Finish your lunch in real life and log in again.

Now let's start by remembering our original purpose.

· Finding and contracting a user demon.

· Remembering the language of this area.

Both of the above could be accomplished this time. Of course the user demon is Nil. Language is still low level too, but I could get it, so you can now understand the language just a little bit.

Speaking of which, I had other increased skills. [Moonlight] and [Down Over]. I'll take those two too.

"Skill [Moonlight] acquired. Over 10 basic skills, resulting in more SP acquisition."

... Oh? Even though the acquisition SP for [Down Over] was 1, it is now 2. Apparently the next skill I'll remember when I get more than ten is the SP I need. In the meantime, I've got more SP, but I also got [over the bottom].

Well, it's totally nighttime around here. Nil is also better than the day, better... why are you sleeping? Nil sleeps with a stop at the end of my wand. It's night time, get up, Nil.

Well, that's good. I'm going hunting for now. This time in the opposite direction from where [Dusk Forest] is located, the area east of the city of Die Road, isn't it? They say the same monster will show up here as my level band.

I'm already at level 10, so I have a death penalty. Besides, if you don't collect a lot of EXP from Level 10, it's hard to increase the level, and they're strengthening enemy monsters. It sounds like the first wall a beginner starts this game will hit. Until level ten, they say so much about tutorials.

I've come to the east region. It's no different being a meadow, but there are just a few highs and lows such as hills. And in the distance, a house like a building can be seen like a settlement where a few crude things have been consolidated. That sounds like a goblin settlement.

Yes, a human-shaped monster appears here. Looks like I can get a request to crusade Goblin in a nearby village if I look at the offensive site or something. Well, I still can't speak the language satisfactorily, so I'll pass. I don't think I'll be able to improve my skills if I don't talk... well, because I don't like it one of these days.

You could fight goblins, but let's hunt rats first. You see something moving in the dark. I don't see him very well because he unfortunately doesn't have dark vision, but it should be [Dilat] here.

"Nil, please wake up as we fight."

Wake up Nil, who stayed asleep even at night. Because I can't use the cane as it is. Wake up, Nil. Wow. Open the couch and yawn.

"For now, stay in the branches of the tree there"

He flew to a nearby branch of a tree that seemed very troublesome with my instructions and stopped there. You don't seem to be going to bed again. Good. It's on a tree, so I can hold Nil's vision wide. [Sage of the Forest] will also be able to do enough.

"Then you'll go."

Rats moving in the dark are very small. It will be difficult to cast magic because it is difficult to see because it is dark. But you can seal the motion. [Darkbind] binds enemies around him. It's hard not to specify enemies, but it's easy not to have to aim for them.

Rats are restrained in chains made by the forces of darkness that suddenly appear. HP bars appear with the effect of Nil's [Sage of the Forest] over the rat. Maybe there's an ambush effect in there, too. Right. Rats can't move for a while. And the effect of the chain makes it easier to see where the rat is.

"[Shadow Arrow]"

And hit the shadow arrow on the rat without difficulty. Then the rat's HP gauge quickly disappeared and disappeared as if it were going to disappear.

"... that's powerful"

Unexpectedly whines as he sees a log of disappearing rats and winnings. The way the HP bar was reduced was not unusual. This is probably because a variety of skill effects increase your Attack.

Use in the dark of [Dark Magic] - Enhancement of Dark Magic by [Dark Wisdom] of Nil - Enhancement of Magic Attack by [Moonlight].

If it is superficial, the effect of [over the top] will also be added, and [moonlight] will be further enhanced if it is in full moon condition. That firepower would be too high for level 10, as it further enhances the original highly offensive dark magic.

Well, this is something I can do because it's nighttime now. Because skills other than [below] are not activated enough outside of the night.

And Nil's asleep.

[Dark Wisdom] and [Sage of the Forest] are also hard to activate due to the fact that sleeping nil has them during the day. Nil, who was on the tree, is about to sleep again. I should be asleep enough, but were you still asleep?

Completely night specific. But this is interesting now. Besides, don't you think a witch would look good at night?

"Come on, Nil. Now let's go to the Goblin settlement!

This has made me want to test my new [dark magic] skills. Come on. Come on. Let's go out. Anyway, it's my night, no - it's our time!

We reached the tent because we were too small for one goblin settlement...... I'll see how it goes from a little distance. Two goblins with lookout pines. I sleep three in something like a house made from borough cloth and branches. Five in total.

Goblins are moving on the basic team. They're the first beginners. I guess they'll show off their teamwork. And then there's the number of violence. Well, that too...

"If you take them all down in one blow, you'll have no problem."

I look at this one whenever Nil says something. I kind of get what you're trying to say.

You can stay sneaky close and shoot the magic. But you don't really like ambushes. I did it to as many rats as I just did, but I don't like what I did there.

"So let's go straight from the front"

Let Nil fly into the sky around my head and I step on the ground and approach the goblins.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you this evening"

The goblins on the lookout surprise me as I emerge from the dark. You immediately recognized him as an enemy, and one goes to wake up his people. Soon three new ones will be added, and five will surround me.

"I have no grudges against you guys. I didn't even get a crusade request... die for my (EXP)"

Let's laugh nicely in this situation at our leisure. Activate the [Dark Bind] I left standing by. Detention of the five surrounding men before action is taken.

"Nil, Dark Mist"

Nil, who was flying overhead, scatters dark mists. The effect of [darkness] on goblins by this. Further [Windcutter] to put out the pine or incendiary fire.

Start chanting a little further away. About ten seconds. Set your aim properly. The location is where the Goblins are. The restraining effect has expired, but the effect of darkness still persists. The goblins regained sight and captured me.


But it's too late. The explosion of dark forces blows five goblins away. The HP bar has also disappeared. I knew the power was amazing.

Check the situation while getting wind of the aftermath. There was no goblin left, and it disappeared. by [Darkburst] of ambient attacks.

The flying nil comes back and stops on my shoulder. The same gaze pierces what happened earlier. I didn't ambush you, but is it because you fought a battle that is difficult to say squarely? Or is it about this ba firepower?

"Ba, the firepower is also caused by Nil."

The hunt is still going on. Nil basically gets support from a safe place, such as above, because it's dangerous when attacked. On the ground I release [Darkburst] to the goblins and their opponents.

"Come on, I'll be there next time."

After several battles with goblins. The same time I tried to activate [Darkburst] at the Goblins. Light enters your eyes from afar. This light is not pine or incendiary. This dazzling light that comes into your eyes is the morning sun.

"Oh, no."

Darkburst's power is diminished after receiving the morning sun. The effect of [Moonlight] will also expire. That leaves the Goblins with the health they've been knocking down with one blow. The [nocturnal] nil is in good night mode, and the information is not visible either.

"Please wait."

Surrounded by about five goblins, I returned to the city of Die Road to die without being able to escape.

"... that was your first death"

I was transferred to a place where I had registered at the point of return to death when I noticed it.

Another interesting experience like this. I remember my HP bar blowing up a lot. Yeah, the goblins were in the mood for this, too. It must have hit even the punishment of being too violent. But this can only be done at night. You can't do it during the day. Avoid daytime combat as much as you can.

"Is Nil okay?

Nil doesn't answer. You're stopping on my shoulder and sleeping completely.

There were many different people going around the city in the morning sun. From time to time, listen to the conversation and you'll know just a little bit about it. I guess we each have a life. Stories spinning in this world.

- Somehow, I think I see the next challenge.

The first thing is that the equipment limit is already close. We need to get new gear. As for the attack in as much combat as I did earlier, I had no problems due to my high magical firepower. But the protective equipment to protect you will be the limit already. The violence of the number of goblins and how much the wizard's defense is hardened may not change because it's paper. Well, it's better than none.

And then role-play. You will be able to speak completely one day because you have acquired language skills. Then the role play must also be decent. To do that, we need to make sure we have a character setting called Chloe.

But you have to log out once. There's a death penalty, and it's just enough to take a break until it's lifted. I have logged out since I unsubscribed Nil.

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