Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 249: The maid who was kicked out

When Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua heard about this, the news had spread among the people of Ren's family.

Ren Yaoqi found Mother Zhou: "Who is that maid in their mouth?"

Mother Zhou was also distressed because of this incident. She helped Li manage the three-bedroom inner courtyard for more than ten years. She knew all these people well and immediately replied: "It should be the time when the third lady and his wife were in the courtyard before they went to the village. A third-class maid named Mei Hong's."

When Mother Zhou mentioned it, Ren Yaohua also remembered, frowning and said: "Mei Hong? Is it her?"

Ren Yaoqi didn't have any impression of this name anymore. In their eyes, what happened two years ago had been more than ten years with her, and she was still a third-class maid who hadn't served close by. There are four masters in the Ziwei courtyard, and the number of maids of the second and third class add up to 20 or 30 people, and several batches will be released every few years.

"Three sisters remember her?"

Ren Yaohua thought for a while: "Originally, a third-class maid who didn't serve me close could not offend me, but she always likes to come to me when everything is fine. At first, I felt that she was hardworking and wanted to please me. Master, but once a few other maids in the yard saw her being courteous in front of Aunt Fang, I was disgusted when I heard it, so I found an excuse to let the steward sell the person."

The maids are divided into ranks and jobs. It is reasonable that a third-class maid can’t get close to the master without special circumstances. Mei Hong’s behavior was too active, which attracted Ren Yaohua’s attention. Later, she had contact with Aunt Fang, and Ren Yaohua thought She is from Aunt Fang.

Everyone knows that the person that the third lady Ren Yaohua hates most is Aunt Fang, but those who dare to get along with Aunt Fang have no good fruit here when Ren Yaohua arrives.

Ren Yaoqi shook his head, "I think you have done this thing recklessly. Aunt Fang's kind of person is the most careful. Ruo Meihong is really hers, so how could people see them contacting her? Or let a few people see it. I think it's true that this maid's flexible mind is true, and it may not be true that she is in favor of Aunt Fang.

Mother Zhou sighed and said: "The old slave also persuaded the third lady. Mei Hong, a third-class maid, wanted to show her face in front of the masters all day long, and she succeeded in getting the third lady to notice her. It might be caused. It is not impossible for the other third-class maids in the yard to be framed because of the jealousy. After all, everyone knows that the third lady hates people for eating inside and out."

Ren Yaohua thought of it now and felt that she had acted a bit recklessly. She had just eaten in front of Aunt Fang at that time. It was also a two-day quarrel with Ren Yaoqi, so Mei Hong happened to hit her gun.

"I thought at the time that I would rather kill the wrong one than let it go, and treat it as a slaying man. But that woman is really Mei Hong? Sister, do you know where Mei Hong was sold?"

Mother Zhou thought about it carefully: "The maids sent from the mansion are all handed over to the dentist. Generally they will not be sold to the neighboring counties. As for the specific place where they will be sold, the only way to go is to find the shop that sold her. I asked. But because Mei Hong didn't make any serious mistakes, my wife was afraid that you would be wronged by Miss San. The good guy asked me to confess the dentist and try to sell it to good people to be a maid."

Therefore, where the maid will be sold after being kicked out is still related to the master's house where she was before, if the old master confessed her old feelings. The ending of that maid will be much better. It seems that Chun'er, who went to Ren Yaoqi’s skirt to splash drinks, did not have this kind of good luck. Mother Zhou also annoyed her when she knew the whole story, and told her that her dentist had sold it to the bitter cold land and made her suffer. Up.

Sisters Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were not surprised when they heard Li's secret explanation. Li is not a vicious person. On the contrary, she is very kind.

Ren Yaohua sneered: "So whether that woman is Mei Hong or not, is this all aimed at me specifically?"

Ren Yaoqi also believes that this may be a trick for Aunt Fang.

"But..." Ren Yaohua raised her eyebrows. "If it was for my calculations, why didn't she find Chun'er, who was driven out of the Ren family by me, but Mei Hong, who had left the Ren family for so long? Finding Chun'er is not simple Too many? The Ren family recognizes Chun'er. Mei Hong has been away for more than two years, and she was not very young when she left the Ren family. Her appearance must have changed."

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while and said: "First, the Li family only had a trouble once before. It would be too obvious if you use Chun'er to talk about the matter, and it is likely to involve the aunt above. And even if you want to sell Chun'er like that Locally, how could it be possible to sell her under her own eyelids in Baihe Town? Hongmei has been away for more than two years, but it is possible to be sold back. Second, Chun'er was a close-knit maid next to Nine Sister before, if she is sold If you get to that kind of place, there will be light on Nine Sister's face?"

In case Chun'er exposed some of Ren Yaoying's private affairs on such occasions, would Ren Yaoying still marry in this life?

Mother Zhou said, "Then what should we do now? You can't let this rumor continue, right?"

Ren Yaohua sneered: "Since she has devastated so much thought and set up such a game, where is it possible for me to easily escape? Look at it, this matter may have been spread. What's afraid of? The big deal is that I will die in my life. In the inner courtyard, but their mother and daughter should be careful! Anyway, I already have such a reputation as a'vicious', what means should I care about against them!"

Mother Zhou couldn't help but her heart jumped when she heard the words: "Miss Third, this is absolutely not true!" She looked at Ren Yaoqi, "Miss Fifth..."

Ren Yaoqi smiled soothingly at Mother Zhou, but looked colder at Ren Yaohua: "Sister, what is your status and what is her status? Are you going to die together? Is she worthy of you! What did you say to me at the time? In the end, you just have this skill?"

Ren Yaohua couldn't help but stare at Ren Yaoqi, and Ren Yaoqi was unmoved: "You just give in before the game starts. Don't let people say?"

"I didn't admit defeat!" Ren Yaohua said angrily.

Ren Yaoqi shook his head and said slowly, "In my eyes, you lose in a draw! You are a concubine, and she is a concubine. Is it possible that you think that a general and an unknown soldier will die together or make a profit?"

Ren Yaohua was stunned when she heard the words, and then ignoring her anger, she was a little bit dumbfounded: "What kind of messy analogy are you playing?"

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaohua and said with a serious face: "Sister, you have to live well, and live better than her, then you win! When people die, there is nothing, so what are you talking about winning or losing?"

This is not the first time that Ren Yaoqi has heard from Ren Yaohua something like "to die together" as a last resort. This is not what she wants to see.

Ren Yaohua looked at Ren Yaoqi, her lips trembled, as if she wanted to say something but didn't say it, then she turned her head away. With a cold snort, he said in a bad tone: "It's up to you!"

Mother Zhou looked at the sisters, somehow she felt a little sore in her eyes, she couldn't help but tilted her body and lifted her sleeves to wipe the corners of her eyes. But there was a deep joy in my heart.

At this moment, Turnip came in to report that the little maid in the old lady's yard had come by the old lady's order and invited the third lady to Ronghuayuan.

Ren Yaohua nodded towards Turnip, and then said to Ren Yaoqi: "It may be that the matter of Mei Hong was known to her grandmother, and there must be a lesson in the past."

Ren Yaoqi was not surprised that this incident would reach the ears of the old lady. The maids of the Ren family knew about it, and if the old lady Ren didn't know she would be the head of the inner courtyard of the Ren family for nothing.

Now that the old lady knew it, the Ren family would definitely take measures to stop the rumors. But Ren Yaoqi could think of this. The people behind the layout can't think of it.

Or does Ren's reaction and countermeasures are also in her expectations and calculations?

Thinking so. Ren Yaoqi said to Ren Yaohua, "I will call you over at this time. I guess it's the same thing. I'll go with you."

Ren Yaohua frowned, "I was scolded, what are you going to do?"

Ren Yaoqi shook his head: "You go and get scolded by you. I'm going to see how the Ren family plans to deal with it. The enemy takes three steps. If you want to win, you can only go further than her, otherwise you will Always passive."

Ren Yaohua's mouth twitched when he heard Ren Yaoqi's previous sentence. After hearing the words behind her, he couldn't help thinking.

When the two sisters went to the courtyard of the old lady in Ronghua Yuan, they saw the old lady who was angry.

Seeing Ren Yaohua coming in, the old lady Ren didn't have a good face this time, pointing at her and cursing: "Look at what good things you have caused again!"

Suddenly, seeing Ren Yaoqi also followed in, she couldn't help frowning, but she didn't rush people. Instead, he continued to scold Ren Yaohua: "I told you a long time ago that you have to change your temper! It's just a maid. If she offends you, it's not impossible for you to want her to suffer. You can just hand it over to the punishment maid. I want to come up with that kind of huā! What can you do now? You will lose all the face of the Renren family!"

Ren Yaohua waited for the old lady to finish her scolding and then a little annoyed and said: "Grandma, I just didn't like that maid at the beginning, so I asked the toothwoman to buy it to someone else. I really didn't let anyone sell her to a bad place! If you don't believe me, you call me Come and ask the dentist who took her away?"

The old lady Ren couldn't help but be suspicious, but then she thought that Yaohua is not a liar, she also asked someone to ask. At the beginning, Yaohua only confessed that she sold people out without even hitting the board. If the maid really committed the crime If there is any serious mistake, it is impossible for Yaohua's temperament to not let her suffer a bit of flesh and blood.

"Could it be that you admitted the wrong person?" Old lady Ren still looked a little ugly.

"Did grandmother find the woman who said she saw Mei Hong come to question?" Ren Yaohua asked.

The old lady Ren said in a bad mood: "Naturally I asked! I saw more than one person! The two women met when they went out to buy needles and threads, and they all insisted that they looked exactly like the girl you kicked out. ."


Thank you, a_lily524, for giving a reward to He Shibi yesterday, and then when I went to find a post today, I found that the post seemed to be swallowed up by Dianniang......〒_〒......Dianniang would occasionally be proud of her, which is really distressing ...

There is still a chapter today, it must be after 12 o'clock, so don't wait for it, go to bed early.


Finally: sincerely ask for pink...The ranking has dropped, so heartbreaking...〒_〒


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