Having grasped the approximate capabilities and origins of the three assassins from the Holy Holy Kingdom, we decided to withdraw, and the rest of the Demon King's army remained in place, using a transfer magic to pause. Returned to the headquarters of Arkrest Kingdom.

After being commanded by a surprise attack, a place was set up inside the headquarters to provide a safe way to return safely, even if magic or technology that hinders space transfer was used when retreating.

Conversely, using this, considering the risk of the demon army invading this headquarters, it is necessary to incorporate a code for arriving at the return point into the technique, and around the case in case the code is broken Muslims and wizards are ready to attack at any time.

After the light rising from the magic circle that evolved for the space transition and the shimmering surrounding space, Merle, Duramina, and Chris, who were fighting at a distance apart from Doradnaut, also appeared at the return point with the same gathering .

A stone floor is laid out in a corner of the wilderness, and a magic circle is drawn with special paint. There are dozens and twenty layers of soldiers in case of uncovered surroundings.

First of all, relieve that the view was open as expected, and make sure that all the people to be brought are present and that no extra people are mixed. If you look toward the battlefield you had just seen, you will see Diadora's black rose and Serina's large snake, which are still in development.

The Demon King may have been retreating in a hurry, but saw that it was still there in the wake of the Holy Holy Kingdom's attacks on Tenno Seiji and others, other than the Harquires.

Now, I have to tell my Highness what happened. I sighed as I saw the soldiers approaching us in a hurry.

"Is the war going to end prolonged?"

I would like to focus on the development and development of the Baron territory of Bern as soon as possible, but it may be better to change the way we fight to reduce power to the extent that the kingdom can explain. Especially in the Holy Kingdom, aside from the Demon King's army, there is a feeling that it will not be easy.

"Hmm, the clouds have come out. May it rain?"

The moon's light was blocked by clouds. The clouds that flowed in the absence of the wind are also blocking the sparkle of the stars spreading in the sky. It was a transition of the sky as if it were a metaphor for the forthcoming battle with the Holy Kingdom.

Now that the sky changes, it's no time to anticipate the future, and Serina and Deirdre are in the Baron's position of Bern. That's right.

Guided by an officer who has stepped out of the soldiers, he hurries to Merle, the tallest member of the assault squad, to the Highness awaiting us in a floating battleship.

The hustle and bustle of the floating battleships was widespread, not just in the main camp, but it was no mess. Should we see that we are in the process of giving orders before we return?

The floating battleship aboard to show evidence of this will emit fine vibrations, and the driving noise of the power engine will be heard. It feels like you're hearing the sound of its heart in the belly of a giant creature.

"It looks like you've been ordered to withdraw, and it's a good decision."

The one who told so without stopping was to release the sacred treasure, and to see Doramina in military uniform.

Although it became one of the formal dresses of Domina as a shortstop knight of the Baron Bern, Doramina, who is a vampire in the nighttime where it should originally live, has the charm of a beautiful dress and the legs of passing people. Has stopped.

Both Chris have refitted Agullua's bracelet, which becomes ugly as he returns to the main team, but unless he strengthens the utility of ugly deterioration, it will be difficult to act together with his allies.

"I told Selina and Deirdre of the situation by a memorable story. Are you contacting your Highness Merle?"

"Yes, that's right. With Doran, I was told that there was an invasion of Mamoroku and those who could fight equally against us, and at least that there was an intervention from the northern country, where I do not even know the name. That was done while the Demon King was fighting that loud voice, Harquirer.

He may not have intervened only on this battlefield, and in the worst case there may be similar people and invading troops in the royal capital or all over the kingdom, so he advised His Highness to check the situation in his homeland and at least withdraw to the fortress of Johgan. I did it"

"That's why this rush has gone. I'm afraid that we'll be fine with our move. The Romar Empire will understand that further continuation of the battle will be extremely difficult and will decide to withdraw. Will be.

Both here and there, and the Demon King's army, had a result that deviated greatly from what was expected before the battle began, but this is where I am concerned about the next move and the speed of hitting. ''

"It is a big problem that a mysterious and mysterious nation whose name has not yet been heard will intervene even though there is not enough information on the Demon King Army and its mother country Mundus Kanus ~ "

"There is no doubt that the intervention of the third party itself was considered as a possibility even for the Princess Asteria and His Highness, but it was a surprising third party."

"Either way, it's a headache."

Toruho, Merlu says he is tired, but he seems to fit in with the expression "tired" with the fight with Mamorokusho and the involvement of Harquire.

The spirit, the flesh, the spirit, and the roots of the pre-battle Merle had been exhausted, but this has been achieved because of the explosive evolution of the spirit during the battle. Well, I thought it would be, but is it a fortunate by-product of the Arkrest Kingdom?

And when we arrived in the same room we were passed to before the raid, the things on the desk were already cleared up, and the Highness and the HQs, standing without sitting in chairs, Waiting for our report side by side.

It was clear that the situation was in the midst of an emergency, and the greetings were immediately discouraged and reported by Merle. It must have been decided beforehand between Merle and His Highness.

"All four of the assault units have returned. We are afraid of an emergency, so we will report from the situation. Please forgive me.

Today, the raid on the Demon King's headquarters has led to a battle with the Demon King Jaharm, the Six Demon Generals Galillius, Zandarza, Trauru, Masfellow, Quinse, and Vengitta.

Although the battle was proceeding with the war situation prevailing, suddenly, we and the Demon King's army interrupted the battle due to the intervention of three people with the title of the divine priesthood, the title of the sacred priest of the state, and the mission was stopped. We decided that it was difficult to carry out and returned. "

Her rugged expression, Superior, urged Merle to continue. He seems to be worried about the presence of Harkwire who have the ability to make us decide to return, rather than our mission failure.

"So what are the movements of those who are the willing priests?"

"Seiji Tenshin's fourth-seat Ouvre, fifth-seat Herkweir, sixth-seat Banakia who entered our battle fought with us and the Demon King, and withdrew due to their assumed damage. In the meantime, Harkwire said later that a messenger would be sent formally from the Diffakracy Holy Kingdom, in personal opinion it would be different from ours. "

"Is it a one-way trick, you're doing it? You worship the God of Demided? And you're going to tell us the teachings of that god and make it a family? "

"Yes. However, we said that we were on the battlefield at the time of the raid, including the Demon King Yaham, and were not subject to indoctrination. No, there is a god with a similar name, a similar sound, or an indigenous spirit or a different dimension of a demon may be misrepresenting the god. "

"I've looked at Merle's report for a short time, but as long as I can find it here, the tentative answer is the same as you. If you get the doctrine, coat of arms, and the kind of sacred treasures, It's awkward that there is a possibility of pseudonym to watch out for it. ''

That's what I care about. The more you give your true name as a god, the greater the power gained by the religion of the people and the better the quality. You may have passed on a pseudonym with that in mind, but Demided ... Is it really God?

"Either way, it's not just the Demon King's army, but also the emergence of new enemies who need to be alert and gather information. The turbulent era since the Kingdom began.

Alright, let's switch. Merle, Baron Bern, Doran, Dramina, was the mission grand ceremony. I didn't get what I wanted, but I'm convinced that you should say you did a very good job given the situation.

In particular, thanks to Barina Bern and Doran's decision to leave Selina and Deirdre here, they did not suffer much damage.

We will retreat to Johgan Fortress. Princess Romar's Emperor Asteria has already notified her of her retreat. Merle joins the first unit as it is. And Baron Bern "

Chris moves forward one step as Chris turns to Chris, who had been silently listening to Merle's report. Now, Dord Note swaying on her waist is monitoring the movement of the Holy Kingdom with various exploration equipment.


"I want you and the Baronist forces of Bern to serve as palaces. Given the possibility of you and the Six Demon Lords to pursue the challenging priests who can fight the Demon King, you are the only one who can leave your back Becomes

Also, in the unlikely event that the Holy Holy Kingdom has already reached inside our Arkrest kingdom and is ambushing against us, having Merle take the lead is a way to minimize damage I believe"

"Please leave it to us. Let us show you that the Holy Holy Kingdom will follow a million forces and attack with the power of lightning, and we will repel with the power of Bern."

Chris' confident statement resembled what would have been said to be overbearing, but his ability to do so has been fully demonstrated in previous battles.

There are no laughers or mockers of Chris' remarks here. If all the soldiers in the millions are of the Holy Class, either Dorado Note or I would have to rampage.

With Chris's face, which lacked the slightest of tragic colors, and a rather bright voice, His Excellency required a brief pause to say:

What did Highness Superior don't say right away? It was easy to see. By that time, my relationship with him is rich and long.

"I beg. Only you will be able to leave this situation to most of the strongest people in the Arkrest Kingdom."

So we gave him a new command from His Highness and at the same time left the room and tried to get to his post. Only Merle behaves differently, but calls out immediately after leaving the room.

"Sorry, His Excellency, Baron Bern, and I'm sorry, Mr. Doran. I'm sorry, Mr. Domina. This is where I can act together.

If you weren't there in this battle, I could only win by assaulting myself against the Demon King's executives.

There is no better thank you day that you were born in this era. In addition, people who do not know the Holy Kingdom are coming out. Um, people came out, but let's do our best not to lose to not only the Demon King Army but also those people! "

We all agreed with Meruru who stated strongly. If we do not calm down the Demon King and the Holy Holy Kingdom, we will not be able to develop the dark wilderness, and war is not our favorite. We united again to regain peaceful time.

"Be careful, Merlu. It's very unlikely that a large unit of the Holy Kingdom will be deployed in the Arkrest kingdom, but it is possible that a few elites like that Harkwire are lurking. Then there's plenty, and if you're going to attack, you'll be aiming for your Highness or your life. "

"Yeah. It's possible that you're trying to take control of the royal capital as it is, but I've set up a dedicated alarm spell, so I'll immediately notice if I have something, and now I'm concerned about the security of my Highness and this army. I will put up.

There is no shadow or form of the pursuers, as far as I can tell, Baron Berne, but in the retreating army the palace is an extremely important and dangerous task. Please be careful "

"Well, I'm sorry for the pain. I don't think Merle will be there, but be careful. If you return to the Citadel fort, how about eating?"

"Ufufu, I'm going to be busy when I come back, but I'm very happy to offer. I'm glad to participate. I'll have to go soon. Good luck!"

With a happy smile, Merle turned his back on us, and we are now in a hurry to Serina who is also waiting in Bern. Preparations for the withdrawal of floating battleships and other teams are proceeding smoothly.

Well, we could say that Bern, the leader of the Order of the Knights, was preparing with orders from HQ and information from the Serinas, and apparently would not be left behind.

However, the new information that we will serve as a lord has stopped preparing everything from being used.

Returning to Bern's camp, we immediately entered a fort-type golem waiting for Barran, Serina and Diadora. Three people are already waiting in the command room, speaking each other's nervous words, and then sitting down in a chair in the office to start talking about future actions.

As we proceed with the talk, moistening the throat with the tea prepared in advance by Selina, Barran is reluctant to say that we, who are probably half a dozen soldiers, will serve as the main hall.

"If we were to be the last wall, we couldn't help the numbers anymore. We could only compensate for the quality and the specificity. It will put a burden on the group. "

Ms. Baran, who struggled with putting a burden on us, muttered in my heart that I was glad to be so.

Nowadays, my position has changed a lot, but there is still a part of my relationship with Baran that has remained the same as it was more than a year ago. The nostalgic relationship between a reliable village protector and a village child.

"Except for the crew and the transport golems, all of the combat golems can be rearranged to compensate for the small number. From now on, I and the wizards will make a simple production of a combat golem, and Selina And there is a plan for Diadora? "

When I turn to the point of the story, the two people, who seem to be still energizing the black rose wall and the protection of the large snake, begin to open their mouths as if they were energetic. Compared to when they first met, both of them had a huge increase in magic power.

"Yes! First of all, I will tell you. The serpent is still being deployed, but we have left it as it is, and we have constructed a technique to automatically attack it when anyone other than the Lomar Empire and the Arkrest Kingdom approaches, It can be used to gain time when there is a chase!

Lamias other than me can use magic stones and spirit stones for their magical powers, but they need to take a break because their spirits are exhausted by prolonged use of magical powers.

Still, if I could scatter the large snake and tens of thousands of other small snakes here and there, I can do it alone and now! "

Barran lightly twitched at Selina's proposal, which would probably amount to hundreds or more than a thousand in terms of typical Lamia.

It was a bad idea that by interacting with Lamia in the village of Jalura, it was clear that the basics of Lamia's ability were clearly understood, so that it became possible to understand Serina's nonstandard specifications more accurately.

Following Hunhuns and Serina, who seemed to be very excited, Diadora also mentioned the idea of utilizing the wall of the black rose that is also developing.

"I'm almost the same as Serina. Other flowers and tree sperm are resting in exhaustion, and I have to make black rose walls and traps by myself. In terms of numbers, it's the same as Serina, but in my case, it's more efficient to blow northward, because you can also use scents.

If you and Selina are arrested, the effect is effective for those who use the land, but they can not reach the opponent who flies in the sky, but if you put it on the wind, you can deliver the scent of poison to the sky, It will prepare you for the sky. ''

I could see the highest peak of the Holy Kingdom's individual strength, but I haven't been able to see the normal strength yet. On land and in the air, what kind of equipment to use, how many are in line, what tactics to take, and how to be vigilant because you can't tell at the moment you don't know how to be right.

That said, for land-based pursuits, Serina and Diadora will suffice. Baran is deepening wrinkles between her eyebrows, and is pondering her thoughts.

"I feel savage enough ... Is it countermeasures to the sky? During your stay, your Excellency, the dragons of the Mores Mountains and the Holy Kingdom have offered to cooperate. Healed and tired people will be on the alert. It is within the scope of the Mutual Defense Treaty, but I am grateful for it. "

"Oh, the great dragons of the Mores Mountains, including Jorda and Vajé, have helped us a lot. We have to help them too.

For dealing with the sky, I rely on Doran and Domina, and Doradnaut. Leave the turret golem as far back as possible and leave control to the Dord Note. Normal gunpowder artillery and artillery can be prepared for transfer.

Combat is unlikely to occur, but I hope the soldiers act quickly. Also, if it takes time, you can leave the supplies. Incinerate as much as possible, or use timed explosion magic if you have the time. ''

I will talk to Chris who talks plainly about the idea that I and Domina have come up with, and consider the feasibility and usefulness as much as possible in the time allowed. As for Balun, the expression changed as she progressed, and eventually the expression became silent and silence, and we were impressed that this would happen if we were not used to it.

Well, if you think about it again, isn't our view of Baron from the third party very evil? It was me who thought such a thing. No, maybe it is.

After deciding what to do in the office, I first created four alter egos, one who worked with Golems, one who worked with Serina, Diadora, and Doramina. As the main body, I am standing by Chris as an assistant and escort.

Chris, the most important person in the Baron's Baron, is leading the Baron's Army with the knights and soldiers led by Barran. Golems swelling up to nearly a thousand bodies.

I did bad things to Mr. Ballan, Mr. Superior, and Merle, but I and Dord Note observed that neither the army nor the individual was following us from the Holy Kingdom.

I do not intend to relax my vigilance, but in a situation where there is no one around me, I will talk a little bit weaker to my lover.

Looking at the wall of black roses and large snakes that are still in development, I'm working with Serina from afar, and I'm just a simple combination of a wooden stick and a highly water-repellent cloth in the wilderness. Under the tent, she was on a shoulder with Serina.

The rain clouds in the night sky are finally getting more sign of water and the air is getting wet and the smell before it starts raining.

Despite being warmed by the bonfire, Selina is in a position that has wrapped around me, which has become a completely customary affair. Can this be said to be warm?

Take the pot over the bonfire and pour the boiled mint tea into the pottery cups in each other's hands. Mint's refreshing sensation makes it a good wake-up and calms my spirit, which leaves a height of combat. The feeling of the scales of the lower body of Selina, who occasionally shrugs off, is felt over the cloth and is a bit tickling.

"Ms. Doran, I've been prolonged for some time."

"It's not at all. I thought that even the Demon King's opponent would prolong if he did badly, but this horizontal spear has almost certainly made that because the Holy Kingdom is further north of the dark wilderness. It's not realistic to take control of the army. ''

"Well, isn't it most realistic to simply catch the great people and let them quit or defeat the war. We're hiding, or taking a long time I don't think it's impossible because I can do it without making it. ''

"Serina has come to say. It's good to be confident and aware of our abilities. Even from the feel of my fighting, if the level of Seiji Tenki is on par with Harquier, It's all right, but it's okay, but Serina and Diadora need to become old dragons. "

"Mmm, Diadora and I haven't reached the territory of Doramina or Merle yet."

"You are undoubtedly the strongest of the races, and you're in the extraterrestrials, because the enemies, including the Demon King, are just too irregular."

Not really comforting, but when I tell the fact, Selina has a vague face that she doesn't understand. Oh, maybe something went wrong.

"Is there an enemy who has fought since you met Doran, and isn't out of standard or out of common sense?"

"Hmm? Well, I think there were enemies that only rarely met. Wouldn't it be the enemy, such as the sea magic soldiers?"

"That's true, but when I was in a hiding place I think I was scared and couldn't fight properly. Well, maybe because of a nostalgic story, even if it's not geographically far, I will do it. ''

"Yeah, maybe it is. But we are still on the road. Life's journey is sometimes a pleasure to stop and look back on the path we walked on, but I'm still walking. I'm going to take you to a place that feels farther away.

What kind of face did I look at this time? Hopefully it's a sad face that resonates with Serina. Selina laughed in annoyance, as if to say nothing more. It sounds like I was stunned to hear something obvious.

"Don't miss Doran sometimes at all, because I'm never going to get away with him!"

Selina was so confident that she said so, and slid over my body. I was in a danger zone that could turn into a battlefield, but I couldn't beat the temptation to embrace Lamia's unique expression of affection. There's nothing wrong with the surprise of the end of the universe and beyond the dimension!

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