Looking at the twinkling light in Xiaowei's eyes,

Qin Feng knows,

It is difficult for me to dissuade a brave warrior who moves forward fearlessly.

Because Xiaowei was not the one escorting him during this trip.

It is the national manufacturing they have always loved in their hearts.

The automobile manufacturing industry has always been the backbone of a nation.

If the Longhua nation really wants to take off in the world, it must firmly grasp the right to speak.

Then we must first start to rise from the manufacturing industry.

It was precisely because he fully understood the purpose of driving the Longsan car to the Cape of Good Hope.

That's why Xiaowei stood up and helped him without hesitation from the beginning.

If not, Libi Xiaowei wouldn't be so persistent.

“Brother Feng, you must get out of Syria alive!

You must fulfill your dream!

There are really not many young people in the Dragon Kingdom who still miss our nation!

What you are carrying on this trip are the hopes of thousands of Longhua national brands.

I believe that when you drive a Longsan car, go through countless hardships, and arrive at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa,

The whole world will be shocked.

We, Made in the Dragon Kingdom, will also hold our heads high.

So, let me walk with you on this next journey!

I have said before that even if it costs my life, I will escort you out of Syria safely!

This is me, a Longhua wanderer in a foreign land,

The only thing we can do for the revival of Longhua!"

Seeing that Qin Feng was still hesitating, Xiaowei grabbed his arm, looked directly into his eyes, and said loudly.

The words have come to this,

Qin Feng knew that if he rejected Xiaowei again,

That might really chill the heart of a passionate man from the Dragon Kingdom.

Xiaowei is like him,

Not afraid of hardship or tiredness,

Not afraid of life or death,

I am only afraid that my nation will fall behind and be beaten!

It is precisely because I have been in Syria for three years and witnessed the devastation and scars of the war all the time.

That's why Xiaowei wants to do something more for the Longhua nation.

I don’t want to see my motherland face such a situation one day.

Qin Feng understands his mood!

"Xiaowei, write down the address of your parents in Longguo.

If you unfortunately pass away one day,

If I can return to Dragon Kingdom safely during this self-driving trip around the world,

So from now on, your dad is my dad and your mom is my mom.

I will take care of your parents!"

Qin Feng looked ahead with tears in his eyes,

While driving the car, he took out pen and paper from the storage box and glanced at Xiaowei.

He understood that even if he and Xiaowei could pass through Deir ez-Zor safely in the end,

It is also very likely that one day he will never see his good brother again.

War is not a child's play.

It's a murderous butcher's knife!

And Xiaowei is the one who works hard under this butcher's knife every day.

Maybe at some point, this ruthless sharp blade will cut off his head.

Qin Feng also wanted to do something for his good brother.

This is to commemorate their friendship through life and death together for a common ideal.

Also commemorating this good brother that he will never forget.

"Brother Feng,

You don't have to worry about me anymore.

If I die in battle one day, my parents will receive a pension of 100,000 US dollars.

This money is enough for their medical treatment and retirement.

On the contrary, it is you who makes me more worried,

This place is still 108,000 miles away from the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

In addition to Syria, there are dozens of countries waiting for you.

Along with it, there are countless hardships.

If you really want to do something for me, then promise me,

For our common dream, one year later, we will raise the national flag at the Cape of Good Hope!

Let the whole world see the unyielding will of the people of the Dragon Kingdom and the Che of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Looking at the paper handed over by Qin Feng in his hand, Xiaowei just smiled and did not write anything down.

Instead, he gently threw it out the window and let it float away in the strong wind.

Then he turned his head, looked at Qin Feng and said solemnly.

After listening to Xiaowei's words, Qin Feng said nothing more.

It's just that he stepped on the accelerator harder.

……Please give me flowers…………

After being out for so long, he has never been as eager as at this moment to reach the distant place and realize his ideal!

Not just for himself, but also for the expectations of his good brothers!

The Longsan car with blue license plate is like a gust of wind,

Running wildly on the Syrian highway, heading towards Deir ez-Zor, a war zone a hundred kilometers away.

At this moment, they are less than 50 kilometers away from the city of Deir ez-Zor.

The place where they are currently traveling is the place where extremists once exchanged fire.

On both sides of the road, you can see many bombed and burned cars and trucks.

This wilderness was once the main battlefield for fierce battles between the two combatants.

Various cars were littered with corpses, lying on the ground like monsters.

It was once occupied by extremist groups, and the fortress where they lived at that time still remains.

In addition, the edge of the road they were driving on at this time also had two colors.

This road is now a newly paved asphalt road.

But in the past, during the era of extremists, this road was not half as new as it is now.

Because of the war in Syria, it is very difficult for cars to drive into the city.

Not far ahead of them, Qin Feng saw a village that had been completely destroyed by extremists.

All the houses were burned down, leaving only ruins.

Seeing this, Qin Feng felt the cruelty of war even more.

Almost the entire village was flattened by the bombing, and the damaged houses were covered with eye-catching bullet holes.

Although everything has passed a long time ago,

But to this day, it is still not safe here, and there is still the possibility of another exchange of fire at any time.

Not far in front of the Dongfeng SUV, a large truck with a Syrian license plate was driving.

Qin Feng discovered that its right rear wheel had already punctured.

But he still limped along and continued to drive forward desperately.

Didn't stop for repairs.

Because no car wants to stop here.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng could only silently pray for the truck driver in front of him.

Hope he can hold on to a safe place!.

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