On the morning of the second day, Ren Yaoqi was reading in the study of Xikuayuan, and Ren Yaohua's maid Xiangqin asked to see him.

Because Ren Shimin's study prohibits the maid from entering the house casually, Ren Yaoqi went out to see her.

"Miss Fifth, the little brother named Yuan just came to see you, but the wife sent Mother Zhou to see him. Seeing that he was only here to bring you insoles for Miss Zhu, she picked up things for you. I sent it." Xiangqin approached and whispered in Ren Yaoqi's ear.

Ren Yaoqi was startled and asked hurriedly, "Where is the other person? Has he gone? How long has it been?"

Parsley nodded and shook his head: "The slave-maid just happened to go out to do errands, and met him in the outer courtyard when he came back. He recognized the slave-maid and thought it was the maid beside you, so he stopped the slave-maid and asked the slave-maid to tell you. The slave-maid told you. If he has something to report, he will send a woman in. A man in his outer courtyard always asks the lady in the inner courtyard to make his wife displeased. He said to find his wife to come in and reply to you."

Ren Yaoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Xiangqin: "Good girl, thank you very much."

Parsley grinned and revealed two dimples: "The slave and maid will go back first, and the third lady will find the slave and maid later."

Ren Yaoqi nodded and let her go.

After thinking for a while, he immediately called her maid, Apple, to come over, and told her: "Go and guard near the second gate. If you see Sister Yuan, bring her to see me."

Apple answered hurriedly.

Ren Yaoqi was thinking about the news from Yuan Dayong, so he cleaned up the study and returned to his West Wing.

In the inner room, Mother Xu was cleaning the cage with Sydney and mulberries.

When Ren Yaoqi went in, I heard Mother Xu say: "Miss Fifth's clothes are rarely popular."

Mulberry said: "The third lady likes to wear red. Our lady rarely wears red. But our lady looks good in everything."

Mother Xu said: "The fifth lady has a fair complexion, she really looks good in everything she wears."

Mother Xu is a newcomer, and it is normal to want to know the master's preferences. Ren Yaoqi only paused for a moment before entering the house.

Mother Xu and two maids hurriedly bowed their knees.

Ren Yaoqi nodded and said, "I have some things left in the storeroom of the Dongkua Yard. If Mother Xu is free, she will also deal with them. There will be some information when changing the decoration in the room. With Mother Zhou, you can just tell her when the time comes."

Madam Xu hurriedly said, "Miss, is this going to come back to rest? The maidservant should wait until later and then count the things in the house? The maidservant will go to Madam Zhou for the booklet."

Ren Yaoqi smiled and said, "That's good, you go."

Mother Xu took Sydney and mulberry to bow and retired. Before going out, she softly ordered the two little maids to stay outside and wait.

Ren Yaoqi took a book of travel notes in hand, and sat down under the south window to read it, while waiting for Apple to bring Sister Yuan in.

After waiting a long time, Apple finally came back.

"Miss, the maidservant brought Sister Yuan, she is waiting outside, do you want to see her now?"

Ren Yaoqi slowly sat up and straightened up: "Let her come in, you go outside and guard, if anyone comes, no matter who it is, remember to report early."

Apple nodded solemnly: "The servant girl knows, you can rest assured, Miss."

Soon Apple brought Sister Yuan in, and walked out gently.

Sister-in-law Yuan saluted and wiped the sweat from her forehead. It must be a bit anxious just now.

"Miss Five, you have been waiting for a long time."

Ren Yaoqi said apologetically: "I am bothering you."

Sister-in-law Yuan smiled and said, "The servant girl knows that it is Miss Fifth, you are kind, otherwise you won't care about these things.

Ren Yaoqi shook his head and didn't say anything. He just asked directly: "Has Yuan Dayong gone to Baiyun Temple to find Zhu Ruomei?"

Sister Yuan sighed softly and shook her head: "No."

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but frown. Could it be that she guessed wrong? Does the poem imply Bailong Temple?

Sister-in-law Yuan continued: "Dayong said that he searched inside and outside the Bailong Temple, and found nothing wrong. But when he was about to leave, someone threw a note on it. At his feet."

Speaking, Sister-in-law Yuan took out from her sleeve a strip of paper that was similar to the thing Yuan Dayong showed her last time, tied with a dark brown hair band.

Sister-in-law Yuan was afraid that the thing was not clean, so she took the initiative to help Ren Yaoqi unpack it and put it on the Kang table in front of Ren Yaoqi.

Sure enough, it was the same handwriting as the last time, still written in neat regular script, but this time there is only one word on the paper: "哓"

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but smile wryly, this person is still endless! Are you addicted to guessing?

Seeing Ren Yaoqi's helpless expression, Sister Yuan could not help but read the word up and down, and curiously said: "Dayong took a look at the note when he picked it up, but he didn't know the word'哓' What it means is that I can only take it back for Miss Wu to see. Dayong said that the'White Dragon Fish Clothes' you guessed last time should be correct, and you might be able to guess it this time."

Yes, it is indeed not difficult for her to guess the answer, but it is a bit difficult for her not to do what the man said.

Ren Yaoqi was silent for a moment, and sighed: "I see, Yuan Sister-in-law will go back first. I will be handing you news later.

Seeing Ren Yaoqi saying this, Sister Yuan didn’t know if she guessed it or didn’t, but she was hard to ask, so she could only stand up and salute: "The slave and maid will go out first. If the lady has any instructions, she will send someone. Talk to the head of my house in the outer courtyard."

Ren Yaoqi nodded and brought the tea to make Yuan's sister-in-law retreat.

Only Yuan’s sister-in-law walked to the door, and Ren Yaoqi heard Apple’s voice outside: "What are you doing? The lady said you don’t want anyone to wait."

"Have you ever taught you? The guests come to serve tea. I just go in to deliver tea, and I will come out soon. What are you talking about?" This is Qingmei's voice.

Sister-in-law Yuan is not standing at the door to go out, nor is it to come in.

Ren Yaoqi frowned slightly.

At this time, another voice lowered his voice and reprimanded: "What are you arguing about here? What can I do if I disturb the young lady?" Mother Xu came back.

Ren Yaoqi waved his hand to Yuan's sister-in-law to indicate that she didn't need to care, and Yuan's sister-in-law opened the door with a squeak.

The voice outside suddenly stopped.

Sister-in-law Yuan greeted them and left.

Not long after, Mother Xu came in with Apple and Qingmei. Seeing Ren Yaoqi sitting on the kang reading a book, Mother Xu rushed to accuse him: "The fifth lady atonement is because the slaves and maids are not strictly disciplined and disturbed. Miss."

Ren Yaoqi raised his head and glanced at Qingmei lightly: "What should I do?"

"Miss, the maidservant is only here for tea..." Qingmei heard Ren Yaoqi's displeasure in her tone, bit her lip to argue, but when she raised her head to meet Ren Yaoqi's eyes, she was so scared that she immediately turned her head again. Go down and dare not say anything.

Mother Xu was also taken aback by the flash of light in Ren Yaoqi's eyes, she lowered her head and stood with her hands down.

The last time Ren Yaoqi was in the main room, a joke changed her and Grandma Gao. She thought that Ren Yaoqi was a spoiled and self-willed child.

But after waiting for a day with Ren Yaoqi, she found that this fifth lady did not have the slightest bit of coquettish habits. Treating people and things is very gentle and polite. Except for the maid sent by the aunt Qingmei, the others all say that Ren Yaoqi is a good master with good temper and good service.

But the look in Ren Yaoqi's eyes just now...Although it is not ferocious, it can even be said that it doesn't show too much mood, it makes her, an adult woman who has experienced a lot of experience, a little embarrassed.

Mother Xu couldn't help but remind herself secretly that she must be more prudent and strict in her actions in the future.

Apple and Qingmei both stepped out, and Mother Xu poured a cup of tea for Ren Yaoqi and put it on the small table in front of Ren Yaoqi.

"Grandma has something to say?" Ren Yaoqi turned a page without looking up, and said casually.

Mother Xu thought for a while: "Miss, isn't this young plum girl suitable for staying with you?"

When Ren Yaoqi heard this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Mother Xu, with a gentle smile in her eyes: "What does Mother Xu mean?"

Madam Xu didn’t know why, but she felt a little cautious. She calmed down and said: “Although the servant girl has only come to the Ziwei Academy for one day, I shouldn’t have said this. But since the servant girl is the maid in charge of the house, she should discipline her The maid beside the young lady is the slave's job. The slave's mind when looking at this green plum does not seem to be in the crape myrtle courtyard? If you keep it again, I'm afraid something will happen someday."

Only one day later, I figured out the details of the maids... This mother Xu is indeed not a mediocre person. Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but smile.

"What should the mother see?" Ren Yaoqi asked with a smile, "Speaking of which Qingmei and Xueli were given to me when my aunt took over the Ziwei courtyard, besides them there are several other maids. But that I was dissatisfied with a few of them, and they have already been sent away by Mother Zhou. It’s just that if they were dismissed, they would be a little unkind, so I left two. Speaking of Sydney’s safe work, it’s still a duty, Qingmei It's tempted to jump off, but nothing has been wrong."

Mother Xu thought for a while: "It's good for the Sydney slave girl to look at it. It's also good for the lady to stay and use it. This green plum is probably inappropriate."

Ren Yaoqi nodded: "Since the things in this room have been handed over to you, then you can take care of it, mother, just don't make the scene ugly."

"Yes, the maidservant knows." Madam Xu replied in a low voice.

Ren Yaoqi lowered his head to read a book.

Mother Xu quietly backed out.

As soon as Mother Xu left, Ren Yaoqi put down the book in her hand, full of contemplation.

The word "哓" just now was a crossword puzzle. The word "哓" plus "one" is a "Dawn", so the answer is "know at first sight".

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