Carplau Castle.

It is a huge and solid castle built in the Lomar Empire, as a restraint on conquered southern ethnic groups.

It has a certain amount of food production capacity because it has a large number of soldiers at all times and several water sources and fields inside. In addition, due to the robust construction of the castle and the innumerable guns and magic weapons, it is said that if you devote yourself to Kago Castle, you will be able to fight ten times the strength of your opponent for many years.

At Kaplau Castle, which has been gazing for more than a few months with the rebels consisting of the southern cities led by the Elken tribe, the princes belonging to the Rhinos Art Grand Duke have their own troops and more than 100,000 troops. Has reached to store.

In the case of a war with another country, the third person can be mobilized as a force, but this time, since the civil war was within his own country and the opponent was a heterogeneous or heterogeneous person who was the third person, only two lords took him out of his territory. It is an army composed of the Romar people more than equal subjects.

Combined with the ability to retain control over the revolt in his territory, the strength gathered at Kaaplau Castle was not the greatest mobilization force of the lords, which contributed to the time taken to suppress the rebellion. ing.

Even if you don't send third soldiers to the front line, if you get the wrong information, if you mix poison in your diet, or if you mix up false in the march route.

There are many worrisome situations, and the combination of regular soldiers of second and higher ranks and mercenaries hired as flesh-walled and discarded pieces in place of third-tier citizens is a common configuration in the Rhinos Art Grand Army.

One of the saloons in the castle was designated as a conference room, and some of the gathered princes, particularly powerful, had face-to-face meetings again today to discuss future actions.

In the Imperial Succession War, which fell into a state of dividing the empire, public opinion was leaning toward Rhinos Art because the Empire's Great Lord General Howlsen accepted Rhinos Art for the time being, but did you wait for this? As a result, a situation has occurred in which cold water or no boiling oil is blown off.

The imaginary enemy east of the Lomar Empire, the birthplace of the human Doran, the Arkrest kingdom, moved its greatest force, Arkwich Merle, closer to the border with the empire.

Nominally, he instructs the magical institute and encourages his juniors, and interacts with the wizards who serve the princes of the west of the kingdom. -In response to Merul's reputation, a severe earthquake ran below the surface of the empire.

The move of Meruru from the royal capital to the west at this time was a signal that the Arkrest kingdom would soon intervene in the imperial civil war, without having to force the participation of the Twelve-wing General who guards the border in anticipation of it. Can you win if Arkwich is on the battlefield? From the mouths of various lords, words that were filled with anxiety overflowed one after another.

Conversely, the Emperor Asteria, who controls the region of the Empire west of the Empire, farthest from the Arkrest Kingdom in the Romar Empire, may be angry and laughing at it.

Of course, many will be worried that if the Grand Duchy clears itself, they will be next.

It was a magician called Merle who just moved inside the country and buried the seeds of anxiety in the nobles of other countries.

Until Merle was known, he was talking about how to suppress the rebels and wait for the decisive battle with the Asterian Empire and the reign of a new empire under Emperor Rhinos Art. Well, one of the lords sighs a sigh of mixed mourning and anger.

Marquis Luluius, whose sighs of sighs managed to suffocate--short cuts of red hair and fine eyes, and small wounds that traverse the left edge of his lips vertically, strictly squeeze the normally benign face. He changed it and instructed the princes who were angry.

"You guys, it's no good to repeat the words about the great witch, who doesn't know when he will come. Nothing can be done with the Archduke and this war of succession. General Howlsen is also joined here. It was.

There are also stories of imperial secret weapons that only generals and emperors can use. I do not know the details about this, but I have heard from the Grand Duke that it is. `` If you are poorly alerted to crisis and distract from the enemies in front of you, that may be the point of the Arcrest Kingdom. ''

Lulurius is right. Aside from discussing how to prepare for a threat equal to the natural disaster of Merle, it's good to be abusive, just repeating words that are afraid of her invasion.

And they're not in a safe saloon, but in Kaplau Castle, the forefront of the battlefield. Forget about the enemy in front of you and be trapped in the future that may come. Is it something other than a waste of time?

Seven: Now, it seems like you will hear the story. One of the rebels, a total of seven tribes of different ethnic and heterogeneous types, led by the Elkens, is one of the repressions given to us. However, the situation is not good: the rebels in the south are still stupid, but they are monolithic in terms of the seven tusks, and they were originally their land.

By using the fields in hidden villages and blacksmiths that were secretly hidden even after being conquered by our ancestors, we have continued to attack and attack these sudden surprises. It's great to know this hand tube. ''

"Mr. Lulurius, we all know, needless to say."

Lullius replied, returning from a calm look to peaceful times, to the girl who had just entered the thirty-thirty-looking mischief.

"I know that. It's a part of organizing the information. I can't afford to spend too much time suppressing the seven tusks. By fall, Elkenay must be dropped.

They have formed a hundred short-range sniper troops, repeatedly breaking down our supply lines and breaking information networks between units. This also formed a battalion-scale unit and made a countermeasure, but it is not possible to succeed, Metscal.

At last, the atmosphere of the conventional military congress has returned, and, in the sight of Lulurius, Elder Baron Metskar, who split his blue-haired gray hair in the middle, replied. He is known for his skill in fighting, and he is respected by various princes despite his low skill as a baron.

While rubbing the rich beard that covers his mouth, Metskal responds effortlessly. Elderly people, who have no such ambitions with different races and ethnic groups, and who are rare in the Rhinos Art Grand Religion, were reluctant to take part in the war.

"I can't say that I'm good even if my mouth is torn. All reports are that I found myself turned away and fled immediately. Be sure to avoid collisions with me. It seems to have been notified.

It is easy to blame a coward, but the situation is still bigger and smaller.

There is plenty of room before the logistics collapses, but there is a bleak air between the soldiers, and it is difficult to maintain morale when the number of injured people increases day by day. I am. "

Metskar's reports of no adaptation made the princes present frowning.

In order not to let go of the command of the troops who brought in, the formation of a unit for hunting the 7 fang sniper troops was decided by each lord after setting a large frame, and the allocation of the district in charge was decided. Later, because of the evil that entrusted command, the overall horizontal cooperation is weak.

Although Metskal knew in advance that he would be refused, he suggested that the chain of command should be unified, and the outcome of the judgments of the lords who refused was the current situation.

And Metskar rumored another fact that he declined to say. It is a sense of incompatibility with the damage caused by the Seven Fang Squadrons, and the answer.

The damage suffered by the army of each lord varies, with unequally affected lords and less evident.

From Metskar's point of view, there was no extreme difference between the ranks of the lords who had gathered at Kaplau Castle, and it was incomprehensible to see the difference in damage so far.

If this skill is not the answer, the other side has the answer. In other words, the seven fangs side intentionally differentiates the damage to this side.

And those lords who have noticeable differences in damage are those who seem to have some conflicting scenes over the origins of ancestors, the boundaries of territories, and the economy.

(Even though the inner ring caused a slack, this rebellion was well-prepared beforehand. It would have been easier if the tribes could confront each other ...

The Arkrest kingdom would have been supported beforehand, but did the history of humiliation conquered by the Romar Empire give them a great deal of power? It would be easy for someone to despise the rebellion)

Although not a confrontation, there is also a difference in the thoughts of the Great Rhinos Art on the Third Major.

The idea of the Romal Empire, which clearly sees ethnic groups and races other than the purely Romans, is considered to be a valuable workforce and property. Moderate to take care of.

An extremist who doesn't even think of life and heart as Adriad, but does violently on a daily basis, humiliates the body with play, and calmly performs horrible acts that take away life and dignity.

And it is divided into three types of neutrals that do not belong to either of them.

Marquis Lulurius and Metskal, who are the organizers of the princes gathered at Carplau Castle, belong to the moderates, but most of the other lords are militants or close neutrals.

Even though the moderates in the castle are small, the moderators are moderate, adding an extra element to the usual fight for martial arts. Things are happening.

Then there was no suggestion of a measure that seemed to be effective, and we had to regroup our troops as we had planned, drop Elkenay in a breath, and prepare a way to fight forward in a straightforward manner, taking advantage of the advantages of destroying the seven fangs. I just fixed it.

And as soon as the army was over, the princes who sat up immediately and spoke out of the room with only minimal words and turned their backs were united in heart at this time, and glanced mercy at the man. sent.

The man's name is Count Berginten. The other day, Adelaide's father returned to Carplau Castle in a pathetic form.

"Kuroren Knights ... Miss Adelied? Did anyone know what happened?"

Berginten is the only father of Adelid, one of the most radical militants among the extremists, but even the modest Lulurius is seriously concerned about the tragic consequences of Adelid.

Lullius's question was answered by that girl-girl, Sintelua, who had a personal relationship with Adelid. He frowns in a grand way and opens his mouth with an attitude that says it is terrible to speak.

"I'm still afraid, I'm afraid to sleep morbid, I'm afraid to sleep, and I'm crazy looking for a way to stay asleep.

And the attitude of service to others and returning attitudes to the third person has continued to change. Both seem to be threatened by something. ''

`` The testimony of the other soldiers in the battalion is that the Dragonian, who is closer to humans, engages with three girls, and half of the battalion is destroyed after being tamed so that it does not die. Was

Adelid has been doing something to the Dragonian, who appears to be leading the girls, and has since discovered modulation of Adelid. The returning battalions are afraid of encountering Dragonian again, and even if they are driven to prison, they will cry if they do not want to enter the battlefield. ''

"Considering the mental state of Adelaide, the commander, and all the members, the Fourth Battalion of the Knights of Black Lotus is unavoidably considered out of force .... I ask again, is he sane? I have

Lulurius uttered his words, horribly afraid that he would also be judged by the underworld. Not only Lulurius. As soon as you hear the word, "Judgment of the Underworld," anyone who remains on the scene fades their faces.

Even those who are not afraid of different ethnic groups or different races of the same life cannot hide their fear in the dignity of the gods who are transcendents. When you touch the wrath of God, the only way to escape it is to cling to another god.

"Yes. I've been asked by the religious sects to see if he's gone mad or cursed, but rather that he's kept going. did.

It is said that it will not accept curses or miracles from gods other than the gods of the underworld. All that Adelead does is keep her sane and do what she does. Every day I do what I can only imagine being crazy. ''

"Dragonian, who is deeply connected to the gods of the underworld. He is unlikely to win even if he prepares a company with only magic armor to read the members' reports. Such an opponent does not belong to the seven tusks I want to pray. "

Above all, the fear, rooted in the human soul, the creature of the gods, dominated them, so that they did not want to be able to interact with the gods to the extent that they could be so strongly given judgment from the underworld.

However, Berginten's eyes may have been angry as a father who overwhelms fear.

Adelid's hair turned white, like an old woman, her eyes bloodsled, and the darkness under her eyes blackened and stinged.

Even if she lacked the imagination to do what she could do with the punishment to make such a transformation.


In the last settlement, the elderly, women and children, injured people were all sick, and only a few people had a healthy body.

Initially, Gwandan, Lynette, Gandeus, and Kirlinne were also greatly afraid of the extraordinary combat abilities that they showed the battalions.

It was worth the persuasion of Amria who rushed in a hurry, and he was to return to the final settlement with the refugees.

People who feared reprisal from the Grand Duchy were reluctant to take advantage of the supplies left by the Adelides, but said that the battalion's men were willing to kill all refugees without any hesitation. If he can, he will give up and use it.

No matter what they do, their heartache reminded them that there are people in the empire who only think about killing.

Although the history of rabbits was just a matter of days, the replenishment of food and medical supplies to meet the needs of 500 people's stomach was suitable for the final settlement, which had refugees.

Other than that, the supplies loaded on the Gwandan carriages were also generously provided, and it was not uncommon for the Gwandans to apply for cooperation as a workforce with a healthy body. One of the reasons he was allowed to stay in the village.

Gwandan and the linnets worked around the clock, and the beast-avoidance fence, which was a simple combination of wooden sticks and boards, turned into a thick stone wall, and a clean, well-built tent and masonry house in the settlement It was built with plenty of room.

A waterway was built to draw water from a nearby river, and several wells were dug, and every single hand pump was installed, and even the magic of purification was applied.

It is the result of Gwandan's character, who knows that he should not interfere more than necessary in the head, but cannot help but act in front of those in need.

But the presence of this settlement, which has both imperial soldiers and rebel warriors, is also one of the realities of the Lomar Empire that Amria wanted to know.

Before a young imperial soldier, who had lost his left leg and left arm, and a rebel woman who had lost his brownish wings in the middle, sitting in a chaise lounge, he chose herbs, poisonous plants, and edible plants, instead of a sword. Yachiyo and Fuka, holding a kitchen knife in hand, are waving at tremendous speed.

For the people who have been starved for a long time, they chop the food they brought in so that they can be easily digested until they lose their shape.

"Noooooh, howling, a certain right hand! Carved, sword of God speed!"

"I don't have a grudge, but I'm going to leave the prototype to get everyone's nutrition!"

The joyful pair of young people and the sick and sick who can barely go outside are happily seeing the two cheerful people who say something stupid with nothing but serious expression.

Every day someone died and the signs of death of the whole village approached each other, but after a strange visitor including the two in front came, a bright atmosphere where you can definitely feel the dynamics of life Has spread.

The reunion of the Gwandans, as well as their lives, has greatly helped the villagers in terms of spirit.

And Amria worked vigorously no matter where she was, but focused on the tents where seriously injured and seriously ill people could not move, and worked whole and whole body on what she could do Was.

Careful wiping of the wound with a disinfecting medicinal water, carefully applying the medicine to the wound, and then putting on a clean bandage can be done without stagnation.

Until now, bandages and cloths that had to be washed and used, and medicinal water that boiled the roots of the trees and grass were full of energy, but abundant medical supplies procured from somewhere by Gwandan for battalion supplies. Thanks to this, sufficient treatment can be performed.

The anguish of the doctors who supported the settlement may now have been alleviated as if it were just prolonging the pain.

Still, this does not mean that there is no life falling from the palm. Some lives have become so weak that no treatment is available.

Entering one of the tents, assembling the branches of a tree, and in front of the girl who broke down on a cloth cot, Amria put her hand on the right hand of the girl holding her hand and gently put her eyelids on He closed and prayed for his well-being.

A bruise is formed on the hand of a slimy and thin girl who grasps with such a strong force that he wonders where such power remained.

Using a plant stem to suck out the sputum entangled in the throat, and tell a girl who was no longer able to speak words to tell a fairy tale as far as she knows, and amlia to the happy light that occasionally floats in her eyes Was also pleased.

She wraps a light girl's body in the bed that she was sleeping in and buries it in a communal cemetery with the help of others to complete a simple funeral.

The countless simple tombs for the dead were full of emptiness, reminding everyone who visits that this is the right place to be called the final settlement.

Still, there was no time to rest in Amria. Shortly after wiping the wet cheeks, the tears from the girl's death prepared a new bandage or medicine for the next injured or sick, boiled water to clean the body, washed clothes, changed air It must be made.

In this village, where the injured person is nursing the injured person and the sick person is nursing the sick person, the demand for Amria with a healthy body is extremely high.

It is likely that she will be gone in a few days if she is only working, but Lynette and Gandeus are always sticking together to help with the work, and Gwandan created about half the height of Amria The golems have taken on simple labor and have been greatly helped.

Amria thanked Lynette and Gandeus, who still boil the porridge in the cauldron next to him, with a tired face.

"Thank you, Torune and Gandeus. They have been very helpful and how many times do you have to thank them?"

"What do you say, Ana. The Tornes are just following Gwandan, and if they can help those in need, that's what Tornet wants."

"I'm not so full of philanthropy, but it's against human ethics to let the situation go and do nothing.

I don't think there's anything more fun than kicking out those who take pleasure in the dominant position, but I won't imitate the whiplash of those who have been relegated to the vulnerable position. Also, some of the people in this settlement should help and we're willing to be with us. ''

Apparently, it wasn't just her troubled proclivity, Linnet secretly glad at Gandeus' remarks. Good, good, Lynette's younger sister was well thought-out, I felt like I was proud of the mustard run and loud voice.

"Nevertheless, the lady, until now, she worked well without even one of the weak sounds. I was sorry but I did not expect to do my best. This Gandeus stupidly disdained her guts and patience. I apologize on this occasion. "

"Well, guts and perseverance. I would be glad if these two were possessed by me, but it would still be far from the strength and patience of the people of this village.

Here everyone is helping each other because no one has power. If everybody, with or without power, had taken for granted to help someone, the empire would not have been like this. I'm sorry to think so. "

If that were the case, Amria would have taken a different fate than she was now, but more than that Amria would have been anxious that the people of this settlement would not have been distressed It looks like.

Linnet spilled in his mind that he was also a bad character. That's why Doran, the Lord, cares, but I'm worried that he will have a hard time in the future.

"Your lady, your sister, and Gwandan seem to be back. It's with Kirlinne, too. It looks like you've been killed by their wonderful prey.

In front of Gandeus' glance, Gwandan and Kirlinne, carrying many times their own huge turtles from the entrance of the settlement, were accompanied by still-moving hunters and warriors who accompanied them.

Gwandan and Kirlinne carry large tortoise creatures, tortarions, which mainly live in the eastern part of the Lomar Empire.

As a herbivorous creature, it has a strong hostility to those that invade the territory, and as soon as it finds an intruder, it attacks at a speed that can not be imagined from the appearance of a turtle, and it is a ferocious beast that tries to step on or kill it Feared.

On the other hand, its solid shell and skeleton are prized as a material for adventurers, and the tough meat that supports the super weight is known as a delicious ingredient although it takes time to prepare. He says that a small amount of blood is good for nutrition and tonic.

Even those who can't eat meat will still be able to drink soups that have been dipped from tortalion bones, and will have plenty of nutrition.

Other bright-faced hunters had significant numbers of prey, and it was obvious at a glance that their success was good.

As only Lynette and Gandeus know, if Gwandan hadn't set their sights, they would simply be happy.

After dismantling the prey that had already been bled, processing the internal organs, and leaving Amria finally taking a rest, leaving the escort to Yachiyo and Fuka, Lynette and Gandeus join the Gwandans, Face to face in a less popular place.

"I'll be brief. There's an armed group coming here. It's probably a rebel army, apparently it's a power of seven tusks. "

During the hunt, Gindan reports that a group found beyond the horizon suggests that Lynette and Gandeus will refuse. If this were the Empire's side, they wouldn't quit, but the Rebels would rather be the forces on the side of the final settlement.

Apparently, some of the rebels broke their hearts about the final settlement. While pleasing in itself, it has not yet been assured that it will be protected and will guarantee sleep and treatment.

"Speaking of protection, it sounds good, but I'm worried about how it's handled, and this is one of the forefronts of the Empire.

I don't know what the dangers would be of protection in an area close to the war, and accepting protection easily could have bad consequences. ''

Gwundan nodded with consent to Linnet and Tornet's statement. Gandeus and Kirlinne had the same concern, and their expressions are very serious.

"In today's Amria, I can't believe in words alone; I'll actually see for myself and then see if the rebels are worthy of credit. One thing to check is also the facts of the rebels. I can't say it's convenient. "

"It's all over, wait and see."

Gandeus summed up his conclusions.

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