In the wilderness where the fragments of Vengitta blown away by mines and shells were scattered, a sound like a scene from a picture book was made, with a black rose bud and another peeping face. The black territory spreads in the wilderness while watching.

The buds of black roses that color the feet of countless Vengitta, including Atelietta and Smitta, which are responsible for restoration, manufacturing and remodeling, are, of course, not ordinary plants. It's part of Diadora, the finest rose in the Baron's Botanical Garden and a fiancé of Alan Dolan.

Diadora's buds, which can now be described as the strongest among not only black roses but also flowers, are blinking by Vengitta who noticed abnormally-while being a doll! -While you do, it grows rapidly every moment.

Eventually, the hulls of the giant land battleships Atelietta and Smitta are entangled, and the myriad of Vengitta who are spreading around are attacked by sharp thorns and bewitching roses as the most beautiful and dangerous restraint.

No matter how you look like a living person, they are actually puppets that move with the skills and magic of the magic. Soft and warm skin is harder than Mithril of the same thickness, and the thin arms of women and women and the strong arms of large men have the strength to easily pull out the beast's neck.

Vine Even black roses that continue to be restrained by such fragile forces, men, women, old men, young people, girls, humans, elves, lizards, tigers, dolls of all ages, men and women, and races He is staring at the black rose with his limbs tied up. No surprises, no sorrows, intuitively!

"A black rose that blooms and grows in the forest of Ente and is newly rooted in the land of Bern. Even if you don't know us, we know you. We know you. I know, we know, Vengitta, even though there are some golems who didn't reach us.

One of the black roses, a flower spirit with the same name as a woman in love who was told in a human country someday. If you scatter here, it will be the end of fate worthy of its name. ''

As usual, Diadora's black rose strangles his opponent or kills him with poison. However, Vengitta who was entangled in the black rose restraint did not see that. If it is as poisonous as Deirdre, it will melt without mercy even if it is inorganic.

Not only did the black rose stop moving, but eventually the black rose began to tremble painfully, as if it had been poisoned, and the overfilled magic and vitality began to appear dark.

"That's why I've worked out enough."

There was no sound of frustration or suffering, but a voice of Diadora composed only of pure praise and convincing soundness.

As the black petals fluttered, the bewitching black rose spell cast its shadow behind the ateliers.

Vengitta couldn't tell if he had gone underground like a black rose that filled the wilderness, or had disappeared from sight.

"Of course, you live in the Baron of Bern, a threat comparable to the calamity of nature. If you know that a storm is coming, it's natural to prepare for it. Water falls from high to low So, as the wind blows, the fire burns more vigorously, so it is, of course, extreme. ''

"Well, my dependable assistant was trying to keep your information from getting to you, but I guess it wasn't perfect. Could you tell me how I got the information if it was good? Whether you are a playwright or a judge,

"I'm an actor, I'm a playwright, I'm a director, I'm a sculptor, I'm a painter, I'm us. We're me. Oh, beautiful black roses, how can we decorate you with our hands and make use of it? "

"It's something to say. But, well, I'm sure you'll do it to say that to me."

"I'm so grateful. So I will return the tribute with all my soul. Please take it by all means.

The voices of men and women of all ages sang at once, and the Vengittas, who escaped from the restraint of the black rose, sprinted, jumped, and attacked at Diadiara all at once.

Centaur, holding a strong bow drawn by ten people, shoots a powerful arrow that can be seen as a meteor, a harlot at the end of the bar flashes a dagger that drip poison, and a harsh cowman breaks a huge rock I'll shake Mace.

In front of a variety of attacking methods of various races, Diadora responded by keeping the cold gaze and greatly expanding the vine of black roses extending from the gap between black hair, and crushing from the approaching person in order.

The black roses that have grown from underground and have been blossomed have been neutralized by measures taken by Vengitta, and are now exposed to the wilderness, withering and dying.

Something like that should have affected Diadora himself through the withered black rose, but from the appearance of running countless vines endlessly and repeatedly playing back Vengitta one after another, it seems that he feels pain and suffering Does not seem to be.

However, those close to Diadora, especially Lynette, will never miss the slight shadow of Diadora's infestation.

Although it is possible to enclose yourself in a dozen or twenty layers and intercept Vengitta attacking from all sides with a smaller number, it is unusual to move many vines and respond It was because it was difficult to move each one precisely.

The simple "shaking" action is performed by countless vines to compensate for the reduced accuracy.

The vines with the magic of the black rose that fill the entire Diadora sound innumerable plosive sounds that break the sound wall, breaching and crushing Vengitta who are harder than thick armor, crushed and destroyed by landmines from the beginning Individuals who were seen were literally blown off by the fine particles of wood.

Deirdre was counting a number of Vengittas who had marched for Fort Nerodim, turning themselves and returning.

It doesn't matter how much the number is, as long as Dran is serving at Nerozim, but the Bern Army is only the first person to have a decent battle, so it is psychologically helpful if the disadvantage of the number difference is as small as possible I guess, the rank can be seen in non-human Diadora.

"What if my opponent is only 30,000 pounds? I think it would be wiser to do my best against one person than to go to the fort."

During the time Diadia utters his long-haired words, the Vengittas attack with a unified movement based on one intention, and the thirteen vines controlled by Diadora intercept.

Vengitta, a rabbit beautiful girl whose right shoulder to left hip was cut off by the vine of a black rose, answered while holding the vine with the cut off body. An adorable voice that sounds like a bell does not feel pain or dust.

"Even if you work well. If you have to fight 30,000 us, you have the right and the right to taunt us."

Immediately after the affirmation, the upper body of the rabbit was skewered with a thick, sharp stalk extending from the vine, halting activity.

"I'm sneaky. You're more than one. Is that the way it is? Even if you're 30,000-to-one, it's not the same as one-to-one. You don't feel like you're feeling backless, but you're serious about it. An enemy just to do? "

The moment the Diadora smiles fearlessly and the surrounding Vengitta regards the smile as a threat rather than a mystery, `` As a nutrient, the black rose that has withered at my feet '', the black rose that Diadora spread secretly again Has grown rapidly and is growing from underground.

Shortly after blinking, she pierced the myriad of dolls that had surrounded Diadora from her inseam, and when it spread all over her body, vines grew from the eyes and mouth of the dolls, and black roses that bloomed throughout the body were colored.

Earlier, earlier than something that killed the black rose came in, Diadora immediately cuts the vine of the black rose. In exchange for destroying countless Vengittas, the second group of black roses also dies, and are blown by the wind into countless fragments.

Death of his alter ego twice, Diadora finally knows what Vengitta has done. Sole's annoyance can be inferred from the sinful wrinkles carved in Diadora's eyebrows.

"I don't know where anyone is, but I can't allow myself to die. Everyone in this world, like myself, died with more suffering, that kind of rotten grudge of roots?"

"Did you really know? With the devil king Vijranium, which our demon King Yaham has defeated!"

Guon, a huge object moves at high speed, and the loud noise that hits Diadra's whole body echoes in the wilderness, with the sound of stirring the atmosphere loudly. At the same time, a huge shadow was falling on Diadora.

It was an atelier in a posture that swung innumerable hands extending from the starboard side, dropping even more black, the shadow on the spirit of the black rose.

The turn was too fast for Deirdre, a huge land warship, but the answer was countless feet that stretched out of the middle of the bottom. The feet, which could support the weight of the giant with enough room, allowed the atelier to turn instantly on the spot.

The statue of Atelietta, like the goddess who is responsible for the security and protection of the voyage, has only the sternness of God as if he were to judge humans.

"The cry, hatred, and resentment of the fairy queen, Banzauniura. Give it a direction and make it an oversized curse on other flowers and tree sprites!"

At this time, the number of arms extending from both sides of the atelier was 500, and each had a total of 1,000 arms. Five hundred arms on the starboard are mercilessly swung down to Diadre, with tools to repair the damaged ones!

Diadora caught the striking of 500 arms approaching with the density and breadth of a wall, changing the vines of black roses, which had knocked down countless dolls a while ago, into improvised barriers.

If the power and the mass of the power engine mounted on the land battleship are fired and the shots are fired, and the shock and the sound generated when the black rose's barrier hits it crashes!

The force that flowed through the diadora into the ground caused the ground to break up and flip up, and the impact transmitted to the atmosphere spread far away.

Despite pushing and pulling, Deirdre stretched out the walls of the black rose sheltered, and tried to make all of Atelietta's arms full of holes.

Realizing that killing, the atelier's arm is pulled back shortly before the spine grows, and instead the 500 arm on the port side strikes Diadir from the right.

In response to a series of hits delivered by the power to move the land battleship, Diadora makes a spear bath with black rose thorns so as to cover his right body instead of a barrier, and intercepts it.

With the power of the atelier, you could crush the tsumamasu with a single blow, but in return, the 500 port-side arms would be full of holes and would not be usable.

Diadora decided to rob half of the thousand arms first, but on the verge of hitting the thorns bush, Atelietta let go of the tool, and instead felt that the thorns were caught and stopped over the black rose, and the intention was a rumor. Realize that it has become.

Deirdre's eyes also showed Smitter, waiting behind Atelietta, repairing one after another, destroyed by Diadre.

The destruction speed of the diadora and the repair speed by the transmitter are currently better than the destruction speed, but they are only the difference that the atelier can be quickly reversed if it is rubbed against the atelier.

"That's great."

Deirdre is playing a battle that is far from predominant because the curse of evil flower dying that he received from the beginning is raging inside her body.

Even though Diadora has resistance to the Makai's miasma, terrible malaise and chills, fever, numbness with pain in numbness, etc. greatly reduce her concentration and attention, and greatly lack vividness in movement. It is connected to.

"Diadora, Diadora, don't resist, don't stand up, fall on your knees. Fall down on the ground and lie down in heaven.

Diadora replied, gently whispering, to see no more fools. In spite of the fact that he looked up, he understood that he did not understand his personality.

"I don't know what's important to ask such a wasteful thing. Unfortunately, I'm not a woman weak enough to raise my roots with such a curse of withering, I."

A terrible chill ran to the back of all Vengitta's structures, including Zoari and Atelietta.

From the diadora and all the black rose vines that extend from her, two colors of light, black and blue, radiate like a demon fire, and from the wrist of the 500 arms of Atelietta touching it to countless dust Changes.

On the verge of turning into dust, Atelietta felt that power had been sneakly sunk from within himself. Unlike the innate power of Deirdre, the Vengittas immediately spotted the power of the exorcism that was taken away from the spirits of the Makai flower.

Perhaps the reason I didn't use this power right after the start of the battle was because I was trying to figure out the curse that was eroding myself and trying to figure out where to use it.

"I've used that power now because I've forgotten the curse of withering. Isn't that completely nullified yet?"

"That's enough. I'll tell you that a very strong general of the Demon King can lose a single black rose."

All Vengittas here spilled the same words in a fearless and irreverent laugh.

"It's a shame, it's a shame that we have to pick with this hand."

You say that, Diadora muttered briefly and opened a new battle of death.


While the Vengittas are battling fierce fights against soldiers at Fort Nerodim and Diadora, Quince and the Marahau fleet in the aft cannot be tolerated if they just watch the battle.

From the Bernese side, it was not possible to leave the troublesome creatures of the Six Demon Lords and the undeployed land battleship in the Kingdom of Arkrest free to act.

And as Doran and Christina talked before the war, there is a mountain of supplies that you really want to get.

It was Quince who first noticed this. The magical spider born to the Jindai senses that a massive mass of magic is about to emerge near the fleet, and warns Malahau with an undisputed voice.

"Malahau, all ships have maximum strength vs. magic barriers!

Marahau followed Quince's warning without any hesitation. Rather than Mamoroku's intentions, these areas are more like breathing of Aun. Just as Marahau followed Quince immediately, the captains and crew of each ship also immediately follow Marahau's instructions.

"All ships, maximum anti-magic barrier output, total members, be prepared for impact! Enemy position!"

A sailor monitoring the reaction of the nearby magical powers will respond to Marahau's question.

The detector installed at one corner of the bridge has a hemispherical shape, with a light spot indicating the ship at the center of the hemisphere, and responding to the detection waves emitted in all directions from there, to determine the distance to the enemy. It is a device that aims.

Until now, we have forgotten any doubts that we have never approached, and the finder responds with a shouting voice, amazed at the reaction suddenly appearing on the detector.

"The target crashes on the starboard side of the ship!"

Quinse's threat was not short-range. The distance had already been reduced by the time of the collision. Prior to asking questions, Marahau also noticed the huge shadow that formed the statue behind the bridge and pointed him at a hostile hostile.

Sole was a huge snake. It is so large that it can be rolled up several times with a dark green scale, and that it can be drunk. It is the thickness and length that makes Vage and Ryu look cute.

"Is this a flagship or a coincidence?"

Immediately afterwards, the shock strikes them, giving the illusion that the ship has risen. According to Quinse's instructions, the magic barrier and the snake's head deployed around the ship with maximum strength collide and scatter Shiden around.

The ship's moving engine screams, similar to a scream, and the contact surface between the incredibly massive mass of serpent, the Great Snake, and the Magic Barrier is blowing a storm-like violent power around it.

The wide open mouth of the serpent extended all the way to the starboard side of the bridge, and the poison dripping from the fangs was seen to impose an additional load on the barrier.

"Anthea, Daiichi, and Bugizka retreat. The main gun, the second turn, the loading of the artillery shell, the target snake! You will not imitate removing it at this distance!"

Marahau gave his quick instructions, squeezing the armchair of the captain's seat and enduring the impact of attacking the ship over the barriers. The Yun-class have only armament equivalent to self-defense machine guns, and Meguin Lane is helping rescue allies dropped by the dragons of the Mores Mountains.

Vengitta, the remaining ship on this side, has no combat capability because it is a supply ship for supplying repair parts to Atelietta and Smitta when they are in short supply. In short, it is a Vengitta edition Yuun class.

"Lamia species specific magic Jaram system Desune. Shikoshi, Kore as powerful as Toha, Bernolaramiahakochirano survey more powerful Nayoudesune"

"If it's magical, it's easy to get rid of the caster. Search for the locator and caster. As soon as you find it, let the 3rd turret go and drop it!"

Quinse apparently ordered the development of a barrier specifically for anti-magic defense. While appreciating the small spider on his shoulder, Malahau grabs a square object large enough to fit in his palm beside his armrest, and hits it with his mouth.

It is a communication device for the ship. Communication equipment is available for each wavelength in the ship, including the engine room and medical office.

"Land squadron, get ready in thirty seconds! Allow all equipment. Some of Lamia's magic can be used for anti-military purposes. It's time to think it's time! "

"Captain, main gun first, second, you can go anytime!"

"Okay, don't be shy, let's eat that snake's stomach stomach, let's eat the whole stomach. Don't forget to release the barrier!"

The danger of breaking barriers, albeit only partially, has no fear or fear of the demons on the bridge. It was supported by strong trust in Marahau.

Marahau's orders are executed quickly, releasing only the light green barrier near the head of the serpent, formed by the power of Lamia. The four eyes of Marahau who admit it are narrowed.

"First, second, shoot!"

Immediately after the command of Marahau was issued, the two main guns that had finished turning turned their muzzles on the body and head of the large snake wrigging, and a magic bullet that assumed a huge magical body and spiritual existence, Shot off with a green explosion, it strikes the giant snake in two places and blows it backwards.

Nevertheless, the head was still not blown away, and the torso was not scoured, even though the scales were cracked, and Malahau wrapped his tongue in his appearance, saying that Malahau had a tremendous magic density.

"Once loaded, continue bombardment until the target is defeated. Well, if you're a kind of magic that reflects pain to the surgeon, you can react here."

Driven by tension and excitement, Marahau licks her purple lips with bloody red tongues. The glossy gesture has no shy color.

A large snake blown away by a magic cannon suddenly stopped moving. The snake itself is trying to eat Meguin Ol again, but something invisible is entangled in the snake and restricting its movement. The Marahaus understood what it was.

"Quinse-sama, how long can the movement be bound?"

What binds the large snake is nothing less than the thread that Quinse paid out while leaving the body on Marahau's shoulder.

If you don't have magic-enhanced vision or special eyes, a quince thread that is so thin that you can hardly see it, and comparable to high-purity Orichalcum, binds the entire body of the large snake.

"Dynamic stop Merdakenaraba, how many days detoto itit Korodesuga, Doyarakanarino operator Death. Free bound Saler Dakede already Mashazuhanadeishone"

"Are you a considerable caster by the Demon Six Generals?"

"We are the Demonstration Demonstrators of the Demon Canarino, Baron's Baron, and the very high level of Death.

"I see, your Majesty looks happy."

Malahau is ridiculous, and at the same time he is delighted with the appearance of a strong enemy as a kin of war gods, and briefly spells out words.

The next step in taking action was to find Quinse an operator who was searching for a thread other than the serpent's shackle.

"Malahau, the caster I thought Shiramami ヲ found Shimashita.

"Quinse-like thread?"

"Ae, demonstration, at least, no job"

Quinse's minimum task is to disperse the surgeon's concentration and release the large snake, which literally turns the large snake bound by the Quinse thread into countless particles of light. Disappear.

“Malahau, aiming at the main gun ヲ coordinates of my words”



"Ky, ky, ky!"

Riding around the wilderness without hesitation to escape the explosions and impacts of shells that are too large for snakes to snake.

Like Deirdre, Selina is responsible for a single attack on the Demon King. Hiding in a corner of the wilderness, when the Wengitas began a barrage with the Bern Army, they set off to attack the fleet.

Unfortunately she was discovered by Quince before fighting and ended up being counterattacked, but her eyes had not yet given up on her eyes.

"Hello, Jarrer ... Miku!"

If it was just a bombardment, Selina was sent back by chanting Jalham again, unfolding the defensive barrier, but Quinse's invisible thread hindered everything.

It senses the powerful magic and godliness of the Quince thread itself, activates Lamia's snake's eye, visually identifies it, and avoids or expands the barrier to prevent it, but the power of each slash is Even with the current Serina standards, rough measures are not allowed.

"Mum, this, na, la, oh ah!"

Without overlooking the gap between the small bombardments and the moment the spider silk attacks, Serina takes full advantage of the paralysis of her eyes and focuses on Meguin Ol within sight.

Beyond Lamia's wisdom, the serpent-eye interfered with the magic used in the control system of land battleships, allowing him to perform a feat that stopped any movement. And spider silk that has not been interfered with such Serina attacks mercilessly.

A number of rings are engraved on the lower body, wrapped in green serina scales. At the moment the wheel becomes smaller, a slice of Serina's lower body is completed.

"I was waiting for it! It's a bit scary!"

Demonstrating a bit of a miserable real intention, Serina was strongly aware of the presence of a spider thread that touched her body. If you don't spread magic throughout your body and be so sensitive that it can even capture changes in molecular units, you will lose sight of this spider silk.

Selina's paralyzed snake's eye is on a land battleship, and Lamia's snake venom is on this spider silk! The snake venom, which was compressed by storing an oversized Jalarm in a reservoir from the moment it was restrained by a spider thread, immediately ran down the spider thread and attacked Quinse, the operator.

It's Serina's whole snake venom. Whether it's a hydra, famous for its poison, or a millennial ghost, you can hit the hell of constant pain. Knowing its power, Serina decided that this was the end.

"How about this!"

"Amazing Desyo. Tsume Mega Sweet Ideskered"

So, the moment I got an answer from right behind me and behind me, I said unintentionally.


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