
Slartak sat facing the wall of the house, staring at a meditation basin carved from agate stone. He squinted at the dark meditation potion and used it for divination.

apart from this, the blasphemous priest has also prepared a precise sand table of the dungeon, which is placed next to the penis basin.

He cast a spell on a tiny feather. Slatak murmured as he threw his feathers at the penis basin, and it fell on the quiet water, rippling waves. Then this feather swept quickly like a bird that had finished drinking, and rushed straight to the precise sand table on the left.

Feathers are floating in the air, passing lightly on the sand table. This feather, the pointer of magic, slowly dropped to a certain position on the sand table, and its tip pointed at a building in the dungeon. Starrak stared wide-eyed.

How could this be? I can’t believe the blasphemy. Trouble has actually sneaked into the soul-binding tower that makes him worry the most.

What do those guards eat?

Where is the drow patrol at the door?

What about the slave army composed of Ox Head Man, Hobgoblins, and Bear Goblins?

“Have you ever finished?”

An angry lady of the spider queen-she herself can’t be sure whether her anger is really anxious for the indecisive of the castrated hobgoblin in front of her, or is it simply the acting instinct she has developed over the centuries- -Standing in front of the sacrilege who was thinking about everything, a long whip with a flash of light flew out of her cuffs, and the feather “Pa” suspended on the sand table was smashed into pieces.

Starrak raised his head, and the flame of the candle above his head “choked” up two or three feet, fully expressing the mood of the sacrilege leader.

“Even the worst actual action is hundreds of times stronger than sitting and dreaming,” because there is enough to do, and no matter how much it may cause an attack, Lavis did not continue to provoke his anger . She added a drow proverb as a supplement.

Starrak opened his eyelids, revealing his strange yellow eyes, “As you wish, noble lady.”


In the passage leading to the core control room of the Tower of Soulbound, the adventure squad just stood firm, and they all looked at Ques in awe.

Although it seems that he is using a powerful weapon instead of the young Blue Dragon himself, how can his strength be mediocre if he can possess such a formidable power weapon?

Marsh Fezzak swallowed nervously. After all, this orc druid grew up in the Chamber of Commerce, and he has recognized the dragon head Warhammer.

However, since the adult did not want to show his true identity, Marsh would not die to reveal the secret.

Compared to the adventurous squad, which was shocked and stable, the Drow Warlock Gondo, who stood on their opposite side, was only left in shock.

When the tremor ended, he immediately took some rusty iron filings from a pocket of his robe and threw them at his feet.

“Iron Wall Technique!” Gondo quickly chanted the incantation.

Then, a steel wall appeared in front of him instantly. Although its edge does not completely fit the passage, it is also sufficient to resist the passage of the opponent.

This is his strategy. Gondo did not immediately summon out of the Transmission Gate to escape, because he was worried that he would be attacked the short distance before running into the gate.

However, this drow warlock seems to have forgotten how the prism warrior was smashed into the ground just now.

Ques beckoned, and the “Hammer”, who had fallen into the ground, flew back into his hands on its own. In the next second, this dragon head Warhammer flew forward quickly.


The dragon head Warhammer hit the iron wall hard. Although the barrier created by Gondo’s spell was very thick and was not smashed by a single blow, the huge force pushed it down.

“No…” Zall shouted desperately.

Several tons of walls smashed the already-outlined Transmission Gate, and Gondo, who was chanting the curse, didn’t have time to escape, so he was completely shot on the ground by the steel wall from his own summon, all around gurgling out. Blood.

“We keep going.”

Did not bother to move the iron wall to pick up the possible spoils of war on Drow Warlock. Hearing the footsteps rushing outside the passage, Ques immediately put forward his own opinion. As it should be, no one objected to the adventure squad.

They moved forward quickly. Several people stepped on the collapsed steel wall and passed by in a hurry. Only the halfling Calder stopped for a while and stuffed two or three of his own made in the corner. Magic hourglass trap.

A team of goblins and half-orcs soon poured in from outside the passage. These humanoid creatures were slaves of the drow, and the latter drove them to explore the way. After all, compared to Zall, their lives are not worth mentioning.

Originally, in the evaluation system of the dark elf, hobgoblins should also be the same as these humanoid slaves. However, because the actual controllers of this wandering drow clan are some profane sacrificial cults from the hobgoblin race, hobgoblins have been removed from the slave manual.

Three bear goblins fighting mad, responsible for commanding these hundred goblins and half-orcs. Bear goblins should almost be the largest goblin-like creatures. They are usually a head taller than normal humans (hobgoblins), and their majestic body is like an upright black bear.

The three bear goblins are all black-haired, one wielding a barbed mace, and the other holding a leather buckler. The tiny milk-white eyes on their faces sparkled with excitement in anticipating the bloody battle that followed.

Goblin, hobgoblin and bear goblin, although the three goblin creatures have different appearances, they do each represent a kind of evil camp. The evil of the hobgoblins is orderly and step by step, they hobby form Legion, war gang and even a whole country. Goblins are evil primordial and ignorant, they just like to find a way of living that can satisfy their evil hobby, no matter what race the victim is or they are themselves. The evil of bear goblins is the purest. All their actions are trying to create pain and try to kill as much as possible. The more devastating the better. Hobgoblins kill for orders, goblins kill for pleasure, and bear goblins kill to cause as much pain as possible to victims and bystanders: not only to kill, but to make themselves enjoyable and make others shudder.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The headed bear goblin shrugged his nose. There was a large piece of broken ground on the floor in the passage, and there was a collapsed iron wall not far in front of it, and there was a fascinating smell of blood coming from these two places. The monster couldn’t help licking his lips with his tongue, and he raised his mace and shouted loudly.

“Just ahead, just ahead,” he urged to his companions and those around him. These guys swarmed forward, not even noticing that some small hourglass somewhere nearby had completely run out of gravel.

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