Valsió was severely sunk from the bow to the center of the ship following a collision with a much larger Kaiseron than himself. As a result of disabling each other's shields, the Kaizen side, which greatly outperforms in both mass and armor strength, is causing significant unilateral damage to Valcio.

Nevertheless, both were still buoyant because each other's power was still alive and the gravity-operated equipment had not stopped functioning. If either of them loses buoyancy and falls to the ground, it will be a catastrophic event that must be covered.

During a fierce battle of information from both electronic and magical aspects by Luna Maris, the aircraft carrier of the Deus Gear fleet aims to hit Kaizeron, but this is a clear fly and a linette made three sisters, and A Masfellow, flying in the sky on the battlefield as a dragon, is blocking.

The Great Demon Army's chief, the purple poison dragon, continues to strike violently against super-technical products far exceeding the current levels of both science and magic, more than the combined number of fingers on both hands and feet Shooting down iridescent enemy aircraft.


The Masfellow's roar has the effect of causing the listener to panic as a dragon, but this has also worked for Deusgear fighting machines without the spirit. The evil dragon roar interfered with the electronic and magical circuits that determine their actions, resulting in inability or temporary performance degradation.

Then, where the enemy who was flying freely in the sky fell into the front and back, a breath containing plenty of Masfero's venom was released, the armor of the enemy aircraft was rotten while watching and exploded from inside Cause it to be swallowed by the explosion and disappear.

The Masfellow scatters rays and guided flying objects from unharmed enemy aircraft by scattering the venomous miasm in all directions instead of as barriers, and looks down on Kaiseron who crashed into the Valsior.

"I don't think you'll see such a sight just yet in the preparatory battle. You can see the awesomeness of the battle that took place across the sea of old stars.

We may not be able to dominate one star, but it may be an early territory, but as long as we can taste the battle of everywhere ahead of time, this is truly lucky.

My King Yaham, Galillius, Zanderza, Trauru, and Vengitta. Be sure to survive this battle and feed it for later battles. For as long as we live, our battles will go anywhere and everywhere! "

Speaking of encouraging words that would not reach his brothers who may have been struggling to enter the interior of Valsió, Masfellow catches the cruiser's main gun released from behind with a poisonous breath released in a retrospective look.


Eight magic circles, drawn by dragon characters, appear around the Masfellow, who keeps breathing, emitting a torrent of extreme purple light to a cruiser far away.

Not only the breath, but also these poisonous lights are as powerful as the cruiser's main gun, piercing enemy cruisers in several places, involving several star vampires on the line of fire, quickly Let it go down.

The presence of a Masfellow, which has both the firepower of a warship and the mobility of a ship-based aircraft, would show the overwhelming performance of a high-ranking dragon as a living creature.

But in the eyes of Masfellow who stopped breathing, the eyes of the other being swirled in black eyes rather than the pride of his own results.

"The Romans and the Arkrest kingdoms are terrifying guys who still have such a hidden ball. That golem is anomalous, but Arkwich and others are still anomalous. I'm here! "

Masfellow's eyes showed Merlu, acting through the queen of evil dragons with tremendous power to frighten his spine, not only performing a bombardment battle from the front with Deusgear's battleship, but also apparently defeating him.

The sight of the battleships for interstellar war boasting the largest firepower and heavy armor except for Valcio is being shot down one after another to Meruru, which is less than one-thousandth of its length, that is the Dragon Emperor And if you're not a Dragon Emperor, let's look at the dragon species.

And again, the golems that Masfellow spoke ridiculously-the three Gandugas carrying Lynette also shot down enemies in a shape reminiscent of arrowheads and ears one after another, and sunk the ship aiming for big eaters .

Kirlinne's full edge, aimed at a single aircraft carrier, attacks at full speed from directly above, raising his large sword with both hands. The bespoke swords each open right and left at the center of the blade, and a shining light blade extends from the open center, extending beyond the full length of the carrier.

"Anti-ship Attack Slit" Titan Killer "!

Full-edge and rushing planes hinder all snipers and artillery from full-shots, and full-dress also concentrates fire on the aircraft carrier to crush the anti-aircraft turrets on the carrier and degrade the shield.

In the rain of an aircraft carrier's anti-aircraft fire that fills the field of vision like a hedgehog's needle, Kirlinne swings down the huge light blade that was swinging up to the upper tier without fear of atrophy.

It only took a few seconds to hit the shield protecting the aircraft carrier and stop the slashing. The Titan Killer, who broke the spectacular shield, broke the giant hull into three pieces without ignoring the carrier's special alloy armor.

The carrier divided into three starts sparking and discharging from the cross section, loses buoyancy and begins to fall slowly. Although smaller than the Valsior and Caixoron, it is not going to be the case given the damage caused by a crash of this size.

Regarding this problem, firstly, catch the falling object by using a ray that attracts an object called a tractor beam from Kaizeron, or secondly, the magical barrier of [floating] is applied to the object below a certain altitude by arranging Doran throughout the battlefield It has been dealt with to be stuck on.

Green light is radiated from the chisellon, which is colliding with Valsió, to the divided carrier, and the falling speed changes to a slower one. It would be like landing on the ground softly like a feather.

After confirming that, Kirlinne rushes to the full edge, keeping the Titan Killer's light blade to sink the remaining destroyers and cruisers.

Arms that can eat big game are installed not only on full edge but also on full shot and full dress. Lynette's full dress is dedicated to support, but Gandeus can't hesitate to eat the big game if he can.

Gandius and Kirlinne knew that their mission was their highest priority, but at the same time had a strong desire for Doran and Diadora to be proud. Only then was the gun and sword sister the biggest competitor of each other.

Deusgear's unexpected strengths, Masfellow, Lynette, Gandeus, Kirlinne, and Merle, have bombarded the battles between the aircraft and the aircraft, and are rapidly leaning toward the Kazezeron side, and the rush into Valsión has not just begun. And had

The teams are divided into three groups: Doran and Arkrest Kingdom, Yaharm and the Demon King, and Howlsen and Aslam and the Romar Empire.

Each group has a number of members who were treated by Haursen as subordinates to the Guard during the Romar empire.

These members are actually mass-produced Haursens, and these green beetle-produced mass-produced models are operated in parallel by Haursen at the same time as child machines.

This child machine, the mass-produced Howlsen-the official name of Mazen-was a disposable piece, a shield, and a terminal to connect to the center of Valcio in the battle on board. Due to the number of people, more Marzens are assigned to the Romar Empire, and five are deployed under Doran.

The surface of Kaiseron, which crushed the armor of Valsió and digged into the interior, opened, and a huge cylinder extending from it advanced further while digging the hull of Valsió with the blade of the tip, reaching the tip of the ship when it reached the passage inside the ship The department is opened and the Doran and others waiting inside show up.

The aisle is wide enough for five people to walk side by side, and the height to the ceiling is twice the height of Doran. Light greenish-white structural materials are illuminated at regular intervals with the same shade of sunlight as the sun embedded in the walls and ceiling.

"Hmm, the atmosphere is a little different from the ruins of the heavenly people, and there is no breathable atmosphere without spraying poison in advance, and there are no other trapping things. Howlsen? "

Once all descended on the walkway of Varcio, Doran took a deep breath once and asked Howlsen. Howlsen replied, acknowledging, with Marzen, a substitute for a shield, watching the passage leading to the left, right and front.

"I couldn't help but control the control a little bit by taking advantage of the confusion at the time of the collision. .

And this battleship we boarded seems to be named Valcio. It's an interstellar warship, but it's not a new one but a relic from a former space war. At best, I kept it in perfect condition so far. ''

"Hmm, that information alone makes it too early to conclude that there is no large arsenal on Deusgear's side and they are using relics."

"Affirmation. Because we are coming here for information, we should first get that information before making a decision."

When Haulsen brought in the arm as a weapon, the edge of the double-edged axle, which was only about a single molecule, was rattled and squeezed again, the yahm looking at the right side of the passage was finally unable to be suppressed, a warlike smile Float your mouth.

"Similar to intelligence gathering, but slashing enemy strength is also an important objective? Seiji Tenno, a monster reinforced with the skills of those who have crossed the sea of stars. How do you fight in this narrow ship? I guess it's a sight.

Deus Gear-The Demon King's army that is angry with the Holy Kingdom that basically hindered the fun, but that was the pleasure of fighting strong opponents.

Christina and Diadora seem disgusted at their disrespectful fighting ethnicity, but Howlsen nods to swell, rather than feel as expected.

"Demon King, we always share and disclose information. If you leave only one machine, you can destroy the other, but please be careful not to destroy the handset you passed as much as possible. Would the information for the next fight against Deus Gears be important to you as well? "

"Well, I don't understand the desire to pierce the nails. We're going this way. We don't say that we've kidnapped who will take control of the center or be the fastest.

But I can't deny the possibility that any of us will rise and sink this battleship. When that happens, I'm sorry. "

To put it simply, Jaharm, with the exception of Masfellow, dragged Marsels and the rest of Mashoru, and ran out to the other side of the passage. Doran asks Howlsen, laughing with pleasure, while seeing the Demon King's party disappearing in no time.

"Is it okay to leave it alone? You can really sink this battleship from inside, and you are as powerful as it can be."

"They are the ones I've been invited to know, and they're not the ones that let us hold the reins. It's most efficient for them to be free to do it. I suppose that's the premise. ''

"Is the information gathering place floating around, other than this Valsior?"

It is a statement pointing to the Deusgear fleet currently engaged by Merle and Lynette. They are also Deus Gear military weapons, so a little research will give you some information.

"I do not deny that the information and reliability of other ships are inferior to this ship, but I would like you to think about insurance. Aslam."

Howlsen turns his talks with his former colleague during a conversation with Doran. Aslam stood in a dignified appearance like a stone statue of Takejin, turning her eyes to a former colleague.

"Let's say we're about to go. The road is conveniently split in three directions. We're letting Lunamaris do the analysis, but to the extent we know it, it doesn't end up at a dead end. Deusgear's biological weapons and defense soon Weapons will show up, limited to acting early. "

"I understand. Baron Bern, Aide to Bellrest"

Christina shows a slightly nervous behavior in response to a call from Aslam, who naturally wears the extremity of a warrior or the style of a great king. For them, aslam, as well as pure combat skills, was also a good man worthy of respect.

"Something Sir Aslam"

Christina's vocal sound, which returns her words, is more likely to be due to tensions on those who deserve respect as warriors, rather than vigilance against potential adversaries.

"I wish you good luck. Once the battle between the Holy Kingdom and the Demon King is over, Romar and Arkrest will no longer need to fight, and you won't have to fist with them. I hope. ''

Christina smiles to Aslam, who speaks with sincerity, that she truly agrees.

"I agree. I don't want to kill each other by betting on myself or someone else's life, whether it's a fighting match or a match. Is that the same for Doran?"

"Of course, I want to work in powder to improve territory and improve people's lives, rather than to fight for war.

Therefore, I want Lord Aslam and Mr. Howlsen to safely fight five battles against the lost alien.

I want to talk to you only in places other than battles, and I'm just looking for people who support Amria. ''

It is no longer a distant day for Asteria and Amria to change their positions and names. There are personnel available to support Amria, who has taken the position of Emperor with the help of Asteria, but it is encouraging if Aslam and Howulsen are among them.

Howlsen fights on the premise that he is willing to decay in this battle, but as far as Aslam is concerned, he wants to think about the post-battle, and hopefully Doran and others can be good neighbors Was hoping.

"It's an extraordinary honor to expect so much. I was going to go to the temple again after the battle, but the future that isn't that might be exciting. Howard, will we go?"

"Um, let's take the guide. We'll go from here. Baron Bern asks for the front passage. In any case," I "will stay with you, but we wish you good luck."

Aslam, the most diverted of Marzel, ran to the left aisle and watched it shrink to the size of a bean while seeing, and one of the Marsels accompanying the Doran spoke in a voice of Howlsen .

"Now we're going to leave. There's Dornaught, but I personally consider this squad a favorite. Let's do our best to get it right."

"Where are the Deus gear bodies, why they have taken action now, what countermeasures they've decided to beat the Dord Note, what's worrisome here. Anything else we can deal with. There's nothing, but what happens when you open the lid? ''

At this time, no one noticed that Dolan's profile wasn't always nervous, or that the vigilance was faintly bleeding.

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