The signing and release were all in such a hurry that it almost cured my procrastination.

This is the post I just posted half an hour ago, please witness it!

first part

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the readers who have supported me until now. I am really happy that this article can be recognized and loved by everyone. I can also get to know more colleagues and get more opportunities to communicate with you because of it.

It has been half a year since the first article of this article was published and it will be released at 00:05 on May 1st. I also felt very emotional when I saw that some of the plots that I had discussed in chats with my friends would soon become reality in my writing, because this was the first time that I had completed a work in such a long time.

By the way, my original intention of writing this article was actually to share some of my own opinions and write a completely anti-conventional story. Now it seems that I have been quite successful. From the beginning, I had a clear positioning for this story. It should not be suitable for all mystery lovers, and the protagonist’s particularity and independent plot will make him unique in OC, so I don’t have too many requirements on the number of readers. If some people are willing to watch it, some people can like it, and some people can accept my point of view, then I am very happy.

On other platforms, I saw people saying they didn’t like the story, but they thought my characterization was pretty good. This is enough.

Since this is my first time signing a contract and putting it on the shelves, I don’t know how to write a speech. I don’t know how to make easter egg stamps. I am learning how to create a character column. My mind is almost empty. In order to prevent this from being put on the shelves, I have to write a speech. If you pay, I will send it out in advance.

I still hope to talk a little more off-topic with you here. However, the number of words in this article—I don’t know how many words I will write. But now the plot has reached about three-quarters of the original work. Not surprisingly, within four hundred chapters?

the second part

Stop trying to make me double update! That kind of thing can't be done!

I am not a professional writer, nor am I a full-time writer. If I could do double updates, I would probably be happier than the readers, because as long as the quality and word count are guaranteed, one update of four to five thousand words a day is my limit.

Not even a reward! It’s impossible to make something that doesn’t exist appear by giving a reward! Don't waste money like this! (sad

Of course, if I suddenly double update one day, please give me a little compliment!

the third part

Regarding the ending of this article: there are two, one is BE and the other is HE. The main text is HE.

If you can't imagine how to HE, don't worry, just watch my performance.

The ending of BE will be written in the form of a spin-off. When there are branching decision points for two endings in the text, I will also write them out additionally.

Please don't worry about me forcing a happy ending or forcing the destruction of the world. I won't do that. It's disrespectful to the characters.

fourth part

This part is a digression to talk about other ideas and settings that I have thought of before.

At the very beginning, the name Decline King gave me the feeling that it was similar to the Black Death War (it seems that many readers also think so), and the plot to seize the River of Eternal Darkness, but this would have a very big change in the plot, almost equivalent to Reshape the existing world view of the mysterious fifth era.

So after thinking about it carefully, I focused on the process of "decline" rather than the result.

Of course, emphasizing the result, I will also keep the initial idea of ​​plotting to seize the River of Eternal Darkness and mention it as a short side story.

In addition, my favorite foreign god ID is actually: Super Star Master.

I also tried to make the setting of a super star master: a god with strong control, requiring that the stars where his followers are located must move according to his plan, but he will also change the omens at will, bring disasters or grant blessings at will. . The Seven Gods of the Earth forged the starry sky in order to block pollution. This act aroused His strong dissatisfaction. In order to bring order to the chaos, to correct the mistakes, and to return the Earth to the correct universe and "order", the Superstar Master decided to fight with the Earth to death.

His positioning is a bit like the Great Alarm Clock of Ghros.

Then when I was thinking about the path, the Golden Saint appeared in my mind.

Considering that this person's authority is over the stars, astrology, and may also involve antimatter and black holes, I gave up thinking because of my lack of knowledge and knowledge.

And if it is related to the Tianxing, then the Western Continent is very likely to establish contact with him, so there may be local divisions in the Western Continent such as the Big Dipper and Taiwei Ziwei Tianshi in the path transformation.

There, His name is "The Supreme Star Lord".

↑I won’t write the above content because I can’t write it out. Just follow me and have fun with your brain.

the fifth part

This new cover... is so funny...

Emphasis: There is no CP in this article!

You can eat and think randomly, but basically it won’t happen!

It’s really scary to see my manuscripts reduced chapter by chapter... It’s really scary... But it will be on the shelves tomorrow... Nine thousand words in two tearful updates is my limit. (sad)

(Is there a possibility that I am actually one of the clone projections of the Declined King?)

Finally, thank you for your support! I will continue to work hard and create my own story!

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