Rong Shi's words caused Ren Yaoqi to wake up.

If the Queen Mother really wanted to recruit their sisters into Beijing, even the Yanbei Palace would not be able to stop them. After all, in name, they were also citizens of the Great Zhou Dynasty. However, the woman who enters the palace must be unmarried. If there is a marriage contract, even the queen mother is not good at forcing people to enter Beijing.

"But you can't just marry the third sister casually just because you are afraid of him making a trick?" Ren Yaoqi frowned.

Rong Shi looked at Ren Yaoqi thoughtfully after hearing this: "You only worry about your sister? What about yourself? What if the queen mother invites you to Beijing?"

Ren Yaoqi didn't know how to answer Rong Shi's words.

Rong Shi shook his head and sighed: "The Yanbei Palace may be able to protect you, but are you sure someone is willing to offend the Queen Mother for you? Most of the time, women are just victims under the struggle for power."

Ren Yaoqi knew that Rong Shi had misunderstood the meaning of her silence, but she didn't explain it either, just smiled and said, "I know, grandmother."

Rong knew that she was a smart, so he stopped mentioning it, but just told Ren Yaoqi: "Go back and ask your mother to think about it and see if there is a suitable candidate."

It was time for Ren Yaoqi to leave. Soon after, the people sent by the Rong family to follow Ren Yaohua came back, saying that after Ren Yaohua left, they took his carriage back home. They reported that Ren Yaohua had safely entered the house and reported.

Ren Yaoqi ran out of lunch at Rong Shi before returning home. When he got home, Li was taking a lunch break. Ren Yaoqi didn't interrupt Li's rest, thinking about telling Rong's words to her after Li's got up in the afternoon.

However, Mother Zhou pulled Ren Yaoqi aside and told her that after Li came back, Ren Yaohua and Li had a dispute again. Li had just been crying in the house, and finally she was persuaded to fall asleep by Mother Zhou.

Mother Zhou asked Ren Yaoqi to visit Ren Yaohua and persuaded her.

Ren Yaoqi sighed helplessly, that Ren Yaohua had always been biased against his grandparents' family. Ren Yaoqi had persuaded her more than once, but Ren Yaohua still couldn't let go.

Saying goodbye to Mother Zhou, after coming out of the main room, Ren Yaoqi went to the East Chamber to find Ren Yaohua.

But to Ren Yaoqi's surprise, Ren Yaohua was not in the house, but the maid Turnip sat on the kang in the inner room and took an embroidery shed to embroider.

See Ren Yaoqi coming in. Turnip quickly put down the work in his hand and bowed down to the kang.

Ren Yaoqi looked around and said in surprise: "Where is the third sister? Not in the house?"

Turnip was a bit hesitating at first, but seeing Ren Yaoqi frowning and staring at her silently, she lowered her head and said, "Miss San, she is out."

Ren Yaoqi asked quickly: "Where did she go? When did she go out? Who was she with her? Why didn't she even know Mother Zhou?"

Turnip said: "After the third lady came out of his wife, she locked herself in the house, and also drove out the servant girl and the apple. Later, Miss Lei's family brought a letter over. The servant girl came in to deliver the letter to the third lady, and the third lady finished reading. After I wrote the letter, I said I was going out. It was just that my wife was angry at that time, and Mother Zhou was also persuading his wife. Miss San was unwilling to go to the main room to ask for instructions at that time, so she ordered the servants to prepare for the car to go out. The concierge saw three. The young lady went out. I thought it was my wife's permission, so she didn't stop her."

Ren Yaohua is accustomed to being in charge of the three rooms. The people below are afraid of her. Her orders have always been similar to those of Li. Seeing that she was going out, no one blocked the way, thinking that his wife already knew it, and no one would think that Ren Yaohua went out privately.

Ren Yaoqi asked quickly: "Is the third sister going to Pan'er's appointment?"

Turnip nodded: "Yes, Miss Fifth. After receiving Miss Lei's letter, Miss San said that she would go out. You know, Miss San doesn't like to go out on weekdays. Only those who go to see Miss Lei's I will go out only then."

Ren Yaoqi said displeased: "Then you should also talk to your mother or Mother Zhou. Why don't you persuade you? Even if you can't persuade, you should say it earlier, otherwise what should be done if something happens. !"

Turnip said uneasy: "Nothing will happen, right? It's not once or twice that Miss Lei sees Miss Lei's family. Didn't the wife stop him every time?" It's because Ren Yaohua sees Lei Pan'er more often. , Lee also agreed, they didn't take it seriously.

Ren Yaoqi felt very worried: "Where's Pan'er's letter? Show it to me. Let me see where the third sister has gone."

Turnip quickly took out the previous letter and handed it to Ren Yaoqi.

After Ren Yaoqi opened the letter, he half-hearted. This letter was indeed written by Lei Pan'er, and Lei Pan'er's handwriting and tone of speech were not easy for others to imitate.

In the letter, Lei Pan'er asked Ren Yaohua to go to a teahouse where they often met before, on Zhengyang Street. Ren Yaoqi had been there before.

After reading the letter, Ren Yaoqi raised his head and said, "San Jie brought an apple by her side? Who else did she bring?"

Turnip hurriedly said a few more names. Except for the two second-class maids in the room and a few women in the room, they were the ones who often went out with the car on weekdays. It really didn't look like secretly walking out.

Ren Yaoqi instructed Turnip: "Go to Mother Zhou and say something, and then ask Mother Zhou to send a few more people to the teahouse. If the third sister is really there with Miss Lei's family, let them be outside. Wait, wait for the third sister to come out. If the third sister is not there, come back quickly and report."

Turnip knew that she had to go to see Madam Zhou and she was a little confused, but she still said: "Miss Fifth, can you persuade Madam not to be angry with Miss San when he comes back? When I came in to deliver the letter to Miss San, I saw that Miss San’s eyes were red. She was actually sad."

Ren Yaoqi knew that Ren Yaohua's temperament was very tough outside. Even if he wanted to cry, he would drove everyone out. He hid in the house and cried secretly, refusing to be seen.

Thinking of this, Ren Yaoqi's worry about Ren Yaohua walking out without saying a word before has almost disappeared. Presumably, Ren Yaohua was also in a bad mood because of a dispute with her mother and annoyed her, so she wanted to go out and get some breath.

No matter how tough Ren Yaohua behaves on weekdays, she is only a talented child. At this age, she has the right to be willful occasionally.

Turnip went out and told Mother Zhou about Ren Yaohua's going out. Mother Zhou really gave Turnip a lesson, and said that when Ren Yaohua came back, she asked Turnip to take Apple and the others to her to receive the punishment.

After that, Mother Zhou hurriedly sent a few people to the teahouse that Ren Yaohua and Lei Pan'er had agreed upon.

Ren Yaoqi returned to her room and waited for Ren Yaohua to return. She also needed to think about how to persuade Ren Yaohua to avoid arousing her disgust and boredom.

It's just that after the person sent by Mother Zhou to take over as Yaohua came back, she said that they didn't find the third lady in the teahouse, but they met Lei Pan'er, who had been waiting for the third lady to be picked up by the second master of the Lei family.

Lei Pan'er said that she had waited for Sister Yaohua for a long time, but did not see Sister Yaohua for the appointment, thinking that Sister Yaohua would not be coming. The servants of Lei's family and the shopkeeper in the teahouse also said that they had not seen Ren's carriage.

Mother Zhou was shocked when she learned the news and immediately told Li and Ren Yaoqi.

Li was anxious, and immediately sent people to find Ren Yaohua everywhere.

Ren Yaoqi was also taken aback by the news of Ren Yaohua's unprovoked disappearance, and hurriedly summoned the person sent out by Mother Zhou before to inquire carefully. The woman who was sent out tried to find out the whereabouts of Ren Yaohua's carriage when she returned, but no one on Zhengyang Street seemed to have seen Ren Yaohua's carriage. It's just that those women didn't dare to inquire too much, because they were afraid that it would not sound good, so they hurriedly came back to report, and the remaining few went to find someone along the way.

"Mother, you quickly send someone to your grandfather's house, so that people from your grandfather's family can also help you find it." Ren Yaoqi quickly said to the Li family.

There are many masters in Xianwang's Mansion, and they will find someone faster than the ordinary maids of the Ren family.

"Slaves, let's go." Mother Zhou said.

Mother Zhou came from Xianwang Mansion and was more familiar than others. Ren Yaoqi nodded and said, "Then Mother, go quickly."

Mother Zhou did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately took a carriage to the Xianwang Mansion to find Rongshi.

Rong immediately called Dongsheng and Qiusheng after learning about it, and asked them to take someone to find Ren Yaohua. Nowadays, King Xian's Mansion does not have the need to conceal his strength under the eyelids of Yanbei King's Mansion, but it is a lot easier to act.

People in the Ren family and Xianwang's mansion were looking for Ren Yaohua, and Ren Yaohua was targeted shortly after leaving his home.

In fact, Ren Yaohua didn't intend to intentionally worry Li and the others. She was sad at that time, and it happened that Lei Pan'er sent a letter asking her to go out. She didn't want to see Li at that time, so she went out without a greeting. But she left Turnip in the room, thinking that if Ren Yaoqi came back or Mother Zhou came to ask, she would know where she was going from Turnip.

It has been a long time since Ren Yaohua let her self-willedness go too far, and she did not expect that it was rare that she was in trouble with such willfulness.

When Ren Yaohua's carriage drove into Zhengyang Street, it was blocked in a trail.

A broken ox cart galloped sideways and intervened between Ren Yaohua and the carriage behind Ren Yaohua, and stopped the carriage behind Ren Yaohua with the maidservant, waiting for the maidservant behind the car to recover. When he arrived, Ren Yaohua's carriage had turned a corner and disappeared.

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The author is late again, please forgive me~(┬_┬)


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