Christina, with her pale glowing Elsparda on her right and her shining Doradnaut on her left, faces Herkwire and other Holy Holy Kingdoms in a hangar filled with the hustle and bustle of battle.

The Frost Giant, who was determined to be the next most challenging by Harkwire, was led by Dramina. As with the Vampire Six Gods, Christina's confidence in Doramina's own combat, judgment, and responsiveness is higher than in mountains and deeper than in the sea.

Whether it is conscious or unconscious of the battle with the enemy of the connection, Howlsen and Marzel who are actively attacking are showing excitement spreading light rays, light bullets, guided flying objects here and there, and this hangar is Christina was a little worried that it would be a matter of time before it collapsed.

The hawkwire breathes into the notch that goes into the middle of the blade, and the blade is repaired without any damage while looking at it.

He says the power of God-Howlsen says that the saber, a product of the alien civilization Deusgear, surpasses even the upper evil swords, not even the Dorado Note. But, well, it's the Berne who has the experience that even such an enemy does not even consider to be a strong enemy.

"God, God, God ... Don't be tired of hearing this word when you exchange words with you"

For Christina, who had the experience of exchanging words with the gods of the genuine, even if there was no information from Howlsen, the gods served by Haakweir and others would be nothing more than a mess, and even if they were truly like God, It must have been cut off and discarded because it wasn't a bad thing because of the lack of gushes.

Well, in fact, the seeds are split with the remnants of those who had fought wars with the heavenly people over the sea of stars long ago.

Christina's vomiting words of contempt seem to be angry with the others who seem to have gathered around Harquier, but they will fit in if Harquier raises her left hand and stops.

"No, of course, it would be the ultimate. If we were God's apostle, God's servant, God's limbs, God's breath, God's will! It is natural that the word God accompanies our actions. Yeah, Baron Berne, anyway, you're strong! Despite having the strongest weapon of the Tenjin civilization, it's wonderful. "

Hawai'i is in a good mood about to whistle. It seems that he welcomes, rather than abominates, a strong enemy that God's power cannot easily reach. If you don't really understand the threat of Dorado Note, and if you have this attitude after understanding, it's strange what the mental structure is.

Ignoring the roars and explosions that have just begun to break the roaring eardrum around, Christina glances at Doran, who carelessly handles guardbots and guardroids.

Howlsen did not want to scuttle Valsior to find out the center of Deusgear, but if Doran bothered, he would reveal his whereabouts without having to take such steps and would be able to destroy it without a trace. It's clearer than looking at the fire.

Often, Doran tends to give priority to those who have a connection with an adversary and to act as a defense against the worst.

This time, Christina did not seem to be aggressively looking forward to the connection between Luna Maris and Howlsen's Deusgear, but she still remembered the difference in the mood and the unusual feeling of being casual.

(Doran be wary just to have prepared a countermeasure against Dorado Note? If you are a user of Dorado Note, you might be more alert if you are not overly self-conscious. Old Dragon Dragon, what is the absolute strongest who can win against all gods?)

This suspicion applies not only to Christina, but also to Doradnaut. Little by little, the appearance of Doran was unusual, but the women, including Christina, noticed, stealing Doran's eyes after arriving at Kayseron, and talking briefly but briefly about why.

In a sense, Doran had a very close relationship with Doran, asking for reasons. After all, she / he had built in all the information gathered to defeat the dragon of his lifetime.

However, it is also from the old dragon age. Regarding Doran after being reborn as a human being and reviving his spirit, Christinas are much more detailed than Dornado, and after all, he has yet to pinpoint Doran's concerns.

(Sorry, we don't seem to be able to manage Nanika, which Doran watches, but the enemy in front of him is somehow in the category.)

Christina's body shakes. Suddenly, the dangerous movement of a thread-cut puppet falling down on the spot was a way of distracting the eyes of Harkwire and colleagues.

The two gods Seijin, who jumped out of the left and right sides of Harkwire, prevent the god's blade swinging from the left and right, aiming at the neck of Harkwire.

Elderly dwarves with one side and eyelids closed and deeply covered in a military cap, a small man of human race wearing a piece and black shiny iron skin.

A dwarf running a few white scars on his tanned skin, screams as if he were inspiring himself, catching a Dora Note with a thick double-edged ax.

"God smash here, God's blow!"

The double-edged ax catches the blade of the Doradnaut, how much force he has in a standard dwarf body.

Originally intended to blow Christina's left arm out of the base, Christina's strength and parrying skills surpassed his expectation, creating a state of opposition.

And a human man catches Elsparda's blade with his left arm and screams high. A purple crystal earring, worn only on his left ear, shines according to his will and promotes the strengthening of the male body.

"God skin! My skin has the grace of God!"

If the dwarf fired a divine blow, this human had responded to Christina with a hardened, hardened, armor-free, iron-clad body. However, their antagonism is less than an instant.

Christina's arms had more power, instantaneous adjustments were made to match the stiffness of the opponent blocking the blade, and the blades of Elsparda and Dorado Note resumed moving forward immediately.

"Moo !?"

"Oh, the grace of God"

In the wake of an incredibly phenomenal phenomenon storming themselves, the two servants of Secular Will both speak out in wonder and awe.

Shortly before the deadly blades approached their necks or torso, a blow from Harquier jumped over them and attacked Christina, barely sacrificing a piece of leather and the two picking up their lives.

"Rude from above!"

The sparkle from the left hand of Harquier in the air attacks Christina, who avoids the saber, which is swung down over her head, flying back and down.

Holy Punishment "!"

Thirteen light spears emitted from Harkwire's left hand! Those attacking at the very speed of light will be shattered as soon as they enter Christina's time, ending up as drifting light particles around the beautiful warrior.

"No! What a speed of slashing! Are you at a higher rank than the laws of physics ?!"

"Thank you!"

A momentary battle between the landing Harker and the thinning Christina intersects like a fine mesh, drawing innumerable trajectories of light in the space and carving innumerable cuts throughout the entire body of the harkwire.

"Gummu, I'm an immature and immature student with sword skills!"

The wounds and bleeding are immediately blocked by the benefits of bioenhancement surgery, and the pain is instantaneous, but Dorado Note shakes as if sucked into Harquier's right neck, which is suffering from too much wound and unbearable!

If you are decapitated, you will not die, but if you become a strong enemy who will shoot further fires until the wound closes, avoid injuries as much as possible but judge Harwick as a good idea, but prevent it easily He explores artificially accelerated thinking, literally several thousand times that of ordinary people, and seeks a breakthrough.

(Things that are in time for sacred punishment, temperance, divine punishment, and activation cannot stop slashing, and anything that can stop slashing cannot be in time for activation. Not possible! Protection by instantaneous hardening of muscles, blood vessels and skeleton-Predictive effect is minimal!

Having decided that he couldn't prevent it himself, he chose to rely purely on others. Dwarves and men, who have repositioned during the battle between Harkwire and Christina, are now working to save Harkwire.

"Thank you earlier, pick up, God Bull Crush!"

Void flash "The glory of our god is unshakable.

As the dwarf runs down like a shell to Christina as he lowers his body, the green light from a man's two-handed diamond-shaped hand passes by, piercing the void to blow off Christina's upper body.

Christina's sensation, which led to her magical powers, was such that she could clearly perceive the imaginary sky flash approaching at the speed of light and feel "slow."

The blade of the Dord Note, which stands in front of you, absorbs the vain sky, expels it to another dimension somewhere other than here, and then turns the Dwarf's blow that was approaching during one blink, lightly. Take it.

Christina's eyes looked chilly as she saw the harsh dwarf's face distorted in surprise.

"This is like cutting the sky !?"

"A year ago I was a blow that had to be prepared for one of my arms, but it is no less a threat now. Let's ask one. You and your God really have this sword, Did you open the war with the knowledge of the heavenly heritage?

Too bad, Christina's lips move, and the dwarf's ax is slashed as if it were air, with the blade of the Dord Note tearing the right half of the dwarf's neck.

Avoiding the blood squirting into the air with an unpleasant sound, Christina shakes Elsparda vertically above the man to the man who was already approaching him. On the verge of swinging a hardened fist, the man crosses his arms overhead at a stunning reaction rate to catch the Mithril blade.

Rather than metal and meat, a hard sound of metal to metal reverberates, and the face of a man has a distressing color. Elsparda's blade has reached the middle of both men's arms and continues to bite.

"Guu !?"

Finally, Elspada's blade, with both arms cut down, crushed his skull, tibia, and spinal cord into fine dust, as Christina's will slammed the man's head as a blunt instrument with enormous magic and fighting power I do.

That would regenerate in a blink of an eye, but Christina's magical power is a higher level of power than the immortality of the Saints. It was obvious to the man that the man had just opened his eyes and collapsed, and had fallen into a state of incompetence.

"After all, there's not enough to deal with Dorad Notes. Is there a lack of research?"

Christina is so overwhelmed by Christina that he is so suspicious that he is in battle. Bastrel, the former owner, was a more powerful wizard than Christina today.

In addition, even though communication with Dorad Note was not possible, the performance of Dorad Note itself should have been able to be extracted.

Whether you're struggling with Doradnaut in the days of Bastrel, it's still too weak.

(What do you think? Dorad Note)

(I suggest that they are not yet my favorite countermeasures. They are constantly sending all information. The destinations are being tracked, but they also have a lot of decoys and sabotage. , It will take some time to find out)

(Hmmm, if bad, they are abandoned pieces.)

"Holy, God, Heaven!"


During his thoughtful exchange with Dord Note, Christina never looked away from Harkwire. The ultra-small power engine, assimilated with the cells of the whole body of Hawai'i, starts operating at the same time, and his whole body has unprecedented vitality.

With no anger or fear of being killed by his fellow brothers, shortly after Harquier's body leaned heavily forward, he turned into lightning, ran through the hangars endlessly, and attacked Christina-or fell.

Countless rays of light shine around Christina with sounds reminiscent of thunder, and light explodes with explosive momentum in some places. It was a proof that Christina had continued to intercept the Harquire, which literally reached the speed of lightning.

"No, I wonder if I will slash this with the lightning-born elementary school!

Along with the lightning that runs around Christina, you can hear the harbor voice that seems to be true from all sides.

"Sure, your God-given power is out of the ordinary. Let's acknowledge the tremendous power!"

"Hey! I thought I'd just deny it, but do you have the ears and eyes you hear?" Baron Bern

"But you really don't like the way you do it. You shouldn't be believing in forcing your brain to worship, rather than relying on doctrine and deciding on your own. Was he a human? "

"No, no matter what, I have no memories of my life as a member of the Holy Kingdom from birth to now. I'm happy, joyful and proud! "

Red blood slaps on the floor of the hangar with both the sound of water and the haunter, which has been turned into lightning, appears in front of Christina. From his shoulders to the breastplate, the slashes are carved so as to intersect, and the blood that is supposed to be blocked is flowing out without blocking.

"Oh, oh, oh! I have forgotten my immortality. I have forgotten that my blood will stop. Have you unraveled the immortality and the immortality of our God?"

"Hmm, immortality itself is rare, and there are many examples in the world. In your case, the combination of the cell's own phenomenal regenerative power and the invisible, small-mechanical repair of its entire body The key to immortality.

You can destroy the cells responsible for regeneration, and destroy the machinery in your body or stop it from functioning, and you're no longer immortal. Elspada fulfills the former, Dorad Note fulfills both.

Not only me. Not only Doran, but also Serina, Diadora and Doramina are all tricks. After all, you made the wrong person to fight. If we had to deal with us later, we would have been more glamorous. ''

"It's a harsh opinion, but Osho is a gear that embodies the will of God. Our mission is to bring equal peace to the world, equal faith to the people of the world, and peace to the whole world, but everyone in the world. Sharing the same values, joy, sadness, compassion, and a smile, no matter who you say, you will definitely be precious.

If I can get that sight, I will focus on the results rather than the process. No matter how many words you deny, I will never break. I can't bend. I can't succumb! "

The eyes of Christina's Harkweir have changed a bit, but only a little. The Holy Holy Kingdom, without exception, thought that he was only brainwashed, but apparently Harquier seemed to be fighting here on his own creed.

Christina gently lowers the center of gravity by gently lowering the point of the beloved sword in both hands to reconnect with some kind of respect.

Kouki praise, "I am a priest, Seiji, a human who walks with the omnipotent God Demidet! Let's use our strength to deliver the mercy of our God to every corner of the world! God punishment!"

When Harvey's protruding left hand rings his finger with a disturbing gesture, a flame, such as a large fire that burns the world around Christina, blows up, and the heat that does not leave even ash, such as the human body, attacks at once.


It would have been a surprise for Herkwire that Christina slashed the fire surrounding her with the swing of Elsparda. With no change in her complexion, Harquier was leaning forward with her left body in front, pulling her right body backwards, holding a saber in the upper right corner, and entering the concentration of her self.

"God, the fastest blow ... Pierce!"

Even earlier than the thunderbolt earlier, Herchoir's body plunges all-powerful blades into Christina without fear of a counterattack in orbit. The aim is only Christina's heart.

In a time even shorter than the moment, Christina also captures everything from Harquier's hair, fluttering clothes, fluttering eyes, sparkling cutting edges, power flow, both conscious and unconscious I take the.

Inexperienced exhalation is exhaled from Christina's lips, and the saber's point changes into her eyebrows.

Christina retreats from the left half as soon as one of her bangs hangs from her forehead, and in response, Elsparda swings down to Harquier's left neck, approaching her.

This is received by Harquier's left arm, which slightly delays the blade's arrival in exchange for cutting. In the meantime, a saber penetrating through the void is shaken down, approaching Christina's left neck just in time.

A dodge note that slashes from the left nape to the right lung, smashes it up so as to smash the saber blade from the root.

Hawkeir's saber shatters, his left arm is cut off from his elbow, and his still-fighting Hawkwire gazes intensely at Christina.

Verification of the performance of the Dorado Note using his own body went well. Her magical power has penetrated from the part cut by Elsparda, and a paralytic phenomenon that cannot be analyzed is spreading to the body.

"Sorry, regret, if it becomes, it is no longer possible to crush and explode!"

Seeing a harker with a fuller smile than ever before piercing his heart with a saber that leaves a slight blade, Christina feels that one of the presuppositions hits and wants to hit one of the tongues. Fall into

"Is that so!"

I don't know if an explosion will occur or a space-time storm, or what will happen, but Christina sought to step in, suggesting that Dornado's features could limit the damage.

At the same time, you can see Marzel crossing the edge of sight and charging from the right of Harquire. Without giving him time to resist Hawwire, Marzel rushes toward the hangar door with all her power.

Not only that Marzel, but other Marzels were also going outside, with a devoted priest defeated by Dramina and Doran.

"Oh, this is an iron puppet hall that imitates immaculately! I hope you don't disturb the last flower blooming by Ikuo!"

Haursen replied via Mazel to Harquier, who was frustrated for the first time.

"Are you all fighting with the other person's feelings? Your God and your faith should no longer be necessary in this world, just like me."

Howlsen's right arm, which stays in the hangar, has been temporarily replaced by a huge cannon, and the light that has gathered on the barrel becomes a huge ammunition that is launched into the hangar door. Marzel and Seiji Tenshi were on the line of sight and hit the hangar door, opening a large hole to the outside.

Aiming for it, Marzel and others jump out holding the Tenshi Seiji on the verge of self-destruction. Christina, who sees it off, hears a mournful, harsh scream.

"Aya, this is where the virtue of the child is at stake! Glory to our fellowmen and our God!

Marzel, holding the Hawkeirs and others, jumped out of the hangar and flew away from Valsior at a speed several times faster than the sound, suppressing the damage by the self-destruction of Marsel himself earlier than the Hawkeirs themselves and the outer battlefield. Bloom a new explosion.

Christina is blatantly disgruntled, as both enemies and allies are self-destructive, but allies switch to mere puppets and look around the quiet surroundings.

Foto-Selina and Deirdre take a breather, and Dolamina spreads Valkyrios, which has been transformed into the atmosphere, around him, and plays a voluntary lookout.

Finally, when he saw Doran, he built a heap of debris more than anyone else around him and walked to Howlsen, who was working on something by the wall.

After confirming the defeat of Hakwire and others, Howlsen operates a terminal embedded in the wall of the hangar and works on whether information operation is possible.

The information has been extracted from the remains of the defensive weapon that has been destroyed with effort to maintain the original form as much as possible, and if you can not get the information from the terminal of the hangar, you should also go to the center of the ship .

"Is it possible to get useful information?"

With his favorite long sword in his right hand, Doran does not seem to be alert to the surroundings yet. The Valsior side would be able to separate the section where Doran and his colleagues were separated and expel it outside, and would not be willing to deal with any raids at any time.

Howlsen stretched out a tube with a small needle at the tip from inside the armor of his right arm and connected it to a terminal on the wall, where a fast-paced battle with the ship's defenses was taking place.

"We can see that the capitals in the Holy Kingdom are only ostensible. The exact location of the home is unknown, but there is no home, probably hidden in another dimension or between dimensions. Details need to enter the center. ''

Withdrawing the tube from the end of the wall and pulling it back into the body, Howulsen seemed discouraged from Doran's eyes.

"But your fighting abilities are far beyond my expectations. I can only praise the counter nanomachines prepared for Deus Gear that they have little to come.

Both Majesty the King and Aslam are defeating Seishin and the defensive arsenal with the speed of bamboo, and proceeding in their respective courses. It's only a matter of time before some of us reach the heart. ''

Doran agreed. Other than the three men who have been invaded in the battle against the Demon Army, the priests have also been mobilized, but the force that has entered Valsió is far beyond that.

Unable to stop the progress of the three teams including Doran and others, they have lost their strength one after another and have been overrun the ship. Dran and Howlsen were worried that they would do well if they did well.

Even after the battle of Doran and others, the weak vibration continued due to the effect of the battle of Yarham et al. Being carried out elsewhere, but if a particularly large vibration hit the hangar, everyone in this place had a feeling of floating. Attack.

"Is the hangar disconnected?"

Howlsen adds a supplement to Doran who murmurs plainly.

"Not only this hangar, but parts of the ship have been separated. It doesn't seem to be sinking, but they resorted to a means of physically separating us and the center.

You will blow this hangar directly with carrier-based aircraft and guns. We recommend a quick escape. Bombardment has also been resumed at Kyaeroun. `` Even if you escape, returning to Kayseron is not a good idea. ''

"Although Lynette and Merle have shot down quite a few, the Holy Kingdom's strength seems to be quite large. It seems that they are spitting out what they have been making for a long time. Well, is it all first that the linettes shoot down or that we hold back our center ... "

Howlsen communicates with Lunamaris, and Doran grasps the external situation through a memoir with Lynette and a see-through with Longan.

In the hangar that gradually falls, the Dorans all avoid floating and magical flying and slamming against the ceiling of the hangar, but they needed to take immediate action.

Deran moved while the remaining Arkrest kingdoms were gathered in one place, as all of the Marzels self-destructed.

"Let's take a positive look at the fact that we have saved ourselves the trouble of navigating the ship. There is only one person in the part that keeps floating. That is the center. It merges with the outside Merurus. Let's try to nullify the enemy. "

Watching Doran reposition her long sword into a dragon sword with both hands and seeing her cut down to the lower right, the Serinas realize he is going to do it, and Howlsen belongs to the rapidly expanding Doran's higher dimension. I was suspicious of the abnormality in my instrument.

"First, let's get out of this hangar that is in the way"

As soon as Doran muttered with the ease of taking a walk around there, as soon as he raised his dragon sword, the ceiling of the hangar disappeared without a trace, with sword pressure, magic, or even fighting, without a trace. Ships of the Holy Kingdom, Star Vampires, and Nightgaunts are also crushed together and turned into fireworks that color the sky.

Immediately beyond the open field of view, you can see that the remaining Valsior hull is being combined into something different from the battleship.

Already, Kaizeron has begun to move away from what he was Valsió, during which time there is a short-range bombardment between them, with hundreds of rays shaving each other's shields.

As other detached plots and pieces of destroyed weapons fly down, Doran finds Yarham and Aslam, acknowledging that they have escaped safely, and then looks at Valcio, overhead.

What used to be a huge battleship has now transformed into a humanoid about ten times as large as Doran. The figure resembles a white armor with a running golden line. From its back, there are four parts reminiscent of Toba on the stern, and on its chest there is a reaction between life and power.

"Let's go out of the chest where the rest of Tenshi Seiji is, and secure the information. It's best to save the trouble of running around."

Perhaps you picked up Doran's muttering, which you could hear as an insult, or erupted from the wings of Valsió's back, which turned into a giant humanoid, with light rushing through it, turning into hundreds of thousands of light feathers. They attacked Doran.

While falling objects and feathers of light are pouring down like heavy rain, Doran and others fly through the gap as they sew the gap. The enemy fleet is less likely to make a missile fire due to the loss of the Valsión giant.

"Wow, it's already a mess!"

Serina, who does not have much flight magic experience, moves the white wings created by the semi-dragon to the point, avoiding storm-like bombardment and light bullets from the surroundings, creating a tremendous Jalarm himself. Are fighting back.

Diadora is the same in that he is not used to flying in the sky, which emits a scent that poisons even charged particle beams and even photon torpedoes, and cuts off aircraft and destroyers with the thorns dancing with rainbow-colored roses , Has demonstrated terrible powers.

"Well, we're on a fancy battlefield. It's still a preparatory battle.

Dear Dora, who tells you that it's going to end quickly, turns Dalmina from Valkyrios into a large bow to help two people unfamiliar with the flight, along with the rain of the surrounding light Agree while fighting with a huge number of black light arrows.

"I'm also reluctant to leave Bern for a long time. I felt strongly that I don't want the past invaders, Deusgear, to take away our time to live now."

"Doramina agrees, but Dran seems to be taking in Haursen's connection, but shall we fight with our logic?"

In the words of Diadora, Serina and Domina nodded together, gazing at Valsió, who continues to emit light feathers. Serina and others have raised their ambitions, and Christina, who holds the Dorado Note, has also set up a foothold in the air and looked up at Valcio with the help of Dorado Note.

Even if Dolan is not here, the fate of Valcio and the Seek-Theta who will be manipulating them will only be determined by one.

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