The table was split into two, due to the large number of Amria and his colleagues.

The five-member escort and escort group, including Yachiyo, Fuka, Lynette, Gandeus, and Kirlinne, and the trio of Amria and Gwandan surrounding the same table as Asteria.

Yachiyo and Fuka are alert, with their ears clearly pinching, and their gaze moves between Amria and Asteria's sisters without hesitation.

On the other hand, the linettes seem to be enjoying herbal tea with a faint acidity and a strong refreshing sensation that raises the fragrant scent with steam. Of course, the three sisters who have too much obedience can't help but worry about the crisis between their husband and friends.

As an invited person, he showed his willingness to fully enjoy hospitality, but he continued to be vigilant.

The greatest force of the Empire in this case is the dragon general Kyles.

From the ancient dragons to the scales, claws, and tusks of the wise dragons, blood, and armor made of many materials and rare ores, the whole body is solidified, and a sword that is worn on the waist assuming indoor battle is also Makes you feel the power of a powerful dragon.

The blade encased in the sheath is a dragon scale that has been processed with advanced technology, and the magic of imparting the highest peak of the Romar Empire has been applied several times.

The combination of the linnet's own physical abilities, combat skills, and equipment can break through the defense of Kyrus, a humanoid dragon, but at the same time, Kyles also has the combat ability to make a deadly blow to the linette. is there.

And not only are Kyles, but also Xanad and his subordinates solidified outside the room, but also butlers and maids who show sophisticated movements suitable for samurai beside Asteria.

After all, the linettes themselves are also servants with high fighting abilities, so we can tell anyone they are not.

One of the maids took a cup of herbal tea brewed gently, saw Amria stopping, and Astellia spoke with a smile as a princess.

"I don't have any poison. If you're worried, I'd better drink it first and use the same cup."

Even if the drink is not poisoned, the cup may be poisoned. Asteria asks Amria that if she drinks the same way in the places she ate earlier, she will believe that she has no poison.

Amria heard the words of Asteria to the end, and then took an inlaid cup of emerald ivy and ruby red rose.

Of course, your own cup. The amber liquid is contained in the mouth without any hesitation, and it is drinkable with just one or two mouthfuls, and is suitable for a tea ceremony between royalty.

Gwandan, who was often surprised by Amria's courage and boldness, was impressed by the education of the high society in the Kingdom of Arkrest in this state of Amria, feeling safe and secure, somewhat rude impression. I was hugging.

"My sister, it's a bit of a play."

Amria returned the cup to the saucer, telling him to criminate the child's mischief, and Asteria nodded back at herself and again ate herbal tea. This exchange would have confirmed that Amuria was not a trivial upset.

Aria took the initiative in herbal tea, so Yachiyo and Fuka are also slower than usual, but they also use baked goods with red, blue, yellow, green and bright colors.

A snack sized to be eaten by a sip, it has a crunchy texture, but when it enters the mouth it collapses as soon as it enters, and the sweetness of fruits and sugar spreads gently. It didn't take long for Yachiyo and Fuka's hands to semi-automatically extend into baked confectionery, with the sweetness and light texture that never caught behind.

"Yes, Amria. She seems to have been a little too much to meet you. What happened after you left this empire, entered the asylum of the Arkrest kingdom, and visited this land again? I knew about it.

From the uncle's territory to the various rebels with temperature differences, it seems that he has witnessed the reality that can not be known by rumor, but directly with their eyes, ears and skin Is the purpose to know the reality? "

"Yes. It's not all the purpose, but once I left the Romar Empire, I thought I needed to know again what I could do and what I wanted to do here."

"I understand your purpose for me, but I don't feel so much sympathy. Even if you go around this land without your own desires, it only increases the turmoil of the Empire. That's a normal word.

In that sense, don't worry. Now, those who are fighting in the empire, including me, are using plots, tactics, and politics so that you can connect your existence to their interests as much as possible, and there is a lot of fire to change the situation Many people think that is good. ''

Yachiyo spills a smile to the asteria who tells her smile as it is.

"I'm gonna do it because I'm going to say it dignifiedly."

Yachiyo's muttering listened, and Asteria finally erased her false smile. There was the real face of a woman who continued to play a fight for bone meat with her uncle. There is no such thing as terrificness, haki, or dignity. There was literally nothing.

The expression that does not feel human desires and feelings at all would have been a manifestation of the essence of Asteria. Yachiyo and Fuka have the same smile on the face of the asteria as if they were a lie, and their eyes are rounded.

Asteria, who has the same face as Amria, seems to have been surprised at her heart with an expression that reminds her of "emptyness" without a border.

"I was relieved, and if my sister said that, I was once again convinced that I was worth it."

"Oh, have you slipped your mouth? But, yeah, Amria, your sister, your sister, is very useful. I and my uncle will not be mistaken for your use. For those who are dissatisfied, it will be difficult.

The Arkrest Kingdom is a little strange impression. Even though there is certainly a desire to use the things of you to eat the land of Romar, it makes you like a strange place.

If you want to make your puppet a good puppet, you are giving too much wisdom and vision to you. The opposite is true when it is easier to keep the world informed, knowledgeless, and in a narrow perspective. There is a considerable difference between desire and real behavior. ''

"The people of that country have respect for the individual who is me. That does not mean that the national interest is second only. It is a premise that the national interest is gained, and that the process up to that point must be taken by other countries. Is more important than the people.

Well, if you say that there is a tendency to seek national interests in a way that is as encouraging as possible, about half will be hitting. ''

"If that's the case, it's not a very good tendency to lead the people. I don't choose any means for the result. This is the usual way."

A little frightened by Asteria's frank opinion would be acceptable to anyone who is leading not only the royal aristocrat, but any group.

The kingdom of Arkrest is not limited to the current king and prince, but also has a tendency to choose as much as possible from generation to generation. The ethnicity of the royal family laughing at the origins of adventurers if they trace their origins may have made this happen.

"If the king of a nation that has never committed a blunder since the foundation of the country says that, then a person who is not a king is the right thing to be a king. Is your girl also inspired?"

Amria answered the Asteria's question straightforwardly. During the search for belly, the response was so honest that he was reckless.

"Yes, a lot. I thought many times I was picked up in a good place."

"Yes. Given the legitimacy of the Imperial Household, the vassals would say that it would not be appropriate to welcome someone who was inspired by the ideas of the Arkrest Kingdom."

The room filled the room just as soon as Asteria did not think so. In a short question and answer, it seems to me that it is useful if you guess what Amria is rated in the Asteria by capturing the butt.

"Sister, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, if it is a category that can answer me."

"My sister's purpose is to be the emperor of the Romar Empire. Is that really?"

What came out of Amria's mouth was a question that, if heard, would be something that not only humans of the Empire, but also of the surrounding nations could say.

Isn't it natural? Asteria and Rhinos Art have begun a struggle to break the nation over the status of the heir to the legitimate Romar Empire. Where is there any room for questioning?

"Yes. Rebuild the former empire, which was too unfair and inefficient, to a more efficient state. Otherwise, the way the empire would be was too irrational for me. It's inefficient and uncomfortable. ''

"Because it's uncomfortable, you have to reshape the country to get rid of it. To do so, you take the position of emperor. For your sister, the emperor is not a purpose itself, but a means to fulfill the purpose, Is that so? "

"I can't say it in public. I punish me for being disrespectful, even if I'm a princess, such as seeing the emperor's throne, the highest position in the empire, the most respected emperor. It ’s not crazy if you ’re done.

But fufu, it may be the same for you. I believe that your purpose is more profane to the Romal Empire and the history so far than me? "

For Amulia, who in some cases could imitate the murder of a soldier, it was a reshuffling of Asteria who could not immediately find a word of rebuttal. Asteria puts on her smile mask again with Amria's mouth closed unintentionally, and ends her story.

"You have just arrived at Baroldi. It's strange that I hurried, but rest first and heal the tiredness of the trip. The inn is using this imperial palace.

Only those who know me and you are in this residence. It's not a problem to have your face exposed when you're in a villa too much. ''

Without waiting for Amria's reply, Amria stood up following the maid's chair standing up, followed by Amria, who bowed down to her older sister who had left the room and spoke words of thanks.

"Thank you very much for your consideration, my sister."

"I think about it. No thank you words, Amria."

A voice that is too short to tell a sister for the first time, but full of the true heart of a sister. Asteria goes extremely naturally with her mask, acting as a woman full of affection for her family.

When she heard the voice, she was convinced that she and her sister had crucially different insides.

After Asteria left the room with Kyles and the butlers, a new maid appeared, telling them to the room prepared for Amria and others.

The delicate sculptures that fill the walls, the glare of the radiance of the furnishings, the breathtaking beauty of the hung paintings, all in a room occupied by only superlative treasures, Amria Sighed small.

There are no servants prepared by Asteria, and there are no signs of assassins under Xanad. It's a cut-off of top-notch sights that you wouldn't even notice unless you're a Gwandan, with three built-in biological radars to detect biological reactions.

"Amria, are you tired of talking with your sister?"

"A little. It seems that I was nervous more than I thought. It seems that it was not so, but there is still the difference between the born princess and the new rice princess."

"Well, Amria isn't a princess at the moment."

"Yachiyo-san is not hesitant. Fufu, but I think so too."

Aria smiles back at Yachiyo, who cares. In the meantime, the linettes who have finished checking the kitchen are ready to finish brewing a special blended tea with the tea leaves purchased during the trip.

Don't forget to use a simple cold air magic to keep it cool to a point where it can be easily drunk. I took it with me.

"Please come back again."

"Thank you, Lynette. The herbal tea we got there was also delicious, but the tea that Lynette brews makes me feel better."

"If you say that, you will be a maid pledge"

Following Lynette, Gandéus and Kirlinne bow gracefully. If you just look at that figure, it is a maid figure that is not ashamed no matter where you appear. If you don't know the contents and their fighting abilities, you'll have a lot to do with their beauty and loveliness.

After seeing Amria tasting the blended tea and feeling totally relieved, Gwandan, sitting opposite Amria, speaks.

"Amria, so how did you talk to Asteria right away, or did you not understand what you could see in that short meeting?"

"Yes, I know a little. My sister implicitly told me that going to the throne was only a process of real purpose. It was said that efficient nation-building was the real goal, but I felt that even the ideal nation-building was only one of the processes for him. ''

"Well, then, is there a real purpose that Asteria seeks after nation-building? By the time she assumes the position of emperor, the civil war in the country has subsided and she is the supreme being of the empire. If you don't need to look, don't look away. ''

However, even if there are no fires in the country, national power will fall considerably and the time spent on recovery will not be short. The surrounding nations are always ready to attack, given the ease of forming the Romal Empire.

Surprisingly, Gundeus followed Gwandan's words. It's not fun, but it's a little bit energetic. I thought.

"So what's going to happen next is an external war? Should we consider that possibility, Gwandan? If so, will the kingdom of Arkrest fight with Amria as his flag?"

"To get Amria into the position of Emperor, with the help of the Imperial nobles who lost to Asteria? We can prepare only the cause.

Isn't it fun to fight with Gandeus and Amria on a portable shrine instead of a flag? Or is it fun to be able to give yourself a battleground? "

In response to Gwandan's hiding his gauntlets, Gandeus's face was told that he had no idea. The screaming beauty looks like an innocent child like a little child, with his eyes flickering and then sandwiching his cheeks with both hands.

"Is it fun?"

"I'm troubled. I've heard from Lynette and Diadora about your hobbies and preferences, but I'm hoping that the current soles are more of an opportunity to be used by myself. That's it. "

While walking along Baroldi's hidden passage, it was confirmed in conversation with Kirlinne, but Gandeus, which has a viewpoint as a weapon and tool at the root of thinking, judgment criteria, values, is used as a tool It seems to be a blessing to be blessed with the scene.

When used as a weapon, apart from exposing many lives to the danger of death, delight comes first and foremost when there is a chance to fulfill its significance. Gandéus and Kirlinne are steadily nurturing humanity, but they have not abandoned themselves as tools.

"If you make Gwandan or Amria uncomfortable, I apologize for you."

"I'm not uncomfortable. Amria?"

"I wasn't offended, and isn't Gandius saying he'd like to sacrifice, for example, children or people without the ability to fight?"

"That is, of course. With such a character, Lynette and Diadore are re-educated from the bone marrow.

I can't imitate the refugees you've seen on your journey. I deny it, even if it fulfills my purpose. "

As a human being, Gandeus stretches out his chest and tells his thoughts proudly, and Kirlinne, who is listening to the story by his side, is energetic and follows his sister's words.

"Not only Gan-chan, but I do too! I and Gan-chan were created as weapons for fighting, but because I have not decided to just follow them, I think that I can live a different way ! "

"Well, yes, I was once abandoned as a princess, but I am now on the empire again and do not have to obey my birth. Rather, to be happy, Maybe it's just right to be as grateful as you use it. ''

In the journey so far, the appearance seems to be that although older Gandius and Kirlinne longed for Lynette as their sister, they could not tell in detail about the two special births, but special circumstances Amria and others are taught.

The way they live with a special birth, which is different from Amria, will be of great interest from Amria. Since I taught, the care for Gandeus has been more detailed.

"Well, it was a journey for Amria, but it seemed to be a more rewarding journey for Gandeus and Kirlinne than I had expected, and it was a surprising harvest. I'm happy.

Now, let's return. It is presumed that Asteria's original purpose and future actions are of a kind that is expanding outward, but this is not yet certain. I don't have much information here. "

"Um, Gwandan"

"Amria? Did you talk to Asteria and find something else?"

"Yes. I don't know how it relates to our future course of action, but Princess Asteria didn't seem to me to feel anything ... to be called my sister."


Gwandan urged the continuation of words, noticing that Amulia had a dark look.

"I have no anger at me, no sadness, no hatred, no jealousy, no yearning, etc. I really saw myself as a mere tool. He had that kind of attitude.

I don't think my sister is really interested in the Emperor's seat, and if she finds any other way to fulfill her purpose, she's only worthlessly discarding it. ''

"The next thing that those who have acquired power and wealth seeks is immortality, eternal life and a market price, but in my eyes Asteria does not look like a person who seeks it. What she really wants may be modest. ''

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