Hearing the straightforward refusal of the new neo-admiral in front of him, Nicole Robin froze suddenly, and an unbelievable expression appeared on her small face.
In the end, no matter how much she has experienced and endured, Nicole Robin is just a little girl about ten years old, and it is impossible to perfectly conceal her inner feelings.
“This is the text of history!”
“It’s carved with ancient characters!!”
“We O’Hara’s countless scholars have spent a long time and time to master the interpretation of the text!”
“It is because our O’Hara scholars and doctors study ancient texts and historical texts that the world government ruthlessly issued a demon-slaying order against O’Hara!”
Nicole Robin suddenly growled with a ferocious expression.
“Don’t you want to know, what kind of secrets are you trying to bury for the behemoth your neo navy is facing, your mortal enemy, the world government, at such a high price!?”Huo Shaoshan was stunned by the sudden emotional change.
He stared blankly at the emotional little girl in front of him, with countless doubts in his heart.
What’s wrong?
Wasn’t it all right just now?
Why did you suddenly become so excited?
We didn’t do anything…
Huoshaoshan didn’t understand at all.
But at this moment,
A laugh suddenly sounded in the huge palace ruins.
Nicole Robin turned her head to look in the direction of the laughter, only to see the neo new navy vice admiral with the white back hair shaking his head helplessly and laughing.
“what are you laughing at?”
She gritted her teeth tightly and said.
Smoker gradually suppressed the smile on his face, and suddenly heaved a long sigh. In his usually indifferent eyes, he looked at the little girl in front of him from the deepest point of view, showing pity.
“Nicole Robin, you are still doubting…”
“Let me tell you one last time, we are the Neo New Navy, we are not a navy, let alone a world government.”
“Protecting the weak civilians is the responsibility we must shoulder. It is the oath we made when we put on this black robe…”
“You promised to come with us and meet our marshal. We are very happy.”
“But even if you don’t want to meet our marshal, we, as the neo-new navy that defends justice, will still do our best to protect you.”
“You have to understand this major premise.”
“Protecting you is not because our marshal named you and wants to see you, and it is not because you are a scholar of O’Hara, able to interpret historical texts, and what benefits will it bring to our neo new navy… ··”
“We protect you only because you need our protection, that’s all.”
Smoker stared at Nicole Robin calmly, and there was an indescribable tranquility and solemnity in his gray-green eyes.
“So, you don’t need to prove your worth.”
“You don’t need to prove that you have value worthy of protection like you did when you “joined” so many organizations and forces.”
“We are not those illegal organizations, and we are not people like Sand Crocodile Crocodile.”
“Our neo new navy is not a baroque work agency.”
“We are justice.”
“As for justice, there is no need to consider any political bargaining chips and profit transactions.”
Nicole Robin listened to Smoker’s flat but natural words, as if struck by a silent thunder, her body gradually trembled, and her pupils vibrated violently.
At this time, Huoshaoshan next to him also understood, and sighed silently in his heart.
Nicole Robin, this little girl, suffered too much psychological trauma.
Perhaps, in order to survive, she lived a life that was too humble, oppressive, full of pain and fear.
She is afraid of being abandoned,
So she subconsciously wants to prove that she still has “use value”.
What she firmly believes is that,
As long as she still has “use value”, neo New Navy will not abandon her, and will continue to protect her.
This is actually not her fault.
It’s just that she has been walking in darkness and shadows, repeatedly on the road of betrayal and abandonment, it is really hard to believe a fact:
——It turns out that there really is such a kind of person and such a military organization in this world, who do not consider any political factors and interests, and only follow their inner persistence and beliefs to act.
“Nicole Robin, do you understand?”
Smoker said slowly,
“As for the historical texts you mentioned, the secrets and darkness of the world government, we don’t need that kind of thing at all in our neo new navy.”
“What we should know, we already knew.”
“The Kozuki clan of Wano Country can interpret the historical text, but Roy never mentioned it.”
“Because the past history is not important at all!”
“Our neo new navy is not pursuing the past history.”
“What we want is a bright future with unlimited happiness and equality!”

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