Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 271: MRS Autumn Party!

On the fourth week of November, the day after Black Friday, the M Autumn Meeting will be held as scheduled.

Because he was invited to participate in the conference, Lu Zhou was also treated as a VIP. After getting off the plane, he took a shuttle bus and arrived at the five-star hotel arranged by the organizer.

Generally speaking, the duration of the M meeting is at least one week, and occasionally it will be dragged to the tenth day.

As for this time, the situation is a little different.

As the lithium dendrite problem is properly solved, during this time, the number of papers related to the concept of lithium batteries has shown a blowout growth. Even the number of papers related to new energy sources, including photovoltaic materials, has increased to varying degrees.

Many research institutes that have done reports in the Spring Festival have even changed things that have been previously reported, and rushed out a paper to apply for an oral report, so that the organizer had to extend the meeting time to 12 days.

As for Lu Zhou's briefing, it was scheduled for the next morning.

When he first arrived in Boston, he had no special arrangements today, so he planned to move around here. By the way, listen to a few lectures and get familiar with the style of reporting here.

Putting the carry-on luggage by the bed, Lu Zhou went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then went downstairs to the conference center near the hotel.

Even though I have participated in many report meetings, I can't help feeling the feeling of Lu Zhou who really saw the M Autumn Meeting.

In terms of scale, the M conference is too large, and it is not on the order of magnitude with the conferences in the mathematical world.

Dozens of venues, hundreds of topics, and thousands or even tens of thousands of conference participants.

At this time of the year, hotels and guesthouses near the venue are extremely popular. Because most people attend the conference at their own expense, or even just come here for a fun, it is obviously impossible for this part of the organizer to take charge of accommodation.

Formally, the mode of the M conference is not much different from the academic conference held by the Federal Mathematical Society in Princeton.

Each venue is divided into two parts: oral presentation and poster presentation.

The former is generally done by Daniel, and there are many high-quality papers and reports. This part is not only the essence of the report, but also the "battlefield" of powerful schools such as MIT, Harvard, and Cornell.

Especially when it comes to some hot and cutting-edge areas, discussions are usually extraordinarily "furious", even if there is a physical conflict, don't be surprised.

As for the latter, the threshold is relatively low. As long as the papers submitted to the conference pass, even if the opportunity of oral presentation is not available, a poster booth for the corresponding topic is usually available.

However, it is precisely for this reason that this relatively mixed fish and dragon, a calf with high level but lack of opportunity, also has the legendary "PPT entrepreneur". It may be because the attention is not high here, everyone is more enthusiastic when discussing issues, but in general it is restrained.

I walked around the boat in the center of the venue and looked around. It was found that everyone's behavior was friendly at the moment. They walked together in pairs, some took pictures, some talked and laughed ...

In short, it is not as exaggerated as Professor Chirick has described.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou was relieved.

When he first got off the plane, he was still hesitant to buy a handy guy to defend himself, but now it seems that his consideration is simply superfluous.

But to be on the safe side, he still carried the "watch" that the system rewarded.

Even high probability is not needed.


After wandering around in the poster display area, Lu Zhou just walked to the venue of the lithium battery theme.

As he passed the first lecture hall, a report was underway.

Looking at the academic poster posted at the door, he found that the content above turned out to be the legendary lithium-air battery, and a look of interest suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing that the lecture didn't seem to have started for a long time, the professor on the stage was still preparing the PPT, and Lu Zhou entered the lecture hall from the back door and found a place in the back row to sit down and prepare to listen.

Strictly speaking, a series of lithium battery concepts including lithium-air batteries cannot actually be considered as a topic in the field of materials.

But just like the photovoltaic concept, when the main problems faced by a large proposition are all about materials, it naturally becomes a proposition of materials science, even if it looks more like a new energy problem.

Soon, the report will begin.

Standing on the rostrum was a well-groomed professor, about fifty years old.

Look at the text on the cover of the PPT. His name is Salot, from Cornell University.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to stand here. As everyone knows, Professor Lu Zhou from Princeton University recently published a paper on modified PDMS film materials published in" Natural Chemistry ", which defeated lithium batteries The most critical problem in technology! "

"If it was a spring party half a year ago, you might have scoffed at the concept of lithium-air batteries. But now, we must admit that a new era has come!"

Standing on the stage, Professor Sarote's eyebrows fluttered. Within a short while, the white board next to it was filled with various chemical reactions and various seemingly reliable data.

Some people listen attentively, but some people scoff.

Sitting in the back row of the conference hall, Professor Creel of Columbia University held his arms, and could not bear the question, but he couldn't help it, saying in an ironic tone.

"How do you solve the reaction between the lithium anode and nitrogen in the air? And water vapor? Even the cleaners in our laboratory know how lively lithium is. IMHO, in my opinion, you are not making batteries, It's a rocket. "

He does lithium-sulfur batteries, and lithium-sulfur batteries are also the mainstream of today's lithium battery research. Although there are many black spots in lithium-sulfur batteries, they look at least more reliable than lithium batteries.

Many people laughed at the venue, but Salot didn't care.

I saw him clear his throat and continued.

"Professor Creel asks a good question, and our intern in our lab often asks it, but formal researchers usually don't ask it that way. Because we think about how to solve the problem, not just like a layman all day. Know the fuss. "

Hearing the irony in the words, the person who was smiling didn't smile anymore.

Someone who didn't laugh, laughed out loud.

Because I watched it.

Without giving Chancellor a chance to refute, Professor Sarrot gave him a provocative look and continued.

"We all know that Mr. Krel is engaged in lithium-sulfur batteries, but to be honest, I am also curious how he intends to solve the shuttle effect caused by the dissolution of polysulfide intermediates into the electrolyte and diffusion from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through the separator "Under normal circumstances, even a mentally retarded person knows that they cannot stick positive and negative electrodes together."

Crelton was furious and was about to start.

Sarote turned around and continued.

"I have talked with Professor Lu Zhou of Princeton on this issue. In theory, it is not practical to separate pure oxygen from the air, but through a wonderful mathematical model, we can infer many potential products, which can help The likelihood that we will reach our goal. "

After a pause, Sarote continued in a inflammatory tone.

"I mean, if we can find a separator that can selectively screen the passage of oxygen molecules, the problems facing lithium-air batteries can be solved perfectly."

"And this issue is exactly what we are working on!"

Lu Zhou :? ? ?

When did I talk to him? !!

With Professor Salot's voice falling, no one spoke at the venue.

Many professors, including Professor Krel, are engaged in research in other directions, with a thoughtful, even solemn look on their faces.

Several men in suits sitting in the back row exchanged opinions in a whisper.

From the point of view, these people are not much like researchers, and from their conversation, Lu Zhou heard the keywords of "investment", "cost" and "feasibility" faintly.

At this point, he knew that he could not remain silent.

Someone holds their knowledge to pretend to be no problem.

But some people use their own banner to cheat funds. This can't be tolerated!

Coughing gently, Lu Zhou stood up.

Seeing this standing up, Professor Salot frowned as he did not recognize who the Asian was.

"Sir, are you ..."

"I am Lu Zhou," Lu Zhou coughed softly. "I can testify, I have not said that."

He hasn't finished talking yet.

A shoe flew to the report desk from the back row.

Followed by a gel pen and a water glass from the organizer, all of them were thrown up, and the whole lecture hall was in a mess.

"Liar, get out!"

"Take your PPT back!"

Before Lu Zhou stood up, they were almost stunned by the so-called "mathematical model" mentioned by Professor Salot ~ ~ Suspicious of life for half a minute.

It is also because of these half-minute doubts that they are particularly annoyed and feel that they have been fooled!

Although it was a little embarrassing for Professor Sarote who was attacked by the group, he was obviously a man who had seen the world. I saw him swiftly avoiding the thrown thing, guarding his face with the stack of speeches in his hands, and quickly slipped out of the lecture hall.

The organizer staff who arrived in time to hear the news quickly stopped this group of angry researchers.

From the helpless expressions of these staff members, it is obviously not the first time to cope with this situation.

Sitting at the back of the lecture hall, Lu Zhou couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he saw the riot from beginning to end.

The style of the industry ...

Is it so sturdy?

Speaking of which, it is time for him to take office tomorrow.

Lu Zhou suddenly felt that he was panicking now ...

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