Nanjing Institute of Advanced Studies.

In a laboratory at the physics institute, it is now smog.

Sheng Xianfu, who smoked cigarettes one by one, bounced the ash, looked at the design sketch on the table that I didn’t know how many times I changed it, sighed and said: “You said this Lu Professor, how to suddenly study the Yang Mills equation Woke up?”

Sitting next to him, Li Changxia, who looked at the literature, shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Sheng Xianfu said with a look: “Why is this fusion battery still not working?”

At the beginning, he gave up the opportunity to go to the Southwest Institute of Physics as the director of the Institute to engage in the miniaturization of this controllable fusion with the Landing Professor. The result is now more than two months in the past, and the research topic is still not progressing at all.

It’s good now, let’s not say that it’s not progressing, and the academic leaders of the project have gone to other projects.

“……do not know.”

Sheng Xianfu couldn’t help but say: “I don’t know if you can say something else?”

Li Changxia Professor grabbed his hair and made a helpless expression: “In theory, if we can establish a unified relationship between strong interaction and electromagnetic action… it will be more beneficial for us to deepen our understanding of nuclear fusion conditions.” Let’s have some.”

When he said this, his tone was full of uncertainty.

After all, he is a roots of the engineering profession, and if he is confused, he will be more confused than Sheng Xian.

Sheng Xianfu gave him a look.

“And then? How does this theoretical result translate into real technology, and how long do you think it takes? And you think that even if we deepen our understanding of nuclear power, what can we do? Can we make this reactor unsuccessful?”

Li Changxia sighed said: “There is no other way right now.”

This time, Sheng Xianfu is not good at saying anything.

This sentence says the idea.

Even if they don’t do this, they will have no way at all.

In order to solve the problem of reactor heat dissipation, they have designed at least a dozen programs for this purpose. However, there is no one solution that can pass the technical feasibility test, even the best one, the reactor is melted after running 34 seconds.

“Perhaps the idea of ​​using high temperature to complete the ignition is wrong in itself,” Sheng Xianfu, who pondered for a while, suddenly said, “Maybe as you said, if you can use a way to reduce the temperature conditions of the fusion reaction, our Research may be simple.”

Playing the ash, Li Changxia Professor smiled and shook his head with a smile: “I feel that it is not feasible to make the controllable fusion smaller on the spacecraft.”

The silence probably lasted for a while.

Sheng Xianfu, who was thinking about the design sketches on the table, suddenly sighed and reached out and pressed the cigarette butts into the ashtray.

“I am going to find the Downland Professor.”

He said, he smashed the sketches on the table that didn’t know how many times, into a pocket, and then stood up from the chair, moving towards the lab and striding outside the lab…


When Sheng Xianfu arrived at National Quemoy University, Lu Zhou was giving classes to the students in the lecture hall.

Or a more accurate statement is about the lectures on quantum mechanics.

From the back door, quietly walked into the lecture hall, watching the crowds in the classroom, Sheng Xianfu’s heart could not help but feel.

When he was at the Fuyang Institute of Material Research, he also worked as a lecturer at the nearby University of Science and Technology. He only had theoretical classes in controlled fusion and plasma physics. He never sat in half of the ladder classroom.

Of course, this may also be because the controllable fusion was too cold at the time, and not many people chose his class…

Did not disturb Lu Zhou’s class, Sheng Xianfu found a space in the last row of the ladder classroom to sit down, and then listened to the lecture while waiting patiently for it to end.

When he walked into the classroom, the lecture seemed to have entered the second half.

In the interaction with student, I saw only one student raising a hand to ask questions.

“Professor, can you tell us about how to understand the Yang Mills equation from the perspective of mathematics?”

When this question was raised, I immediately got a lot of approvals.

It can be seen that for the students of the Institute, there are still many people interested in this theory.

“… At your current level, it is still too difficult to understand this equation,” asked the student nodded, Lu Zhou said with a smile. “If you are interested, consider sitting on the 5 month 20. I will go to the old campus and listen to it. I will explain this question in detail at the report.”

At this time, someone in the audience complained softly.

“But that admission is too difficult to apply.”

This is indeed a problem.

This international academic report, the threshold is not only for the reporter, but also for the participants.

Just heard the whispered complaint, Lu Zhou stood on the stage and thought for a while, then laughed.

“Then I will simply talk about it.”

Clearing the scorpion, the expression on Lu Zhou’s face was neat and said.

“To understand the Yang Mills equation from mathematics, we first need to know what it is.”

“In a nutshell, the non-Abelian symmetry group given by the Young Mills equation is a special gauge theory. In the classical sense, this theory is similar to Maxwell’s theory, which replaces the more general tight gauge group G. It is the Abel exchange group U (1)…”

It’s useless to talk about things on mathematics.

Lu Zhou picked up the chalk and wrote it on the blackboard behind him.

[If 0=dA?F, it can be derived from the Lagrangian operator of the passive Young Mills field: L=1/4g2・∫Tr(F’?F)……]


The proof of the Yang Mills equation is not for the undergraduate students.

Even the Princeton’s professors, if they want to understand his theory, have to start from thesis of the L manifold.

He is now on the blackboard, just some explanations about the Yang Mills equation itself.

At most, it is just a explanation of this proposition, and incorporates a little bit of your own ideas.

In this way, there are more and more calculations on the blackboard.

Lu Zhou, who gradually entered the state, wrote that it seemed that some of them could not stop, and the language of explanation was becoming less and less.

The students sitting in the lecture hall looked at the blackboard with a look of enthusiasm.

To say that you can barely understand it at the beginning, it has been deeply impressed by this profound theory.

Later, not only the students, but even some of the Institute Professors who came to the lectures, gradually felt the difficulty.

What is this guy writing?

The more you look down, the more they feel…

What Lu Zhou said is a bit different from their profession?

Is this guy really talking about the Yang Mills equation?

A lot of old Professors who were stunned at the blackboard and even began to doubt that life was up.

Sitting in the front row of the lecture hall, staring at the academician Lu Academician on the blackboard, his brow is tightly locked.

Suddenly, he sharply captured a line of keywords from the formula on the blackboard, and the pupil suddenly shrank.

“…the non-zero asymptotic constant of the vacuum state converts the normative group into U(1) subgroups!”

He is trying to explain the mass gap of strong interactions using the methods of mathestics!

For a moment, Academician Lu was filled with enthusiasm.

However, just as he looked at the blackboard with anticipation, looking forward to Lu Zhou’s ability to write the final step, Lu Zhou seemed to live up to his expectations.

I saw Lu Zhou, who was still in the last second, suddenly stopped the chalk in his hand, stepped back and looked at the calculations on the blackboard, and stood there and pondered for a long time.

It seems that it can’t be written anymore.

He scratched his head and threw away the chalk in his hand. He turned to look at the classroom and looked at the sturdy students. Some embarrassedly laughed.

“Not good means… just a little bit too far.”

Upon hearing this sentence, the physics professors, who were waiting for the final result with Academician Lu, almost didn’t have a blood spray.

Lying in the trough!

You counted half of it, but you finished the rest!

However, unlike most of the professors present here, Sheng Xianfu, who is sitting in the back row, is now brighter in the pupil.

Although he did not understand the contents of the lecture itself, he got unexpected surprises from him.

“As long as the distance between the core and the core is small enough…”

The mouth talked to himself, and the inspiration in the darkness passed away from his mind.

Although this may sound a bit crazy, he did think of a possible controlled fusion reactor model.

If it can be said in theory…

Not sure, they really have the means to liberate the energy in the nucleus in a new form under the reaction conditions of less than 100 million degrees of high temperature…

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