There is also life in the dusty wilderness.

Mammals and birds that prey on reptiles such as insects, lizards, and snakes adapted to efficiently ingest valuable water and store it in the body. Or special magical creatures and spirits that live by eating the magic of the atmosphere and the energy of the earth.

So few would have wondered if they had found countless spiders moving from the center to the south of the dark wilderness.

The common species of spiders found in the dark wilderness are nothing strange except that they head all at once to the south.

In addition to spiders, small creatures such as lizards, flying squirrels, and hundred feet are scattered so that they do not form a herd, and they are not resting for a time, but southward-the kingdom of Arkrest continues toward Baron of Bern.

Occasionally, birds flying in the sky and creatures such as rats on the ground prey on, but waiting beyond that is an extraordinary sight.

Predatory and swallowed spiders and flying birds invade the birds as they are, devour their brains, and take over the predator's body.

In nature, there are rare organisms that manipulate parasites of other organisms, but when thousands and tens of thousands of different species all have the ability to do so, they were created so from the beginning. As if it were artificial.

Yes, by the way, the myriad little ones who head for the Baron of Bern were not natural creatures. Countless spiders are one of the six demon kings of the Demon King Army, the terrible spiders with wisdom who are subordinate to the large spider Quince who lives from Jindai.

Other than the spiders, like the Quince, the puppets Vengitta, who have the will to be named after the six demon lords, are non-human dolls that share their will.

Although they had not yet begun the war, they were secretly gathering information about the invading Arkrest kingdom and, in some cases, trying to sneak, brainwash, and assassinate dignitaries in this way. .

These are spies with numbers and accuracy and speed of information that would otherwise be possible only with Quinse and Vengitta. It would not be possible with almost genuine means, such as eliminating all myriad spies who are smaller than the fingertips without overlooking them.

Quince and Vengitta have never been prevented from sneaking in, except for the giant barriers that cover cities, even underground.

Even worse, if they were to infiltrate a territory that was even larger than a city, they would not have failed, and not just the Devil King, but even the imagination.

In other words, the failure of Baron Berne was their first experience.

The first thing that seemed strange was Quince. Although Quinse himself accompanied the delegation who set out for the Arkrest Kingdom with Vengitta, in order to keep consciousness with the kin, he grasped the situation of the kin engaged in infiltration at the forefront. ing.

The spiders are still preyed on by wild animals and insects and killed unfortunately, but they continue to be killed only by their own spouses. It is impossible without it.

`` Sorenikoreja, my kin, killing creatures

Vengitta also agrees with Quince, confident that he has been blocked from infiltrating. He, too, shares his intentions with the dolls trying to infiltrate on the front line, so he has grasped an unusual situation.

They are now thinking about the extraordinary events that have taken place in distant places in the dark night's wilderness.

"Quince, Quince, the old spider, the wise man who knows the wind of the gods, knows the water, knows the earth, knows the fire. We, like your kin, have been destroyed by someone who knows us as the enemy.

Just as used dolls are broken with a hammer, and used dolls are fired. Oh, oh, I'm sad that we break. We are sad that your kin is killed. ''

"Aye, Doyala this time, the other opponent is Hakolemadetoha, the straight line dehayukanaiyoune"

"Yes, yes. The first wall standing in front of us. The hand of the wise, who blocks our invasion, touched us. We must not succumb to it. Because it does not stop.

Yeah, we are the tongue of the burning flaming, the tongue of the burning fire, and the fingertips of the demon king, ''

"Sone, you guys, what time are you in the middle of the demonstration opera, you're in the middle of a demo op.

At this time, the kinse of Kinse and the Vengitta were attacked by various golems all manufactured by Doran in advance and scattered in the dark wilderness.

Once used as a spy in the fight against the Goblin army, they are now used as breakwaters to prevent the invasion of the Demon King.

Of course, we've already got a lot of information using it as a spy for the Demon King, as the Quinses do now, but the Demon King doesn't know about it.

At the moment, in the information warfare, the situation was such that the military was on the Bernese side.

One of the reasons that Doran and Christina traveled to Galois to lay the groundwork for nearby nobility was due to the fact that underground fighting had already begun under the surface of the water or unrecorded in history.

Completely block the invasion of small spies on the Demon King's side, and spread information as much as possible, with the cooperation of the royal family and neighboring lords, spreading obstruction magic that blocks the magic of remote vision. And preparing to pick them up.

Over the years, Mundus Khanus first came into contact with soldiers from a small fort that had been built for the invasion of dark wilderness.

The fort is packed with about ten to twenty soldiers and ten times as many golems. The lords, alerting themselves to the dark wilderness, noticed from the dusty horizon that a unimaginable giant shadow was approaching, and stopped stunned.

The soldier in his late twenties, who hired Bern for adventurer employment, straddled a horse golem with two colleagues, each with two gray combat golems, the Belter. .

Armed with light armor, long swords, and dreads on a long spear reinforced with pure magic power, they witnessed four shadows like a large ship running on the ground enough to mistakenly think that the mountain is moving It was a figure.

Tracks The upper half of the hull is gray and the lower half is painted bright red. They look like boats that have been turned upside down, wrapping a number of boards on the wheels, side by side near the bottom of the ship-later turned out to be called endless tracks, especially military ones-to spin It was progressing with things.

Called land battleships, these weapons were developed at Mundus Khanus with the aim of quickly transporting and invading personnel in areas where flight battleships are difficult to navigate, such as intense air currents and habitats of vicious large flying creatures.

The Arcrest Kingdom and neighboring countries are also developing and building ships for low-flying operations, but there are no giant vehicles that track on track.

The former adventurer, Soldier Vect, immediately activates a magic communicator on his waist belt, signaling an emergency signal to his stronghold and the home of the Knights.

Despite being provided with magic weapons to kick off monsters around, there is no willingness to fight against a huge ship as you look up. Right now, collecting and bringing back as much information as possible is a top priority.

"I will keep the distance and collect and monitor information."

The colleagues nodded at Vect's instructions and gave no consent. The combat golembelter, reminiscent of a knight in full body armor given to them, has the ability to joke a powerful monster in a single man, but hesitates to hit an unknown entity in the end. .

Above all, it is not yet known whether they are enemies or not. Of course, we do not intend to challenge, but we must avoid imitations that can be perceived as poor provocation.

At the same distance, the three and the nine golems began tracking the land battleships, but their movements were simultaneously being grasped from the landships.

Although this land battleship carries missions from Mundus Kanus and carries soldiers for escort, it does not mean that only four soldiers are planning a full-scale invasion. Quince and Vengitta are also acting differently as trump cards.

This time, he is acting as a mission with a strong face. Of course, the fact that Mundus Kanus is aiming for an invasion of armed forces is also an unwavering fact, as two of the six Demon Lords, who are at the heart of the Demon King's strength, have been dispatched.

Since then, the fort has also instructed to continue surveillance, and the Vects continue surveillance, but realize that there is a fort to which they belong ahead of the land battleship. Clearly turn your complexion blue.

"Do they know this geography already?"

Although only four ships are visible at this time, Vect envisions the worst future of a land battleship that fills the horizon, exposing himself to the scorching sun, but terribly cold sweat. And felt that it passed down the neck.

Mundus Kanus' recent infiltration and investigative activities have been completely hampered by Doran's efforts, but there is information gathered before his reincarnation.

Mundus Khanus knows the location of Bern, just as the Goumas of the Guma once reached the village of Bern without hesitation.

Also, what is the location of the newly built fort? This is the result of efforts by the false dragons to raise bloodlines, including reconnaissance from high altitudes.

Show the scene in a cabin inside the Meguin-class ground battleship, Meguin Gill, which raises the smoke and travels through the green fields.

In the cabin, which was decorated with a luxurious interior that could not be considered a warship because it was also used for diplomacy, there was a figure of the demon man, Perri, the representative of this mission. He is a skilled soldier who looks up to his wide shoulders and wears several medals on the chest of the Demon King's military uniform, mainly dark blue.

Three small horns extend from the forehead, with deeply carved features, reddish skin, and habits of bronze curly hair. Perly, Perli is also the commander of the fleet and also the representative of the mission, but the highest ranks of the mission are Vengitta and Quince, two of the most famous devils.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Vengitta, whose sensitivity is poetic, is somewhat difficult to communicate with, mainly Quinse is the consultant of Perli, and he also steals the mission with Quinse. .

Perli was talking with a blue spider, a kin of Quince, on the table in the cabin, and a Vengitta doll dressed as a missionary soldier.

The Vengitta doll imitated a young woman with light purple hair claws. The element that seems to be a demon is the third and fourth eyes and skin that are the same color as the hair, which are open at the position of the eyebrows for humans. Featuring fewer rank badges than Perli, the epaulettes and decorations are also modest in military uniforms.

"It seems apparently that the soldiers in Bern seemed to have a wider range of activities than they expected. They were able to find us sooner than expected."

Vect and others following the four land battleships have already been captured by Perli, and the range of action on the Bern side is wider than predicted by the latest information before being disturbed as Perly said. And the quality of the equipment of the soldiers is much better.

The Demon King, who has the hegemony of the dark wilderness, is proud of himself as the world's strongest, but if the soldiers at the end of Bern have enough equipment and there is insufficient information on this side, it can not be guarded If you're an opponent, you're ready to tighten the helmet.

It was Quince who responded to Perli. The main body that dispatched the kin was kept secret in the mission so that Bern could not realize its location in the event of the war.

"Korekara Kou Fort No Soldier Deshaw. Arkrest Kingdom Ha, War History Toha History History Continued Itei Tayoudesuga, Peace Bokeh Hashitenite Consideration Elbekina Nano Deshone"

"Or, even in peace bokeh, the lords of Bern have different attitudes. This time they are ostensibly visiting the land for friendly purposes, but they will not drink their demands."

"Masa Mata Ha, Ye, Zarhamela, Minister of State, Kashira?"

"I'm asking you to be in charge of the mission, but it's a relatively modest idea. At least we're not going to be our slaves, or we'll kill you if we don't obey them. I can sway my tail under Mundus Khanus. "

"Rehashinai Deshoni accepts Sole Deha Battle Slash.

Contents We are Nishiteha tranquil nanoha, arcrest kingdom ga surrender shuasukusuru for deshaw. Tokusou Heno passionate royal family life guarantee ヲ バ バ バ バ ヲ ヲ バ バ ヲ 揉 バ

"Hahaha, we are descendants of war gods. There is a tendency for reason to work and fight, and if the solution involves war, we are glad to choose it. That's all there is to it. It's annoying to others! "

"Romar Empire: Falling Sasetara Sokokara west, aiming at Ihalohan Empire: Southern Karasukiki-kusu, a conception of Desne. Arkrest Kingdom: Falling Sasetara, eastern going scheduled Haattemoshbarakha G

"Well, did our Great Jindai Spider Hall capture that view of His Majesty? Why not go southeast of the continent?"

"Arkrest Kingdom No Toha, Mores Mountains Toenteno Mori Nisima Maretimas. Lomar Empire Tobi Bete, Torerell Land Road Gokumoku Meitei. Airways Niseki Shitemo, Mores Mountains 2 Numerous sul dragon species, Nyotte, False Dragonヲ Our Sour We Choose Nittatteja Easy

"I agree, I think. The rest depends on the fact that we don't know about the Arkrest kingdom and, above all, Baron Berne. During the civil war, it was easy to do because there were many leaks. ''

`` Achillamo we Nisshin servant Sinai Noha mistake Inedes Keredone ''

"Huh, that's a development we couldn't hope for. What's worrisome is that His Majesty hasn't let his North guard down, but he has to leave it up to Tralou and the SS.

Now, I hear that a young girl governs the land of Bern, but I am looking forward to seeing how much it is. ''

"I'm looking forward to". The words spoken by Perli must have been the feelings shared by the demons whose names are in the genealogy of the Greater or Lesser Samurabath.

Some, however, do not fully accept that feeling, and Vengitta whispered quietly like a vase on a desk, whispering in a beautiful woman's voice, like a painting on a wall. Or are you singing?

"The fever of the blood of the war god is a sweet impulse. The madness of the war is the pleasure of the spirit. You have the freedom to bite, but there is a price for freedom, but the price is an unbearable burden. I will sneak up on my shoulder as a friend. ''

Perli rushed into the decipherment, following a glance from Vengitta, who was silent as he said what he wanted to say. This time it is a combination of words and situations that are relatively easy to understand.

Wengita doesn't get angry when misinterpreted, but she's obviously embarrassed at first glance, so the guilt of making a mistake is reasonably high.

"Well, do you advise me that if you are careless about your pleasure, your feet will be scooped from unexpected places?"

Vengitta nodded satisfactorily when Perli answered her with a very serious face. Apparently the answer was almost correct.

With Perly relieving that she was not guilty of guilt, Quinse seemed to be tired of the angry, often-detoured conversations of Vengitta.


Finally, I should say. Baron Berne's leaders, reportedly having finally received contact from Mundus Khanus, took immediate action.

Even those who had received news about Mundus Kanus's contact in advance could not control the ups and downs, but Doran and his beautiful lovers, who could be called the leaders among the leaders, were upset I was unrelated. Except for the infidel Serina.

"I'm glad I did it to the Governor-General and neighboring lords. I can still see my father's eagerness."

It is Christina who lost his bitter smile. This is the first voice after confirming the information sent via the fort after returning to Bern's mansion, which came to feel completely home from the Governor of Galois.

The office, filled with scarce furnishings that would not be possible in a few royal aristocrats, has the appearance of true leaders Doran, Dramina, Serina, and Diadora.

He sits down on the sofa for his reception and squeezes beside Christina, but he is undoubtedly committed to responding to Mundus Kanus, which has finally become a reality.

"Because the Marquis was so upbeat."

Doran, who met Drum with Christina, agreed with Christina from the bottom of her heart.

Many princes are bewildered and reluctant to be presented at a bargaining ceremony, suggesting that once the Baron territory of Bern is brought together and the Demon King's army attacks, this will be the case. Because the drums responded first.

"But it's a stage where there is no intention to launch an unarmed attack or aggression, as long as it doesn't attack or disperse this soldier, or leave it to pursue. It's still too early to have it. ''

Christina, telling her, stood up from a chair that had to sit down and watched for Dolamina.

The vampire's former queen, who has been around for a long time as Christina's secretary and has a commonality of extraordinary beauty, may well understand Christina better than Dolan.

Dran, Selina, and Diadora understood her seriousness, as Christine, full of energy, gently touched her left wrist at the arrival of an unprecedented crucial moment.

He intends to cut his strong hand, which has been a bar for residents of the same country, to Mundus Kanus's envoy.

One of Baron's mighty hands in diplomatic negotiations, yes, Christina!

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