Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 219: Middle world


The moment the fishing boat collided with the dead camel's body, Zhao Yuan's ears faintly heard the sound of rough waves.

In the next instant, the original maroon world in front of him was replaced by a blue sea. The fishing boats were quietly docked on the sea surface, and the sun hung motionless on it in the sky.

"here it is?"

Looking at the calm sea around, Zhao Yuan's face showed a bit of doubt at the right time.

"This is the representational world constructed by my memory."


Pulling down the rope to rewind the agitating sail, Hemingway turned around and took out a bottle of rum from the fishing boat's silo and poured it into his mouth. Although he had lost all senses after becoming a spirit, including taste, of course, But the act of rum entrance still gave it a bit of a sense of invigoration, especially in the case of just experiencing life and death.

Kill the rum in your hand and throw the empty bottle into the sea behind you.

Hemingway sat down heavily, causing the fishing boat under him to sway a bit, turned his head to look at Zhao Yuan on the boat, raised his eyebrows to form clear lines on his forehead and replied to Zhao Yuan: "I said that the spiritual world is the world of appearances, Everything here is constructed from the memories left by countless spirits, which naturally includes my memory world."

"The memory world is the most important existence for the spirits in the [spiritual world], because it represents the spirit itself. Spirits have no senses, for them everything is nothingness, no happiness, no pain, no perception , only memory can let us know who we are."

Facing Zhao Yuan in front of him, he solemnly explained the importance of memory to the spirit.

Hemingway's words changed, and he brought the topic back to the [Spiritual World] in front of him.

"Of course, in addition to the memory world of the spirit itself, the entire [spirit world] is actually constructed from a variety of complex memories. However, just as good people's memories are often beautiful, sinful people are often heartbroken. Evil thoughts arise, because the quality of memory is surprising, and the worlds constructed are not the same. A large number of beautiful memories form the upper world of [Spiritual World], where all the beautiful memories of the spirit are condensed, and countless complicated memories are formed. The middle world is the closest place to the real world, and the memories of various sins, chaos and resentment are all turned into the lower world of the [Spiritual World]."

"The next world?"

Hearing Hemingway's division of the [Spiritual World] world, Zhao Yuan subconsciously linked it to the Fierce Spiritual World or Hell mentioned in the [Psychic Note] recorded by Marilyn Raphael.

For the lower world Hemingway spoke of, Zhao Yuan had some thoughts of exploring in his heart.

However, considering the situation they had encountered before, the [Spiritual World] was obviously not calm, on the contrary, it was more dangerous than he expected.

Therefore, Zhao Yuan felt that it was necessary to push back the plan to explore the world under the [Spiritual World].

At least until he has enough to protect himself in the [Spiritual World], and after the settings of the [Spiritual World] are more perfect.

"The lower world is an extremely dangerous world, and even I would not dare to set foot in it easily."

Noticing Zhao Yuan's muttering to himself, Hemingway said with a look of fear on his face.

"But, if I remember correctly, Marilyn Raphael personally entered the lower world?"


Hemingway's expression froze when he heard the familiar name that appeared in Zhao Yuan's mouth.

"Marilyn is special, I have never met a more daring and special being..."

Watching the calm sea, Hemingway seemed to be caught up in some kind of memory.

After a long time, it came back to its senses, restrained the emotions on his face and said to Zhao Yuan.

"Although, I can't take you into the lower world, but I know an entrance to the middle world, where you may be able to feel the wonder or weirdness of the [Spiritual World] and satisfy your curiosity about the spiritual world."

As Hemingway's voice fell, he pulled the rope again, and the tucked sails were agitated again, and the calm sea below him became choppy in an instant.

Countless waves slapped the small fishing boat, and sharks began to surround the fishing boat. Hemingway raised his arm high, and then an old fishing rod with mottled surface appeared in his hand, waving the rod and hook in his hand. It seemed to be hooked somewhere under the guidance of some invisible force.

"Hurry up on the fishing boat!"

Pulling the fishing rod, the other end of the fishing line was tightened tightly. Hemingway used his hoarse voice to remind Zhao Yuan.

At the same time, the arm that grabbed the fishing rod suddenly exerted force, and the whole fishing boat seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, smashing through a certain layer of invisible enchantment by riding the wind and waves.


"Okay, here we are."

With the crisp cracking sound in his ears, when Zhao Yuan raised his head again.

The rough sea has disappeared, replaced by a bustling urban street.

Countless people or spirits shuttled through it. On the road, Zhao Yuan saw a fast-moving modern car, but at the same time, he also saw a horse-drawn carriage, and even a strange-looking steam car was traveling on the road. On the elevated overhead in the distance, accompanied by a huge whistling sound, a steam train with billowing smoke and a modern train passed side by side, parked at the platform, and countless differently dressed spirits stepped off the train.

Standing on the corner of the street, staring at these passing vehicles, Zhao Yuan looked sideways, and soon he noticed something even weirder in the whole city. There were modern high-rise buildings in the buildings in the distance. At the same time, there are also ancient castle and even Zhao Yuan also saw some vague Chinese-style buildings at some vague ends.

In these complex buildings, there are also spirits of different appearances. Some of them are dressed in light clothes and some are dressed in retro style. Even Zhao Yuan occasionally saw some knights in armor walking through the castle. in it.

This kind of hodgepodge of buildings from countless eras and clothing mixes, in Zhao Yuan's eyes, undoubtedly gave rise to a sense of confusion.

"Does it feel confusing?"

Standing aside, looking at the confused expression on Zhao Yuan's face, Hemingway raised his mouth slightly under his beard, reached out and lit a cigar from his pocket, and then said.

"Chaos is the core of the Middle World."

"This is a world constructed from the messy memories of countless spirits. These memories are neither enough to become the existence of the upper world nor part of the lower world. They stay in the middle and form the middle world in front of you."


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