Scholar's Cultivation System Panel

Chapter 350 The whole network was shocked, this is definitely not fake

Last time, because of the new chimeric antigen receptor T cell immunotherapy, Ms. Spurkey, the editor-in-chief of Nature magazine, came here specially. The two parties can be said to be old acquaintances. This time, the research on cell active agents has achieved great success in clinical trials. The results of this stage must be announced to the outside world to silence those overseas biological authorities.

The relevant paper has been completed a long time ago, and it is most appropriate to publish it in Nature magazine.

Of course, the content of the paper does not involve specific information on drug synthesis, but mainly relies on the data obtained from this clinical trial.

With these real data as support, no matter how tough the authoritative experts in the field overseas are, they will not be able to find any reason to refute or question.

Originally, Xu Yun planned to wait until the project was officially concluded, but since there were so many people questioning it, if he didn't respond, others might really think that he couldn't complete the project.

Although Qi Lu is a relatively young official researcher at the Academy of Engineering, it is not easy to publish a paper in the top academic journal Nature.

The preparation alone takes a long time.

If he can publish the topic of cell-active pharmaceuticals in Nature magazine, he can make a name for himself.

Even if he is not the first author, the impact of this paper is unimaginable.

It is definitely much better than writing a few papers on his own.

After all, the significance and far-reaching impact that can enhance human immunity and extend average life span on the entire human civilization cannot be estimated.

When Qi Lu heard that he was responsible for this matter, he was naturally happy and could not hide his smile.

Even the other researchers next to him were like this.

At this point in the meeting, after the work that needed to be done was completed, Xu Yun did not waste everyone's time too much.

Then the meeting was adjourned.

However, compared to others who stood up and left the conference room, he still remained seated and intentionally stayed longer. The same was true for Wang Shuxin and Dean Li Houlin who attended the meeting as special guests.

Obviously there is something more to say.

After there were only three of them left in the conference room, Li Houlin and Wang Shuxin got up and walked towards Xu Yun.

Seeing this, Xu Yun also didn't dare to neglect and stood up almost at the same time.

"You have done a very good job this time and achieved such excellent results in clinical trials. This is very rare to see in the whole hospital."

"I really didn't see the wrong person."

Before Li Houlin could get closer to Xu Yun, the words could not help but come out of his mouth.

There was a smile on his face when he spoke. He had not been so happy as he was today for a long time.

He invited Xu Yun to join the Academy of Engineering, provided absolute support for the research topic, and agreed to conduct clinical trials in advance. On the surface, these things seemed normal, but in reality all the pressure was on him.

If nothing is gained in the end, or something goes wrong in the middle, it is basically all his responsibility.

Even if he won't be punished too much by then, I'm afraid he won't be able to continue in the position of dean.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary.

Xu Yun not only successfully synthesized the drug in a short period of time, but also passed the clinical trial.

It can be said to have been a perfect answer.

In this way, not only would he not be punished as the dean, he would also be able to overpower the Academy of Sciences and become the focus of global attention. This kind of thing would have been unthinkable before.

They all know that although only the first batch of tests has been completed, the results are enough to illustrate the problem.

They successfully synthesized a cell-active agent that was rejected by overseas experts.

And there are no side effects.

The subsequent clinical trials are nothing more than a process, and I believe it will not be long before they are officially launched.

The only problem is that the synthesis speed of the medicine is limited.

I am afraid that it will be difficult to increase production in a short period of time and cannot meet the needs of the entire market.

After all, looking at the country alone, the demand for cell-activating pharmaceuticals can reach hundreds of millions.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

"Thanks to your full support, Dean, otherwise the clinical trial would not have been as smooth as it is now."

Xu Yun naturally knew Li Houlin's mood at the moment, so he added a special compliment and added to Wang Shuxin next to him:

“In addition, I would like to thank Academician Wang.”

"Xu Yuan's words are serious. You have to be strong to make iron. If the progress of your project did not meet the conditions for clinical trials, I would never have said those words before." Faced with Xu Yun's thanks, Wang Shuxin waved his hands repeatedly, feeling in his heart Somewhat embarrassed.

Especially when I thought that I had underestimated Xu Yun's strength, I felt even more embarrassed.

"We are all our own people, so there is no need to say polite words. In short, we should finish this project as soon as possible." Li Houlin patted Xu Yun on the shoulder and said to the two of them with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, even if Li Houlin did not remind him, Xu Yun would definitely complete the project and submit the final report as soon as possible. You must know that according to the time he used to research new projects in the past, the time it took to research all the cell-active agents was indeed not short.

It's impossible for him to spend all his time on this, otherwise it would be a real waste of talent.

After all, there are still many crucial technologies waiting for him to study and conquer.

Then several people naturally brought the topic to Nature magazine, among which Li Houlin was very supportive.

"Those overseas media experts dislike us the most. Some of them actually gave public interviews to question our institute's projects. This time we should let them know how powerful we are."

"The subjects they can't solve are so simple here."

When Li Houlin talked about his joy, he did not hide the joy on his face at all. He wished others could see his current state.

Ever since Xu Yun achieved multiple scientific research results across multiple fields, the domestic scientific research level has long been different from the same level. Especially as the first region to build a quantum computer cloud platform, the scientific research level is enough to enter the top echelons in the world.

However, there are still some people who are unwilling to see the reality clearly and still pessimize Xu Yun's issue.

It can only be said to be extremely stupid.

The success of the cell-activating medicine this time will be the best way to wake them up.

As Li Houlin finished speaking, before Xu Yun could answer, Wang Shuxin next to him took over and said:


"I think we should also announce the current achievements of cell-activating drugs in an official way. Now many people are eagerly waiting for it."

"This is indeed something that needs to be done." Li Houlin nodded with deep understanding after hearing this.

Previously, the Academy of Engineering recruited clinical trial personnel from the outside world, which can be said to have attracted worldwide attention.

Both domestic netizens and foreign netizens want to know the results of the test.

Now that the first hundred people who participated in the clinical trial have finished their work and left, some rumors will appear on the Internet and attract public attention again.

But often due to incomplete information, rumors may change as they spread.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for the official release to be released.

With his thoughts stuck here, Li Houlin said: "This surprise should really be shared with everyone."

After speaking, he turned his attention to Xu Yun next to him and asked for Xu Yun's opinion on this matter.

"What do you think, Xu Yun?"

"I have no objection. I'm afraid everyone is waiting for this news." Xu Yun said lightly while maintaining a smile.

After settling the rest of the matter in this way, several people immediately left the conference room without lingering and began to work on the next matter.

Soon the weekend comes.

When members of the research team prepare for the next batch of clinical trials, the Academy of Engineering officially releases an announcement.

It was announced that the clinical trial of the project led by Xu Yun was a complete success.

Prove the effectiveness of the medicine.

After the notice was released on the well-known platform website, the official accounts of the Academy of Sciences and major universities forwarded comments one after another. It was somewhat shocking to open the comment area and see all the official accounts.

Coupled with reports from various media accounts, the series of information dumped down made netizens feel confused.

Don't know what happened.

It wasn't until I carefully read the announcement that I couldn't help but curse.

Completely shocked by this news.

I never expected that the recruitment of clinical trial participants has not been popular online for a long time. The trial has ended so quickly and very good data has been obtained. This efficiency only shows that the developed drugs can have the effect in a very short time. Obvious effect.

A lengthy reaction is not required.

In fact, news has spread through relatively small group chats in the past two days, and people who participated in clinical trials have come forward to give their own opinions, but the scope of the spread is relatively limited.

Now that the Academy of Engineering has officially issued an announcement, those participating in the clinical trial do not need to worry about anything.

With such obvious changes in my body, it can be said that I want to share this good news with those around me.

It’s uncomfortable to keep it in your heart all the time.

So it didn’t take long for everyone to see some people who participated in clinical trials appear in the comment area.

Some people even keenly seized the opportunity and directly chose to register an account on the platform to post videos to share the changes in their bodies after injecting cell active agents.

Everyone was originally surprised by this incident, seeing Xu Yun once again prove his talent and slap the faces of authoritative overseas experts.

Plus it’s a good thing for everyone, so attention is no problem.

However, as more and more people participating in clinical trials share their physical changes after receiving injections, many people have deep doubts about the trial results.

It feels too fake.

But you can't blame them, after all, no one has seen this before.

I just participated in a clinical trial project, and I am still a few years younger.

Whoever believes it is stupid!

In this case, the style of painting in the comment area gradually deviated, and there was a sense of déjà vu.

Many people participated in the debate.

"I remember that it seemed that the recruitment of clinical trial personnel was not long ago, but they were recruited for the research team of Xu Hospital. How come the first batch of clinical trials has ended so quickly? Could it be that the research results of Xu Hospital this time are already so powerful? Is it to this extent?”

"I read the news that it has been confirmed that it can increase cell activity and enhance human immunity. Does it mean that after injecting this injection, you will really not get cancer?"

"I knew that the project studied by Xu Institute would not fail, and now it seems that it is exactly what I thought."

"I was fortunate to participate in the first batch of clinical trials. I heard from Xu Yuan that this drug can not only prevent cancer, but also prevent other major diseases. It can be said to extend life."

"Damn it, he's so strong!"

"I have clearly felt physical changes in the past few days. I feel more energetic in the morning than before."

"It can indeed improve the body's immunity. This is definitely an important milestone breakthrough in the history of medical development."

"Could this be the strengthening potion in the movie? I have witnessed another movie become a reality."

"It's no exaggeration to say that I feel several years younger."

"It's true. Why do you sound so much like a charlatan? Your body can still be said to be young."

"Originally, I thought I could slap overseas people in the face again this time, but now I think it's getting more and more outrageous, and I don't know what the specific situation is anymore."

"How dare you call me a charlatan? Labor and management never tell lies, okay?"

In Qiu Bin's personal studio in Shenzhen City, Li Yao, a friend from the same ward whom he met while participating in a clinical trial, suddenly became angry when he saw some people replying to his comments on the screen.

As a decent programmer, he has very high moral requirements for himself.

I will never talk nonsense online.

He originally planned to go back to work after finishing the clinical trial, but he happened to be invited by Qiu Bin to co-produce a video, so he came over specifically to relax and travel for a few days.

After all, his hair has just stabilized and stopped falling out. It would be bad if he went back to work overtime immediately and was brought back to its original shape.

After shooting the video today, he had just played with the computer for a while when he saw the official announcement from the Academy of Engineering, officially announcing the results of the first batch of clinical trials. How could he not comment under such circumstances.

You know, after seeing his hair regain a new lease of life these days, he couldn't wait to let all his colleagues and friends know about it.

Because of certain regulations signed by participating in clinical trials, I had to keep these words in my heart for the time being.

That is to say, Qiu Bin, who happened to be attending the meeting, could share their experiences with each other. Otherwise, if we continue like this and wait until we return to work in the company, we will be driven crazy.

Now that the lockdown is finally lifted and I can share it with the outside world, I must tell netizens all about my changes.

He originally thought that everyone would be surprised and congratulate him on his new life, but that was not the case.

I don’t know who took the lead in questioning the content of his comments, which caused many people to have similar thoughts.

Said that what he said was outrageous.

Some people even went as far as personal attacks.

As an honest person, he was treated like this when he told the truth. Naturally, he was very angry.

If it weren't for Qiu Bin holding him by his side, he would have fought hundreds of rounds with these netizens to show them how powerful a programmer is.

"Don't get angry with them. The effect of the drug developed by Xu Hospital this time is really amazing. If we hadn't participated in the clinical trial and experienced it personally, I'm afraid we wouldn't believe it just by listening to other people's words."

"It just so happens that the video we shot is in post-production. It may have some effect."

Qiu Bin patiently tried to persuade Li Yao at this time, but he could only say that he couldn't laugh or cry at his experience.

As for the video he talked about, it was a record of the special experience of participating in the clinical trial, as well as the physical reactions of him and Li Yao after the injection of the medicine. It is undoubtedly more convincing than the actual recorded video with comments.

Originally, he planned to keep this video under wraps for the time being, but he didn't expect that the Academy of Engineering would announce the research results so soon.

In this way, there is no need to postpone the release of the video. It is better to pick a day and catch up on the topic.

After listening to Qiu Bin's words, Li Yao's mood gradually calmed down.

"Then send it quickly."

He urged in excitement.

After hearing this, Qiu Bin naturally didn't waste any time. He immediately went to bed and went to his own account to review and publish it.

As for Li Yao, he sat in front of the computer and refreshed it frequently, obviously wanting to see everyone's comments as soon as possible.

Compared with those in the comment section under the official account, Qiu Bin here is full of real fans, and has witnessed Xu Yun's strength from a very early stage, so he has always believed in Xu Yun's scientific research results.

After seeing that Qiu Bin actually signed up for the clinical trial, everyone expressed their surprise.

He was surprised to learn the effect of the potion.

When I finally saw the changes in Qiu Bin and Li Yao, my emotions were completely aroused.

I don’t know how many people regretted not signing up.

Some people even left messages directly wanting to buy at a high price a place to participate in clinical trials later.

It's just crazy.

But what is a bit surprising is that the most popular reason for getting this injection is to prevent hair loss.

"Grandma actually participated in a clinical trial. It's so strong."

"The effect is amazing. It can be clearly seen that the two people's mental state and skin have improved a lot in the next few days. Xu Shen's products are always high-quality products."

"I regret not signing up."

"We are purchasing places to participate in clinical trials at a high price. Welcome to chat privately."

"It can actually prevent hair loss. How can I get vaccinated? I want to get vaccinated as soon as possible."

"I'm going to get vaccinated for my hair too."

"It turns out these effects are real, Xu Yuan is awesome!"

"It seems that your fans are all smart people, but this is the first time I've seen anyone paying for a trial spot." Li Yao finished browsing the comment area and raised his eyes with satisfaction and half-joked to Qiu Bin.

Seeing that everyone believed what he said, his mood finally improved again.

Unfortunately, the places to participate in clinical trials are all selected by Deep Sea Intelligence, and they cannot be transferred unless they give up voluntarily. Therefore, it can only be said that it is a miscalculation to buy the places at a high price.

Although Qiu Bin paid more attention to the number of video views, seeing how everyone was so crazy about cell-activating drugs, he couldn't help but feel happy for the research team in charge of Xu Yun.

You can imagine what a spectacular scene it will be when the cell active agent is officially launched.

There is no doubt that a new era is being ushered in by Xu Yun himself.

"Compared with everyone's attitude at home, I am more curious about the external network. I wonder how those authoritative experts who have previously questioned Xu Yuan will feel when they see this news."

Qiu Bin did not respond to Li Yao's words, but turned around and murmured to himself expectantly.

At the same time, as the news spread to overseas and was reported by some media, everyone seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, not knowing how to deal with such a result.

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