Levished ascended, and the floating city the size of a large island rose into the sky. It was surrounded by layers of white clouds and was extremely sacred.

The kingdom of dragons in the old era transformed into the holy city brought by the Creator in the new era. Thousands of years later, the descendants of humans now regard the sky city of Levished as the place where miracles began and the incarnation of heaven in reality.

They will worship in front of the Sky City, kneel and kowtow all the way from various places to get here, and be proud to die on the pilgrimage.

The people in the Garden of Eden will eventually forget the glorious or gloomy history that happened in the past five eras on this planet, and they will also forget the even more ancient era, leaving the ancient gods buried deep in the dust of history. They called their own era the Golden Age, and their history began to be recorded from the day Levished ascended to the sky, and would also extend to the eternal future with the glory of God.

However, before this period of history officially began, Levished was temporarily used to block the further gaze of the fallen mother goddess.

As a former reality kingdom that was polluted by the invasion of the Chaos Sea, it can easily resist the gaze of the fallen mother goddess with the ultimate negative power, and can even serve as a smaller star realm to block the barrier that is about to be broken. The biggest gap.

The humans on the ground looked at the city in the sky in shock. This intuitive miracle caught everyone's attention at once.

The dreamer's kingdom of God hangs high in the sky, and the sun shines upon the vast ocean of the subconscious.

God has taken everything into His own hands.

"……what is that?"

Leonard stared blankly at the distant sky. In the center of the sun, a black silhouette of a city appeared.

"An island flying in the sky? Old man, what is that?"

He thought about the myths and legends that he remembered, and even thought about the level 0 sealed objects that had some safety information revealed, but he still had no clue. However, Palles was also silent. Leonard could feel that the old angel seemed to be observing the island city flying in the sky, and was even a little shocked, but the other party did not speak to him or tell him. what is that.

"I'm not sure if my idea is correct." After a while, Pales spoke.

"If, I mean if, if what I think is right, it may be Levished, the kingdom of dragons in the myth of the Third Age. This is also the only city related to the sky in several eras, but , it should have crashed in the Third Epoch.”

Levished...it was the first time Leonard heard this term.

Not much of the history of the Quaternary Age has been left, and most of it is not allowed to be excavated or made public. Leonard has also seen on more than one occasion that the excavated ruins of the Quaternary Age were directly blown up after being authenticated by the church. Archeology is not banned, but it is deliberately hidden. Even the history of the previous era was so airtightly hidden, let alone the mythological stories of the third era or even earlier.

Dragon King Angelweed, he first saw this name in the church's senior deacon's textbook, and then he learned that it was the content of the general textbook in Silver City in the Eastern Continent.

"Of course, maybe it's a brand new city."

Pales immediately added: "After all, I have only heard of the existence of Levished, and its specific image has not survived even its portrait. But what I can be sure of is that it must be some kind of symbol, used by someone. Promoting production has a special meaning and purpose.”

Does that mean I don’t want to get close or explore? Leonard nodded: "I understand."

At this point, Anderson happened to be passing by. He pretended with a wink that he had just arrived and did not notice Leonard talking to the air. Leonard also straightened his sleeves as if nothing had happened. But at this moment, Pales suddenly asked:

"Have you seen the sun?"


"It's just hallucinations and light dreams... Forget it, it's useless to tell you a sleepless person. In other words, you suddenly want to get something related to the sun, or even want to pray to the sun god, the creator, etc. .”

sun? Leonard raised his head in confusion:

"The sun is in the sky. As for what you said, I didn't feel it at all."

After speaking, he looked at Anderson and briefly repeated Pales' question just now. Anderson also shook his head and wrote with an honest smile: "I have the same attitude towards any god. I only pray when needed. I don’t feel particularly religious about the sun.”

"never mind."

After hearing the answers from the two of them, Pales whispered, and then skipped the topic. Just when Leonard was confused, He slowly and thoughtfully said: "The next time you pray to 'The Fool', help me convey my attitude. I hope to become the seat of 'The Fool'." An angel, the specific content can be decided by you."

Leonard's eyes suddenly widened, and he asked with some surprise but not too much surprise:

"Old man, why did you make such a sudden decision?"

"I remember that you had a lot of worries before, and you even speculated about His identity with me. Even Zaratul left behind, you still...did you notice something else? Is there something dangerous about to happen that forces you to have to Seeking refuge from the 'Fool'?"

"You don't need to know this."

"I already took a stand when I came here, and now I'm just being more vocal," Pales said.

Leonard nodded in understanding, and Pales stopped talking.

Neither the soul possessed by the marionette nor Leonard had any special hallucinations like this. Instead, he saw the sun rising in a blink of an eye, and even had the urge to praise the sun. In fact, It's too abnormal. It just so happens that the legendary Levished corresponds to the visionary. If there is no force targeting him, it proves that the one who now possesses the symbol of the "sun" has begun to exert his own power, and Leonard and Anderson are related to the source. Only then did the forces related to the fort avoid being affected.

Pales stole and threw away the yearning for the sun in his mind, but the power of the "stealer" did not include the soul after all. He stole his current thoughts, and after a while he still couldn't help but think of the sun. .

Probably only "Origin Castle" can cover this kind of psychological suggestion... Palles found that his thoughts of asking for help became a little weak.

In the ocean of subconsciousness, Levished had disappeared, but the figure of light and shadow still stood in place.

When Merlin looked over, a smile seemed to appear on its empty face with flowing light and shadow, full of ridicule and irony. At the same time, Merlin vaguely saw a black illusory figure that seemed to be standing on the shoulder of the human figure. At first glance, it looked like a person, but the wide edge of the shadow looked like the shape of a bird.


"No, it's not a simple pollution without thoughts? It's possible that it is indeed very weak, but when it shouted 'Secret', it might mean that the guy in the Chaos Sea noticed this... I didn't notice this. , is the power of 'wrong'?"

Is there such a thing?

"Sure enough, Amon has been completely contaminated. Even if the extraordinary characteristics are brought back, it will have to be placed on the Source Castle for a long time to cover the pollution and accommodate it again. What's more, there is a high probability that he will not be able to get it back. But God is telling me Show off?"

Merlin felt that he really couldn't understand God's thoughts, but there was an inexplicable dissatisfaction in His heart that he had been successfully deceived in reverse, as if his dignity as a "fraudster" had been challenged. However, when he thought about it carefully, He I have never been a fraudster. Without waiting for the other party to do anything else, Merlin directly used the power of Hermes to escape from the subconscious ocean and took away the remains of the angelic dragons.

"Great Lord..."

"The omniscient and omnipotent sun..."

However, as soon as He returned to the earth, He heard the sounds of kowtows and the prayers of the kneeling people in the town where He was.

This is a city that believes in Poseidon. The plants have grown extremely huge under the moonlight just now, almost turning this place into a dense primitive forest city. Some plants have undergone horrific mutations, growing limbs that resemble humans or other animals. The petals of the blooming flowers have traces like human faces, and eyes appear on the trunks. However, some plants look unchanged, and the branches Gan has grown very long. From a distance, it seems as if it has a few extra arms. The next moment it will wave, grabbing everything around it.

Merlin even saw what seemed to be several corpses in the corners of streets and alleys. They were entangled in the vines and roots of plants, and were dragged into the depths bit by bit. The root tips of these plants are suspiciously red, making people wonder if they have sucked blood.

However, the people around him turned a blind eye to this. They only knelt down and prayed towards the Creator.

The Rhoside Islands once believed in native gods such as Poseidon, and later became a colony of Loen. As an island, their beliefs were more focused on storms. There was never a moment when the "sun" became the mainstream of belief.


This is the belief area of ​​"Poseidon" and the residence of the resistance army, but now the name of the Creator is being chanted one after another.

This scene made Merlin first shocked, then dissatisfied and finally silent. He thought of the ironic smile in the subconscious ocean and the sun hanging high in the illusory sky. He realized that people's beliefs would always change slowly and subtly. Everyone will eventually go to God, unless you let every believer be contaminated with the aura of Sefirah Castle, but this is definitely not a long-term solution.

At this moment, a strong wind blew beside him, and Alger Wilson appeared next to Merlin.

The clothes all over his body were soaked through, and his spirituality was still a little unstable, so he immediately lowered his head to Merlin. The newly promoted "Disaster Priest" managed to survive the sea storm he created for more than ten minutes before being promoted successfully. It was incredibly smooth. But when he saw the expression on the angel's face, his mood instantly hit rock bottom, and cold sweat instantly soaked his back.

When the person in charge here arrived, Merlin asked bluntly:

"What's going on here?"

The cold sweat on Alger's body suddenly became more intense, and it was hard to tell whether it was the residual sea water or sweat:

"...The believers seem to have been affected by a large-scale mental hypnosis. They are usually very pious. It is probably because the change that just happened has caused them to have bad emotions. I will immediately take over the duties of the Poseidon and perform miracles. Help them calm down.”

He tried his best to take the responsibility on himself.

"Even if you perform a miracle, it won't help now." Merlin said in a tone that was so calm that he felt weird.

Instinct told Alger that he should not refute an angel, but after a long silence, he still bit the bullet and said cautiously: "I will also seek the help of a psychologist to treat the hypnosis of believers. They have been under the influence of Poseidon for generations. As a devout believer, maybe it was because I was frightened and I left temporarily, so I chose another faith in despair and panic."

Merlin turned his head: "Then what if I tell you that the psychological suggestion they received came from a god and they are hopeless?"

Alger's heart suddenly stopped for a moment, his Adam's apple rolled, and he answered uneasily:

"I will implore Mr. Fool to take action to save his devout believers."

Merlin was silent for a few seconds. He looked at the people kneeling on the ground in front of him. Each one was more devout than the other Poseidon believers. He also thought about the people of Runen who had their thoughts and beliefs changed several times in a short period of time under the influence of the gods. , for a moment he felt extremely tired and troubled. Members of the Tarot Society such as Alger and Leonard are people who are favored by the Source Castle, but do they really need to give every believer some of the aura of the Source Castle? Even if they are given, can they not have their hearts and souls taken away by the sun in the rest of their lives?

He took out a coin but hesitated to toss it up.

He felt like he was resisting something. He was obviously very tired and irritable, but he still didn't dare to flip the coin. He was worried that he would see tails up.

"Based on your understanding of The Fool, do you think The Fool will be willing to save all converted believers?"

Merlin wanted to seek an answer, or a reason for his next actions, but it was Alger he asked. ——Faced with this problem, Alger’s first reaction was to test and remind him. He immediately felt that it was the angel who was reminding him "not to speculate on gods with your own thoughts," so he lowered his head decisively and gave a less clear answer:

"In my heart, Mr. Fool is a benevolent god, praise him."

"But it is I who hope that believers can be saved. I am not hoping or asking Mr. Fool to do anything."


Alger thought his answer was very good, but he saw that the angel's face suddenly lost expression. He was stunned and said something bad in his mind, but he couldn't figure out where he said something wrong.

"The foundation for the development of Poseidon Church is the resistance. As for other people, their beliefs are free." Merlin said casually, "But the resistance will not be willing to leave their hometown. If all the people convert, maybe their The Poseidon belief cannot continue... Alger Wilson, leave here, your duties are over."

"Abandon the Rhoside Islands and take your direct descendants to Fusac. Poseidon no longer needs us here, and Poseidon is no longer needed here."

Alger was stunned, unable to conceal his disappointment.




I know it’s best not to express my negative emotions to readers, but I finally understand why I feel dissatisfied as I get closer to the end of my work even though I tried my best and it’s not ugly. It turns out it’s because it’s not what I want to write. .

But what can I do? I can’t write what I want to write.

Yes, it’s strange. These are all relative. If I hadn’t been snatched away by an editor, I wouldn’t have signed a contract and wouldn’t have written so much. But if I hadn’t been signed, I could write freely. But overall, this HE is really very HE. After all, what better HE can there be than the old love to hang up when the gods are outside and the gods are fighting inside during the growth period? This is an unexpected surprise. It is so relaxing. When I look back and write BE, I still have a lot of trouble. Raise the difficulty.

Alas, I use BE to appease my appetite, but I am also obsessed with the hope of writing BE.

If I had known earlier, I would have written a nanny article! At least I won’t reflect on my nannying skills in the nannying article!

Okay, the sad time is over. Jie Jie Jie wait until I make BE and extras free and make it simpler to write. I will see how the screen works.

After adjusting my mood, I found that I really cared about the criticism from readers who complained about the old love and its decline, who felt dissatisfied that the main character was reduced to this, and who even felt that I was deliberately deceiving. I realized that these were comments from people who really loved my character and portrayal and had high expectations, so it was even harder for me to let go.

These words should have been reserved for the closing remarks, but now I just can’t bear it anymore. I don’t feel angry or dissatisfied when I see such comments, I just feel very frustrated.

Sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder whether it was a wrong decision to come to Qidian to write. I was pleasantly surprised when I was signed after I moved the documents to save the results, but I never expected that I would need to show off my skills in the middle and late stages of the plot. Then came a blow. I believe that at least everyone can see the foreshadowing of the Demon Family, but it still cannot be written.

The scene between Lao Ai and Ke in the middle and later stages was directly cut into one on the stage and one watching the show. I followed the outline and revised it again and again, and kept the text. The plot also has highlights and originality. Overall, it looks good, but it is inevitably disappointing. Some readers, including me, are confused.

I really didn’t intend to deceive, I felt like my first few hundred thousand words already expressed what I wanted to do.

I can't write the plot I want to write, and I feel very uncomfortable. However, it is really useless to complain to me or accuse me of fraudulent screening, because if I had a way to write it out, everyone would not be upset. All I can do is to save these things that cannot be written in detail until the main text is completed, and I decided to make all non-text parts free.

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