Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 178: Suspended

"Andrew, Andrew..."


Lying on the bed, Andrew gradually fell asleep amid the fierce coughing of his mother next door.


However, just as he fell into a deep sleep.


Strange whispers began to ring in his ears, calling his name continuously.


At first, there seemed to be a murmur, but gradually it began to approach Andrew, and finally stopped by his face, as if someone was whispering softly against his ear.


And in this whisper, Andrew on the bed began to toss and turn.


He frowned tightly, and in his sleep, he vaguely saw a vague figure looming in the mist.






"Okay, today's filming has been completed, and the rest of the exterior scenes can only be filmed tomorrow..."


Los Angeles, "Modern Family" crew.


After filming the last scene of the Gloria family, the director ended today's filming.


Turning around, he looked at Zhao Yuan who was sitting not far away, exchanged glances, and obtained consent. Only then did he speak and let the entire crew end today's filming work.


In the American drama crew, the main creator is a more core existence than the director. After all, the script of the entire TV series is born out of the screenwriter's creation.


In a TV series, everything from the actors down to the director can be changed. The only thing that won't change is the creator.


Compared with the American drama, the screenwriter's status.


The existence of the director is more like a tool man. Many American dramas will not even be filmed by a director for the same season. For example, "Game of Thrones" has been filmed for 8 seasons, and the director activated in each season is different. "House of Cards" is on the air. It has been promoted as a gimmick by the big director David Fincher. But in fact, Finch only directed the first 2 episodes, and the remaining 11 episodes were handed over to 5 directors to complete.


As for the shooting of "Modern Family", because of the strike, the director who is now taking over the shooting is not the same person as the previous episodes.


It can be said that in the production process of American dramas, the screenwriter is responsible for determining the style and content of the TV series, while the director just presents the screenwriter's ideas.


Hearing the director's call to stop work, the shooting scene of "Modern Family" immediately burst into warm applause.


Although the filming process of American dramas is not as closed as the movies, on the contrary, there are fixed commuting hours, and there will be corresponding subsidies for the excess filming time, but the continuous shooting for more than ten hours still makes the staff on the scene feel good. tight.


After finishing today's filming work, the staff of the on-site crew began to organize the shooting equipment.




Zhao Yuan raised his head and scanned the broken system panel in front of him, just about to take a look at the situation.


I saw Sofia Vergara, the actor of Gloria, came over from the shooting scene and sent out an invitation with a warm expression.


"Next week, I'm going to hold a fashion brand's party, and I'm going to invite the whole crew to participate."


"Fashion party?"


Hearing Sofia Vergara's invitation, Zhao Yuan had to look away from the system panel.


As an actress, Sofia Vergara started relatively late, but she herself has great ambitions in career development. She has her own fashion brand and perfume brand. This time, she invited Zhao Yuan to pass the The popularity of "Modern Family" has made its name famous.


In Hollywood, such mutually beneficial events are not uncommon.


Therefore, in the face of Sofia Vergara's invitation, Zhao Yuan did not refuse, and agreed directly with a nod.


"Thank you, Zhao."


As the core creator of "Modern Family", Zhao Yuan's answer in a sense represents the opinion of the entire crew.

Therefore, seeing him respond readily.


Sofia Vergara's face immediately showed a bright smile and gave him a warm hug from Latin America.


After enjoying the enthusiasm from Latin America, Zhao Yuan retracted his gaze from Sophia's back and shrugged.


Put your attention back on the system screen.


Compared with his ease, Andrew's situation at the moment is not very good.


In the system screen, Andrew kept tossing and turning, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare that he could not wake up from.


"Unfortunately, Andrew, this is the 'price' that must be paid for gaining strength..."


Seeing this scene in his eyes, Zhao Yuan murmured softly.


However, his words were destined not to be heard by Andrew in the picture.




Figures in the fog kept appearing.


In his sleep, Andrew tried hard to see what the figure looked like, but he could only see a general outline.


The more he tried to get closer to see the other person's appearance clearly, the more blurred his figure became.


"Andrew, Andrew..."


But on the contrary, the calling voice became clearer.


Andrew could feel that the direction from which the voice was coming was right beside his ear.


It seemed that as soon as he opened his eyes, he could see the object that was calling in his ear. However, there was always a voice in his heart reminding Andrew not to open his eyes to see it.


Just like that, in a half-dream and half-awake.


The quilt covering Andrew seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and floated in mid-air.


On the quilt, an indistinct face began to appear, struggling to stretch out its palm to form a raised outline in the quilt towards Andrew on the bed.


bang bang bang-


Just a second before it was about to touch Andrew's face, there was a sudden loud knock on the door of the room.


"Andrew, get up for me, I paid you to go to school, not to make you lie in bed and do nothing like your mother!"


Awakened by a loud knock on the Andrew suddenly opened his eyes.


Immediately afterwards, he saw the quilt floating on his body, which instantly lost its pull and fell down.


"What is this..."


Looking at the scene of the quilt floating in the air, Andrew's eyes that were still a little sleepy suddenly widened.


What happened in front of him was too shocking.


Andrew even had no time to pay attention to the cursing of the man outside the door.


He got up from the bed and looked at the quilt lying quietly on the bed in front of him, as if there was no change.


Swallowing a mouthful of water, his breathing began to become rapid.


Andrew stretched out his palm tremblingly. Andrew looked at the quilt in front of him, recalling the scene he saw when he woke up.




However, a few seconds passed, and the quilt remained unchanged.


"Why, was it just an illusion?!"


Seeing this, the expression on Andrew's face suddenly turned gloomy.


Just the second he was about to give up, suddenly the corner of the quilt in front of him seemed to be pulled by an invisible arm, and it floated crookedly.


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