After I took my backpack off my back, I felt like someone was peeping at me again.

I slowly opened the zipper on my backpack. I didn't take out the underworld money from my backpack. Instead, I quickly took out the triangular-edge knife and symbols from my backpack.

I stuffed the sigil into my pocket and zipped up the backpack. Holding onto the handle of the triangular-edge knife, I tucked the blade into my sleeve.

After hesitating for a moment, I decided not to call the Aunt Zhang. After I was ready, I turned back the way I came.

The reappearance of the feeling of being spied on allowed me to confirm that there was indeed someone following me, but I wasn't sure if the person following me was a human or a ghost, and I wasn't sure if the person following me would want to make a move against me again.

I could no longer summon spirits. I could no longer summon ghosts for my own use. I could only rely on myself.

If the other party wants to attack me, if the one following me is a ghost, I can use spells and a peach wood dagger to deal with it. If the one following me is a human, I can only rely on the triangular-edge knife to get out of this predicament.

The mahogany dagger had always been my personal possession, and when I slept I would place it within reach of my hand.

After going through the incident of cryochamber versus a female corpse, I added a new triangular-edge knife into the bag that I had to bring along with me when I went out.

Previously, when I thought that Ruan Tianye wanted to rape me, and took the triangular-edge knife in the kitchen and wanted to commit suicide, I left the triangular-edge knife in my room. Aunt Tao and Aunt Zhang didn't pursue the matter of where the triangular-edge knife in the kitchen had gone to.

The sword blade of the triangular-edge knife was shaped like a prism with three bloody grooves.

I never understood why there would be triangular-edge knife in the kitchen at home. What use could triangular-edge knife be in the kitchen, I have to say that the triangular-edge knife was definitely a weapon that could fight against enemies.

Before I could get out of the secluded area, five or six men came out of the shadows and surrounded me.

They looked at me in a very vulgar way. They were all well-built and looked like practitioners.

Seeing them appear, I immediately pulled out the triangular-edge knife from my sleeve and gripped it in my hand.

"Hey hey, I'm so scared. She has a knife in her hand." One of the men acted panicked, while the others burst into laughter.

"Damned bitch, throw the knife away and don't force the brothers to use violence on you." A man's voice cut in.

"Fighting, killing, killing, it's not good. I just want to play with you. I guarantee you that I'll make you want to die." The men kept talking, but for the time being none of them moved closer to me.

I stood in place, even more tightly holding the triangular-edge knife in my hands, quietly waiting for the first person to come close to me, I'll take the first person to open the blade.

My hands were covered in sweat, and most of the time, people are much scarier than ghosts.

I don't know if these men are true hooligans or were ordered by others. I know that if I lose the triangular-edge knife in my hands, I will become a fish.

A few minutes later, an outsider came into my line of sight. After that outsider saw my situation, he immediately scrambled away.

The few men surrounding me stopped talking. After exchanging glances, they took out their daggers.

My heart thumped like a drum as I clenched the triangular-edge knife in my hands. When the few men started to move towards me, I picked a target and charged towards it.

The men probably didn't think that I would start fighting to the death the moment they raised their feet. They were all stunned for a moment.

The target I chose immediately dodged after being stunned. His dodging speed was fast enough, but my sprinting speed was not bad either.

In addition, the length of the triangular-edge knife in my hand allowed me to gain the upper hand, and I directly chopped off one of his arms.

Blood spurted out of the man's wound and splattered onto the man's hand that was holding onto the triangular-edge knife. The man screamed and fell to the ground.

The rest of the men's expressions changed, and they quickly surrounded me again. They held their daggers and kept changing positions, waiting for the opportunity to attack me.

I was in the middle of a circle, constantly changing directions, and I was already fighting, so I couldn't leave my back in one direction.

I didn't expect the other men to not panic at all. I wanted to use my sneak attack to shake off their hopes of escaping after disrupting them.

My hands began to tremble uncontrollably. I had cut the skeleton of a baby with a peach dagger, and the neck of a dead woman with a knife. It was the first time I had cut a living thing.

After the other men had circled me a few times, they began to feint at me as if they were going to charge me.

Every time they faked it, it scared me.

I was in the middle of the encirclement and did not take the initiative to attack again.

They are already on their guard. If I take the initiative to attack, it would be seeking death.

A few minutes later, the other men all rushed at me at the same time.

I gripped the triangular-edge knife even more tightly as I brandished it with all my might. The men who were charging towards me quickly dodged the blades, and someone took the opportunity to kick my leg from behind.

I could not avoid it and knelt on the ground. While I was kneeling, I used the triangular-edge knife to cut a few legs in front of me.

The kicks in front of me dodged, and my attack missed.

The instant I fell to the ground, someone kicked my right wrist so hard that the triangular-edge knife fell to the side.

A foot slammed into my shoulder and waist, and I turned quickly to see a man bending over with a dagger at my neck.

At this moment, the man's body suddenly flew up and crashed into the two men on the other side, knocking them to the ground.

Before I could even think about it, I was pulled up from the ground by a strange woman.

The unknown woman wore a tracksuit with a ponytail and a silk scarf over her face.

The woman pulled me to my feet and kicked the man in the face.

The man's feet left the ground and he fell back, landing heavily on the ground.

The lady quickly picked up the triangular-edge knife from the ground and rushed towards the few men who were hesitating and did not dare to get close to them.

The lady agilely used the triangular-edge knife to cut their legs, and then put the triangular-edge knife into my backpack, before pulling me away.

I limped around the bend of my leg, and the woman took me a few steps, then let go of my hand and bent down to carry me.

After the woman carried me to the side of the road, she put me on the ground and waved me to a taxi before turning around and leaving.

Seeing that my savior was about to leave, I grabbed her and wanted to say thank you and ask for her name.

"Don't be afraid, everything is fine." The woman's voice was warm and gentle. She spoke in pure Mandarin without any accent.

After she finished, she pushed my hand away and left.

I watched as the woman disappeared from sight and sat down on the taxi. My right wrist was already swollen, my palms were bloody, and my right cheek was tingling.

The taxi driver looked at me in the rearview mirror and asked if I needed to call the police.

I shook my head, took out a pen and paper, and told him the address of the place I rented.

When I got home, the Aunt Zhang turned pale with fright and asked me what had happened.

I ignored her and limped back into the house, closing the door behind me.

If it weren't for that savior, I would already be dead.

I'm not used to behaving badly in front of outsiders. I'm used to licking my wounds alone.

Aunt Zhang was pacing outside the door, but she did not say anything else.

After calming down a little, I took my pajamas to wash. The Aunt Zhang followed me every step of the way, but I didn't go to see her. I went into the bathroom and locked her outside.

I know that the Aunt Zhang is anxious to know what happened to me, but I still don't have the mood to tell her the answer.

When I washed up, I saw that my right cheek was badly disfigured, and that the injury to my knees was not serious, just a little red and swollen.

When I came out of the bathroom, the Aunt Zhang had already prepared the alcohol, ointment and gauze.

The Aunt Zhang took me to the living room and sat me down on the sofa. She asked if I needed to go to the hospital.

After I shook my head, the Aunt Zhang used alcohol to wash the wounds on my face and palms. Then, he applied ointment on them and bandaged my hands.

When Aunt Zhang stopped moving, I told her with pen and paper that I was surrounded by a few men and that all I suffered were superficial wounds.

I didn't mention that savior to the Aunt Zhang. The savior didn't give me a chance to thank her, nor did he give me a chance to ask for her name. She shouldn't want me to mention her to anyone else.

The Aunt Zhang asked me what the men who surrounded me looked like. I drew their profile pictures for her with pen and paper.

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