Higher mathematics research institute, time is 11:30 am.

At this point, Pierre Deligne is checking his mailbox and preparing to pick the thesis he is interested in from the manuscripts of the annuals of the mathematics and the chronicles of the mathematics, and review it during the rest time after lunch.

Roughly sweeping the line headline, but at this moment, he suddenly squatted.

“Even any number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers”

Goldbach Conjecture?

Eyes picked up, Pierre Deligne opened the mail and looked at the summary of thesis.

虽然《mathematics 年刊》存在双盲的审稿原则,但事实上对于已经小有名气的Scholar 来说,这条规则并不是很严格的被执行。

For example, some people who like to hang Arxiv before submitting a man will be reminded to pay attention to their peers in this field. Another example is the summary part of thesis, some grammar and details of the style of the word, it is easy to guess the identity of the contributor.

There is no doubt that this thesis is written by Lu Zhou. After all, he is not the first time to review him.

Looking down the body section, Pierre Deligne frowned slightly

Suddenly, he looked up and said to the doctoral student who was sitting not far away, “Smith, when I went to the restaurant, I brought a bacon sandwich back and coffee.”

The doctoral student named Smith stretched out and stood up and said, “Okay, Professor… I plan to eat in the office today?”

“Yes,” Pierre Deligne reached for the printer and took off his glasses from his pocket. “There is a very interesting thesis waiting for me.”


After five days, Lu Zhou didn’t hear any wind, just as his thesis was thrown into the water.

Until the sixth day, he suddenly received an unexpected call.

The caller is Qiu Chengtong.

After the connection, Qiu Lao only had one sentence.

“Do you prove it?!”

Upon hearing this hot question, Lu Zhou first squatted, then nodded said.

“If you are referring to Goldbach’s conjecture… I did prove it.”

After hearing Lu Zhou’s answer, the phone didn’t move for a while.

Because I was too surprised, Qiu Chengtong didn’t know what to say.

He has seen many talented freshman generation Chinese mathematics, such as Tao Zhexuan, who teaches at the University of California, such as Yunzhi, who is teaching at Yale University, such as Xu Chenyang… all have made outstanding research results in their respective fields.

However, Lu Zhou is undoubtedly the most dazzling one, and it is also the one that makes him the most surprised.

He only suggested that Lu Zhou moved towards the direction of Goldbach’s conjecture, and did not expect to be able to prove it with his ability.

After all, whether it is the sieve method or the round method, it has come to an end on this issue. Even if he has accumulated enough experience in the study of prime numbers, it is impossible to solve this conjecture in a short time.

However, Lu Zhou’s performance was completely beyond his expectations…

Deeply calling took a deep breath, Qiu Chengtong asked seriously: “How confident are you?”

Lu Zhou thought about it and replied: “90% or more.”

In fact, what he wants to say is 10%. After all, even the system has approved his steps. However, it is better to be a little low-key. Who knows how the reviewer will ask questions? It is right that he has a 10% grasp, but he can certainly be recognized without a 10% grasp.

I heard Lu Zhou’s answer, Qiu old mister nodded.

His research focuses on partial differential equations and differential geometry, and even on mathematics physics, but it does not include the field of analytical number theory, so it is impossible to evaluate Lu Zhou’s thesis from an academic perspective.

But if Lu Zhou can say that there is 90% in a positive tone, it must be a matter of modification.

After a moment of pause, Qiu Lao mister said: “Since the death of Hua Luogeng’s old mister, the Hualuo Geng school was suppressed by two hills, and even the entire Chinese theory circle was also devastated. To be honest, I was surprised, I did not expect you to take the brother. Debach’s conjecture is to prove it. I was thinking about it. Studying Goldbach’s conjecture will definitely help you to deepen your understanding of prime numbers. Even if you can’t solve this problem, what you’ve learned from it will make you more productive in the future… Come, I am taking you down.”

The Hualuo Geng School is an internationally renowned “Chinese analytic number theory school”, which is also known as the Shuimu school.

As for the two mountains that Qiu Lao Mister said, although they did not clearly point out which two, but I think of Qiu Lao mister and Yanda’s grudges and many accusations of the domestic mathematics hills, Lu Zhou probably can guess.

不过这些东西他并不想参合进去,所以只是laughed ,没有接话。

After a pause, Qiu Lao Mister smiled and asked: “When I graduated, is there any interest in coming to Shuimu as a Professor?”

Lu Zhou thought about it and smiled and replied: “I will probably be a professor in Princeton for two years. As for returning home, I have already promised the academician and returned to my alma mater to teach.”

When I heard Lu Zhou say this, Qiu Chengtong did not say anything, but nodded said: “That, you are at National Quemoy University. The most taboo thing to do is to be a big one. Let the academics bloom everywhere, and then there will be collision and sublimation of thinking. National Quemoy University is a good place, not far from the academic circle, you are willing to learn there.”

Going to Shuimu is to stand on the opposite side of the Yan School, and Qiu Lao Mister seems to be aware of this.

如果Lu Zhou 只是一般出色的Scholar ,他肯定会不啬代价邀请他来水木,重新振兴水木学派,和国内几个山头分庭抗礼。

But the talent that Lu Zhou showed, but it has already reached the point where Qiu Lao Mister couldn’t bear to watch him waste his academics.

At least during the period from 20 to 40, his talent should belong to academics, not academic circles.

After talking a few words, the two ended the conversation.

However, just as he was going to have dinner, the phone suddenly rang again.

这次打电话过来的倒不是别人,正是他的导师Professor Pierre Deligne ……


因为Professor Pierre Deligne 的电话,Lu Zhou 来到了高等研究院。

Since he took the leave, he has not stepped in here for more than two months, so that he almost lost his way when he entered the side door.

After finally touching the office, Lu Zhou knocked open the door.

看着走进办公室的student ,Professor Pierre Deligne 摘下了鼻梁上的眼镜,揉了揉眉心。

“Your thesis I have already seen… But to be honest, Goldbach’s conjecture is beyond my field of research, and this major mathematical conjecture, even my own opinion can’t decide anything, let alone me. It is your mentor.”

对于Professor Pierre Deligne 的话,Lu Zhou 表示理解。

哥德巴赫猜想毕竟不是Twin Prime Number Conjecture 或者Polignac conjecture ,哪怕它的重要性比不上怀尔斯的费马大定理,它的难度本身便值得整个数论界乃至mathematics 界认真对待。

When he submitted the “mathematics annual”, he did not specify an academic editor. The technical editor of the “mathematics annual” published thesis directly to Pierre Deligne, presumably also undecided about this thesis.

Lu Zhou went straight to the question and asked, “What do you need me to do?”

Pierre Deligne: “I will arrange a one-hour report at the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies. What you need to do is prepare a PPT and a speech. If you can’t pay attention, I can send someone to help you. In addition, I need you to provide me with a timetable to tell me when you are free.”

Lu Zhou wondered: “My time is not a problem, just… have there been a recent academic conference arrangement?”

He has always been concerned about the progress of the academic conference. If he remembers correctly, there is no heavyweight meeting arrangement for the entire 5 month.

“没有,但没有也无所谓,”停顿了片刻,Professor Pierre Deligne 继续说道,“你的研究成果,已经足够其它Scholar 专程往普林斯顿跑一趟。”

Professor Pierre Deligne 话里的意思言简意赅。

There is no arrangement for academic conferences, and one is scheduled.

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