After the election of the national team to compete at the Demon Festival, Doran and Christina had been talking in the academy's office after a long absence in response to the invitation of Olivier, the teacher of Magic Academy until recently.

Until now, when Doran and his colleagues visited the dean's office, it would be a very good place to just talk about each other's current situation, considering that most of them were post-reports or prior notice of problems that occurred with high probability. Was precious.

Except for Doran and Christina, sitting next to the couch for reception, and Olivier, there was no serving servant, and it would have been valuable for them not to hide their identity.

"Even after we graduate, the Dean looks fine and looks good."

Oranje smiled at some point, saying that Deran was mediocre, but when she uttered her words that she truly thought so.

This is unusual for Olivier, who rarely reveals emotions. However, when Doran and his opponents were competing, they were often surprised.

"Isn't that change? I don't want to see frequent national and global catastrophes as much as you were when you were enrolled, but I still can't help being careless.

Last year, the devils who aimed for Ente Yggdrasil in the decisive battle with Kaima, there were countless events such as Abyss Dawn, who took over the world's strongest witch Bastrell, the Prince and Princess. Because it was "

"Fummy, in retrospect, it was a year that made me want to wonder what the 15 years of living as a human were. I prefer calm time much, so I just fight Is very reluctant. ''

"You're such a temper, fortunate for all of your life, except you, and even though you're a graduate school, you're still enrolled in Renia, even though you and Christina's cases have been reduced.

She met you, played a couple of blunders, changed her mind and became a very good student. Occasionally, it's a difficult thing to move around with action beyond the student's position. ''

Christina, who was focused on reducing the amount of tea served, muttered, aside from Dolan's grin as she had too many thoughts. She also came up with an example of what Olivier calls Renia's energy.

Sieve "Sometimes I played a participant in the victory festival at my own discretion or didn't."

"Beyond Doran's graduation, Lenia is undoubtedly the strongest magical student of the year. It is true that her and her confirmed Nernesia have teamed up and examined. They would have been lightly intimidating to the children.

Nevertheless, a considerable number were broken, and it is true that all the remaining children were high-profile students. ''

"That's why I have an extra headache or can't handle it."

Christina, who has a strong sympathy for Olivier's feelings, nods with a look that makes her feel even charitable. Doran alone was a much more difficult person than the two, so he couldn't sympathize as much as Christina.

"Irina is a hold on Renia, and she seems to be aware that she will be at the core of her strength at the race festival after you have graduated. Has been greatly improved.

Thanks to this, I did not bother to participate in the preliminary round this time, but in the sense different from last year, I raised my heat at the stage of the preliminary race festival. It's extreme, Renia. ''

"Hmm, if you can defend my father on the side of Renia's soul, she's learning something other than extreme. She'll often wield the dean and other students. But please watch with a broad heart. ''

"Last year's you and Renia this year, I've had a hundred or two hundred years of hard work. Even if you are a graduate, Unless I'm sorry as an elder ...

"If I and Renia are considered only souls, they are much older than the academy, but their human history is age-appropriate, so they seem to be bothering youthful or annoying."

It is Doran who truly bows so apologically here, and the fact that he is the owner of the soul of the old dragon and Olivier, who has a connection with him as a descendant of the seven heroes, pursued in even stronger words. You will not be able to do it.

Despite the ancestry's connection, Doran was an incompatible partner for Olivier.

"Uh, let's talk a little more constructive. I'm sure you'll be attending the governor's dinner tonight as well, but what about the time before that? However, if you look at the face with encouragement, I think it's selfish. ''

Olivier reassesses and reiterates that it would be a pity that he would not repeat the words on this topic anymore and carry on his efforts further. He was convinced that Doran and Christina would go to Galois Magic Academy to see the faces of Lenia and others.

"I've been with them for a while, and I'm going to share their congratulations to being selected as a representative of the academy. I think it would be acceptable if you were an aide.

"Yes, from my point of view, that's tolerable. Except for Lenia and Nernesia, you may want to follow this edge and get a job under you."

Christina hate Olivier's words? There was a point that I thought, and I asked that question honestly.

For Christina, now officially named by Baron Berne, Olivier was clearly a noble companion and no longer a distance between students and teachers. Anyone who knows the situation will be allowed.

"I'm the one who seems to be running my eyes under Doran, but ...

"I thought so for a while, but now she cares very much about her home and her parents. In that regard, she ran blindly because she was Doran. There is no such thing.

It is true that she is a child of the Great God, but it is also true that she truly loves and cares for her birth parents. Yeah, it must be great. ''

Despite the extra-large problem at Galois Magic Academy, Doran conceals a smiling face in Olivier's words, believing that Lenia's affection for her parents is undeniable, and celebrating it as wonderful. Did not.

Not only was her daughter praised, but she was so glad that she grew so affectionately that others could see it.

Now, after the conversation between Olivier and Doran ended in a calm manner, Doran and Christina, as reported to Olivier, turned to Renia to give encouragement and congratulations.

In exchange for last year's Doran, there was an encouraging party hosted by Phenia, but it seems strange that she was holding all the expenses in view of Renia when she came to Bern. There is no.

However, from Doran's point of view, it was frustrating to appear to the encouragement party for the juniors, so they hurried to show a little face before that.

The two didn't think that they would pay the full cost of Lenia's encouraging party and leave without saying anything to make it look pretty good. Well, they are two people of that age.

After the match, Leniers were gathering to meet the enthusiasm as scheduled, with Manos, Kushri and Aznal remaining in order.

Last year, Lenia was much more concerned about others, trying to imitate the encouragement party hosted by Fenia last year and purely at the expense of Manos.

The Leniers were kept in a reception room for visitors, perhaps because Olivier had arranged for a quick meeting with the Dorans.

Some aristocrats and merchants who were watching the game were able to talk to the promising wizards now and relaxedly while exploring their whereabouts to try to reach out So, Olivier is various.

In a drawing room with magical clocks, dolls, and occasional paintings of a magical figure, Lenia welcomes Doran and Christina in a dignified standing position.

The Dorans did not hide any signs, so they must have sensed the approach quickly and waited to greet the revered father and his companion (scheduled) with all their spirit and full power. As before, Renier was a little nervous about Doran's efforts.

"I'm a long time, Doran, and Christina. This renia was waiting for my honor and service again, feeling like a millennium day."

Over and over, it was Doran's frank impression. Converting a day to a millennium would be a bit of a fever, even if the sense of time is a godly beast standard.

Doran wants to believe that there are some exaggerations, but it's Lennya anyway. That's why it's hard to be surprised if you really think so.

"As always, I can't help but thank me for thinking about me so much. I'm just sorry that I couldn't return that much to you."

"Huh, there's nothing that Mr. Doran has to return to me. For you, there is still a bounty of irreparable bounty above this star.

"Hmm, there's still something we can't afford in this regard. Well, let's do it because it's not poisonous."

Doran turned his eyes on Kushri, Aznal, Manos, and others standing up from the couch, with a bitter smile, with the feeling of embarrassment and resignation making up the bulk of the material. By the way, Fatima, Sierra, and Irina are obviously not here.

Christina also looks around at the faces of Kushri and smiles with a happy look and atmosphere that is even more fearless than when she came to Baron Berne before.

"It looks like you've been trained a lot with Renia."

For Christina, it was terribly easy to imagine the angry emancipation of Lenia, who crossed his arms, and the torture of Kushri and Aznal.

Nernesia is rather reluctant to move toward Renia, and surprisingly, Manos has an unusual mental strength. Even if he was somewhat humbled, he would have switched on the spot immediately.

Christina's words, which include a lot of sympathy and praise, make Kushri turn blue, reminiscent of the ironing of the special training. The fearless atmosphere of the corner is ruined with complexion.

"Hey, really, it's like a special lesson on the premise that it's okay if you don't die, and I've thought this was dead many times. Of course, I think that's a good thing."

Aznal, as well as Kushri, nodded with a confident and confident face in that she gained some strength.

"If you are now, you will be better off against Vajé than before. That's guaranteed for me and Doran. If you don't get a Hart or Eks-like opponent, you'll probably win first."

"If you tell the baron, you will be more confident. Those who are looking at Renia and who are watching Kushri with disgusting eyes will also learn about special training with Renia After that, I stopped watching them with envy or jealousy. I'll do my best to show you what's worth it at the competition. "

Kushri smiles with a cheerful smile, and Christina feels convinced that the juniors will be fine in this condition.

As was the case last year, the players at Galois Magic Academy were trained this year to special training opponents who could not be thought of a little by common sense, and they must leave the result "if the competition is held safely."

"Even if you don't play at the festival, there will be many aristocrats and merchants who want to hire you just for today's game.

I haven't had enough witches yet, so I've been watching and hoping for you. Oops, wouldn't you be angry at others if you were too eager to call out? "

Rather than complimenting, Christina and Aznal laugh, proudly and a little tickling, after Christina's reputation, telling her from the perspective of a lord who wants more than one wizard.

For those of you who are never wealthy, finding a job for a noble witch with a high likelihood of being greeted with high treatment is something you really want.

It was naturally Renia who pierced Kushri and Aznal, who were losing their lips.

"I don't praise these guys so much that I can't get on with them. For me, Kushri and the blue cat have only reached the point of participation in the festival. When it comes to the result, I have to wake up with my hands! "

In a place with the eyes of others, he bends against Christina, Baron Berne, so he should behave more politely like a noble lady, but both Christina and Dolan are limited to this place and the opponent. No one speaks to Renia, ignoring her consent.

During this time, both Manos and Doran had not joined the conversations with Rennies, but they were talking together in a golem discussion.

"So, have you started mass-producing a multi-legged golem with a cannon?"

Manos, who has changed from a damp atmosphere to a very refreshing atmosphere, asks Doran while lifting his glasses with his fingers with thoughtful thought.

Although it is an exposure of the internal affairs of Baron's territory, in light of Manos's personality and the fact that he is helping to design and develop some golems, Doran, who is the head of the Baron's magic section, is He had decided what to talk at his discretion.

"Yes, it's time-consuming to get the number of people together, and it's easy to imagine it's difficult to replenish any lost personnel, so to avoid it, I think it is important to improve the thermal power. ''

"Oh, yes or no. The latest artillery is going to be quite expensive, and procurement of gunpowder should be quite difficult, but is it equipped with a magic gun? If you have a magic stone, you can make as much as you want Wa

"Some of the old cannons, both gunpowder and magic, are available, but the latest ones are still difficult to procure. We can cast them from scratch, There's not enough technician arrangements yet. ''

"Well, it's a story that it takes time to choose the means because you completed Ganduga?

The main premise of weapons is that anyone can use them and demonstrate certain abilities. A weapon is a failure if it can only be handled by a specific person and its abilities are not stable.

The way in which it is maintained and manufactured is also better if it is universal. It's evident that you'll be in trouble when you're away for some reason if you can't get it without you. ''

"Even now, we're pushing a lot of it in a way we can't do otherwise, so we're working to adjust where it fits elsewhere."

"It's quite bullying, but it's just your situation, so I can't put my mouth in a knowing face, but does Ganduga mass-produce?

Aside from mass production, if you're going to keep the number as a kind of magic armor, it's an overkill in manufacturing costs and performance. The cost and performance would have to be kept to a tenth.

In addition, we used a neural connection maneuvering method on the premise that Lignette would maneuver, but if ordinary people operate it, we need to review and redesign it from there. ''

"First of all, it is a situation in which we have purchased and purchased only a few types of magic armor. We want to improve the performance by renovating, but it is difficult to secure a bright engineer for the magic armor.

In today's situation it is not easy to pull out and that is why we are focusing on making golems with cannons. ''

"Well, before approaching the distance to use magic armor, do you plan to reduce the number with artillery and magic as much as possible. As technology advances, the distance that can be killed in war is growing, There's nothing wrong with the direction in which we put our strength. ''

"The golem is making up for the small number of living human soldiers, and we are developing golems for close combat and mass-producing units for simple production."

"You work fast, but are you in a situation where you have to do that?"

"After all, you're not the only ones who are obsessed with research. You know exactly what's going on in the world."

"If anyone is more unfamiliar with me, you can curse it as a stranger. Oh, at all, I love making strong golems, but I don't like war!"

That was one of the reasons that Doran liked Manos.

Nernesia comes in with a slightly steeper look than usual, sniffing the talk of the two with a kina smell. Nernesia, the daughter of a great nobleman in the kingdom's martial arts, will have more information and fresher information than Manos, who tends to withdraw for research.

"Dran, I'm going to have a party from Apienia in the upcoming banquet. I'm a trusted knight commander, me, and a few others. Is it okay? "

"Hmm. Bern is the northernmost part of the kingdom, but there is no rule that must be attacked from the northernmost, so watch out is right."

Doran's statement reminds us of the threat from the North, not the Lomar Empire in the West. That alone makes Nernesia convinced that, in recent years, the vigilance and armaments of neighboring lords were not wrong.

`` If you attack other northern territories without first dropping Bern, I think that it is a good place to come first because it is a geographical area that is easy to hit back. ''

According to the results of a secret reconnaissance run by Doran, Bern is, as expected, the first to be attacked in the Kingdom of Arkrest.

At the same time, the Demon King is moving toward the Romal Empire, but there is no reason to move Doran, the king of Arkrest, there, unless there is a request from Amria.

"Is there any worst-case surprise from the war without prior notice?"

"I don't know. My opponent is a descendant who inherits the sacred blood and spirit of the samurai army god. Half of it is my guess, so please don't trust me at all. "

"My grandson .... I'm a partner who can shy at all. How far and to whom has that information been passed on?"

"Some great nobles who are close to His Majesty and the members of the Deputy via his Highness. We will tell you at the dinner party tonight."

"I thought for a moment that it would be better not to tell it. If you really want to confront it, you will have to ask each temple for great cooperation, so the usual cooperation and the amount of donations are a problem. It costs more than a normal war. "

Given the upcoming war costs, Nernesia now frowns slightly, saying that he has a headache. War expenses are usually financed by taxes collected from the territory.

Nernesia's temper would naturally show disgust and discomfort because it would be consumed in defense wars that could not enrich the territory and the territory.

"That's where we're headaches. We're fortunate to have formed an alliance to fight the Mores dragons and the Demon King's fake dragons, even without the Demon Army's invasion. I didn't want to be injured because I was going to have a friendly relationship someday. ''

"If this happens, you have to beat it all over and claim compensation?"

"Is it the goal of getting no victory for the bereaved of the dead, or a complete victory without any casualties or injuries? Will it be? "

"Well, it's hard to achieve either way. If it's ideal to limit the damage to nothing, it would be too burdensome to push deep into the wilderness of the wilderness, where the opponent would pay compensation. "

"Well, as you may have said, I will try to give priority to life and then avoid the deficit."

"It's amazing because Doran said that I could somehow believe that it would really happen."

"Because there are a lot of people you can rely on."

Nonetheless, according to what Doran calls the “reliable ally”, you will be loudly told that you are the most reliable.

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