France, Saint-Paul-d'Orientes, light rain is falling in the sky.

This southern town, which is usually undisturbed by the outside world, is gathering sight from all over the world at this moment.

Soon, the closed-term meeting of the ITER Council at the end of the month will be held at ITER headquarters.

At this meeting, the United States will issue a final inquiry on whether the Chinese side will implement the ITER contract technology sharing agreement.

If the meeting still fails to reach a satisfactory result for many parties, the ITER Council will initiate a vote at the meeting and ultimately decide whether China will stay in the organization.

In the past month or so, many speculations have been made about the choice of the Chinese representative.

However no matter what kind of speculation, it seems that they are not optimistic about the two sides reaching a consensus on this issue.

Today, the rainy weather seems to herald the meeting from the beginning, and it is not destined to go smoothly to the end.

Sitting at the meeting table of Chinese representatives, Deputy Director Hu Zhanyuan, who was fully responsible for the meeting, was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see the table below.

At nine thirty.

There are thirty minutes left for the meeting.

Not far away, Adam Cohen, the US representative, is exchanging views happily with the EU representative, and from time to time he turns his eyes to this side.

Obviously, they have reached consensus outside the meeting.

The expression on his face was still that cloud and light, but in his heart he sighed silently.

Can be dragged to the present ...

He has done his best.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the chairman of ITER announced the start of the meeting and the agenda for today's meeting.

In addition to whether China has fulfilled the ITER agreement, specific details on the technical route changes of giant controllable fusion devices will be discussed at the meeting.

That is, each component is constructed in each country in a giant tokamak installation.

While the chairman finished reading the agenda of the meeting, the representative of the United States Adam Cohen took the lead in speaking.

"With regard to the principle of sharing controllable fusion technology in the ITER agreement, we will reiterate our position here again."

"We believe that while the Chinese side has accepted ITER technology, it has not fulfilled its international obligations in the ITER organization."

"We have debated this issue long enough, and today is probably our last meeting to discuss this issue. If you continue to refuse to fulfill this obligation, we will apply to the council for the withdrawal of Chinese personnel from ITER. Initiate an arbitration vote ... "

The moment Cohen's words fell, a commotion sounded in the conference room.

Although most people had already guessed this scene before, the participants present did not expect that the representative of the United States would show the intention of the threat so ineffective at the beginning of the issue.

If you don't accept it, then I will vote to kick you out.

It seems that there does not appear to be any room for negotiation among the Chinese representatives.

The director-general, Mr. Honma, sitting at the meeting seat, said solemnly, thoughtfully.

"It seems my previous inferences are still wrong."

The Japanese representative sitting next to Ishida Kei looked slightly, "What's the guess?"

"I have always thought that the United States hopes to pressure China through intellectual property issues, forcing them to disclose a series of undisclosed technologies including superconducting magnets, plasma control schemes and so on. I just want the Chinese to go out. "

Ishida Qing frowned: "But what good is it for Americans?"

Nakajima took a look at him and said solemnly: "Ishida Jun, the so-called benefits are not necessarily what is gained, but also what the opponent can't get."

"Is it……"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Ishida's face.

There seems to be nothing wrong with that ...

But will it be so smooth? Just kicking Hua Guo out of the way will make them lag behind the world in research on controllable fusion.

He always felt that it was not so simple ...

After all, he has heard that the chief designer of Huaguo's stellar project, but the land boat that has created countless wonders ...

Listening to the voices in the ears, Hu Zhanyuan sitting on the conference table with his arms folded, responded blankly to Adam Cohen's aggressive gaze.

When the ITER conference organizer signaled that he could start speaking, he reached for the microphone.

However, at this moment, the satellite phone in his pocket shook very untimely.

Feeling the vibration in his pocket, Hu Zhanyuan frowned slightly, but without any hesitation, reached out and took out the phone.

After all, there were only a few people who could call him at this time ...


"..." The listener's narration on the other side of the phone silently heard the words, and Hu Zhanyuan's eyebrows suddenly jumped.

Taking a deep breath, he whispered.

"……okay, I get it."

The other representative sitting next to him glanced sideways.

Although it is only a two-sentence exchange, I always feel that the tone of Director Hu's tone is completely different.

Waiting patiently for the call to end, Adam Cohen looked playfully at Hu Zhanyuan, who put the phone down.

"Do you have any more to say?"

Pushing the hung up phone back into the suit's inner pocket, Hu Zhanyuan gave him an expressionless look.

When he saw his winning face expression, Hu Zhanyuan suddenly didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Seeing the uncontrollable smile on the Chinese representative's face, Cohen frowned slightly, and frowned slightly.

Helms, who was sitting in the US delegation, also frowned, not understanding why the Chinese could still laugh.

"It's rude," cleared his throat, and Hu Zhanyuan converged on the slightly disrespectful smile, holding the table with both hands, and slowly stood up. "The old Chinese saying goes, to add to the crime, nothing is wrong. We, There is nothing to say ... "

Unexpected answer, but Cohen was not surprised.

Originally in his expectation, the Chinese representative might still make some excuses for this issue, and he would fight back one by one, but no matter how fierce the dispute, the final result will not change.

After clearing his throat, when Cohen was about to enter the next process, Hu Zhanyuan, who had not sat down, continued to speak when he started to vote, blocking his sentence if he had crawled to his mouth.

"... Beginning a month ago, we have disclosed the necessary data in an open and responsible manner in accordance with the ITER agreement. However, your unreasonable demands on this issue and its unreasonable performance have disappointed us. downright."

"Under the conditions of equality and mutual trust, we have the willingness to open and cooperate. However, no matter how many times we ask for unreasonable requirements, our answer is still rejection."

"That being the case, we will not waste your time."

Having said that, Hu Zhanyuan managed his own collar, exchanged a few glances with several other Chinese representatives, and then re-faced the venue and said unhurriedly.

"I announced on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"From now on, Hua Guo officially withdraws from the ITER agreement!"

With the sound of that slamming, the whole venue was silent and terrible.

Looking around the venue, Hu Zhanyuan's gaze finally stopped on Adam Cohen's face, saying meaningfully.

"This time, leave it up to you."


After all, he packed the things on the table and turned to the door of the conference room.

Looking at the representatives of the Chinese side who all got up and left the scene, the chairman of ITER had a miserly expression, and wanted to say something but didn't know what to say ~ ~ Same is the case with Adam Cohen, the whole person was stunned Once there, only three question marks could tell the look on his face at this moment.

Originally, according to the process, they should invite the Chinese representatives from the meeting site by voting, but did not expect that the voting session had not yet arrived, but they left by themselves.

The commotion spread in the conference room.

Not only the chairman and the US representative, almost everyone's face was filled with the wrong expression.

Looking at the empty seat, somehow, Helms, sitting in the US delegation, was inexplicably panicked.

He should be happy right now.

After all, kicking China out of the ITER organization is exactly what the White House and the CIA expected, and he expected it.

Is it ...

Hua Guo has completed the key technology of controlled fusion?

Suddenly, a terrible possibility came to mind, but soon he shook his head and drove the unrealistic thought away from his mind.

No, this is impossible ...

Anyway, this is too fast.

At the same time, watching the chaotic meeting scene, the meeting secretary sitting next to the chairman of ITER lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Chairman ... Will this continue?"

The chairman was silent for a while, and spoke.

"... begin the next agenda."

In any case, there is still work to be done.

In the next agenda, they will also discuss the issue of giant controllable fusion devices.

In theory, this is a more exciting issue.

But I don't know why, but he couldn't get excited at the moment ...

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