy sister.

  That’s it, thirty-five minutes passed quickly.

  Even though I have watched it before, but at this time the audience in the theater is still completely attracted by the tortuous plot.

  As Tintin was taken away by the people from the orphanage, Dazhi decided to pursue it, and there was a sound of sobbing in the theater.

  When the plot hits here, it goes to the fourth act;

   "Ding Ding asked Dazhi what to do if she was lost and caught by the bad guys. Dazhi promised Ding Ding, no matter where she goes, she will be taken back, too!"

  In the tears of all the audience, Dazhi on the movie screen expressed his thoughts and determination in front of the neighbors.

  In the messy home, the food on the table is already cold, and the walls are covered with pictures of Tintin growing up.

   Seeing that at this time it was not like a mentally retarded general, the neighbors were silent.

  Everyone understands that it is not easy for Dazhi to get Ding Ding back.

  "Dazhi, look at it, Tintin was originally for you to pick..."

  The little Wang upstairs just wanted to talk, he was stunned back by his wife.

   "Dazhi, we will help you!"

   "Yes, we will help you."

  Even though they knew it was impossible, the neighbors in the alley still couldn't bear to hurt this simple-minded, but sincere and kind-hearted fool.

"O-Yo, you all said it lightly. God just saw it upstairs. Let me tell you, Ding Ding has been with Dazhi for so many years. Why is he suddenly targeted by the orphanage? I think it’s the demon. Isn't it a wicked ghost?"

   "Sixth aunt, this is not good for nonsense."

   "Oh, you little gangster, when will Aunt Six miss it?"

   "I don't know, you love gossip so much, you have to talk so much every day..."

   "Hey, you guy, forget it, I'm not refreshed with Nong!"

  Looking at the neighbors' gossip instinct again, the old director of the community slowly walked to Dazhi.

  "Dazhi...Ding Ding will still be in Shanghai for the time being. According to her situation, adoption requires an adoption procedure. About two weeks or so, she will be in the district orphanage."

"Ding Ding, Ding Ding is still in the Shanghai Sea. Great, the district welfare institute Dazhi knows, uh, hehehe, you need to do No. 18 at the alley, pass six stops, get off at Sangong Temple, then change to No. 12 and walk 7. Standing...Dazhi, Dazhi remembers it clearly."

   "That's right."

  The old director grabbed Dazhi’s hands and said, “Dazhi, leave the bus route alone and listen to me carefully.”


  Dazhi closed his mouth.

   "In your situation, it is impossible to adopt Ding Ding. So Ding Ding needs to be placed in the orphanage, so that other people who can support can adopt it."

  "No, no. Dazhi, Dazhi is Dingding’s father. Dingding is Dazhi’s daughter. Dazhi, Dazhi can take good care of Dingding."

   "Yes, we all know this. So you have to find a way and be smart enough to bring Tintin back."

"any solution?"

   Hearing the word clever, Dazhi blinked.

"I just thought about it. If you can't adopt, you can find someone you trust and is qualified to adopt Ding Ding. Go to the orphanage to submit an application for adoption. If you are lucky, Ding Ding can come back. Although she is legally Someone else’s adopted daughter, but this does not delay her living with you. Do you understand?"

   Facing the experienced and resourceful Director Liu, Dazhi nodded vigorously.

   Then, he set his sights on the people in the house.

  The group of people is of all kinds.

There are six aunts who rely on gossip to survive, old Liu who goes out early and returns late to make a living by delivering couriers, Zhao who lives at home as a public residence, and the little grandson of a ghost gambler who works in a department store, and retires with his daughter. Bye bye, the lonely and widowed teacher Zhou, the boss of the famous enterprise Feige Baozipu in the alley, and his three mentally retarded friends...

  These are Dazhi's life circle.

  Seeing this lineup of crooked melons, the audience who had just experienced a round of tears burst into laughter.

  (End of this chapter)

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