Someone who said it was the beginning of the holy war gently put his hand on his lips and uttered an excuse to shy him.

"No, the holy war has already begun. Was this just the beginning of a new scene?"

The room, like the heavenly palace created in the world, was between the thrones of the Holy Pope, the spokesman, agent, and agent of God.

In the past, Lynette, together with Professor Edvard and others, encountered the mysterious adversary at the heavenly premises where he discovered Gandeus and Kirlinne, and the head of the nation belongs to the Holy Pope who spoke of holy war.

Under the Pope's eyes, as if the golden glow had become a boy, there were cardinals, archbishops, and soldiers who were close to him, along with the situation of the holy war that was issued towards the southern part of the dark wilderness. I'm watching.

Images are projected in the air between the Holy Pope of the Throne and the Cardinals standing several floors below, where there is the Demon King Army led by the Demon King Jaharm and the Arkrest Kingdom assault typified by Merle and Doran etc. The struggle with the troops is clearly reflected.

The conquerors of the northern continent, called the Diffacracy Holy Kingdom, were the ones who gathered here.

They are taking action during the battle between the Demon King and the Arkrest Romar Allied Forces, trying to gain the advantage of a fisherman, but no face or humbleness is found in any face.

As they believe in the oracle of God, they boast that they are fighting holy battles for their lives in order to make the whole world a family, companion, and compatriot.

"Nevertheless, their fighting is nothing but brilliant. From the very beginning, our religion has the strength and soul of the soul that surpasses all those who have come together. Not as good. ''

The papal eye, telling plainly, was looking at someone who was neither a sword or a smashed Dolan, nor the Doramina, the second founder of the Six Vampire Treasures, who shattered the armor of God.


"Gee, guh ..."

Yahram, whose armor has been smashed and slashed in a single blow, squirts a tremendous amount of blood from the slashed torso, and also vomits from the mouth the same amount of death. It's a wound that won't heal easily with the regeneration ability of him and his equipment.

For most enemies, this will be the end, but the radiance of Jahharm's eyes is not cloudy, and his body, which should have rapidly lost blood and lost power, is still relaxed and still has strength.


Yahram shouting with bloody vomiting lifted Galandine with one right hand. Yes, yes. A warrior like you will fight until you die.

You can't move your fingers, you can't see anything, you can't hear anything, and if you can't think of anything, you keep moving until the fire of your life is really gone. There are rare cases where the spirit moves even though it is physically dead. Jahharm isn't dead, but he's not a reassuring partner just because he's dead.

The power is gathered in the swung-up galandine, and it shines like a flame. I convinced me that it was more powerful than any of the previous blows.

The appearance of shaking the blade with a smile like a shura while dyeing blood from the mouth to the belly with blood is not afraid to anyone who knows only this ground war.

I received Gallandine, who came to crush my head, with a dragon claw sword holding both hands. The power of the dragon and the god dwelling on both blades collide, creating a “place” where no one can enter and scatter around.

"When you say that I'm deadly, I've written on my face that I'm familiar with this degree! Are you still far from me?"

Jahharm smiles at me over the intersecting blades. Warriors like Jaham are rare, but in my case I've seen that rare example many times, so there's no fresh surprise. The dying Devil Lord doesn't like that.

"If you die and fight still, it's not a threat to me, not even a surprise. That's all, Majesty the Majesty."

"Hahahah! Yeah, I'm sure you won't be fresh if you're used to it many times. I won't even be surprised if I don't get to an area you don't know!"

Be positive. Repelling a blow that literally puts his deadly force, we stand on the ground that has been destroyed by repeated clashes. The battle taking place on the deck of the mobile fortress has not stopped the intense flashes and explosions surrounding it.

In this predicament, the soul of Yaharm is shining and continues to inject new power into dying cells. The blood that wets his body evaporates due to the overflowing fighting and magical powers, which are reintroduced into the Jahm's body and are rapidly replenished with blood and magical powers.

Although there is more to be lost, it is a natural practice to minimize it.

Jahm repositioning Galandine to the front at a distance from me, stares at me with a terrible sign. The smile that had floated in his mouth had disappeared and was turning into a sad face. Hm, did he also notice?

"Hm, wasn't there enough security to the north?"

"It looks like we're all hungry to get us all together. Should we be angry that we saw it cheaply?"

Jaharm turns his gaze into the sky in a ridiculous mind, as I see him as a reluctant stance to lower the sword's cutting edge and continue any further engagement.

You can defeat Yaharm as it is, but if there is third-party intervention, leaving the element of the Demon King Army will slow down the opponent's movement. Given the position of the Arkrest Kingdom and Mundus Khanus, you could use the Demon Army as a shield instead.

It seems that not only us, but also Doramina, Chris, Merle, and the Six Demon Lords who had dealt with her noticed that the sound of the surrounding battle was cut off. It was a feeling that I had seen before, but I feel the will to show myself directly to this side. Metastasis? No, maybe it ’s super fast moving.

Someone who has been observing our fight so far has emerged from the sky as if it were a star flowing through the night sky. From the north-northeast direction further than our current Demon Army headquarters, a golden light-emitting figure comes in and stops moving just above the mobile fortress.

Sole seemed to be waiting for our gaze and attention to concentrate, shining a golden glow, on top of Chris and Doradnaut.

Even if you don't need to ask questions and answer them, is it one of the options to get the information behind you and get them alive?

The main body is black, with military uniforms with red collars and cuffs, and a military cap with long black hair embedded with a metal plate of a balance, probably the national emblem. Characteristic is that the fulcrum of the balance is the eye.

A slim man. Whether you reach the age of thirty to thirty years old in your age. Such a razor-sharp eyes praise the golden color, and the arms of a white coat hung from the shoulders on military uniforms are flipped up with both hands, shouting as loud as possible while looking down at us was.

"The Holy Kingdom"

Okay. The loud sound like a thunderbolt that filled the end of the horizon echoed to the bottom of the belly as it was, but since the content was anyway, Yaharm frowned with an unintentional tone, and I was again the Demon King Army He was curious that a strong guy came out in a different sense.

"The Holy Kingdom. It's a religious state, but did you know the Majesty?"

"It's the Diffacracy Holy Kingdom. We remember that we're in the unexplored northern lands. No matter how the noise is" Oh. "

Well, have you got a name and a rough overview? Did you bother telling me that because of the possibility of involving the Arkrest kingdom in the fight against Are?

Of course, the name of the country in Jerham's mouth may be fake ... but even that man, I don't feel any sign of God, but what kind of god do you serve? It is easy to deal with if you know it.

The wounds cut by me have begun to close, and the armor is also starting to regenerate. He wants to fight the new enemy, but he doesn't like being watered.

"Hmmm, I'm sorry. Everyone of the Demon King Army belonging to Mundus Khanus and everyone of the brave party of the Arkest Kingdom!

I am Harquier, the fifth seat in the Differacy Holy Kingdom. In the midst of the struggle, we apologize for the rudeness that broke in without warning! "

The Hawai'i and the others greet loudly without giving any gaps between words, laying their right palms on our left chest toward us in a manner that politeness is just this, Fold and lower your head. A form-only apology is a fairly dignified thing.

There was an atmosphere that was mainly composed of confusion and vigilance, including Yahram in front of me, but began to be biased toward vigilance and attack components due to the nature of Harkwire and the attitude that irritated this nerve . Am I going to make one shot?

Harquier will understand the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, but he doesn't seem too confident in his ability.

Wake up, Harkair spreads both hands greatly and starts a new word. Although it seems to talk information clearly even if left alone.

"Tonight, at this time, my great homeland, a great land of love, the Holy Kingdom, which respects freedom and equality, declares mission and indoctrination to Mundus Khanus, the Arkrest Kingdom, and the Romar Empire!

We don't care about race. Gender does not matter. Thought does not matter. Culture is not an issue. I don't care about my status. Now, let's be our brothers, parents and children, lovers, friends, companions, and brothers.

There are only one condition. Religion of our deity Demied, faith in the spokesman of the Holy Pope Ephesus, and sincerely trust each other in the same God! No, this is three! I was a student, a gaffer, a failure, a blunder. Huhahahaha! "

I've met people who haven't listened to me in this life, but this Harkwire is one of the most pressing or of the most depressing.

But he talked from the other side as expected. Well, if you're a religious nation, you're more likely to use the name of God you worship in praise when you declare war.


"But demi dead?"

When I hear the name of the God of the Holy Kingdom, I and Jaharm suddenly look at each other. Do you remember? He asked each other with his gaze, but did he know from his expression?

"It's the name of an unknown god. There are many similar resounding sounds, but it's also possible to be wary of the actions of other gods and tell false or new names to believers. "

"Because I'm so proud of it, I guess there are some benefits from Demided and so on. At least I don't think it's real."

While Harkwire was talking, Jahm's wounds healed, and there was no demon king who was half-dead and half-lived, but only a figure full of ambition.

Well, to get some value from interrupting the battle with Yarham, I'd like to get some more information from Harkwire, but it seems that Yarham will soon stop looking at it.

But it was the same with Harquire.

"Oh, but this time the story is a bit different, because we have welcomed everyone with different religions, different nations, and different ideas as a new family equally, I am sorry to say that I am no longer subject to the teaching. Oh, and in this world I have given up making you a family. Sorry!

"I'm really sorry I'm sorry, he's a silly story, but it's almost as if you've killed us. Doran, it's okay if I'm slashing from my back, but I'm so silly first I'll give priority to cutting him. ''

Is it a matter of Jahharm's spare time or his personality? For me, it is an opportunity to have a close look at how far the intruder can fight against the Demon Palace, so there is no imitation that cuts from the back.

"Anything. But will the task we do be half successful and half unsuccessful?"

"Han, let's get rid of Harquier and get back to work right away."

Well, there's no sign other than Harkwire at the moment, but no one is peeking into the scene. This is more than you can imagine if you can sneak through Merle's surveillance and obstruction spells for surveillance. And I use other means of surveillance besides magic.

I reached out to the empty space and squeezed lightly. You may be wondering what you are doing on the side, but you can see on the open left hand a number of small worm-like machines crushed so as not to be visible to the eyes of ordinary people.

It looks a little different from the style of the heavenly people, or is it a heavenly item from an age I have never seen? Immediately after Harkwire showed up, he was spreading in the wind and began collecting information.

For those who claim to be servants of God who can not feel the sign of God, it is a micro machine that combines technological and magical techniques that are impossible in this era.

While I had a lot of speculation about the relationship behind Herquire, Herquire was moving on to her next action. He turned his left and right hands over his head, and a pale thunder light ran in a meandering manner, and a spherical light appeared while watching, and grew huge while watching.

"This is a poor expression of my God's grief that I couldn't give up because I couldn't get a new family! The members of the Demon Army and the Arkrest kingdom. God punishment, God's Sphere !!

As Hawai'i's arms are swung down vigorously, a pale ball of light, shaped at the end of his hand, falls toward us. The speed of the fall itself is not great, but mobile fortresses and land battleships will not be able to evacuate in time.

"It's an attack that doesn't even feel magical fighting.

First we have to deal with that annoying attack, such as the God Grief Sphere. In fact, the power contained in that ball of light is considerable. If you could fire that attack, the power of Herkwire could be as good as your full-length Merle.

Is that the fifth seat? If the more talented, the higher the seat, the more people there will be on Harchoir, the more the Holy Kingdom will be.

Before I, Jahm, began to cope, a giant red glowing ball from the ground crashed from below the God Grief Sphere, stopping the fall.

Merle. With the fight between Zandarza and Quince suspended, he struck a magical shot. There is no sign that Zandalza and others are in the way of Merle, as they are disadvantaged for them.

The actions of Hakwire and Merle kept the scene where they kept their eyes open. Everyone except us recognized the intruder as a clear enemy and began to evacuate or arrest here.

As Merle's magic and Harkwire's punishment create a rivalry, Harkair smiles deeply and spreads her hands, wrapped in white gloves, left and right. It looks like an evil bird with its wings spread, or as a performer who gets drunk.

"Oh, you're fine! But you're dead! I'm the 5th seat of Seiji Tenshin, the" God's Feeling "Harkwire! Everything I have is a whole body and a whole spirit, embodying with goodness! God Melancholy Judgment! "

At the same time as Hawai'i's screaming spread in all directions, the stars illuminating the night sky above him seemed to glow in unison. Of course, the shine of the stars has not actually increased. The enormous amount of brilliance, comparable to the number of stars, is the second attack from Harquire.

Hundreds of thousands of glows appear to be amplifying and amplifying the light of the stars falling from over the sea of stars. We are going to pour them down from where we are to the headquarters of the Arkrest Kingdom and the Romar Empire.

Merle still has a hand to offset by the God Grief Sphere, and will have to deal with the hundreds of thousands of falling stars that fall on us.

The headquarters of the Arkrest Kingdom are Diadora and Serina, and the Lomar Empire is Gwandan.

"Well, it's no good! God's wrath, no good! God Angry Exploration Joo On!"

Harkwire laughs happily at the joy of disseminating God's dignity and, as he says, shoots a bad push.

Following the rain of light reaching the millions connecting the night sky and the ground, as he vigorously crossed his arms, a phenomenon that could be called a pale light wind occurred, Hang on and come down.

The explosion of the wrath of God, which encroached on the God Grief Sphere and part of the God Irony Judgment, caused a huge explosion, causing a massive explosion that drastically changed the surrounding environment.

Light as if the sun had fallen from across the night sky reached the end of the night sky, and destruction of a scale incredible that individuals had created has filled the world.

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