Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 381 You call this a drilling device

"I'll leave it to Commander Zhao for the next mission. I believe the final result will not disappoint everyone."

Wednesday, April 28, 2027.

Changhai Space Launch Center command and control hall.

Xu Yun sat on the command seat and said to Zhao Hongyu beside him, always keeping a smile on his face.

As chief designers, Zhou Mingwei and Zhang Feng sat on both sides.

Today is the day when the Long March 10 manned launch vehicle is officially launched to carry out the mission of attacking and drilling the lunar lava tube hole. The relevant rocket bodies and aerospace equipment have been transported as early as a month ago, and the hoisting task and pre-launch tasks have been successfully completed. Various inspections.

In addition, Zhou Mingwei and Zhang Feng are personally responsible to ensure that there will be no problems.

Although Xu Yun is now the general commander of the lava tube cave lunar base project, it is better for the launch center to be responsible for the launch of the Long March 10 manned launch vehicle.

That's why he took the initiative to express his attitude to Zhao Hongyu and would not interfere in the launch process at will.

To a certain extent, this is the second time Zhao Hongyu has cooperated with Xu Yun.

In addition to knowing Xu Yun's identity and status, he also has a better understanding of what this launch mission means to the development of the entire domestic aerospace industry.

After all, the whole world is paying attention right now.

Therefore, regardless of whether Xu Yun says these words or not, he will do his best to successfully complete the launch mission.

"Don't worry, Commander Xu, we have made full preparations."

Zhao Hongyu looked back and said these words with a smile on his lips. He turned towards the hall and became serious the next second.

"Each group reports on the current situation."

As his voice fell, he immediately heard reports from engineers from various departments in the launch center.

"The rocket status re-inspection has been completed and meets the launch requirements."

"The weather room has determined a suitable window for launch, and the rocket is expected to ignite in one hour and twenty minutes."

"The rocket system test is completed and normal."

And just as the one-hour countdown to the rocket launch is about to begin, the outside world can't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

Worry about what method to use to complete the drilling.

Although the rocket launch was still broadcast live, and because the coverage of the quantum communication network was more stable and clear, the number of people online in the live broadcast room was pitiful.

Compared with the last time the Long March 10 manned launch vehicle made its first flight, the live broadcast room was less popular than before.

Of course, this does not mean that no one pays attention to the rocket launch, but because most people are in the Lunar Overwatch live broadcast room.

The Lunar Overwatch live broadcast room has been live broadcasting for several months. During this period, many people can be said to have lived in the live broadcast room and have established some relationships in it.

Thinking that I had watched the Chang Shi launch last time, I was too lazy to move.

Anyway, in the end, no matter what method is used to drill the lava tube hole, it can be recorded from the perspective of the lunar rover.

Moreover, what everyone is most concerned about is the issue of drilling holes in the moon.

If you enter the live broadcast room at this time, you can still see a lot of worrying comments.

"It's really going to launch!"

"It feels like it would be better to switch to a lava tube cave."

"Looking at the public information, won't the lunar rover be transported this time? We might as well choose a new area to detect the tube holes."

"The thickness of this pipe hole is really worrying."

"On the moon, I can't imagine how to penetrate such thick lunar soil."

"I believe Academician Xu must have a method."

"According to the last process, we will know in a few days when the spacecraft enters the scheduled orbit around the moon."

Perhaps it was because someone mentioned Xu Yun, and thinking of Xu Yun's previous achievements, many people couldn't help but be curious.

But what is certain is that no matter what the final result is, it will be big news that shocks the world.

At the same time, in the command hall, who has the most stable and calm mood, it must be Xu Yun, Zhou Mingwei and Zhang Feng.

In fact, no matter whether it is domestic or overseas speech, they have corresponding understanding during this period.

There are only two words to describe those who are bad-mouthing and questioning.


Knowing the power of the drilling device, how could they worry that they would not be able to penetrate the lunar soil above the lava tube hole.

On the contrary, those people may be gloating now, but I believe that their eyes will soon fall to the ground in shock.

As time passed by, after the countdown ended, a voice shouting numbers sounded in the hall, and the ignition command was immediately issued from the mouth.

Through the screen covering the entire wall in front, you can see the Long March 10 manned launch vehicle standing on the launch tower. It sprayed a huge tongue of flame from its tail and successfully lifted off into the sky.

A few minutes later, the fairing was detached and the manned spacecraft entered the predetermined posture. Applause also broke out in the hall.

It means that the second launch of Long March 10 was a complete success.

Next, the manned spacecraft carrying two drilling devices will head to lunar orbit, waiting for the lunar lander to be launched later for docking.

Although Long March 10 is a new generation rocket, it has not performed many launch missions.

But its technology is already quite mature.

It is normal for the launch to be successful.

It didn't cause much trouble for Xu Yun, Zhou Mingwei, Zhang Feng and others.

His face remained calm.

After all, now is not the time to relax and celebrate. The next Long March 10 manned launch vehicle will not be too long before it will launch again to transport three lunar rovers.

that's all.

Xu Yun still sat in the hall for the next time, and did not leave like Zhao Hongyu.

It wasn't until the second Chang Shi rocket was successfully launched again that everyone felt a little relieved.

"Fortunately, Commander Xu has lived up to his command. The manned spacecraft and lunar lander are currently in the predetermined orbit, and their flight postures are all normal. We will be able to dock them in a few days."

Zhao Hongyu slowly exhaled, and after relaxing his tense nerves, he smiled and chatted with Xu Yun beside him.

He was responsible for the task last time, but who knows whether the various structures of a new rocket are stable, and he must not relax until the last moment.

What's more, he also knows very well what this launch mission means. It can be said that it is directly related to the success or failure of the lunar base.

If I say in my heart that I'm not nervous, it's definitely a lie.

Questions arose at their launch center during the actual launch, which is a very big responsibility.

Fortunately, the results were quite satisfactory. The launch of both rockets was very smooth and there were no emergencies.

Later, the docking work of the two equipment and the subsequent bombardment and drilling of the lava tube tunnel required the command of Xu Yun and Zhou Mingwei.

"Thank you, Commander Zhao. The rest will be left to us." Xu Yun turned around and said politely.

By this time, they had been in the command and control hall for a long time and were somewhat physically tired, so they spent the rest of the time temporarily away from waiting for the equipment to be connected.

However, Xu Yun and the others went back to rest and held two more discussion meetings during the period.

Come up with the plan that has been determined and mastered again to ensure that there are no loopholes in the plan.

This shows how seriously they take this mission.

As for the audience in the external live broadcast room, although many people have temporarily left to attend to matters in the real world, there are still some hardcore viewers who are ready to stay for a long time for fear of missing any important scenes.


A few days later.

The manned spacecraft and the lunar lander carrying two drilling devices successfully entered the same orbit around the moon.

Device docking is about to take place.

In terms of docking technology for aerospace equipment, the technology we have can be said to be very mature and advanced.

The key is also rich docking experience.

Therefore, performing this operation is not a problem at all, and now there is quantum communication to assist in more precise positioning.

It will only make device docking more accurate and faster.

It is worth mentioning that due to the docking of two aerospace equipment, the Lunar Overwatch live broadcast room also rarely switched perspectives.

The original single perspective of the lunar rover has been changed to a dual perspective of the manned spacecraft and the lunar lander.

Everyone has seen the docking of equipment in space, especially when docking with the Tiangong Space Station, so they are not very interested. In addition, seeing that the appearance of the two equipment does not seem to have changed much, it feels even more different from the previous manned spacecraft. Not much has changed.

I can't help but worry about the next drilling.

"Is this our new generation of manned spacecraft? It seems to be no different from the previous one!"

"It's not that we need to open a skylight to the lava tube hole, why would we launch a manned spacecraft without astronauts?"

"Given the lander's carrying capacity, I really can't imagine how to drill a hole in the lunar lava tube."

"It's just docking of aerospace equipment, nothing interesting to see."

"It's still too late, let's re-select the location of the base."

"I always feel like it's really dangerous this time. Even though Academician Xu is very powerful, he's still a bit like a clever woman who can't make a plan without rice."

For ordinary people, what they can think of under the limitations of their thinking is to use a lunar rover to dig above the lava tube cave, which is why they attach so much importance to this lunar lander.

After all, the lunar lander carried three lunar rovers.

On the contrary, a manned spacecraft without an astronaut seems to be useless and launches a rocket in vain.

Just facing the lunar soil that is tens of meters thick and wider than the core module of the lunar base under development, even if the number of Yutu-3 lunar rovers on the lunar surface reaches four by then, it will be difficult to smoothly drill holes and open the skylight. possible things to do.

Everyone knows that no matter how powerful the Yutu-3 lunar rover is, the power it can exert is limited.

In addition, it needs to hibernate due to its own energy problems. If you just rely on digging, you really don’t know how long it will take to solve the problem.

It's a pity that they can't change anything now, so they can only watch silently.

"With the assistance of quantum communication networks and artificial intelligence, the docking work of aerospace equipment in space has become much simpler, and there is no need to worry about docking failure."

In the Changhai Control Command Hall, Zhou Mingwei looked at the manned spacecraft and lunar lander that had been docked on the screen in front of him, as if recalling the past with emotion on his face.

Although Xu Yun has not participated in previous space missions, he also knows the difficulty of docking space equipment in space.

Especially when we first started experimenting with docking, it can be said that everyone was sweating.

After all, if there is a mistake, the consequence will be that both spacecraft will be damaged.

How can it be said that it is now intelligent and automatic docking, and the probability of errors is almost negligible.

It just confirms the saying that technology changes life.

"Now the spacecraft combination is flying towards the predetermined coordinate location, and the drilling device will be launched after arriving successfully."

At this time, Zhang Feng said this with some excitement after the applause in the hall fell.


The docked spacecraft combination is heading to the target location.

Upon reaching the top of the selected lava tube hole, the drilling device will be launched to accurately bombard the target.

Everyone will then know how to create a skylight in a lava tube on the moon.

No matter how powerful and powerful the drilling device is, it is all simulated theoretical data.

No one has personally conducted experiments on the moon.

Now that I finally have such an opportunity, how can I not be excited?

"very good."

"Let's use this drilling device to bring this mission to an end." Xu Yun said lightly with the same smile.

Zhou Mingwei, who was next to him, was half-joking when he heard what the two said.

"I'm afraid many people will not be able to sleep well after today."

The conversation between the three people also made Zhao Hongyu a little confused. He didn't quite understand why some people couldn't sleep well after the task was completed.

Although their launch center is also dispatched by the Space Office, it is mainly responsible for the hoisting, inspection and launch tasks of the rocket.

Under normal circumstances, they will not participate in the research of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group.

Therefore, it is normal to not know the specific power of the drilling device.

However, he did not ask too many questions, fearing that it would affect his subsequent work content.

It can be said that this time has reached the most critical moment. Xu Yun, Zhou Mingwei and Zhang Feng must not leave in order to prevent emergencies from occurring and handle them in time.

For this reason, Xu Yun even directly had the food delivered to him, showing his eagerness to fight to the end.

Don't even think about resting until you at least complete the launch of the drilling device.

Originally, considering the age of Zhou Mingwei and Zhang Feng, Xu Yun wanted them to rest first.

Who wants to be decisively rejected by these two people.

He also said that as such an important historical moment for the aerospace industry, how could we not witness it with our own eyes.

After hearing this, Xu Yun had no choice but to give up.

Since the official media also continued to update the progress, when everyone saw that the spacecraft was almost reaching its scheduled location, they stopped what they were doing and quickly rushed into the live broadcast room.

As a result, the number of people online in the Lunar Oversight live broadcast room soared at a rocket-like speed.

However, the viewers in the live broadcast room did not know that what was waiting to land on the moon would be the drilling device carried by the manned spacecraft. They all thought it would be the three lunar rovers that were released after the lunar lander landed on the moon.

In the past, when a lander landed on the moon, the only images that could be seen were the lander's own perspective.

Not to mention the confidential image quality, not even the whole body of the lander can be seen.

But this time, we can watch the lander landing on the moon from a low angle through the lunar rover on the moon. The visual impact of this kind of picture will undoubtedly be much greater.

Not long after.

As tens of millions of people waited in the live broadcast room, the spacecraft assembly finally reached the designated position in the orbit above the moon.

"Report to the commander-in-chief that the spacecraft has arrived at the designated coordinates."

"Target location locked."

As the command report sounded in the hall, Xu Yun suddenly became extremely serious. After confirming that the location of the lava tube hole had been accurately locked, he no longer hesitated and immediately issued the most important task for this launch mission. instruction.

"Launch the drilling device!"


Almost at the moment the command was given, a drilling device shaped like an earth-penetrating missile was launched from the modified manned spacecraft.

It rotated and accelerated under its own power, flying straight towards the moon in a gliding attitude.

Although the footage in the live broadcast room could not capture a clear picture, objects could be seen falling rapidly.

But what is alarming is that the object shows no sign of slowing down at all.


"I saw it, it was flying so fast."

"Is this a lander?"

"It doesn't look like a lander!"


"Why haven't you slowed down yet? Could it be that the engine has failed?"

"It's over."

"Is the lander going to crash?"

"Why did it fail?"

In the end, everyone watched in silence as the object hit the moon with mixed emotions.

Exploded with great power.

Because the lunar rover is at a safe distance and has reinforced itself and the lunar surface, the picture is not affected.

And immediately after the impact, move towards that location.


Xie Jian is an employee of an Internet company. He usually watches live broadcasts during work or after get off work, and occasionally gives gifts to female anchors who work hard.

But since the official opening of the Moon Oversight live broadcast room, he has never visited those female anchors again.

Today, because he knew that the spacecraft was going to land on the moon, he was afraid that he would miss it on his way to get off work, so he deliberately chose to work overtime at the company.

Watch the live broadcast directly from your company computer.

He was stunned when he saw that the lander did not slow down and hit the moon directly.

I really didn't expect this result.

But as the view of the lunar rover advanced, and when he saw the actual situation inside, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock, and his eyes widened to their physical limits.

Finally, I choked out two words.


Looking around, there were no debris from the spacecraft. Instead, a huge crater appeared on the originally flat moon surface.

You can't tell just how deep it is by visual inspection alone.

And just when his mind was filled with questions about what was going on, his eyes suddenly noticed an official barrage passing by.

"Warmly celebrate the successful launch of the drilling device and the successful completion of the lava tube tunnel bombardment and drilling mission."

He whispered and repeated something softly in his mouth, and it took him two seconds to react.

"Didn't the launched drilling device crash into the lander..."

At this time, a colleague who came over may have noticed that Xie Jian's expression was a little strange. He stood behind him and looked at the picture on the computer screen, and asked with some confusion.

"What's going on? There's such a big deep hole?"

When Xie Jian heard this, he replied directly: "The official launched a drilling device just now. This is a hole drilled in the lava tube."

When the colleague heard this explanation, his eyes widened immediately, he pointed at the huge pit in the screen and asked with suspicion: "You call this a hole made by a drilling device?"

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