I was so shocked that my scalp went numb. I didn't have time to think about it or react as I was already inside the bakery.

After both of my feet landed on the ground, I couldn't help but silently mutter in my heart, "I'm lying down on the ground. I don't understand what kind of wind Ruan Tianye is pulling at."

Just at this time, I heard movement from inside the bakery. Ruan Tianye gestured at me with his expressionless face to go take a look.

As I cautiously followed the sound, I saw that in the back room of the bakery, the owner of the bakery was lying on a hot, sloping iron plate.

His mouth was stuffed, and his hands and feet were tied by a rope to a stick that stood upright on the floor around the iron board.

His eyes bulged and struggled nonstop. His body, which was next to the metal plate, was burnt to a crisp. There was a sizzling sound as yellow oil flowed down the metal plate and into a basin.

In the basin, underneath, was the solidified yellow oil, above which was the yellow oil of the liquid.

The interior of the room was suffused with the heavy smell of barbecue.

When I saw what was going on in the inner room, I immediately threw up. The feeling of nausea overcame my fear.

I wanted to leave the inner room immediately, but I was too sick to move.

Ruan Tianye quietly waited until I puked my bile out before taking me out of the room.

As I stood outside, trying to suppress the urge to vomit, Ruan Tianye picked up a piece of bread and started eating.

Seeing Ruan Tianye's actions, I turned around and vomited again. As I vomited, I asked Ruan Tianye what would happen to the boss of the bakery.

Ruan Tianye said he couldn't do anything, he said that turning the boss of the bakery into corpse oil was the man's punishment.

I don't have to worry about being treated as a murderer when I come into the bakery. There are no cameras around here, and he'll come back later and clean up all the traces I left in the bakery.

I hadn't been in the bakery for long, and even if I'd been questioned later by the police, I would have simply walked past the bakery on my way home.

Ruan Tianye said that after he had eaten his fill, he would send me home. Then, he floated towards the door, and I did not have time to say anything else as I quickly followed him.

The marks I left in the bakery were footprints and vomit.

Ruan Tianye said he would clean up the traces I left in the bakery, which made me feel weird.

On the way back, Ruan Tianye walked very slowly. I followed behind him slowly, not daring to urge him to hurry up lest I anger him.

Ruan Tianye's ghost level has already risen by another level, I am just like a fish in front of him.

He could bake the bakery owner alive, so he could bake me easily.

Ruan Tianye turned around and glanced at me, asking me if the bakery was doing really good business. After I nodded, Ruan Tianye said, Corpse oil is always good for ghosts and people.

The lard from the fried vegetables was actually a type of corpse oil.

The reason why he threw the bakery owner onto the hot iron was not because the bakery owner made bread out of butter mixed with corpse oil, but because he happened to see that the bakery owner made corpse oil out of living people.

The shop owner did not know the method of refining corpse oil, as the method used to refine corpse oil was at the lowest level.

When he went to the bakery to deal with the shop owner, he also caught a female ghost with cut wrists in the bakery.

Hearing Ruan Tianye's last sentence, I stopped and my heartbeat sped up.

I don't know if Ruan Tianye caught the female ghost intentionally or not, but I don't want anything to happen to the female ghost.

Ruan Tianye said that if he found out that I was related to another guy, he would have asked for me in advance.

I was clear that amongst the other men in his speech, Qi Xiaoxian was definitely number one.

Ruan Tianye stopped and asked me why, I said that I always wanted to be alone, and asked him if he could give me the female ghost.

Ruan Tianye raised his eyebrows and looked at me expressionlessly for a moment. Then, he nodded and said that he would.

In the blink of an eye, the female ghost suddenly appeared between Ruan Tianye and I.

I didn't expect the ghost to show up so soon, so I took two steps back with a frightened expression on my face.

Ruan Tianye told the ghost lady to promise that she will definitely protect me from her later on.

I looked at the ghost girl's promise and felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

At first, I wanted to wait until I meet up with Qi Xiaoxue and get her to leave before letting me go. But now, I'm adding another barrier to her escape.

After the ghost lady's promise, I told her to wait for my command under the dormitory building in the evening after she left.

After the ghost lady entered the school, Ruan Tianye said, he never thought that my adaptability was actually that high, he had just received a ghost lady's command.

Looking at the direction the ghost girl had left, I said that if I wasn't adaptable, I would have died the night I bought the door.

Along the way back with Ruan Tianye, I kept quiet all the way. He was floating with his hands behind his back in front of him, and for some reason, I felt that his back was very lonely.

When we arrived downstairs at the rented apartment, Ruan Tianye asked me with an unfathomable emotion in his eyes: "Will I tell Aunt Zhen and the others that I saw him?"

Ruan Tianye was silent for a moment, then said that if he knew, I would tell the two Self-bunning Lady s in my house that I met him, and I would bear the consequences.

He didn't want me to reveal his whereabouts, not because he was afraid of anything, but because he found it troublesome.

If he knew that I live here, he would know how capable my family members are. He could easily take the lives of my family members.

He's different now, even if I gather more Self-bunning Lady s it will be hard to trap him.

I am her wife, and the Self-bunning Lady s are all my sisters. For me, he will tolerate a few points from the Self-bunning Lady s, but there's a limit to his patience.

He doesn't want to be enraged by her Self-bunning Lady, nor does he want to be enraged by me.

After Ruan Tianye finished speaking, he disappeared into the darkness, and I smiled bitterly as I went upstairs.

I have a deep suspicion as to whether the gods who protected the Self-bunning Lady as mentioned by the Aunt Tao existed or not.

If the gods existed, then Chen Chunxi, the elder sister of the Guang Luo family and the Aunt Wang would have been at fault. Only then would the gods not protect them and let anything happen to them.

I am clearly following the rules, why didn't the gods protect me?!

When I entered the room, both Aunt Zhen and Aunt Zhen were still awake. Aunt Zhen was lying on the sofa in the living room, Aunt Zhang was pressing her waist.

I quickly walked over to Aunt Zhen and asked her what was wrong. Aunt Zhen said that she was fine and that she was just in a hurry to fetch me back.

She told Aunt Zhang to come and pick me up. Aunt Zhang insisted on staying behind to take care of her and said that the school was very close to her so I could just come back by myself.

When Aunt Zhen got to this point, she gave Aunt Zhang a cold smile. She said that the school was already very close to her home and both Ghost Husband s were being chased until they could escape in different directions so she wouldn't come bother me again for a while.

It's not good for Aunt Zhen to be overly nervous because that would affect my mood.

Aunt Zhang's words made me ridicule him in my heart. I had just met Ruan Tianye again, but in the end, I did not say anything.

Aunt Zhen told me to rest early, it was fine if she had Aunt Zhang to take care of her.

I said that I had participated in the opposite song at night, and furthermore, I agree with the Aunt Zhang's point of view.

I don't want to ignore anyone's life. Even if Ruan Tianye were to appear at night in the future, I can just carry the burden myself.

Perhaps it's because Aunt Zhang's words were effective, Aunt Zhen didn't oppose my proposal this time.

Aunt Zhen hesitated for a while before agreeing and asked if the apartment building was still haunted.

I told the Aunt Zhen that I wasn't sure, that I didn't see any more ghosts at the apartment building, and that I didn't hear about any more incidents.

When I went to school the next morning, police cars were parked in front of the bakery, and officers were asking questions from the merchants around the bakery.

At noon I was stopped by the police at the school gate and asked questions. I said I was just passing the bakery on my way home.

When the female ghost came to the door of the dormitory at night, I immediately brought her to a quiet place and asked her what she had told Ruan Tianye. The female ghost shook her head and said that Ruan Tianye had never asked her anything.

Even if Ruan Tianye asked, she would not say much.

Only the things that she promised is what she has to do, I don't need to worry about her reporting anything related to me to Qi Xiaohan and Ruan Tianye.

I thanked her and asked her how she was caught. She told me that when she entered the bakery, Ruan Tianye was there as well.

Ruan Tianye didn't say anything and directly took her down.

The spirit's body could be considered as a container, it was able to keep all the ghosts it captured inside its body for a period of time. Once she was taken down, she would be stored in Ruan Tianye's body.

The higher the level of the ghost, the longer the period of time.

If the ghost was not released from its body after the time had passed, the ghost qi would all be sucked dry.

The ghost lady finished her sentence and asked me if I had any other orders.

The female ghost's answer didn't make me confirm whether Ruan Tianye caught the female ghost intentionally or by coincidence.

While I went through in my mind how he reacted when I saw Ruan Tianye again last night, I told the ghost girl that I would be fine for now.

The ghost lady did not leave immediately. She told me that she had decided that even if Qi Xiahan and Ruan Tianye asked her to leave personally in the future, she would not go to the Underworld.

Rebirth was only someone who could let her be a ghost for a period of time longer. She would rather continue being a ghost.

If I wanted to, she was willing to do whatever she could for me at any time.

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