From the voices of General Howlsen, who guards the Imperial City, the maids holding handsets have a spill of relief.

Even with specially trained maids who also do shadow work, in this situation the existence of adults who have supported the empire's backbone from the foundation of the country seems to be relied on, and emotions seem to have come to the fore .

"General Howlsen, Asteria. Have you understood this situation?"

Asteria asserted in a voice that she did not believe she was wrong, even though Howlsen had not yet spoke of the situation. It's the same with Amria, just like her sister, staring at the communicator and waiting for Howlsen, who stands there.

As I listened to what the situation on the Imperial City was like, a myth came from a reigning alert outside the ship. Gundeus and Kirlinne were also equipped outside of the ship when they were engaged with Gallius's subordinates.

Of course, she mediates Lynette and also tells Gandeus and Kirlinne about her exchange with Lynette.

"Mr. Gwandan, a communication from General Howulsen, but the Demon King's army has been highly encrypted in view of the danger of being intercepted by the Holy Kingdom. It is decided that it is necessary ... "

"Oh, judging from the battle between me and the Merurus, I guess they have the technical skills of the heyday of the heyday. I'm worried why the Holy Kingdom has just begun. This time, it's going to be a different story than with the heavenly heritage as before. "

“Yes. Both Lynette, and Kirlinne and Gandeus agree with Gwandan. At the moment, the Bernese side has Doradnaut, which is probably the greatest countermeasure against the heavenly people, so if the heavenly person is the opponent, Lynette is a bit disappointed that it has become an easy development. "

“If anything, this time it ’s unusual for the heavenly heritage to be on the side of the ally. Then you will naturally know the identity of the enemy.”

At this point we had a rough idea of the mastermind of the Holy Kingdom and its identity. Regrettably it will not be supported. Until reliable proof can be obtained, there is no guesswork.

Now, while Me and Lynette were in secret conversations to prevent eavesdropping on Howlsen, the answer from Howlsen echoed through the communicator.

"It's a right decision to stop moving at that point. Going further into the Imperial territory would have greatly reduced the strength. At present, the imperial capital and its suburbs are safe. It may be a shame for you, but the Prince of Rhinos Art is safe. "

"Oh, isn't she a cold-blooded niece who isn't pleased with her uncle's safety despite being hostile?"

Asteria happily says, but it's true that she doesn't want to be able to die outside of her own prepared place, or she is not pleased because it can be a troublesome situation. . She is a horrible woman.

"I'll say that. Regarding the situation, uprisings have occurred simultaneously in all areas of the Romar Empire except near the Imperial City. ''

There is no sign of surprise to Asteria and Amria, even if they are informed of a situation that could lead to overthrow or death. He would have expected that much would have happened if the red armored army general had contacted himself. Me too.

"That's a terrible situation. In terms of all regions, isn't the rebels in the south alone enough to end the story?"

"agree with. At present, artificial rainfall has been observed throughout the territory of the Romar Empire and the Kingdom of Alex. In the Kingdom of Arkrest, the rain was prevented by the intervention of someone, in addition to the land defense magic invented by the Great Witch, which was set up on the land.

But in the Romar Empire, only within reach of me can escape the rain. In other words, it is only in this suburb near the Imperial City.

If you're on board, you'll be delayed from the effects of the rain, but it's still wet. You should not go any further into the Romal territory. ''

"So what is the specific impact on those who get wet in the rain? And how does General Howlsen know what to do to remove that impact? That will change our behavior greatly."

"Rain is a science and technology product that never relies on magic or miracles of God. Think of the invisible little familiars lurking in the raindrops innumerably, forcing them into your brain and forcing your thoughts.

Many folk grasses are already under the control of the Holy Kingdom, due to delays in responding to anti-magic and anti-magic defense measures. In response, the Great Witch's defense magic must be praised for excellence.

And verbal dialogue with those who have rained is meaningless. You know why you described it as meaningless, not impossible? 』

"If you are forced to think, you have no will of your own. No matter how many words you repeat against such a person, is it worthless?

If it's a kind of magic or curse, it's meaningful to call it because you will be able to resist to some extent with your own will, but as far as you talk, it seems that calling it has no effect. ''

"I understand quickly and help. Currently, those affected by the rain are marching towards the only undamaged imperial capital, regardless of rebels, princesses, or grand religions.

Fortunately, those who have no fighting power are not included. He has been able to earn time by selecting those who can fight and preparing for the march. The Grand Duke is moving to unite the remaining units in the Imperial City to conduct endurance warfare. "

"It's like you've been flipped over by someone who isn't a move from the side, but let's say our uncle is the one who won't dwell."

It seems unusual for an asteria to be really impressed. If the two were able to obey one another without competing for the next emperor's throne, then the Romal empire was undoubtedly a rather troublesome enemy.

"We have already completed reconnaissance in the Holy Kingdom by General Isa Chisato. An area was seen that was invisible to her eyes, which paradoxically proves it to be their heart or important organ. '

"Let's just waste time wondering if it's an unexpected rebellion. Hey, it's awkward to be hostile, but for now it's a competence that you can count on to be your ally. So General Haursen, Please continue the story. ''

"The brainwashing of rainfall can be dealt with by miracles that bring down the souls of the gods or by spraying counter nano machines. But first, stop raining first. It can be stopped by destroying or sending a stop command to the meteorological operation satellite floating at an extremely high altitude. ''

HM. The Arkrest kingdom seems to have destroyed the weather-manipulation satellites, according to Howlsen, due to the wave of the force, but the Lomal Empire's satellites are still in operation. I want to destroy it more quickly than leaving it alone.

"There were some words that I could only guess with my knowledge, but General Howlsen wouldn't be going to do that. I guess it's a time regrettable thing. I can tell you clearly. Amria, do you think so? "

Maybe Asteria talked to Amria because he was an empire who signed a contract with Howlsen. Or maybe it's Amria who will keep the Romar empire in the future?

"Yes. General Howlsen already knows what the Holy Kingdom is and what he intends to do to defeat it.

It seems to him that this is a priority for General Haursen over his contract with the Romar Empire. Then are you already acting to defeat the Holy Kingdom? ''

"... I don't think the past can't be changed, but the Romal Empire has no custom to make twins a bad sign. If you and your sisters are both wheels of the empire, it will be difficult to calculate what kind of future was drawn, even if you wear yourself

"I'm sorry for General Howlsen, but I'm pleased with the current situation and the personal connection."

"What? If so, never talk about things again. And the strength of the Arkrest kingdom, including me, far exceeded the expectations of the Romar Empire.

Arkwitch was also a big deal, but the recent Baronian territory's strength means that hostility against the Arkrest kingdom is on the path to a lost country. However, I am fortunate that there is a high possibility that you can avoid that line, because your sister sister has established a special relationship with it.

Now, sisters who are qualified as successors to the Romar Empire, from now on, I have already acted to fulfill my reasons.

The contract with the first Emperor of the Romar Empire expired upon confirming the intervention of the Holy Kingdom. Your relationship with the contractors will depend on your negotiations, but it's worth noting that there will be no technology, human resources, or new contracts coming from me. ''

Asteria and Amria, who were just half a joke from each other and had given up the title of the next emperor, just looked a little uncomfortable. Haursen may have been a little amazed if he learned of the two parties in advance.

"Yes, I was just telling my sister about it, but we wouldn't be eligible to stop it. It's been told that General Howlsen was born because he was born. An equal thing to hang.

We don't know all of your circumstances, we can't say anything with a transliteration face. And isn't Romar a miserable country that wouldn't be possible without General Howulsen? "

"Fufufufu, indeed, I've been involved in the country for a long time. After fulfilling my mission, I turned on what kind of fate to follow and activated unnecessary functions, but it is not bad. The name of the country may change, but that's it. That would be acceptable for sister and sister princess. '

"Huh, don't give me a honest answer. Even though it's hidden, it's still a Princess of Romar."

"I grew up my liver. No matter what the world, we can live. Now let me explain my actions. Currently, I'm activating something waiting in the basement near the Imperial City.

Currently, the warp fields that protect the Imperial City are continuously deployed, so rain is semi-permanently safe. The Holy Kingdom is not so easy to break through. Rest assured that the remaining Empire people will not be sacrificed. '

"It's all about it, but I can't wait to get it forever. The power of the Holy Kingdom is unknown, but it's not the opponent of the Lomal Empire alone.

First, the Holy Holy Kingdom is too far. In the current state of depletion of supplies, even if the exact home base is known, the supplies will be depleted before reaching.

If you're going to be in the interstate war format, it's best to fight again with the Arkrest kingdom and, if it comes true, with the Demon King's army. ''

Well, in the appearance of the war between nations? Apparently, Amria is seeing that Howlsen is not willing to set up with the Holy Kingdom in a war format.

Howlsen is now acting as “Haulsen” instead of “Houlsen, the 12th General of the Romar Empire”, so he can take free action without being bound by title. If you forget it, you will mislead your prediction of his actions.

"It is meaningless to have 10 million troops. All that is needed to fight the Holy Kingdom is an extraordinary, non-standard force.

He is currently sending messengers to the Demon King Army and the Arkrest Kingdom to seek cooperation. If we can't get help from anywhere, we will fight alone, but we'd be grateful if we could get the help of the Demon King and Dorad Note.

You guys are waiting now. Depending on my negotiations, I may take a fight with the other two countries. In that case, I want to ask the soldiers to maintain their morale so that they can move immediately. I will deliver food and other supplies tomorrow. "

Despite fighting with the Demon Kings and the Arkrest Kingdom, their normal strength is good and can only be used as a positive decoy. In addition, Amria and Asteria must have imagined dozens and hundreds of actions to take in the future and possible situations.

"It's really fast. You'll see how it will be delivered tomorrow, so let's do it anyway. I understand. What else can we do?"

"I would like to ask Gwandan, Lynette, Gandeus, Kirlinne and four others to cooperate. Your fighting abilities are extremely useful in fighting the Holy Kingdom. I'll pay you everything I can pay. '

When Haulsen finished, everyone in the room glanced at me. Linnets have already contacted me if I will. That's it for them. Here I am, too, depending on me in Bern, but this is a story to ride.

"Hmm, I'm honored to be honored by the renowned General Howulsen. Given the thoughts of the Holy Kingdom and the odor of those who hide behind it, there is no other way than cooperation. But I would like to share information if we fight together. What is the identity of the Holy Kingdom? What is your identity?

Haursen's response was immediate, with no pause. Since he is acting to fulfill his reason for existence, everything else is secondary, so he is no longer hesitant to reveal his identity or whatever.

"I understand. First, one of the rewards is paid in advance. But let's just pay the least amount. Some people can't stand listening. "

Well, I've told the maids to talk so deeply to this point, but is it true that it's time for them to leave because of their nerves and stomach? After waiting for me to receive the communication from the maid, Amria told her to leave the room in a heartfelt tone.

I heard a sigh of relief spilling out of the room as they left the hall. By the way, Yachiyo and Fuka are still sleeping with a little breath. I'm sorry.

"It's alright. General Howlsen, continue the story."

"I understand. And I have already resigned from the twelve wings. There is no need to call him a general. I just want to call it Howlsen.

By the way, as the continuation of the story, the Holy Pope or the god of demise, worshiped by the techniques of the Holy Kingdom, is a mistake among those who belonged to the kind of Deusgear, a kind of alien that once attacked this star Absent.

And all of me and those who were subordinate to the Romar Empire as the Guard were autonomous mobile weapons demon gear for Deus Gear, the final type made by heavenly people. '


Around this time, Haulsen, a humanoid red beetle, appeared in the retreating Demon King's headquarters. The mobile fortress that became the battlefield with Doran and others-the audience room in the official Gallian-class mobile fortress.

Inside the room, with minimal diplomatic decorations, are Vengutta, who is refilling the lost dolls, and Demon Rokusho and Demon King Yaham, except for Traurou, who is recuperating.

Although it is not surprising to be in a situation of immediate contact, Haursen understands that there is no willingness to fight, and the Jarham side understands that, and the situation is that the air is stuck but it is not lethal. It's done.

"That's all the information I have. The war between the aliens and the aliens lasted more than three thousand years, of which Deusgear is one of the most powerful opponents. He won the war by shattering almost all of his home planet and colonized and artificial planets.

At the time, we and the upper tier of humans committed the blunder that some of their remaining powers could not be annihilated and escaped. I was introduced late in the war with Deusgear and left as a counter when the remaining powers reattacked. ''

Howlsen, as told to Amria et al., Sought the cooperation of the Demon King and thus appeared and disclosed information about himself and the Holy Kingdom as told to Gwandan.

Howlsen, the main body, is currently heading to Amria, so Haulsen here is remotely controlling the spare aircraft.

"Why didn't they feel the magic or the power of God? The information from you is really useful because there were so many aliens in the past that they couldn't narrow them down. Do you want us to work together? "

"Remember. Please note that the call in every battle is not from Howlsen, the twelve-wing general of the Romal Empire, but from Howlsen, the demonician heritage of the heavenly people."

"Hmm, taking advantage of it to benefit the Romal Empire is an option, but it's very boring. Not only I, but the people will think so.

In doing so we will lose a lot of trust from the people. For us we have a greater loss. You should feel safe. You may treat it as just Howlsen. ''

"Thank you for your consideration"

"So what do you do. I know the identity of the enemy. I've got the information. Now I have to decide what to do.

With that Tenshi Seiji, it is more a product of technology than his own qualities. If you do poorly, it can be tens or hundreds or more mass-produced. It's no excuse to waste your time trying to get rid of it. ''

"Yes, I'm wondering why they started moving around this time, but there's only one action to take: annihilation, nothing else.

The rule of the Holy Kingdom comes from forced brainwashing with nanomachines for conquered nations. Defeating the enemy leader and taking control of the nanomachine will eliminate their territory alone.

After that I am not qualified to know. Because I am not the life that lives now. It would be nice if you cut the territory and once again cause a war against the Romal Empire and the Arkrest Kingdom. ''

"Well, irresponsible, or should you praise us for knowing how to handle us? It's good. It's a willing demonic and a willing instrument that has existed since ancient times. Your mouth Let's get in the car.

Above all, if we let those who watered our fight blow a bubble, the insects on our belly won't go away. The best way to hit this anger and frustration the fastest is to help you. ''

"Thank you. The means and gathering of forces to destroy the Holy Kingdom are ongoing. If my calculations allow, we have enough power to destroy Deus Gear."

"I guess, of course, are the people of Bern of the Kingdom of Alexandre included? If you don't call them, you have to doubt your sanity."

"Affirmation. We are currently explaining the situation and requesting cooperation. After their consent, we will gather you in one place to carry out the annihilation of the Holy Kingdom and the Deusgia remnants."


While Haursen was present to the Demon King's army, explaining the situation and requesting cooperation, Haursen was also present to the Arkrest Army, which had retreated to the Jougan fortress and had been ready.

Rather than the face of the Green Guard with no horns, this one was visited by Haursen with a red beetle.

The members of the kingdom of Alexandre were surprised at the activation of the land defense magic that Merle had prepared, and this appeared to the place where they were wondering if it was the work of the demon army or the holy kingdom, the former 10th Romar Empire It was Howlsen, a two-wing general.

Howlsen is passed through one of the meeting rooms inside the Johgan Fortress, where the leaders of the Kingdom of Arkrest, such as Superior, are lined with Doran, Christina, Merle and others.

Howlzen, who suddenly appeared and offered information on the holy kingdom that he wanted to get out of his throat, stepped inside the fortress while being highly wary, and did the same as Amria and Jaham Explanation was given.

After hearing all the incredible information, Spellion questioned Howlsen, skeptically.

"In other words, do you want to gather the elites of the Demon King, the Romar Empire, and the elite of our country to attack the home of the Holy Kingdom?"

It's not a legitimate strategy of leading an army. He had just been told of a surprising operation that would use the "foots" provided by Howlsen to defeat the Pope in one fell swoop and destroy the false god Demied, the ruler of the Holy Kingdom.

"Affirmation. Prince Superior is the heart of the Holy Kingdom, a remnant of the aliens who claim to be Demied, who is the skeleton, brain, heart, and lifeline of the Holy Kingdom. Elimination leads directly to the elimination of the Holy Kingdom threat. ''

Even though Tenjin is a fairy tale area, in addition to that, if you become a alien, it will be a point where you can not grasp the point as if you grab clouds. As Haulsen shows up and tells you this, the likelihood of falsehood is low, but in fact it takes some time to swallow.

As Haursen responded indifferently to questions from the Arkrest kingdom including Meruru, including Spellion, Haursen sent a celestial age message to Dordnaut lowered on Christina's waist, which was translated by Doran and Christina. I was told.

"First of all, thanks for responding to the communication. Now I'm a temporary fellow named Dornaught

Howlsen's call to Doradnaut has a subtle but dear affection. The time when the Dorado Note was collected and used by the heavens coincided with Howlsen's activity, and there may have been some acquaintance.

Even so, Doradnaut is a super-weapon made of lost technology created with technology that can not be reproduced even from the viewpoint of the heavens, so it would be no wonder Haursen knows as knowledge.

"No need to thank. Until you take care of me, who kept me quiet to Prince Spion. Being a legacy of civilization older than the heavens is Bern's secret. So what was the secret to connecting me with the secret communication? 』

"We've been refining ourselves since the last command from the commander to improve performance, and the same goes for Deus Gear. And the greatest threat to them is you, the most powerful weapon in heavenly history, than me, their counter.

Bastrel, an organic device created to operate you, and you have repelled many aliens and other dimension invaders against the heavens.

When he knew that Bastrel had died, he lamented that the trump card against Deusgear had been lost, but that would change if you could establish the ego in that way and have a truly acknowledged owner. '

"If, as you say, the Holy Kingdom's mastermind is Deusgear, it will not be so stupid to lose my place after Bastrell's death. In addition, you should have figured out my presence in the previous battle. Still, as long as you haven't stopped fighting, you should see that you're prepared to counter me. '

"agree with. Both here and here know the hand. Then how much measures have you taken? And how much you could prepare a hand that exceeded your opponent's expectations? That will be the deciding factor in this battle. ''

"Some of the hands that go beyond Deusgear's expectations will be the Demon King and my lord. You may have prepared some ...

But, Doradnout thinks. What kind of hand did Deus Gear have, could it manage the Old God Dragon? When.

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