Asteria's action at the Romagal 8th Corps position on the Vastagi Hills was quick.

After briefing greetings from the commander, including Marquis Magnusulf, the chief of the corps, he was so low that he could not walk to the crowd of soldiers, and would not even be able to see his face. They began to turn around with sincerity, appreciation, and effort.

The marquis of Magnusulf, who did not know the asteria, were in a hurry, but no one could stop him, as the most powerful arrestors, Kyles and the Sergeant of the Samurai, did not disagree and obeyed the asteria as if they were soaring and shadowing. Did not.

A number of battles with the Demon Army have caused many casualties to the 8th Corps of the Romar Empire, and those who are likely to be rescued were held in tents in the hills-field hospitals. I have.

Inside the corner, separated by piles and ropes struck into the ground, amulets that have the effect of purifying the air on them, the smell of blood that wets the bandage, the smell of pus wounds, the unbearable pain Full of groaning screams.

Nobody can avoid it, and many military doctors and armed priests are working hard to keep their deaths away, but there is no way to wipe out the atmosphere as if the glorious sunlight would be overshadowed.

Asteria's sudden action was a disappointment for Magnusulf and others, and medical personnel were very upset about the visit of the princess.

Physicians and members of the corps told the Asteria in a sour mouth that the mother's status was low, but it was not a suitable place for a princess raised in the court to be a butterfly and flower. In response, Asteria, with a gentle smile, did not encourage the hero who fought for the Empire, and showed Iron what he thought was a princess.

The behavior of what should be called a sample in the sample, as a princess or as a noble, felt the strong asteria's will, and those who tried to stop her once had no choice.

The exceptions are those who know that they are performing and performing the calculations necessary to seize their hearts, and some of his commanders who report directly to Asteria, such as the Sergeant of the Samurai, and pierce their faces with armor and helmets. It's about the size of Amuria disguised as a Gwandan and a maid, but they don't mean to stop in the first place.

Soldiers groaning painfully on a bed when they were told to visit Asteria, one or two steps above the imaginable princess image of the Imperial people, were smelling elegance and radiance I seriously believed that both the bloody smell, the smell of pus, and the stinking smell of medicines had disappeared.

Just show up. It was Asteria, a woman who took so much action and made the wounded soldiers forget their suffering and pain. It goes without saying that this is an action that takes into account the effects of the existence of a princess.

Asteria's appearance, with the figure of Kyles protecting her beside her, as if the soldiers were too afraid to drop their heads as long as they could move on the couch, or ascend the couch and fall down We stopped with a voice that was never too loud.

It was hard to imagine reaching the end of the tent, but there was no injured soldier missing because of the serenity, except for the moaning slightly spilling from between the biting teeth.

Asteria not only approached and called out to each wounded soldier, but also touched their injured bodies, took their hands, where they were born and raised, how did they come to this battlefield, and what was the actual battle.

Listen to all their fears, regrets, and sufferings in the past and now, embracing their voices and thoughts. For example, this is the forefront of confronting the Demon King's army, and even if you are aware that it is as if you are squeezing yourself under the current situation where even every second is time consuming.

Still, no one tried to stop Asteria any more.

The encouragement and gratitude for the Asteria injured did not end very much in one day, and the day was cut off at dusk.

The finest dresses worn by the asterias have red stains of the blood of the wounded soldiers and yellow and greenish stains due to chemicals and pus. He was willing to keep the dress dirty and encouraged the wounded soldiers.

After a short break to change clothes, Asteria will discuss with Magnusulf and other leaders of the 8th Corps what information they have learned so far and what to do next.

The asteria has been changed by the attendant maids in a room set up in a strong building headquarters that does not seem to be a rush.

The window of the room was tightly closed without allowing the discredited glance from the outside, and the majority of the maids in the room are also warriors who have been trained to deal with storms.

And a room prepared for Asteria! The floor, ceiling, and walls are delicately laid out, and the embroidery of gold and silver threads on a thick carpet is just as daunting.

The golden incense burner, which gives rise to a smoke with a faintly sweet scent, and the paintings hung on the wall, all boast the power of the Romar Empire, and all must be exchanged for a pile of gold coins.

If you are blindfolded and say that this is a room of the palace when you are taken away, how many people doubt that word.

In the bathroom attached to such a room, the asteria gracefully left her body in a bath filled with hot water drenched with perfume oil. Many kinds of petals float in the transparent hot water that blows steam, and the bathroom is filled with fragrant fragrance.

In the bathroom, several maids refrained from calling the Asteria anytime.

Two of them are touching the body immersed in the hot water of Asteria and moving their gentle fingers to relieve their fatigue.

Although they are of the same sex in the room and are limited to those who know the situation, they do not seem to be ashamed of Asteria. It's not because I trust the maids.

If Asteria had the spirit to do so, his treatment of Amria would not have been the case, but would have been more commonplace to the more common enemy of the throne. .

If you open the lid, the answer is simple and cool.

For Asteria, the maids who cleanse their bodies by touching the voices of the wounded soldiers and the smell of blood are now worthless to recognize as humans.

I'm ashamed if you are at least close to yourself.

Blood flows, breathes, the heart moves, and words are exchanged, but for Asteria, the maids are the same tools as golems.

Instead of Asteria, there was a woman who looked down ashamed of her, who exposed herself naked. Amulia is in disguise and invited by Asteria.

Sisters admit each other as if they were different people, but at least their sisters are ashamed as if they were seen as if they saw the same face of a person born as an unspecified number It is.

Behind Amria are Yachiyo and Fuka, who joined the ship after joining the ship, and Lynette. I'm half-amazed that this is a terrible thing on the battlefield.

Other Gandéus and Kirlinne, as well as Gwandan and Kyles, are in the middle of guarding in a corridor outside the room.

"How was it, Amria. Did the visit to the injured soldiers be a little stimulating for you?

Or did you hear that you were helping to treat refugees at the last settlement, so you got used to the irritating smell of blood and medicine, and the constant voice of pain? "

Asteria asks her sister who separated her blood to make fun of her hatred and hard work for the soldiers who had wet her clothes up to the moment. Amuriah spilled a short but heavy sigh like snow, uttering as if he had forgotten the wounded soldiers.

"In that settlement, I met those who had been forced to leave their hometown, had no place to go, and still wanted to live hard. People.

And the reason I was injured is not the result of my hometown being burned, but the result of fighting invaders to protect my country. ''

"Oh, so you don't need sympathy or pity?"

"No, the early meeting point is not like my sister. But both people are the same as those who are hurt and hurt. There is no doubt that they are afraid of death and willing to live hard."

"Yes, you say something like a saint. Isn't the Saint better for you than the Princess?"

It's not kidding or sarcastic. Amria truncated Asteria, seriously thinking that might be the case, without obscuring her fears.

"That's not true. If you're a true saint, by now you've ended all battles for imperial rule and civil wars with just words."

Even Asteria, who defines Amria, thinks that the required standards are too high and do not really exist in reality.

However, this younger sister is a younger sister and has a different sense and view from the ordinary person in a different direction from her older sister. Asteria didn't want to go deeper or shallower. Well, I think it's interesting.

"You haven't been shy about me lately, you've been able to interact like a normal sister, surely."

"Are you ordinary sisters?"

Speaking of the sisters that Amria knows, the closest ones are the three maids who are not connected with blood, such as Lynette, Gandeus, Kirlinne, etc.However, they are good friends but to express them as "ordinary sisters", Amria was also hesitant.

For better or worse, few people around Amria fit into the usual definition.

"I don't really yearn for something ordinary.

Already, bathing is fine. I will be attending a military dispute with the Marquis of Magnusulf. Amria, you must be in that disguise. Escorts are allowed to be present. ''

Slowly, wearing a rude of regrettable water drops naked, the asteria rising out of the bathtub and leaving while being held by the maid, the other waiting maids quickly approached and surrounded her body while watching. Come and wipe your wet body.

Amria bowed a little at her sister, who could be seen from between the maids.

"I see. I'll do what she says."

It was Amria's voice that everyone could hear, including plenty of things to include. Soon, the patience and patience of this sister may be close to their limits.


It was a story when Asteria was visiting the Vastage Hill for the encouragement and comfort of the 8th Corps.

The Demon King's Romal Army was to use a fleet centered on land battleships as a lead unit in the capture of Romar, and after security was secured, a unit full of supplies from the homeland was to join.

Ammunition, medical supplies, armor, basic weapons such as swords and spears, and replenishment personnel were handed over after several battles with the 8th Corps, and the army of the Romal Army temporarily stopped.

At this point, more than ten towns and villages have already been occupied by the Demon King, led by Zandarza and Gallius.

The Vastaj hills are located near the northern end of the Romar Empire's prints, but there are a number of reclamation villages nearby, and only those who did not meet during the evacuation of the Demon King's lightning invasion. I was there.

Entering the Vastage hills from the dark wilderness, the reddish desolate terrain disappeared, and there was a reclamation village, like dirt clinging to one corner of the earth full of green and life.

The village is surrounded by simple barriers that combine several stakes to avoid beasts and a moat, and the population is about fifty.

The villagers once feared the unknown about the power and roar of a land battleship that seemed far away, and then lamented at the end of the world when they saw the irregularly shaped army surrounding the village without delay. .

Not only in the village of Surge, but also for the pioneers of the frontiers, the existence of demons linked to the genealogy of the gods is water in their ears.

The locals who once fought back to the village after frustration while aiming to become scholars are barely aware of those who have been called prodigies, but they are not as good as one-handed fingers.

For them, the dark wilderness was simply a perception that monsters and beasts, such as goblins and ogres, who were rarely nested or defeated in power battles, were dangerous places to show up occasionally.

No pioneer, let alone the Empire, imagined that the armed forces with a well-appointed army appeared, so even if Surge Village gave up resistance and surrendered quickly, who would blame Would have been.

Fortunately for the people of Serge Village, the Demon King did not further interfere with accepting their surrender.

Although there were no requisitions of supplies or human resources, nor rape or slaughter as a recreational alternative to the human army's common practice, the people of Surge Village were relieved, but they were also worried about their response. is there.

If it were sent by goblins, sub-races, and humans who surrendered to the demons, such as Jaharm and Zandarza, they might have brought disaster to the villages occupied by the storm of violence.

Fortunately, however, they were sent by Zandarza-led demons and the high-ranking goblins under Gallius.

Poisoning may not be known, the quality is not certain, it is not possible to take the trouble of checking whether it is safe, or it may only interfere with the war plan built in advance, such as raising charges at the occupied place. The basic idea of the Demon King's army is to reject it without saying.

This is because robbery and robbery at the occupied place follow this, rapes also do not need the blood of the weak who lost to themselves, and the strong believe that they should exchange blood with the strong and leave offspring. Is also out of the question.

These ideas have been inscribed in the instinct, especially in the demons and high-level goblins of Mundus Khanus.

If, not to mention Zandarza or Gallius, Jaharm would see his troops performing such an act, he would execute the death penalty immediately.

So why did they come to such an idea? It all starts with their ancestors who have migrated from the Demon World to the earth.

The founders of the demons who built Mundus Khanus were those who were originally affiliated to the Samurabath, a war god who lives in the demonic world.

Although they were related to the glorious war gods, they abandoned their deities and emigrated to the ground in order to be tired, terrified, and run away of eternal battles of the invisible gods to gain rest.

Despite being a subordinate to the war gods, he committed a deadly sin that led to the denial of its significance of evading the battle, and ran away from the battlefield with his back to his master and his friends.

In addition, the master, Sagradabas, does not blame them, but rather sends them out to the earth, giving them as much as they can, giving them a living and merciful words.

And they who fled to the earth after it had been so far, at least not to trample on the sagrabath's passion, nor to mud the face of the merciful God, as well as their own descendants He strictly ordered not to imitate Sagra Bath until he could reach him.

As a war god, Sagradaverse does not contraindicate the slaughter or looting of the vulnerable, the dark side of war.

Because their deeds and tragedies are certainly aspects that exist, and we look away from them and see what they can do. Therefore, whether to carry out the slaughter or not is at the discretion of the parties.

However, it does not mean that we are not happy because we do not forbid. Even if it is not explicitly prohibited, it is a bitter face inside. The subtleties here and there are similar to those of Ardes, a fighter and rival.

The original ancestors who knew there were aware of this, and had communicated this to their descendants, and as a result, the occupied villages of the Lomar Empire were in a surprisingly peaceful occupation state.

The only thing the occupied Demon King's army had turned into a pioneer village was to have the Mundus Kanus flag raised at the front of the gate.

After that, despite fierce battles with the 8th Corps, the response to occupied villages, including Surge Village, remained unchanged.

Although the feelings of the occupied villagers were not calm, so they could be relieved or fearful, the surge of surges was on the surge that day.

In what style, Zandarza, the de facto highest rank of the Romar army, was walking around the surge village with no escort.

It's like a mere stroll if you look at the face that doesn't even have a piece of fighting spirit, but it's like a villager who can't tell, and everyone just throws out the field work, pulls home and asks her to be afraid. I have.

While gazing at the horror of the villagers, Zandarza's three heads sharpen their mouths, seemingly dull.

"Well, I thought that even one of the spies had entered, but there was only a villager who had no resistance. I wouldn't want to go assassinated, even though I was just walking around alone."

Whether to sacrifice the villagers or kill them all to increase their will to fight, Zandarza has no dust, and as I mentioned, even the spies or assassins released by the Lomal Empire. I guess she's just going out to kill time in the middle.

How audacious, how aggressive it is!

His wish was fulfilled about half. Several doors of the tightly closed house opened, and small shadows jumped out and took him behind.

It was a small stone that was thrown by a small hand with a precise aim. Zandarza slowly looks back and catches the stone with one of his right hands.

There were those who aimed at Zanderza. However, they were not the assassins of the Romar Empire, but the children of the village.

Zandarza looks down on three children who cannot reach his waist while playing with the stones in his hands.

Two boys, each holding firewood instead of a sword, bravely looking up at Zandarza, and one girl with a stone in his hand.

From the houses where the children jumped out, we heard the sorrowful parents screaming calling their names.

"It's a good aim. Throwing stones to make up for weakness is also a good choice."

Zandalza has three horned heads and red skin, and has six arms in addition.

In addition to such a variant, it is a powerful demonic that may not take the place of the Demon King.

Even a single glance, even a hundred warrior warrior can tremble with fear and fear and lose his will. With this, if you can put in the killing, you will either fall down on the spot or die if it is bad.

"Ya, ya, demons!"

"Oh, what is it?

"This is our village. Get out of you! If you don't, we'll beat you!"

"Hahahahahaha. Why are you shabby, a brave hero? Your parents are shouting to change their blood and stop. When I listen to my parents honestly, Yeah, yeah? "

"If you help me at home, I'll listen straightforwardly, but since you came, everyone has to look down with a dark face. Because of you, everyone's smile is gone Then someone has to do something! "

It is clear that the sticks the child holds are shaking and that he is still fighting the horrors he wants to flee. The same is true of other children who behaved the same way as him. That's why Zandalza is fun and unbearable.

"Why isn't there any reason that" someone "has to be you? Wait for the Imperial guys who are paying taxes to come and help you to fulfill their responsibilities. That's good, if they can beat us. "

"If it's okay to be" someone, "we're fine!

What made the child take a step, was the fear of shouting that he couldn't bear it anymore, or the courage to outweigh it? It would not have been known to the child himself.

Following the child who ran out of the way, the child who jumped out with a stick also lifted the stick to Zandalza, and the girl threw the stone in her hand again aiming at Zandalza's face.

The villagers who watched their actions mourned despair and fear the next time, imagining the children sinking in a bloody sea. It was a stranger to do so, and it was a strange act to do so.

However, the future that they imagined to be infinitely accurate will be greatly betrayed.

The shaved bar of the child who ran at the top hit the left thigh of Zandalza, and the bar of the following child did hit the other side.

The girl's throw hit the forehead in the middle of Zandarza's head, as expected, and shattered to the extent of excess skin firmness.

"Fufufu and the shaven are shaking, but you can have a decent teacher. If you do it seriously, you can be a great warrior. Whether you can be a brave depends on your luck.

You have the most eyes among the girls and you. If you can throw so well in that year, try throwing as a weapon.

Whether you will be our soldier or enemy of Mundus Khanus is freedom, love and selfishness, but the barbarism that strikes me with fear is wonderful. ''

Of course, Zandalza doesn't feel any pain or shards, but he jumps off the spot and jumps to the roof of a house he fell aside. He looks at stunning children happily from the bottom of his heart and breaks his face.

For a moment, it was a graceful and mellow smile that made children forget their fighting spirit and fear from within their chests.

"No, you have escaped from your courage and painful attacks. I'm here today. Let's go away. Let's struggle with the soil and spend my whole life. In any case, you should live a healthy life, and you will have a wonderful little girl !! "

Zandarza makes a laughter that can roar the heavens, kicks the roof of the house, and disappears from the children's sight in an instant. No one in Surge Village knows that a single leap made it move so quickly that it was a false magic.

Zandarza's strolling outside to see if he was one of the assassins was intended to be a bit of a preparatory move in preparation for a major battle that would soon take place with Gallius.

I thought it was just a waste of time, but there was an unexpected and amusing “fight”, and Zandalza was very happy.

"Cool, no, he's a more entertaining" enemy "than a bad assassin. As long as there are things in the world, I'm not troubled by an exciting struggle. !! "

It was two days after the event that raised Zandarza's morale that the Grand Duke of Rhinos was attacked by Zandarza and Princess Asteria by Galileus.

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