"I'm sorry, sister Jennie. Something happened to me in a few days. I will certainly rush to finish the manuscript that I owe you day and night as soon as possible. Calm down, calm down. Watch out for wrinkles. " Press the send button and get off the line in a hurry.

When there is nothing to do now, simply pick up the drawing paper and start painting.

She has worked out the outline of this story, but she is not so satisfied with the setting of the male master.

All of a sudden, Huangfu Yuyang's delicate face and elegant breath leaped into his mind, and his pen quickly drew on the drawing board.

In a few minutes, a cartoon version of Huangfu Yuyang appeared on the paper. Standing under a pear tree, with one hand in his pocket, a gentle smile on his lips. He coagulated in front, as if to her affectionate.

Su Leyao was startled and quickly tore it off and kneaded it into a ball. Instinctively will throw into the garbage can, hand high, but inexplicable.

Spread it out and watch.

Wu Tong asked: "Huangfu Yuyang, what kind of person are you? If it's true that it's abnormal and cruel, how can it be spread on the Internet? "

I used to die every day, but I was too lazy to move. I had to be chased by people to urge me to write.

I haven't moved for a few days, but my hands are itchy. Think like a spring, can't stop.

When she finished a chapter, it was already 12 o'clock in the morning.

The protest forced her to go downstairs to find food. There was so much space that she almost lost her way and found the kitchen.

The refrigerator is full of food. The only pity is that she can't cook it.

Turn the refrigerator upside down and there is not even a bag of instant noodles!

"Hungry?" Suddenly a voice rang out, scared Su Leyao covered his heart, almost didn't scream.

Turning around, Huangfu Yuyang, who was dressed in leisurely clothes, was several years younger, less rigid and more friendly. He has a good figure. He is the kind who looks thin in clothes and has meat in clothes.

"Ah..." Su Leyao finally couldn't hold back and screamed: "you, you, you can stand!"

Huangfu Yuyang had no embarrassment of being exposed. He walked from the shadow to the light: "I can walk with crutches, but the wheelchair is more convenient."

Seeing the crutches on both sides of Huangfu Yuyang, Su Leyao's heart relaxed.

"I'm sorry." She apologized for her fuss.

"It doesn't matter." Huangfu Yuyang Dafang, which makes Su Leyao more guilty.

"What do you want? I'll take it for you. " As soon as the words came out, she regretted it again. The general disabled people are very taboo others to point out his defects, she really does not open which pot to mention which pot.

Head down a little bit: "I'm sorry."

"We haven't known each other for a long time. You can get to know each other slowly." Don't give Su Leyao time to think deeply: "aunt Cai said you didn't have dinner, are you hungry?"

"Gululu..." The cry of shame for Su Leyao made an answer, let her hate can't find a hole to drill in.

What's the hell's belly doing at this time?

In the middle of the night, she wanted to find an excuse to escape. Now it's all right.

"What would you like to eat?" I don't know whether it's the night or not. Su Leyao thinks that Huangfu Yuyang is very different at this moment.

He was gentle, just like the big brother next door, without any cruelty or even hostility in the Internet reports.

"Ah, I'm looking for a glass of milk. Ha ha... " Open your mouth. She must be laughing like a fool. But she really didn't know how to face such Huangfu Yuyang,

"I want to cook a bowl of noodles, do you want to eat it?" Like not seeing Su Leyao's embarrassment, Huangfu Yuyang leans on crutches and opens the refrigerator. Familiar, opened the third drawer, took out a packet of noodles, conveniently took two eggs and a tomato.

Su Leyao wanted to help, but he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem.

What's more, she doesn't know anything about it except instant noodles, the fast food of lazy planet.

The kitchen in her home is just a decoration, and the stove is covered with dust.

Su Leyao falls into a delusion, and a smell of food brings her back to reality.

Huangfu Yuyang's insipid but gentle voice said, "go and get two bowls."

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