Scheme of the Official Descendant

Chapter 216: Do not live

So Ren Yaoqi found out that no matter how hard the maid, Chun'er, did not escape from Ren Yaohua's Wuzhishan, Ren Yaohua would not be soft when he wanted to commit a crime. Presumably, after Ren Yaohua came back to learn about Chun'er's help to the abuse, he took the person away.

Ren Yaoqi's guess was right. After Ren Yaohua returned from playing the flute, Parsley came to sue. Ren Yaohua was very angry after hearing this.

However, as Ren Yaoying expected, Ren Yaohua didn't dare to attack her at this time, no matter how reckless it was, he could only stare at her a few times across the table.

What Ren Yaoying didn't expect was that Ren Yaohua could only endure her after she played.

Because the vermilion red from the cinnabar prepared by the Yun family is not the color Ren Yaoying is accustomed to, Ren Yaoying asks Chun'er to get her prepared in advance, but she can't go back if she doesn't want Chun'er.

Ren Yaohua instructed Xiangqin to call the two women to wait on the way back from Chun'er, knocked the person out, and carried him away. Without stopping, he sent the carriage directly back to Baihe Town to Mother Zhou. The Yun family only said that the maid had a heat stroke.

Ren Yaohua instructed Mother Zhou to reward Chun'er with thirty boards and then sell them.

The reason why I sent it back to Baihe Township instead of sending it to the Ren family’s other courtyard in Yunyang City is because the old lady Ren and Aunt Fang’s sister-in-law are in the other courtyard at the moment, and Ren Yaohua is afraid that the old lady will take care of the faces of Aunt Fang and Fang’s family. She lost her mind.

Ren Yaohua believes that if Chuner's behavior is not promptly punished, someone will rush to follow suit in the future. So she quickly slashed the people and solved them in a mess, in order to behave like you.

Chun'er was sent away, and Ren Yaohua asked parsley to give cinnabar to Ren Yaoying. Ren Yaoying looked ugly when she saw parsley, but she couldn't do anything but calm down and paint.

Xiangqin remembered Ren Yaoying's paintings by the way, and came back to describe them in detail to Ren Yaohua, so Ren Yaohua fully understood the reason why Ren Yaoying dismissed Ren Yaoqi.

After Ren Yaoqi changed the painting for Ren Yaoying last time, the overall composition and layout level of that painting has improved by more than a little bit. Ren Yaoying alone cannot make it anyway.

In addition to drawing and painting, Ren Yaoying can also write well, but it is a pity that Jiang Yuanniang and Su Fangfei are there today, and she can't make it even if she writes a flower. In the end, only the painting that Ren Yaoqi had modified for her was painted again.

After Ren Yaoqi listened to Ren Yaohua's words, there was still something he didn't understand.

Ren Yaohua confessed to Ren Yaoqi in a low voice: "When she comes down, you will be on the stage. If you paint carefully, you must paint better than this little bitch!"

Ren Yaoqi shook his head: "I will not paint today."

Ren Yaohua frowned: "Why? Are you afraid of losing to her?"

Ren Yaoqi laughed: "She can also use some infamous means." Ren Yaoqi never wanted to decide what to do with Ren Yaoying.

"Then why are you..."

Ren Yaoqi hurriedly interrupted Ren Yaohua and said, "I have already agreed with the princess, I play the piano and she dances the sword."

Ren Yaohua was hard to say if he heard that Ren Yaoqi was going to oppose the court with the princess, although she felt that Ren Yaoqi was better than playing the piano, and she really didn't want to see Ren Yaoying wishful.

Ren Yaoqi knew what she was thinking as soon as she looked at Ren Yaohua's face, and comforted her in a low voice: "If you are afraid that Ren Yaoying will come out this time, then you can rest assured, she is afraid she can't make it."

Ren Yaohua was a little unbelievable when she heard this: "She can't make it out with her original painting, but after you change it, it's not necessarily the same. Didn't her father also say that you changed it well?"

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while: "Are you sure she painted according to my changes? The stroke is not bad?"

Ren Yaohua glanced at Parsley, who was looking at them with wide eyes: "This girl has no other advantages, but her eyesight is pretty good."

No other advantages...No other advantages...

Parsley flattened her mouth and lowered her head.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Xiangqin's appearance and couldn't help but smile, and then said to Ren Yaohua: "That's it, it won't be useful for her to paint well today."

Ren Yaohua looked unbelieving, and Ren Yaoqi didn't say much.

At this time, Ren Yaoying finished her painting, and Mrs. Yun Da asked him to submit the painting.

The painting was first in the hands of the old princess, and the old princess just gave it a casual glance as before, and then the painting came to the princess again.

Ren Yaoying looked at the princess's face nervously. When the princess was young, she was also a talented woman. As long as she thought it was good, she would praise or give a few suggestions. The other ladies would also say a few good things to give a higher evaluation even to sell the princess's face.

The princess first glanced at the painting, which seemed to be a little interesting, and then made people look at it more closely.

Ren Yaoying's eyes were joyful, and her heart throbbed.

She has been waiting for an opportunity to come forward, and this banquet for the daughter is undoubtedly the best time. As long as she can gain a good reputation at the Golden Banquet, no one will remember the ugliness she once made. When mentioning her, they will only think of her grace at the Golden Banquet.

The thing that happened in the ice sport competition last year was a nightmare she hadn't forgotten all this year.

That's why she will try her best this time, because for a concubine, this opportunity may only be once in her life, and she must grasp it.

But at this moment, the princess suddenly frowned when looking at her painting.

After pondering for a moment, the princess whispered a few words to her maid, Qiluo, and then asked Qiluo to take the painting to the ladies of the Ouyang clan without saying anything, and did not pay attention to her.

Ren Yaoying was at a loss. She had just seen the princess admire her paintings. Why didn't she say anything? Before, the princess would say a few words when she saw excellent calligraphy and painting.

Ren Yaoying went to see the ladies who were circulating her paintings again. Like the princess, they just glanced at them and put them down. On the contrary, Mrs. Xu smiled when she saw her paintings, but said nothing. .

After that, Ren Yaoying's painting was taken back by Qiluo, and it was not shared by the ladies.

"After sitting for so long, let's take a rest first, and then continue after half a stick of incense." The princess said with a smile, and then got up and let the maid go to change clothes.

Ren Yaoying's paintings did not attract anyone's attention, and everyone only regarded Ren Yaoying's paintings as very ordinary.

Ren Yaoying stood there, not moving for a long time, her head hung down and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Ren Yaoyin looked at Ren Yaoying thoughtfully, and then at Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaoyu sneered at one side and said, "I thought she was so capable, she was not the same as someone else's foil!" Then she took Ren Yaoyin to change clothes.

After waiting for them to leave, Ren Yaohua asked Ren Yaoqi in surprise: "What's the matter?" She felt that the painting that could be praised by her father would be very good.

Ren Yaoqi said, "Do I still remember I added a pair of bamboos when I changed her painting?"

Ren Yaohua was there at the time and still remembered these details: "Remember, it was a pair of double bamboos that were bent by the heavy snow, and my father said that you have added a wonderful and artistic conception."

Ren Yaoqi shook his head: "At that time, adding that pair of bamboos had an eye-catching effect, it was naturally excellent, but today it is not good."

Ren Yaoqi did not sell Guanzi, and explained in a low voice, "Shuangzhu has a meaning to describe a woman remarrying."

Ren Yaohua was taken aback, then remembered the rumors he had heard about the wife of Xu Shanchang, Ouyang.

At this time someone walked up to them and stopped.

Ren Yaoqi looked up and saw Ren Yaoying coming back, looking pale and silently looking at them.

"What exactly is going on?"

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaoying a little helpless.

When she changed the painting for Ren Yaoying, she really didn't expect the situation to happen today. If Ren Yaoying didn't play a trick to distract her, but revealed a little bit of the wind about the painting she wanted to paint, she Maybe she will remind her. It was not for Ren Yaoying, but for not embarrassing Mrs. Xu.

Now it can only be said that Ren Yaoying is self-inflicted and cannot live.

Ouyang and Xu Wanli’s affairs were forbidden because the old prince was alive, so even if anyone knew the inside story in Yanbei, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks. The nobles in Yanbei have always kept a secret about Ouyang's remarriage.

Women who have learned about human relations know what to avoid with whom. For example, don't give double-bamboo-like things to remarried women, because this will be considered a kind of mockery.

That's why the princess frowned after seeing Ren Yaoying's painting, and the ladies did not see it.

Ren Yaohua sneered: "You still have the face to ask us what's going on? Don't you know what you have done yourself? How do we know what's going on!"

Ren Yaoying bit her lip and walked away with red eyes.

Seeing that Ren Yaoying hadn’t taken advantage of her, Ren Yaohua felt more comfortable, so she didn’t care about her attitude. She just said leisurely: “She was not right in her mind, and she finally moved a rock and smashed her in the foot. She was embarrassed to question others. It's really inexplicable."

Ren Yaoqi no longer cares about Ren Yaoying's affairs, because Hongying has come to look for her.

Ren Yaoqi said to Ren Yaohua: "I'll go there first, Sanjie, don't quarrel with her later."

Ren Yaohua said impatiently: "If I don't know about the occasion, you think she can sit here well! Go ahead!"

Ren Yaoqi smiled when he heard the words, there was not much to say, and took the apple to find Xiao Jinglin.

The princess was talking with Xiao Jinglin, and when Ren Yaoqi had come, she smiled and waved to her to pass.

"Lin'er said she wants to dance the sword, you play the piano? I didn't know she could dance the sword?"

The second update is on ~ the table is too slow ~ `(*∩_∩*)′

I'm a little sleepy now, so I don't have to catch bugs, so let's watch it first.

Finally, those who have a pink ticket this month, remember to support it and give it some motivation.


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