Ren Yaohua didn't expect that Lei Ting would suddenly say such a sentence, so he was stunned.

Although for a person who has only met twice in total, saying this is a bit arrogant, but when I remembered the last time I saw him, the few words I said were not polite, Ren Yaohua couldn’t send it out. She's tempered, not to mention that she doesn't know what's good or bad. Whether Thunder reminded her or deliberately sarcastically could still hear her.

So Ren Yaohua bowed his knees again and said quietly: "I have been this temperament since I was a child, so I have suffered a lot, and I will pay attention to it in the future. Thank you, Mr. Lei for the suggestion."

Seeing Ren Yaohua's confession so refreshed, Lei Ting was a little surprised and couldn't help but glance at her more.

Last year, the rumors about Miss Ren Jiasan were raging, and he also heard some. Although after contacting him, he didn't believe in the rumors of catching the wind, but in his heart he also felt that Miss Ren San should be a straightforward and impatient. Generally this kind of people are very stubborn, and they don't want to listen to advice.

Thinking about this, Lei Ting's cold and serious expression eased a little, and nodded to Ren Yaohua. The two said goodbye, Thunder mounted, Ren Yaohua turned into the car.

Ren Yaoqi only saw Ren Yaohua when he sent Ren Shimin to leave Yunyang City in the afternoon. Ren Yaohua and Lei Pan'er went back to the Ren family courtyard after they were separated, although the woman who stayed in the other courtyard sent mulberries to Ren Yaoqi. I confessed to her, but Ren Yaohua still did not go to Aquarius Hutong. She always had a knot in her heart for her grandparents.

Many students came to see Ren Shimin and the others off. Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were sitting in the same car, and they could only fall far behind, not seeing Ren Shimin at all.

Ren Yaoqi asked Ren Yaohua: "Uncle said I saw you and Pan'er today?"

Ren Yaohua frowned. She didn't know where Li Tianyou saw her. She didn't know. Ren Yaohua told Ren Yaoqi what happened today.

Ren Yaoqi said: "Thanks to the help of the Lei family, otherwise I am afraid that there will be another trouble today."

At this time, there was some commotion outside, and the crowd who came to see off suddenly began to lively.

"What's the matter?" Ren Yaohua frowned and opened some car curtains to look out.

Someone outside was shouting: "Look, it's the carriage of the second son Xiao Xiao, the second son is here."

A carriage from the Yanbei Palace drove slowly from the back of the line, and the people and carriages who came to see off all stopped to make way for Xiao Jingxi's carriage. The carriage of Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua also temporarily stopped on the side of the road.

Ren Yaohua didn't put the curtain down. Anyway, everyone opened the curtain and looked out at this time, although as the carriage approached, no one dared to make a loud noise.

When Ren Yaoqi saw Xiao Jingxi's big carriage passing by her, she couldn't help but glance at the curtain of the car. At this moment, the curtain of the much-anticipated carriage was moved from inside. Opening it open, Ren Yaoqi caught a pair of dark and smiling eyes by surprise.

There was a cry of exclamation and cheers from the crowd, and someone whispered: "Look, the second son of Xiao is really the second son of Xiao."

It's a pity that Young Master Xiao only opened the curtain and smiled, and then put the curtain down again. Even so, the shocking glance just made the crowd excited.

Nor can it be blamed that the people in Yanbei haven't seen the world, Xiao Jingxi rarely shows his face in front of people on weekdays, and it has always been a dragon without seeing the end. There are many rumors about him, and some people say that his appearance is better than that of the handsome and handsome Young Master Yun. So every time Xiao Jingxi appeared in front of people, the crowd would be excited.

Ren Yaoqi watched Xiao Jingxi's carriage slowly drove past and disappeared before his eyes.

After sending away Ren Shimin, Ren Yaoqi, Ren Yaohua and the Ren family returned to Baihe Town together.

Ren Yijun also came here today. Ren Shimin went to Kyoto to participate in the literary fight, leaving behind the utilitarian factor. He was the happiest person except Sanfang.

Ren Yijun smiled when he saw Ren Shimin off, "I'm afraid I won't be able to leave Yanzhou in my whole life, Sanshu, I really envy you. You are like to try, when you win and return to Yanbei, our uncle and nephew will have a good time together. ."

It’s just that the world is unpredictable. One month after Ren Shimin left Yanbei, Ren Yijun suddenly became seriously ill.

When Ren Yaoqi heard the news in Li's room, he was taken aback: "My third brother is sick, very serious?"

Mother Zhou sighed, "I said I had some cold last night, and I got a little fever early this morning. Originally, everyone didn't take it seriously. After all, the three young masters always had a minor illness every three days. The older lady called The doctor who gave the Third Young Master’s pulse on weekdays came into the manor and showed it to the Third Young Master. The doctor also said that there was nothing wrong with him, so he prescribed a warming prescription and left. But by tonight, the Third Young Master’s Suddenly, the illness became serious. The whole body was chilly and the limbs twitched. I couldn’t feed the medicine. When I went to the doctor’s house, the doctor was shocked when he saw it. Mother Zhou said that there was a pause here, so I could only help. He lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "The doctor said to the eldest lady, the third young master has been boiled for so many years, and the medicine is taken according to the three meals, but the third young master was born with a weak foundation, and it is a wonder to be able to survive to this day. It’s just that this time it’s going to be bad, the old lady has secretly ordered the steward to make preparations. "

Ren Yaoqi sat there in a daze. Third brother suddenly became seriously ill? How could the third brother be seriously ill? Didn't he live well in his last life? It might be longer than her life.

Ren Yaoqi couldn't help but said: "Have the doctor ever visited the house? Is it possible that it is due to other reasons? For example, something was eaten badly, poisoned?" Ren Yaoqi thought of Xiao Jingxi's "illness".

Mother Zhou shook her head: "The eldest wife has called three doctors into the mansion, and they all said the same, but no doctor said that the third young master might be poisoned."

Not poisoned? That is how the matter? Ren Yaoqi was a little worried.

In Ren's family, in addition to his parents and sister, Ren Yaoqi only has a good impression of Ren Yijian's third brother.

"I'm going to see the third brother." Ren Yaoqi stood up and said.

Mother Zhou looked at the sky outside, and persuaded: "Miss San, it's getting late now. It's not convenient for you at this time. Shall we go again tomorrow morning? The big lady's place is already messed up now."

Ren Yaohua looked outside, and it turned out that the sky was completely dark. If she passed this time, not only would it not be of help, but would also cause trouble to the wife, so Ren Yaoqi only nodded: "Then I will go and see three again tomorrow morning. brother."

Only this night, Ren Yaoqi still couldn't sleep well.

Ren Yijun also tossed there for the night, and several times the old lady thought he was going to die, and the cooked medicine could not be fed in, and Ren Yijun had not dripped in for a whole day.

At this moment, even the great master felt that Ren Yijun was afraid that he would not survive. It’s just that the old lady refused to give up, guarding Ren Yijun and staying up all night. In the morning of the next day, she even sent someone to invite a goddess into the mansion, saying that she wanted to see if Ren Yijun’s good and good things were being harassed by evil. Living.

After Ren Yaoqi invited good morning to the old lady in the morning, he went to see Ren Yijun with Ren Yaohua. Ren Yijun was already unconscious and unrecognizable at this moment. His face was ugly, as if he was covered with a layer of gold paper, and had no vitality. The maids in a room were hiding in the room and wiping tears to themselves.

Taking advantage of the absence of the eldest wife at this moment, Ren Yaoqi deliberately moved closer and took a closer look at Ren Yijun. As Mother Zhou said, there was indeed no sign of poisoning.

At this time the eldest wife came in, and there was the goddess who came in with her.

The goddess was fifty or sixty years old, her hair was gray, and she was born with kind eyebrows. At this time, she was following the eldest wife and talking endlessly: "...The girl is handsome, with clever hands, and a very good heart. The important thing is that she has a heavy eight-character character and can suppress the evil in the body of the third son!"

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua looked at each other. What are they going to do?

The eldest wife also saw Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, and she nodded and took the goddess to the outer room. Across the curtain, Ren Yaoqi heard her say: "I know what you said, but it's only because I am If I can’t live, I have to ask the elders in the family."

When the goddess heard what the big lady said, she knew that the big lady was still unwilling, and she persuaded: "Big lady, I know that you think that girl’s background is low. This is also relative to your big family. Parents and brothers still have more than ten acres of fertile land, which can be regarded as Xiaojiabiyu in the eyes of ordinary people. The most important thing is that San Gongzi is waiting to save his life at the moment, which can not be delayed! Not to mention such a short time. It is not easy to find a girl with an innocent net worth and a suitable character, and not all people are willing to let their girls come to cheer."

Chongxi? Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua both opened their eyes and couldn't help but look back at Ren Yijun.

It's a pity that Ren Yijun didn't know what was happening outside.

The old lady was still a little moved by the goddess' words, and took her to the Ronghua Yuan to discuss with the old lady.

After Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua went back, they talked about the matter with Li and Mother Zhou. Mother Zhou said: "It is normal for the eldest wife to want to find a girl for the third young master at this time. It’s hard to say whether it can survive. If... at least there is someone who can guard him so as not to be alone. It’s just like Chongxi. People similar to our Ren family are afraid that they won’t want their daughter to marry like this, so they can only Find some family that is lacking in the world."

Ren Yaohua frowned and said, "Auntie is looking for a goddess? Why do I look like a matchmaker?"

Ren Yaoqi was thinking, with Ren Yijun's pride, if he was still conscious, he would not agree to death. It's a pity that Ren Yijun can't be his own master now.

What Ren Yaoqi didn't expect was that at noon, news came from outside saying that the old lady had agreed to give Ren Yijun a happy event, and the time was set for tomorrow.

The reason for the rush is that Ren Yijun's situation is getting worse, and it is hard to say whether he can survive tomorrow.

Let’s leave it to the daytime to add more things~

The author will not say the specific time, the integrity has been lost...〒_〒

Generally, the update time mentioned by the author is the time when the author expects that he will have free time to code words at that time, but sometimes it is too late to finish that chapter and he has to do other things, so he can only wait for the time to write. After finishing and then posting, the time of posting is often later than expected. This is all because the author Jun's codeword is really slow.

The author once again apologizes to all the students for the failed update notice, please forgive 〒_〒……


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