Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 57: survivor


With the sudden sound of brakes, Detective Zhou drove the car to a precise stop at the door of the bar.

"FBI, tell me about the bar?"

He got out of the car, took out his ID, and gestured to the surrounding police officers.

"A patrolman entered the bar."

Glancing at the certificate in Detective Zhou's hand, a policeman who came to support hurriedly said.

"Didn't I already inform that no one is allowed to act without authorization?"

Hearing the city policeman's answer, Amanda couldn't help frowning.

If her judgment is correct, the abnormality that happened in the bar is likely to be inseparable from the supernatural incident. In the wolf girl incident in Texas, the memory of the death of the police in the small town is still vivid in my mind. Amanda Naturally, I don't want to see such a tragedy happen again.

"I know, sir, we actually told the patrolman on the radio as well, but..."

Facing Amanda's questioning, the New York City police officer responsible for maintaining order showed a helpless expression on his face.

The disadvantage brought about by the complex police system is the uncontrollability of police personnel, especially in an international metropolis like New York City. The urban police agency covers almost everything in the entire city area, including patrols, traffic, public security, detection, etc. Important tasks and heavy tasks naturally require more manpower to maintain.

This also leads to the intricacies within the city police.

Amanda, who came out of the same police system, quickly understood the meaning of the city police's words.

"I need to know the current situation in the bar."

Detective Zhou quickly brought the topic back to the current situation without dwelling on the issue of the patrol police.

"We have followed the instructions and blocked the bar for the first time, and so far, no one has been seen coming out of the bar."

"Where's the call to the police?"

Detective Zhou did not forget that the police station's notice mentioned the distress call made from the bar.

"We tried to call back, but the call didn't go through again..."

Shaking his head, the urban police expressed pessimism about what happened to the owner who made the call.

The New York City Police Department has been trying to contact the phone in the bar, but there has been no response.

In such a situation, there is only one possibility in the eyes of the police.

That is the rescuer has been killed.


Hearing the answer from the city police, Amanda's breathing became a little heavier. This was the second time she had seen the victims in the supernatural incident.

Turning his head, he looked in the direction of the bar.

Amanda took a deep breath and put her hand on the pistol on her waist, ready to enter.

Noticing Amanda's movements, Detective Zhou's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he took out his pistol with a blank expression.

"Let the surrounding police continue to maintain vigilance."

Bowing his head and explaining to the city police in charge of security, Detective Zhou followed Amanda's footsteps and walked towards the bar.

"You seem to be a little nervous."

Walking by Amanda's side, Detective Zhou clearly noticed the other party's heavy breathing and the solemn expression on his face.

"Because, this time, what we may encounter is the real supernatural event, not the fake ones before."

"That's not exactly what we do at BSI."

Clenching the pistol in his hand, Detective Zhou replied silently.


In response, Amanda murmured.


After a brief conversation, the two once again turned their attention back to the task in front of them.

Amanda held the firearm in her hand and walked towards the entrance of the bar step by step. Behind the two, the city police officer in charge of maintaining vigilance couldn't help holding her breath, her eyes following the movements of the two movement.

Arriving at the door of the bar, Amanda looked at the closed door of the bar in front of her, took a deep breath, and stretched out her hand to open it.

The next moment, the door suddenly opened.

Detective Zhou, who was behind Amanda, raised the muzzle of his gun subconsciously.

"Wait a moment!"

He quickly reached out to stop Detective Zhou's shooting, and Amanda looked at the figure coming out of the bar and said.

"Should be a survivor."

In the face of Amanda's restraint, the expression on Detective Zhou's face hesitated for a while, and then he moved the muzzle of his gun down slightly. expression.

The figure that came out of this bar was the bar owner whom the two had met not long ago and investigated.

"Hey, look at the road, idiot!"

On the streets of downtown New York, there was a piercing whistle.

Inside the car, a grumpy white man cursed at the clown who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Standing in the center of the interchange, Arthur looked at the bustling scene around him, and the curious or disdainful gazes cast by pedestrians of all kinds on the side of the road, and opened his arms in a hug.

Hearing the white man's constant cursing, Arthur took out the pistol he got from the patrolman without hesitation, and fired a shot at him.


The bullet pierced through the windshield window of the car, hit the opponent's stomach, splashed a lot of blood and stained the steering wheel. UU reading


"Damn, run, run."

"Gun, someone shot."

In the face of the clown who shot without warning, the people on the street suddenly fell into a huge panic. They screamed and ran around, fearing that they would become the next target in the clown's hands.

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by the fleeing people, a large number of cars rear-ended and made a deafening crash.

In just a few seconds, the orderly traffic in the city center vanished, screaming one after another.

Looking at the chaotic scene around, Arthur under the clown mask let out a cheerful laugh.

He stepped on the shards of glass on the floor and stepped on the hood of the car.

Looking at the white man in the car who had cursed him not long ago, he turned his head to scan the chaotic scene around him, raised his gun and pulled the trigger again.

Bang, bang!

Two loud gunshots caused a brief stagnation around the street.

"Now, everyone is starting to notice me."

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, Arthur danced briskly in the car, and the sharp laughter from his mouth spread to everyone's ears.

"Then, let's have a carnival together and bring laughter to this indifferent world, haha, hahahaha..."

As Arthur's voice fell, the smile on the red clown mask on his face seemed to be happier.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Around the street, one or two pedestrians who were originally terrified by the shooting incident could not restrain their laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha…"


They forgot their fear, they forgot their fear, and they fell into the sea of ​​joy with the clown in laughter.

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