Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 222: Invite director

By global calculations.

The production cost of the movie "Heroes Out of Control" is about 15 million.

Such a cost investment, although in many Hollywood movies, can only be regarded as a low-middle investment.

But for 'pseudo-documentary' movies, it can still be called a sky-high investment.

After all, the production cost of Zhao Yuan's previous 'pseudo-documentary' film "Smart: Ghost Recording" was only a few hundred thousand dollars.

From hundreds of thousands to 15 million US dollars, the huge gap is naturally obvious to you.

At the same time, it is precisely because the cost of "Heroes Out of Control" has increased significantly.

Out of prudence, Universal also naturally thought of Zhao Yuan, the screenwriter of the script, for the selection of the film director, and even chose him as the first choice for filming the film as a matter of course.

If it is, shooting other types of movies, Universal may not be so firm.

There are countless excellent film directors in Hollywood. Compared with these excellent directors, Zhao Yuan, who is a half-way monk, may not even be able to touch them.

However, if the subject matter of the film is limited to the type of 'pseudo-documentary', then it is Zhao Yuan.

After all, in the form of 'pseudo-documentary', Zhao Yuan can be said to have created a first-of-its-kind existence, whether it is "Blair Witch", which caused huge controversy and box office, or "Smart: Ghost Recording" which was just released not long ago. ", and even the American drama "Modern Family" broadcast by abc TV, he always shoots various "pseudo-documentary" movies and even TV series.

However, whether it is this type of film or TV series, it can harvest a lot of box office and ratings.

It can be said that Zhao Yuan's talent is serious in his role as a director.

It's all on the "pseudo-documentary".


"Invite me to be the director of a new movie?"

New York, Universal Pictures.

Facing the invitation from Ron Mayer, Zhao Yuan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't have much heart.

After all, the current Zhao Yuan is no longer the time when he had just crossed over.

He now holds the identity of the main creator of the American TV series "Modern Family". At the same time, he also holds the copyright of the follow-up series of "Smart: Ghost Story". At the same time, he has already made his name in Hollywood and has become a little famous. Hollywood celebrities.

Under such circumstances, he obviously did not pay much attention to the identity of the director of "Heroes Out of Control".

On the contrary, if you have time to direct a movie, it is better to think about how to create the script that you plan to evolve next.

"You know, Mr. Ron, I'm actually a screenwriter, it's not my job to be a director, and I'm not even in the directors' union."

From Zhao Yuan's words, Ron Mayer sensed a bit of rejection.

If it were another movie, Zhao Yuan refused and refused. After all, the most important thing in Hollywood is the director.

However, considering the particularity of "Heroes Out of Control" and the attitude of the board of directors, Ron Mayer had to speak again to persuade Zhao Yuan in front of him.

And in this world, the best way to convince a person is to provide enough benefits.

"Five million, this is Universal's sincerity, Zhao."

"As long as you take over the director of "Heroes Out of Control", you can get paid eight million dollars."

"Excluding the screenwriter's salary?"

Hearing the numbers that came out of Ron Mayer's mouth, even Zhao Yuan, who was already rich enough, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

"Of course."

Especially when Ron Mayer has determined that the eight million yuan is only for Zhao Yuan's remuneration as a film director, not the screenwriter's income.

In fact, 8 million film remuneration, even among Hollywood directors, can be regarded as high income, and the directors who can get 10 million yuan or more are those well-known commercial film directors. The reason why Universal Willing to offer such a high salary to invite Zhao Yuan to be the director of the new movie "Heroes Out of Control".

In addition to his own success in the "pseudo-documentary" film, the "Blair Witch" and "Smart: Ghost Story" have achieved amazing results at the box office. One of the main reasons.

It is precisely because of these films that Zhao Yuan's appeal at the box office, especially commercial films, has been proved.

Universal would be willing to pay such a high fee to invite Zhao Yuan to direct a new movie.


New York, Universal Pictures.

Zhao Yuan was silent for a few seconds after Ron Mayer reported the salary of 8 million.

Then he looked up at the Universal Vice President in front of him and said helplessly: "Okay, I admit, Ron, you have successfully persuaded me, and I agreed to be the director of the new movie "Heroes Out of Control"."

Even if it is the mastermind behind the evolution of the world, but after all, there is still life.

In particular, Zhao Yuan has recently taken a fancy to the house in Beverly Hills and is planning to move out from the current Little Beverly Hills.

And a house in Beverly Hills isn't cheap, even for him.

Between the house in Beverly Hills and the new script, Zhao Yuan just hesitated a little and made his own choice.

The evolved script can be created after a while, but with the director's salary of 8 million, there is no such store in this village.

And once Zhao Yuan won the director's salary of 8 million, it is equivalent to setting a price for the major film companies to invite him to shoot movies in the future.

As for whether the movie will lose money, Zhao Yuan is not worried at all about this.

After all, the topic of superheroes is hot now, and the "Out of Control Hero" in his hand is not a random script. The idea is to combine the original world's "Super Power Out of Control" and the superheroes in the real world. The gimmick of a 'pseudo-documentary' is enough to attract audiences into the theater.

"Universal Pictures announced that it will make the first 'superhero' movie, inviting writers and directors who have written and filmed "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "Blair Witch" and "Smart: Ghost Record" and many other dark horse movies. Zhao Yuan, personally created and filmed this new superhero movie."

"Superhero + 'pseudo-documentary' movie, the superhero theme will join forces and make a new one!"

"Superhero themes are rampant, and Universal is not to be outdone. It joins the competition of superhero movies. The major Hollywood film industry has been attracted by the superhero craze. This is the weakening of the entire film industry... Where are the good movies..."

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