This guy Roy is really too insidious! !
At this moment, the tea dolphin felt as if ten thousand muddy horses were galloping past, shouting that it was cheating.
He really didn’t expect that this guy Roy would set himself a trap in front of the whole world, but he still controlled himself so hard that he couldn’t even utter a word of rebuttal.
Chafu’s face was so stiff that it twitched, but standing in front of him was his sweetheart, Gion, and he could only do his best to keep his face down and maintain his “grace”.
“It’s better for those who can… Although the administrative affairs of governing the country are very heavy, but since Roy chose to entrust such a heavy responsibility to my hands, then I will take it with reluctance.”
The tea dolphin coughed twice, forcefully suppressing the depression in her heart.
Tao Tu gave him a light look with her beautiful eyes, and secretly smiled in her heart.
Roy was also vicious, and he quietly punished Jia Ji, a bum who was fooling around.
But Gion can understand Roy’s good intentions.
Just as he arranged Fujitora Yixiao as the “Guardian of Fish-Man Island”, Roy chose to hand over the Wano Country to the tea dolphin for governance and management. In fact, he also had his own reasons.
Wano Country has been closed to the outside world for many years, and has not had much contact with the outside world.
Coupled with the serious domestic martial arts and knight-errant atmosphere in Wano Country, the samurai group controls most of the resources. Even with the help and lobbying of the widow of the Guangyue family, Kozuki, the degree of control of Wano Country by the Neo New Navy is also fairly limited.
In this way, the managers of the Neo New Navy in Wano Country must be cautious.
Although Jiaji’s personality seems to be out of tune, and he is quite lazy in his dealings with others, it perfectly matches the atmosphere of Wano Country.
Taotu really can’t think of anyone in the neo new navy who is suitable to take over the position of Jiaji.
She really couldn’t imagine the serious, just and serious teacher Zefa drinking and eating meat naked with warriors and rangers.
I can’t even imagine the cold-faced, half-human, half-ghost ghost spider hanging shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the samurai group on Oiran Street, listening to music…
That style of painting, even thinking about it for a while, makes people creepy.
Only the rogue and rogue character of the tea dolphin can get along well in Wano country, where samurai and knight-errant spirits are prevalent.
Many power representatives and guests in the square below calmed down again.
So far, the list of candidates for the highest combat power of the neo new navy and three headquarter generals has been confirmed.
They are “Fujitora” Yixiao, “Peach Rabbit” Gion and “Tea Pork”,
Two of them are general-level fighters of the former Navy Headquarters.
Now it’s changed,
Putting on that black robe,
completeThe highest combat power of the neo new navy, standing on the opposite side of the navy.
Corresponding to them,
They were the three “monsters” of the original Navy Headquarters.
“Red Dog” Sakaski, “Aokiji” Kuzan and “Yellow Monkey” Polusalino.
Thinking about it this way,
representative of power,
People all over the world who watched the real-time live broadcast of this video phone bug began to think about it in their minds.
The three generals against the three generals,
Which side is stronger?
At what point in the future will this fierce battle between the same sects be staged heroically and heroically?
Maybe they don’t know exactly when such an earth-shattering battle will start, but what they can be sure of is that this day will not be far away.
The war between navy and navy,
The decisive battle between justice and justice,
It will not be completely eliminated because of the barrier of a mere red earth continent.
The smoke has risen,
Just waiting for that little spark to act as the fuse to completely detonate the whole world.
by that time,
Perhaps it is the confrontation between the two largest and most elite armies in the history of the world, a battle of hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people, blood will completely stain the sea red.
But when this idea popped up in the deepest part of everyone’s mind,
All of them couldn’t help shivering, and a fine layer of cold sweat oozed from their backs.
When exactly did it start?
The neo new navy has acquired a huge combat power that can be compared with the headquarters of the world’s hegemony navy?
It’s only been a short period of one year since their establishment and rise…
In an extremely short year,
In the beginning, the neo new navy with only a few dozen people,
But under the leadership of that young man, it grew and expanded to the size it is today.
to some extent,
Doesn’t this explain something?
Thinking of this,
The whole world suddenly fell into a deeper silence, a collective silence.
They raised their heads involuntarily, looked at the black battle flag fluttering wildly in the sky from a distance, and lost their minds for a long time.
Black and white are destined to be extreme opposites from the moment of birth.
There is only one last justice.
That is the one who can defeat the opponent and survive.

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