In the roar of the clear sky, Xiaguang landed vertically on the tarmac against the backdrop of four blue plumes.

Under the support of the ground staff, two astronauts walked down the ramp to the spacecraft, waved to the reporter in the distance, then took the commuter and went to the infirmary for a simple inspection.

The 72 hour flight mission Perfection is over!

The success of this test flight is a textbook level.

It turns out that Lu Zhou’s conclusion is correct.

Although there is still a certain deviation from the theoretical data, the Xiaguang has a significant reduction in the loss of working fluid in the segment returning from the near-Earth orbit to the atmosphere.

Especially in the dense section of the atmosphere.

Not only that, because the speed of the spacecraft in the outer space has dropped to a lower level, the heat generation of the spacecraft in the return section has also dropped a lot, which indirectly reduces the maintenance cost of the Xiaguang.

With the success of this test flight mission, Xiaguang will officially serve in the Nanjing Space Launch Center, and together with Xiangrui, will bear the launching of the Earth’s monthly orbit.

At the same time, on the second day after Xiaguang completed the 72 hour cruise back to the surface, the auspicious number that executed the mission on the lunar orbit also landed on the runway of the Nanjing launch center.

When Nie Yun left the lunar orbit, the service time of the Moon Palace core cabin has reached two weeks. During this two-week observation period, the core cabin was in very good condition and there were no contingency plans that were considered for possible conditions.

Looking at the two astronauts Nie Yun and Nie Wei who walked down from the Xiangrui, the academician Yuan Huanmin, who stood in the command tower, was finally relaxed.

In the past three days, he and his several students and the engineers and technicians of the Hangke Group have stayed in the Nanjing Space Launch Center.

Now that the Moon Palace is on the right track, they can be a little more relaxed.

At the same time, the scenery alone is not just on the side of the Chinese side. The United States, which is far from the Pacific Ocean, is also in the ocean of joy.

Space-X’s BFSspaceship successfully left the Earth Moon system, carrying three astronauts to Mars, tens of millions of kilometers away.

This is the first time humans have left the Earth System.

It was also the first time humans had sent colonial pioneers to planets outside Earth.

Although it was taken away by the Chinese nation for the first time on the lunar orbital space station, NASA re-established its advantages in the technology of the distant planetary system. At the same time, NASA said in an interview with the media that the Ares plan will not crowd out the “Shenzhen Gate” program.

Not only that, but they also need to advance the “Deep Space Gate” space station, which was scheduled to start in 2022, to the second half of 2021. Launched by Space-X’s Dragon Spaceship, the “Deep Space Gate” core cabin designed by Atlanta Airlines was sent to the lunar orbit.

If you can do what your opponent can’t do, and do what they can, it’s the best proof of victory.

The United States seems to have once again become the light of mankind?

At least in the eyes of foreigners in China and North American conservatives…

Both the Moon Palace Project and the Ares Project have entered the Sham Shui Po District. Scientists and related practitioners in both countries have gone through every step of the way.

In this environment, it seems that every day, there are some good news that sounds good, and it seems that every day a new technology is born.

The contest between the two superpowers in the aerospace field has created an illusion of being placed in the future.

In fact, this is not entirely an illusion.

Under the stimulation of the space competition, a large amount of funds flowed into the research field. Major universities have opened related fields in outer space exploration and resource development, and related research topics have entered the green light lane of rapid approval… These changes are all seen. See you.

The dividends brought about by technological advances in the aerospace industry, along with other technological fields beyond aerospace, are also growing at an unimaginable rate.

The most obvious one is probably the medical industry.

In the second week of the BFR rocket carrying the BFE gold heartship to Mars, the Washington Post released another piece of news.

The dormant technology developed by Johnson & Johnson and the blue origin has made significant progress, successfully waking up the monkeys of the low-temperature freeze-sleeping 67 days!

Immediately after the news came out, it caused a huge response in the international community.

Although the monkey’s body tissues have different degrees of damage, and there is some dementia after waking up, this “resurrection ceremony” still triggered the eighth earthquake of the whole clinical medicine and biology academic circles!

Responsible for the project is the Grande Professor of Harvard University. “Nature” used the exaggerated description of “biology academically controlled nuclear fusion” to highlight this article. Breakthrough research.

In fact, although biology freezing sleep seems to sound sci-fi, there are no real examples in nature.

In the case of Siberian lynx, the livelihood in Yakutia’s cockroaches, after entering the harsh winter, will actively climb into the cracks of permafrost and stay in it for a long time.

As for how long this time is, the longest record in the literature is 90 years.

In theory, biology can jump through the harsh environment to achieve a time hopping from the past to the future. In many extreme environments, insects are more or less similar to Jinhuachu.

The problem, however, is how to make thermostated mammals do the same!

Researchers have found that when freezing and reviving animal cells, there is a distinctly dangerous temperature zone, the 0~-60°C interval.

A slight victory during this period will lead to permanent death of the biology.

How to get through the dangerous temperature zone and reach X-XXXC safely is the core difficulty of the whole technology.

The Granster Professor serving Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceuticals uses a frozen sustained release agent that is immersed in a special sustained release agent after anesthesia with the biology, and then the freezing procedure is initiated.

At present, the technology has been sponsored by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, especially the wealthy billionaires and the royal family of the Arab World, all of which have shown great interest in this technology!

Most of the sponsors said in an interview that they hope that the technology will send themselves to the distant future.

According to their view, in that distant era, perhaps human society has reached enough to eliminate most diseases, and achieved eternal life in the full sense, into a utopia in a radical sense.

At the same time, a member of the royal family from the desert said he would consider splitting his wealth into seven points before entering the dormant process, and handing it over to four different fund companies and three banks for management.

If the situation is optimistic, when he wakes up, he can still continue to be his richest man in the era of technological explosion.

Even after centuries of accumulation, he will be one of the richest people in this world…

If inflation is not particularly exaggerated.

Of course, although the rich and the superhumanists are generally optimistic about this technology, this technology has caused many concerns from self-residents and sociologists.

In particular, the well-known Nobel Prize in Economics, Angus Deton, said in an interview with the media that the technology is not as good as it was supposed to be. Frequent use of this technology is likely to increase the solidification of the hierarchy.

Everyone wants to have a better livelihood, but if everyone dreams of going to the future, no one will build the present.

Especially when these 3% people who dream of going to the future have the social resources and wealth of 90%7 in this world, the problems brought by this will not only be as simple as class solidification, but may even be global. The economy pushes the path of reverse growth, eventually bringing the global society to a dystopian ending…

The Angus Dyton Professor won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his research contribution to Consumer, Poverty and Welfare in 2015. He is a Master who is good at using economics tools to build economic models. He is currently at Princeton University. The Department of Economics is a lecturer, Professor, an outstanding micro-grapher.

His remarks may sound a bit alarmist, but because of the reputation of the Angus Dexon Professor in the academic field, it has attracted the attention of many people of insight.

North American natives, liberation organizations, even arranged a tour and activity at the entrance to the White House, calling for legislation to ban the study, just like banned humans…

Of course, the so-called protests may not have any substantive significance for the North American people who regard the demonstrations as ordinary people who eat and drink.

Especially when the entire upper class is eyeing the technology…

At the same time, Lu Zhou, who is far away from the Nanjing Institute of Advanced Studies, also saw the highlight of the Grande Professor from the latest issue of Nature.

When he saw the article in the end, he couldn’t help but whispered a sigh.

“When I saw relevant reports in the newspaper last time, Johnson & Johnson also said that the relevant technology is still in the technical demonstration stage. I didn’t expect it to be a few months. They even finished the clinical trials.”

Sitting on the sofa in the office, drinking tea, looking up towards Lu Zhou, Yang Xu smiled and said something.

“It seems that they are quite strict.”

“Yes, but now it seems that they are really necessary to do so, at least to avoid a lot of trouble,” put down the “Nature” in his hand, Lu Zhou pondered for a while, looked towards sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Yang Xu asked, “How to answer Hengrui Pharmaceutical?”

Yang Xu: “They are very interested in our proposal, and they agree that cryonics technology will be very promising in the near future… However, they also expressed doubts about the risks of the project.”

Lu Zhou smiled and asked: “They are worried that they can’t do it?”

Yang Xu shook his head. “That’s not it. Their fears come from the policy side.”

Lu Zhou frowned and asked: “Policy?”

“Yes,” put down the teacup in his hand, Yang Xu looked at Lu Zhou and continued. “Now the international attitude toward human cryoablation is still very embarrassing. Hey, not only academic debates, but also civil organizations are making fun of it. It is estimated that there is still a lot of trouble. Hengrui Pharmaceutical is worried that China will ban the research of such technologies because of diplomatic factors and international image.”

After hearing Yang Xu’s words, Lu Zhou smiled and shook his head.

“Is this a risk?”

Yang Xu made a helpless expression and said: “You may not know if you have not done this. After all… this kind of thing is not without precedent.”

“Then tell me for them, their fears are completely superfluous,” paused for a moment, Lu Zhou faintly laughed and continued, “As long as my eyes are still squatting, no one can stop me from studying anything.”

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