The fresh fragrance of daisies permeated the drizzled air.
The umbrella has fallen,
No one is holding an umbrella.
It’s still raining.
And Dressrosa’s chrysanthemums were sold out overnight.
After everyone put all the daisies in their hands on the pedestal of the statue, these majestic free people automatically and consciously stepped aside and pushed them around the central square.
Everyone in Zefa was shaken by the scene in front of them, but they were filled with embarrassment.
Roy smiled, his eyes were already moist.
He raised his head, looked up at the sky and sea in the distance, and suddenly felt that this era is not so bad~ the extreme.
At least, when people still have enough yearning and respect for true heroes, this era will be saved.
He slowly clenched his hands tightly.
The fists were clenched tightly, very tightly.
In the deepest part of his heart, a thought flashed away, like a seed bursting with vigor and vitality, and gradually got nourished by some kind of positive and encouraging force in his heart, and began to germinate and take root.
He remembered the picture of Fisher Tiger crying bitterly,
He thought of his heroism in holding the torch high in the sea of ​​flames and hail of bullets, but he was drenched in blood.
He also remembered the sentence that the stubborn murloc man repeated repeatedly when he was dying.
“I really want to see that dream come true…”
He seems to have said so.
Roy gritted his teeth, and the thought in his heart became more and more determined, more and more unstoppable.
Mr. Tiger, your sacrifice will not be in vain.
He straightened his gaze, and slowly took a step forward.
Marshal Roy of NEO’s new navy was always the protagonist of the crowd’s attention no matter where he was, but his actions immediately caught the eyes and attention of countless people present.
“Everyone, on behalf of all the members of the NEO New Navy, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you all for coming to mourn and pay homage.”
He spoke, his voice was deep but richPenetration.
“Here, I have to confess something to you.”
His calm and piercing eyes slowly swept across the huge central square, swept over every body, and finally settled on the face of Princess Otohime, the representative of the murlocs.
He smiled softly.
“Back when I was on Fishman Island, I once described such a picture, a dream, with Princess Otohime and Mr. Tiger.”
“I hope Princess Otohime still remembers…”
Princess Yiji nodded heavily, and smiled with a slightly choked voice:
“Of course I remember the dream of Marshal Roy clearly.”
Roy laughed and said:
“I have a dream.”
While he spoke,
Princess Yiji also had red eyes, and she spoke excitedly.
“I dream that one day, the country I live in can really stand up, live freely in the sea, truly become a paradise in the sea, and realize a seemingly unattainable ideal – murlocs and humans , are born equal.”
The voices of the two of them are so consistent. A beautiful, magnificent, grand vision that moved everyone present was narrated in their synchronized voices.
“I dream that one day, in every corner of the great waterway, the sons of human beings who once hated each other can sit with the sons of murlocs and share their brotherhood.”
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“I dream that one day, even the darkest places where the murlocs are most oppressed will become oases of freedom and justice.”
“I dream that one day our next generation will live in a world where they are not judged by their race, but by their character.”
Roy continued to speak loudly, his voice getting higher and higher, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.
And Princess Otohime spoke with tears in her eyes, as if she was in the real scene of that beautiful wish, and her soft and charming voice gradually permeated with an indescribable magic power, which made everyone present deeply immersed In it, it’s hard to extricate yourself.
… … 0
The voices of the two of them gradually grew stronger, like a soul-stirring chorus, shouting together:
“I dream that one day, humans and murlocs will be able to become brothers and move forward hand in hand.”
“I dream that one day, the valleys will rise, the mountains will descend, the rough and tortuous roads will become smooth, and the holy light will be revealed to illuminate the world.”
“This is our hope. I came to this strange place called Fishman Island with this belief.”
“With this faith, we will be able to split a stone of hope from the rock of despair.”
“With this faith, we will be able to transform the raging strife and anger of this country into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.”
“With this belief, we will be able to work together, pray together, struggle together, go to jail together, and defend freedom together…”
“Because we know that one day, we will be free.”
Finished speaking,
The world was silent.
The wind and rain in the sky,
do not know when,
Suddenly stopped.

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