Screenwriter Mystery

Chapter 142: new clues

"Comparing the trajectory of George Bruce's actions, it can be seen that the target had contact with people before disappearing..."

NYPD, surveillance room.

The FBI agent printed out the photos of the surveillance video, sorted them according to the track, and pointed to one of the photos of George getting into the car.

"Even, he left in the same car with other missing persons."

"What does the vehicle report say?"

When his eyes fell on the photo, George got into the car, and the white FBI asked.

"Sean, Sean Johnson, according to the vehicle registration report checked by the New York City Police Department, the owner of this car belongs to a guy named Sean Johnson. I asked the police in the nearby neighborhood to investigate, and the result... "

"Is it also missing?"

Before the colleague's report was finished, the white FBI agent had the answer.

"At least that's what his next-door neighbor said."

Hearing the results of the investigation report, the white FBI agent turned to look at the dense photo wall in front of him, which was covered with all the tracks George left before his disappearance.

"It can be seen from the movement trajectory of the photo that the disappearance of George Bruce was clearly expected, and there was no hesitation during the period, including Sean Johnson who appeared later..."

Reaching out and taking down the photo of George getting into the car, the white FBI agent looked at the blurred figures in the car: "This is a planned disappearance case."

"Sean Johnson, may be the key to our solution to this serial disappearance."

His eyes swept over the people in the photo, and finally stopped on the figure in the driver's seat, the FBI agent said with oath.

"I investigated the relationship between the two missing persons, but like all previous missing persons, they had no connection with each other, and even the places of work and life were completely different."

"There must be a connection, but we haven't found it yet."

"George finally left in Sean's car. If there is no connection between the two, they said they did it to this point?!"

The questions raised by colleagues are also the biggest doubts of the FBI in the entire continuous disappearance investigation.

One day they can't find the connection, and one day they can't find the truth.



"It looks like the FBI investigation has reached some kind of deadlock."

san marino.

Seeing the helpless appearance of the two FBI agents, Zhao Yuan glanced at the BSI screen that jumped on the system panel.

His eyes flickered.


After drinking a cup of hot tea, he calmed down his chaotic thoughts.

Amanda raised her head and looked at Spike, who had a calm expression in front of her, and asked with doubts: "So, is everything we experienced in George's memory using the psychic ritual real?"

"In the end, is the abandoned wooden house that George took us to, the place where he disappeared last?"

In the face of Amanda's continuous questions, Spike seemed to have anticipated it long ago. He took a sip of the hot tea in his hand and replied calmly: "If you think that everything you see through the psychic is real Yes, that is, and vice versa."

"The scene formed by the spirit in the memory, because it only exists in its own relationship, and there is a certain degree of discrepancy with reality. The psychic ritual can only help us temporarily enter a memory of the spirit, and the experience we see in the memory. Everything in the world is formed through the perception of the spirit, for example, are you wondering why we walked with George for a long time in memory, but in reality, only less than half an hour passed the world?"

What Spike mentioned happened to be the most puzzled part of Amanda's heart.

After noticing the expression on Amanda's face, Spike continued to explain in a calm tone.

"In fact, this is what I said before, the spirit does not have the concept of time, for them there is no difference between a day and a second, you may think that you have walked for hours, but for them In terms of spirit, it may only be a world for a few seconds, and even the process of moving may not be the same as the appearance in the memory world."

Hearing Spike's explanation of the psychic encounter, Amanda's heart was a bit stunned, but she was more puzzled.

After all, for an ordinary person.

The spiritual world is too mysterious, even if Amanda, an ordinary person, has more than several times more experience in dealing with supernatural factors than ordinary people.

"As for the abandoned wooden house that appeared at the end, from the way the memory is presented, it should be the missing place you are looking for, that is, the place where the existence in the video finally took the missing person."


Ding dong!

NYPD, surveillance room.

With the sound of the mobile phone text message, the FBI agent looked down at his mobile phone screen.

In the next second, an excited expression appeared on his face, looking up at the helpless colleague beside him.

"There are new discoveries..."

"I reported Sean Johnson's vehicle report to the FBI headquarters, and the headquarters finally confirmed through a vehicle investigation and comparison that the car had left New York for the suburbs not long ago, and there were several other people with Sean at that time. Companions, two of them Laura and Mark, are also on the list of missing persons."

The emergence of new clues undoubtedly boosted the mood of the two FBI agents.

At the same time, the investigation data given by the headquarters also broke the investigation order of the two of them on the disappearance case.

If everything is really like the intelligence provided by the FBI headquarters, then the disappearance time of the entire disappearance case will undoubtedly need to be adjusted and pushed forward.

"You just said, who was the traveler in the car with Sean at that time, besides Laura and Mark, who had disappeared?"

Noticing that the word "companion" appeared in the intelligence provided by the FBI headquarters, the white FBI agent immediately asked.

"There is one because of the unclear location, her identity cannot be confirmed, but another person will also have results..."

Turn on the computer and contact the agents inside the FBI.

The colleague clicked on the information passed by the headquarters, and clicked on one of the enlarged photos.

This is the driving image captured by a speed camera in New York City.

In the picture, you can clearly see Sean sitting in the driver's seat in charge of driving, and the face of the man in the passenger seat next to him.

"The man in the passenger seat is named Jamie..."

Clicking on the information under the screen, two FBI agents looked at the introduction to Jamie and fell into contemplation.

"Wait a minute, make Jamie's hand a little bigger."

At this moment, in front of the computer screen, the white FBI agent accidentally saw the dark shadow on Jamie's hand in the photo frame, and hurriedly shouted.

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