"Is it really here, Aniki?

"Oh, it should be. Anyway, that's where they were talking..."

There were two people in the footage as they rushed to the entrance. He's wearing a red hood, just like the man he was then, like he was painted on blood. The matching robes you're wearing are designed to look like your religion, and you can't go wrong with that.

"But it's nothing, right? Didn't they trick you?

"Was he lying then? But it didn't feel like you were lying to me. After all, there must be no mistake here."

"Hmmm...... but Aniki, don't you think it would be bad if you moved on your own?

"I'm fine. Leave it to me."

Somehow two people are having a conversation with Kosokoso. Those who speak confidently are tall, and those who call the person Aniki and are out poorly are, on the contrary, small.

'What is it, that decoy combo...'

"It doesn't seem to be him... but he seems to be one of us from his outfit"

I thought that guy was here again, but apparently not. Well... what shall we do? I don't suppose you mean the fellow men. So it's no good letting it go, either, so I'll just talk to him.

"What are you doing here?


We spoke gently to avoid being distracted from vigilance. I guess you didn't think there were people out in these woods. The other two were very surprised.

"What, aren't you just a person? Don't surprise me."

"I'm sorry about that. So what happened in the back of these woods? Were you even lost on the road?

"No, it's nothing. Leave me alone."

"I will, because neither Aniki nor Atai are suspicious."

- But I'm talking to you because I'm suspicious... Well, I'm sure it's suspicious, but it doesn't mean they did anything. Though I'm going to do something about it.

Hmm... Shall I put in a saguri too?

"Really? So one more thing I'm going to ask you, isn't it fashionable? In fact, before this, I was terribly impressed by someone dressed like you."

"Well, that was a disaster. I'm sorry, but I don't know... No, you're the one who lives around here?

"Yeah, I live in a nearby city."


Tall man staring at this one like he thinks of Jee. I lied about living in a nearby city, but has that been found out?

"Green eyes like dark hair at night, trapped in a deep green glow hey..."

"Oh, you're so good at dictating"

"No, this isn't my word. That's what he said..."

... Who is that guy I've been telling you about? I feel like I know somehow...... did you really say such an embarrassing line. Is it likely to say if it feels that light?

"And the witch with the hat... what, isn't that what we were talking about"

"Oh, my God!

"Oh, absolutely."

Ni and raised the edge of his mouth, the tall man laughed. I will return it, looking with a slightly more vigilant eye, to the atmosphere as if I had found my prey.

"... what does that mean?

"You, I told you I met a guy dressed like us the other day. Wasn't he the one who laughed and looked like a kid?

"... were you his people"

"Well, you'll know who this outfit is"

Looks like you're from the same organization as that guy who came last time after all. Is that really the same guy who said that line?

"Who are you people? What the hell are you trying to do with the power of chaos?

"Well, of course, to inflict destruction and chaos on the world. Because that's what we [the Red Chaos Apostles] are for."

[Apostolic Corps of Red Chaos]. Is that the last time you turned Mr. Lucille into a red beast, an organization with men who tried to break even more sealed magic formations?

"Well, you seem to know what lies ahead. Hate and my people didn't tell me..."

"Aniki - Are you sure you want to do this?

"Of course! If we get out of here, it's mine... no, it's ours, isn't it?

"So... what are you going to do when you find out about this..."

If you have a high voice and a small one, your mind seems to be cautious. You're desperately trying to stop a tall man.

"So what. There is no clear leader in our organization. Anyone can move freely. Have you forgotten that?

"I will, but... but I still feel like a mess ~"

"Well. Is that why you're wearing a hood? You don't know who we are in case they find out, do you?

"I see, you sure do!

Even if you're hiding your face in the hood, I think it's easy to tell because it's decomposing enough. Then you won't be able to handle it until you know who you are.

"Come on, you're right.... Hey, tell me what's ahead. You know something, don't you?

"Hate and I don't know how to get to this point, either, and I don't know what it is. I'd rather you tell me."

"Is that true?

"It's true. And assuming you knew something, do you think I'd teach people like you?

"You sure must be..."

Smile and smile. You can't easily teach me that I'm a guardian.

Still, these people don't seem to know what lies ahead. Does it feel like we're here just because that guy was here... The guy seemed to know, but surprisingly, no information here seems to be shared within the organization.

Even if the information isn't shared, you can know it if you want to because it's up in the video...... this is a story if you're a player. If the player is a role player, the conversation will be different again... and the operating character doesn't necessarily know what the person inside (the player) knows. If you value it there, you'll think about the video without it.

Well, some role players won't value it there. Like me.

I'm a city, aren't I? Because there are places that use information such as strategy pages.

That should be... what information on the sealed magic formation is important to this organization. Does that mean solitary because you don't want to be deprived of the handle?

"If you don't have any information, you're done. Bye."

"Oh, which way are you going? Do you think I'm going to miss someone like you?"

"Shouldn't we miss it? Two on one, lady."

"Besides, we haven't done anything yet."

That's true, but that's why you can't keep missing it.

"You can't miss more than being one of his people. Then again, I haven't gotten the information I want to know about this one yet...... can you tell me where that guy is?

Bishi says the wand at them. Hopefully it's decided to look good. The source said I wouldn't miss it.

"There's no way I'm gonna tell you... oh man. I thought we were going to miss it... Well, if that's what you're gonna do, why don't we use our strength to get some information?"

"It's too late to cry now! I didn't get Aniki's kindness. I'll punish you!

That said, each of them set up a prey.

Well, it's a fight. As far as the two opponents and the weapon are concerned the prey taken out, the tall man is a dagger. Gauntlet for the little one. The main battle will be the proximity of both of us.

Since I am a magician against, ranged attacks will be the main battle. You have to let the magic chant and knock you down without getting as close as you can. In the meantime, let's split it up because you can't win as one pair.

Chloe, don't be alarmed.

"Yes, of course."

"I'll leave the instructions to you. If you need help, you can always say it."

That's what Lucille answers, who turns off the signs and lurks nearby. Nil was instructed to wait over the sky.

Play the tall man's throwing knife running by with [Windshield] and start chanting magic. The chant was [Sandspeer]. Chanting summoning magic at the same time with double chanting.

"Show up, my faithful servant!

Successfully summoned the [dirt golem] in front of me. He showed up with a big, dependable back.

"Aniki, leave the golem to me!


The little one seems to be dealing with the golem better. Try to slip through that side, and a tall man comes to me. I'll let go of the [sandspeer] that I was letting chant, but the opponent moved quickly and was avoided and didn't hit it well.

"Totally deceptive......!

With both evil and evil, we immediately begin chanting [Shadow Arrow].

Still, it seems strong even though it feels like the bottom line, these people. No, you're actually strong. You can't see the info in Nil or you can't see the HP bar, and [above the bottom] is obviously level up because it's activated.

This is me with my backup as [guardian of the seal]. Are you guys really on the bottom?

Avoid with [Shadow Move] to escape the blade of the dagger approaching in front of you. You can hear the tongue of the opponent whose attack has been emptied. But the travel range of [Shadow Move] is five meters radius. If you can make a quick move, you'll be stuffed right away.

"You're the one who's fooling around!

I haven't finished chanting [Shadow Arrow] yet. Five seconds is a long time. Release the [windcutter] to the approaching opponent... you've been recirculated. Skill [Parry] was used when I checked the log. Is it an ant that performs magic or something?

There will be another attack. But [Shadow Move] is still unavailable because I have time to reuse it, and I can't move from this place because I'm chanting. [Shadow Arrow] has two seconds to complete the chant. If you can earn two more seconds, you can take the offense... but if you continue to take the offense, you're going to be dying, and if the chant is interrupted, you won't be able to hit your eyes.

So I run up there. Expand [Ground Shield] to your feet. My sight gradually rises as I ride on the ceiling-up dirt wall.

"Smart imitation!

The tall man who kicks up the dirt wall and climbs as the momentum he's been running. Under the hood I saw for a moment...... the very face of a hairy beast, not a human. Looks like you were this guy, the Beast Man. I am also convinced that my physical abilities are high.

No, I didn't have time to be so convinced. The blade of the tall man who instantly climbed up to me is imminent! But this is also the end of the [Shadow Arrow] chant.

The enemy's blow is at this distance, so it was inevitable in the end, but it was the same for the opponent, who earned time.

The red damage effects are flashy scattered, but the HP bar is still there.

Now fight back here...... that cane is not there!?


Skills [Disarm]. As its name suggests, it looks like a move to force you to disarm. That seemed to have been used, and my wand, which was equipped, was removed, into the inventory.

I thought if it was just damage, there's nothing you can do if your weapon is removed. The chant was also interrupted because there was no wand.

"What do you say, how do you feel now? You ready to give me some information?

"I feel the worst, but I don't mean to"

You can't take the next blow. By disarming and collapsing the dirt walls that were scaffolding, you manage to avoid the opponent's attack.

Equip your cane immediately...... you can, but if you do, you won't have the means to counter it. Magic takes time to chant.

In contrast, the opponent is a dagger. It should have been a fast skill activation category among proximity weapons. Instead, it's not much of an offense, but it doesn't matter if the person with low health is the opponent. Especially if you're like me.

Then I won't eat falling damage without even equipping myself with a cane like this...

I won't be equipped with a cane, but I'll be equipped with horses instead. We quickly equipped the hoe to activate the flight of skills to distance ourselves from our enemies.

"Flying in the sky is cowardice! Come on down!

"You didn't even let me have a weapon. Which must be cowardly!

I really don't like people who don't let me chant magic, which is called ghosts before this. It's a natural enemy.

Now what are we going to do...... Running around with a throwing knife. I'm flustered because I'm not used to working with hoes yet, but I feel I'm being avoided knives because of that unstable maneuvering.

Nearby, I fought that little one better with the golem I summoned. Oh, Golem's more likely to get hit soon. If you keep pouring into one pair like this, this one is going to lose......

"You better not look around!

A man who was supposed to have been downstairs just now climbed onto a tree. After all, it looks like only the Beast Man is physically capable.

A beast closer to the beast means that the force is also closer to the beast and easier to exert. So much so that it was covered in hair up to his face, that he would have higher physical abilities among the beastmen.

"Don't move so well. with its body."

Because it did blow up the HP bar by 40%. He would have died from that blow had it not been for the [Down Above] and [Forest Protection] and [Forest Guardian] status up effects.

It's more like this even though this is all I'm raising. I think the opponent also has an attack up system, so it seems possible to offset this condition.

... No, I'm not. No. That's not what this guy's talking about. Shit.

Yeah, it sure is. I blew up 40% of the HP bar. It means Chloe is after that many wounds.

Yet I didn't show you how it hurt at all! I'm not doing an injury roll!

You don't feel that much pain because your pain settings are on a normal level. That's why I forgot. It's a serious lapse being a role player......

"Gu...... you said you forgot because of it, but you remind me of the pain because you say so!

I say that in agony and now I get injured lol. I don't remember ever acting consciously about the injury lol...... is this how it works? I'm a little anxious, so let's practice next time.

Heal HP with potion while rolling injuries. Then we're flying, so we're losing MP. Even if the MP is gone, Lucille's MP can be used with Lucille's [Magic Supply] skill. So it won't fall, but then the MP also recovered in potion.

'Chloe, there's nothing I can't do. Sometimes it's important to pull. "

'Yeah, I know. But I don't really like to pull.'

Besides, this is the form in which I sold the fight. I'll think about it when it's really dangerous.

I was looking at this one as Nil swirled if I looked up. It's okay, you still have to stay there, because I've got a good idea.

It's a combination of skills I haven't used yet, so I don't know if it's going to work, but let's give it a try.

- The skill used is [spatial magic].

"Mr. Lucille, please hallucinate the little one"

"Um, got it."

Give instructions to Mr. Lucille. I flew through the sky while I started two chants. Magic skills seem to work if you are equipped with something regardless of the weapons category.

Besides, I can travel even if I chant because I'm flying in the sky. Wow. But you can't expect that much power because you're equipped with a horse without offense.

"Dude, watch out for the hidden user demons!

They seem to have sensed signs. I call attention to my people as they cross over the trees like they chase me.

But this is fine. The first thing you make is a moment's gap.

"All right!"

The little man concerned about Mr. Lucille's presence stopped the attack on the Golem for a moment. In the meantime I was able to get close to this place. Within the effect of the skill if this is the place.

"Come on, give back to the impudents! [Darkbind]!

There are two solid enemies in the [Dark Bind] range. We will both be restrained in chains of darkness.


More activated magic is a form of [spatial magic], which I remembered as initial magic [Exchange]. The chanting time is the same as [Dark Bind] for five seconds. The effect shall be to change the position of the selected subject.


The golem that was in front of the little one disappeared with the light of the magic formation. And instead it was the nil that winged the white wings and rocked the beautiful, long wingspan.

Nil put [Dark Mist] on the little one as he was, plus he drew more attention to [Yang Dynasty], which I had newly remembered before this.

Well, where did the golem replace Nil go?


Look back so you can see the answer. A tall man looking up with a trembling voice. Straight above the man tied up in chains and unable to move, the golem that replaced him with a nil and went to the sky fell.

Tall men and tree branches are crushed and fall to the ground with the golem. At that falling point could be a mountain of dirt from the Golem back in the dirt.

This is the drop damage that a mass of soil called the Golem has fallen from that height and even more to the ground. Buried in that pile of dirt, as if he were alive. Escaping would be a tricky move.

"A, Aniki!

It would be buried underneath it. To my fellow man, the little one screams more. That's when my gaze turned right only for a moment.... from the other person's point of view. On the left you should have seen information such as your buddy's HP.

Could they be players? Well, just because you were a player doesn't change what you're going to do.

The restraint has been lifted, but due to the hallucination Mr. Lucille put on again, the little one is flustered and lost sight. Switch to a wand while you can, and start chanting magic.

"Now, if you give me some information about that guy, you'll miss it, but what will you do?

"... I can't do that. If we find out what we talked about, they're gonna burn us whole."

"That's a shame. Now, instead, give me a message... and tell me that when the time comes to meet again, you will not forgive me then."

That's what I said and let the chant complete. Release [Darkburst]. Thanks to various effects, the doubly powerful high-firepower magic has plucked the little one. I'm sure HP will be blowing up too.

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