Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 150: game

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Under everyone's empty eyes, Amanda took a deep breath.

Biting his lip, he looked sideways at Spike, who seemed to be indifferent, and asked in a low voice.

"To confirm a guess."

In the face of Amanda's questioning, the smile on Spike's face remained unchanged. He glanced at Jamie on the stage with his slightly drooping eyes, and then smiled back to Amanda.

"If you want to catch a big enough fish, you can't be stingy with the bait in your hand."

Amanda: "So, I'm the bait in your mouth?"

Spike: "The two of us, to be precise."

Amanda: "It's not fishing, Spike, we could all die from it."

Compared to Spike's light-hearted attitude, Amanda obviously couldn't do that.

"Of course I know that."

"But, so I need some more evidence to corroborate the speculation. Believe me, I have no plans to sacrifice now. After all, there are more important things waiting for me to do."

Looking up and meeting Spike's azure eyes, Amanda sensed a certain determination in his eyes.

Seeing this, Amanda's eyes flickered slightly before she gritted her teeth.

"I only trust you this time, Spike."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

Amanda's words were more of an expression of trust than a warning.

Turning his head, he glanced at the empty-eyed people around him, and Spike raised his eyebrows and replied.

"Be ready to shoot at any time."

Looking at the backs of Amanda and Spike, Detective Zhou took out his pistol and reminded Detective Phil beside him with a blank expression.

He had a hunch, the result of the next two actions.

Whether successful or not, the banquet will no longer be as 'safe' as it is now.

Hearing Detective Zhou's reminder, the expression on Detective Phil's face immediately became a little serious.


"Since, a new guest has joined the banquet game..."

Turning his stiff neck and making a crunching sound, Jamie looked at Amanda and Spike on stage, opening and closing their mouths in a welcome look.

However, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest, and it was still empty and without any vitality.

The clockwork on Jamie's back began to spin, and he moved his footsteps, raising his stiff arms to select a few 'game' participants from the crowd at the banquet.

"It's an FBI agent!"

Among these participants, Amanda recognized one, the missing FBI agent.

These missing persons who participated in the 'game' stood stiffly in their respective positions under Jamie's arrangement.

Glancing at these participants, Jamie's head on his neck suddenly rotated to a 180-degree position, looked at Amanda behind him, and asked with his mouth closed, "So, guests, what role do you choose?"


Startled by the terrifying appearance of Jamie's sudden turn of her head, Amanda subconsciously moved her eyes away from the terrifying appearance of the other party.

"In fact, we don't know much about the content of the 'game', and we know if you can demonstrate it first."

Facing Jamie's question, Spike looked at the head that turned 180 degrees with a calm face, and gave the reason with a smile.


Turning the wooden eyeball in its socket, the lacquered black hole that represented the pupil and Spike's blue eyes met for a few seconds.

Only then did Jamie turn his stiff neck little by little, agreeing to Spike's request.

"Okay, now let's demonstrate to the guests how to play the 'game'."

As Jamie's voice fell, the missing persons on the stage raised their palms one after another, and started clapping their hands with stiff movements.

"Jack and Jill





And Jillcametumblingafter…”

At the same time, with the action of clapping, everyone on the stage began to open and close their mouths, and began to sing a nursery rhyme in a monotonous voice without any fluctuations.

"And Jillcametumbling after..."

Listening to the expressionless nursery rhymes of several people on the stage, Agent Phil under the stage unconsciously hummed a few words.

"This is?"

"Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill?"

After singing, he reacted with hindsight, and read the name of the nursery rhyme song under the surprised eyes of Detective Zhou next to him.

"Haven't you heard this nursery rhyme?"

"What, is she famous?"

In the face of Detective Phil's rhetorical question, Detective Zhou said expressionlessly.

"It's not just famous, it's a household name."

Although Jack and Jill is now, after continuous evolution, it has become a general term for boys and girls in English.

But if the original meaning is investigated, it is very likely that the ballads allude to King Louis XVI and his queen Mary in the 18th century. During the later French Revolution, the king and queen were sent to the guillotine. That's why the nursery rhyme 'Jack slipped and fell on his crown (head) and Jill rolled down the hill'.

The meaning behind the nursery rhyme song may not be the focus of Agent Phil and the others right now.

It's just that, seeing the crowd gathered on the stage, the 'game' they were playing was just singing nursery rhymes.

Not to mention Detective Phil, even Amanda, who had already stepped on the stage and embraced the determination to take risks, had a subconscious expression of surprise on her face.

On the stage, the sound of songs continued to sound, and the stiff movements of the missing person seemed strange and inexplicable.

However, watching the FBI agents clapping their hands and singing nursery rhymes.

Amanda always felt an inexplicable sense of hilarity in it.

"Jackfelldownandbrokehiscrown (Jack slipped and fell to his crown (head))..."

It's just that the expression on Amanda's face has not yet completely relaxed.

As the nursery rhyme song continues to repeat, when it is sung again.

Suddenly, the clockwork behind a missing person who clapped and sang nursery rhymes stopped for a while, and the rhythm in his hand stopped a little. The next second, the whole person fell on the stage without warning, and at the same time, he fell on the stage. His head also fell down and rolled to a stop at Amanda's feet.

Looking down at the head that rolled at her feet, Amanda looked at this head that continued to sing nursery rhymes with her mouth open and closed even though she lost her body.

Looking up at the position of the opponent's body, there was no sign of blood coming out from the joint of the neck, only one obvious sign of a broken wood. Obviously, this missing person, like Jamie, has been completely puppetized.

However, this weird scene without any blood flow brought Amanda a greater feeling than any murder scene.

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