The carriage, led by a golem horse disguised as a normal horse, was parked away from the Gwandans, which faced directly from the fourth knights of the Kurian Knights.

Before Gwandan was keenly aware of the bad faith that the battalions led by Adelid headed toward the refugees, he led the three maids and flew like lightning before telling Yachiyo and Fuka that the battle was about to take place. It was because he was strictly as if watching.

The fighting ability of Doran and Gwandan Golem Horse has reached the standard where lower-class deities can manifest themselves with their original authority and power and be able to repel them.

Yachiyo and Fuka who didn't know it were getting down the carriage while sharpening their nerves and senses, and maximizing their vigilance.

The possibility that there are soldiers who are acting differently from the battalion can not be discarded, and the possibility that beasts, carnivores and demons invited by the smell of blood generated in battle will attack. This is due to consideration.

The only thing left in the carriage is Amria, who gently looks into his face from the window and stands between the distant black savage battalions and the refugees who can only see stains or rags stuck to the ground. They were staring at us.

Speaking of a battle-like battle, even if Amuria witnessed the battle between super-humans when they escaped from the empire, the appearance of the Gwandans confronting each other with a force difference of more than a hundred times will inspire anxiety.

"Nu, the opponent is a fully armed legitimate army. By the Lomal Empire's standards, is it exactly the size of a battalion?"

Yachiyo is staring at the battalion with his hands on his beloved sword.

Fuka, who was on the other side of the carriage, was watching Doran and his battalions just now.

Fuka senses what the battalion was trying to do with helpless refugees just before, and squeezes his fangs with uncontrollable anger.

"Shooting guns against girls and children and old men who don't have weapons! They prefer to unilaterally kill outcasts, devils, and the weak who have no power to hurt themselves, or fall into hell. Is good! "

If I could see my emotions, I would have seen the fiery anger spilling out of Fuka's whole body.

The two were driven by terrible anger and righteous resentment, but despite their personality, they seemed to be running out, but they did not jump out of the field without the help of Gwandan.

Despite the fact that Gwandan is strictly responsible for protecting Amria and his dear love for Amria, they both understand that the situation is not a crisis for Gwandan.

The reason that Yachiyo was worried about the difference in numbers was that even the Gwandans would be able to kill five hundred against four people, possibly damaging the refugees sheltering.

Fuka shouted to hell because he knew that the Gwandans were such an overwhelming force that they could drop every battalion into hell.

Amuria unknowingly chewed her lips so that the blood bleed, because she saw for the first time the sight of such ugly, unilateral repression of the vulnerable.

And the relentless and brutal spirit of the imperial soldiers, and the hatred and hatred of the coming of a future where the refugees' dead's bodies are bare and open without the mourning of the Gwandans.

This is the real reality of the Romal Empire today. The reality that will surely be taking place not only here but elsewhere.

And not only is the Romar slaughter of the Amarians and ethnic groups, but also the scene of the Amarians and ethnic groups slaughtering the Romalians, somewhere else in the empire.

The clever Amria understood it as a true reality and hated the history of the Lomal Empire, which had been distorted until this point. He hated himself who grew up without knowing it. He was angry with all the Romar people who accepted this.

And most of all, he cursed so strongly that he could only see before the reality, the first time he had created his helplessness. I couldn't help cursing.

After spending most of his life in a closed environment, Amuria has the immature side of mental and emotional development, despite his age.

Among the emotions and sorrows, Yachiyo and Fuka and others have experienced plenty of joy and comfort in a short period of time due to the consideration of the superiority, but they have not experienced anger and sorrow at the average level.

Her anger, sadness and hatred in front of her sight were about to swell far beyond control.

Gwandan's eyes were suddenly turned to Amria as the black, negative emotions and evasive ones that spread to Amria's heart spread.

Literally, when the gaze is exchanged for only one blink, the crystal-clear ice gaze that reaches the depths of Amria's heart, which does not feel the anger that I suppose to hold like Amria, immediately The curse on Amria's self directed towards himself shrinks like a lie.

When Amria breathes in, calm down as if by ice water from her head, Gwandan turns her gaze back to the battalion, telling him that things to do are over.

The purpose of this trip is to show Amria the true nature of the Empire, but it is not Gwandan's intention to overwhelm Amria's heart.

Even if it's Amria's own annoyance to Amria's heart.

Where Gwandan and Linnets look-the battalions are moving quickly ahead of unexpected and unusual disturbers.

As the smell of smoke drifts, the soldiers who fire the rifle fall backwards, and the soldiers with new powerful handle-type bow guns move into the front row, but the Gwandans do not take a poised attitude and the soldiers I was watching the movements of myself.

You should be able to destroy the battalion in a blink of an eye by simply rushing into each enemy camp without question and fortunately hitting each weapon, but what the intention is not to do it.

Behind the soldiers and the burglars, the escort soldiers and Adelid, surrounded by confidential subordinates and female knights, were moving behind.

Adelaide glances at the Gwandans who show them a bullet with a mix of disgust and evasion beyond what they had aimed at refugees.

At this time, Gwandan had already unraveled the change to a pure human being, exposing the dragon's horn, wings, tail, and scales.

The idea is to inform the refugees of the fact that they are not purely human, and to reduce the number of factors to be watched for as soon as possible.

Although it is a rare Dragonian, there are three people who are sub-humans and follow them. Female knights, including Adelier and Euria, who are devastated by the same extremism as her, recognize only as filth to be erased from the world.

If the three girls were good-looking men, they might still have intended to save lives as their toys and slaves.

"You have obstructed the sacred mission of the 4th Knights of the Black Knights, under the command of the Count of Berginten, our noble mission of eliminating the disturbing molecules that roam the prosperous Lomal region.

Therefore, the death sentence is immediately sent to this place. In order to protect and abide by the solemn and holy laws of the Romar Empire, you may be an example. It is the greatest honor and mercy that you give! ! "

Adelaide's voice, which resounds brilliantly in the plains, fulfilled one of the necessary elements as a commander.

Her words of self-doubt, justice, and the willingness of all who disturb us to be evil, erase the guilt of one-sided killings.

Rather it gives you the confidence and pride that you are doing what you need to do.

Gwandan whispered silently without hearing any fragments, such as the notice of Adelaide who was euphoric just saying that the world was around herself.

"Hm, 71"

"Then Rine, no, Torne is 60."

"I am seventy!"

"I'm the only one that's going to be less ... 52"

Following Gwandan, Tornet, Lillenet, Kirlinne, and Gandeus follow. When all four had finished counting, Gwandan closed. It also signaled the start of battle.

"The total of the two people is two hundred fifty-five. This is about half.

Gwandan takes a step and Adelaide looks at it, unpleasantly raising his eyes and lowering his raised hand.

Those who fired bullets. Adered understands that the bowgun's arrow won't work, and it's a way to gain time to make the next move.


Bow-gun arrows piercing through thick sheet metal armor are released with a squealing noise.

The first to move is Gandeus.

With a small bow gun in hand, shoot down the bow gun's arrow that attacks the master and his friends in a row, and fortunately, before the second arrow is released, it is fortunate to be automatically loaded with transfer magic from a distant warehouse. Show off their shoulders and hands.

With almost constant fire, the accuracy of the shot without removing any arrows is brilliant, but it was easier for Gandeus than twisting the baby's hand.

"Magical squadron ready!"

Magic guns are more effective against spiritual beings than gunpowder-type guns, are one of the latest weapons that can shoot attributes depending on the magic stone that becomes a bullet, and can expect more destructive power than gunpowder .

More expensive than gunpowder guns, it is set about thirty and captures the Gwandans with huge weapons beyond the muzzle.

The speed at which it was decided whether or not lead ammunition could prevent high-purity magical ammunition might have been brilliant.

But as soon as Adelid shot and tried to move his mouth, the Gwandans were approaching fast enough to exceed her judgment.

The battalion's knights and soldiers, including Adelid, have been fighting day and night against sub-humans who have better physical abilities than pure human races. I am used to the speed of the subs.

Based on the experience of the battle so far, calculate the distance and the process and time required to fire the magic gun, and although it should have had enough time, it was close enough to cast a shadow on the gunmen The Gwandans were waving heavy weapons that were extremely brutal.

"Shooting !?"


If shields were lined up in front of the gunmen-no matter how, Gwandan would have swung the sideways, and Paul Ax would have blown off nearly ten soldiers.

Observing the policy of not taking life, it is a blow on the side without a blade, but when you see the people wearing whole body armor flying in the air and falling, some people have their limbs bent as they are It is strange that it is bent in the wrong direction and there is no dead person.

It is not only Gwandan that has dispelled soldiers with overwhelming violence that Adéridé has never experienced.

Take care not to kill even the most delicate and helpless looking linnet, wielding a mace that is many times heavier than your own to crush only your limbs, and increase the number of soldiers that can move in seconds Reducing.

I want to say that Kirlinne is as good as Lynette, but in her case the prey is a big sword, so be careful not to cut off your neck or cut your torso by mistake. Since the soldiers only hit the head, the speed of kicking off tends to be slow.

It seems that it is quite difficult to fight with my cheeks sometimes inflated and my lips sharpened. Had he not been a killer, he would gladly wield his sword like a storm and pile up piles of dead.

Shortly after striking the battalions, Kirlinne gave up fighting with a large sword, forcibly dumped a large sword on the ground or squeezed a fist, dented the soldier's abdomen with armor, and kicked it down. Then, it shifts to a fighting fight in which the opponent's knees are broken.

The self-reported number is the number of soldiers to clear up, but the shift to fighting has made Kirlinne's repulsion speed equal to that of the linet, and his innocent face smiles.

If you look only at the appearance, a little girl with a young face will make soldiers who are fully armed with speed and violence that ordinary people can not fight one after another, so from the side of Adelid this is a kind of nightmare It was a spectacle that I could think of.

It's still clear if it's a sub-racial man who shows strength better than humans since childhood. From the battalion's perspective, however, Linette, Kirlinne, and Gandeus can all see only human beings, and can only doubt that they are a kind of genius with rare fighting abilities.

Compared to Lynette's Mace and Kirlinne's fist, Gandeus's bowgun was unsuitable for immobilizing soldiers, and in anticipation of it, the Lynettes declared a large number first, but Gandéus. It was also felt.

Thanks to her husband and her sister for their care, but at the same time, she was inspired by the nervousness of her concern, as she was younger than she was.

The limbs of soldiers holding swords and spears are accurately punched out with a bow gun, and their movements are painfully slowed down.Boldly and boldly jump into their pockets, boldly use their elbows and feet to shoot out pigeon tails and jaws and reap consciousness. .

Gandeus learns sexual pleasure by challenging others, but now it seems that most of his consciousness is that he was cared for by his master, his beautiful appearance has no color of pleasure, tightly tightens his lips They are working to increase the speed of their work.

Gwandan's eyes remained cold and cold in his eyes since he exchanged his gaze with Amria.

Gwandan and the linnets have no shards, as well as trying to escape the battalion's commander and the opponent who glared with them. At this time, Gwandan was exposing the most ruthless aspect to the adversary.

Each time Gwandan's Paul Ax and tail moved, soldiers with large shields and knights with magic weapons, trying to block him, blew off like garbage, and the fierce men who have accomplished martial arts in the fight against rebels It becomes useless one after another.

Only a minute after the Gwandans assaulted the line, more than a hundred soldiers had already been forced into combat, and this one-sided battle may have been the first since the imperial civil war broke out .

"Take down Sacher, Mexeda, Alatra, and that!"

Determining Gwandan as an extraordinary enemy, Adelaide immediately launched the finest knights to protect himself.

The three knights are all blessed with good looks and talents, and have been trained and knitted by excellent masters.

And there was another reason why they were the battalion's highest strength. The three of them were provided with magic armor, which also focuses on research and development in the Arkrest Kingdom.

The magic armor, a moving armor with a built-in power engine that can be operated by humans, is a weapon that enables subhumans and powerful monsters with physical abilities superior to humans to be defeated by themselves. With one side.

Gwandan Doran had only once engaged with magic armor at the contest, but it was a piece made by a talented student with the highest standards of equipment and technology at the Royal Academy of Magic.

On the other hand, the battalion's magic armor, Ten Place, is a high-end model given to the most outstanding pilots in the Romar Empire.

The main color is dark green, the shoulders are greatly expanded to secure the range of motion, and the armor of the chest and legs for accommodating the pilot is rounded.

The Ten Place given to the Sachers is a dedicated remodeling machine that has been further modified for each individual.

An output 30% higher than usual shortens the operating time, but instead, it can also catch the adult subdragon's body from the front and squeeze and kill the boastful boast.

Thick, special alloy armor repels most physical attacks, and the powering magical engine can naturally give the armor a high level of magic resistance, demonstrating high defense performance.

All three wielded a giant ax, mace and large sword with numerous myriad scars and slammed them all at once into Gwandan.

Gwandan, who should have been able to catch or evade, was content with all the attacks. A thick ax blade slams into the right neck, a sword on the other side, and Mace on the forehead.

Gwandan's feet sink greatly into the ground, and spider web-like cracks run around. There is no way that humanoid creatures can remain in the face of the attack of the modified Ten Place three machines that can reach a thousand human powers.

I don't doubt and believe that--Adelaide's eyes, rather than wanting to believe, didn't reflect the scene she wanted.

He was attacked head-on and saw Gwandan, who couldn't bend his knees slightly, let alone his wounds, and noticed his eyes staring at him forever.

In the moment when the sachets were upset by the fact that the blow that had killed any strong enemy and even the weak without weapons had no effect, the Gwandan left fist groaned at the moment when the Zacht was upset. Shot his chin from below.

Among the magical armor, Tenplace's armor, which boasts heavy armor in exchange for mobility, shatters as if it was made of sand without any breach, revealing the true face of Zacht, which was still in his chest.

The medieval-looking Zacht, whose brown hair was short-cut, had a violent breeze blowing through his nose, breaking the safe armor that had wrapped himself up to the blue under his helmet. Fade.

The gaze of Gwandan and Zacht crossed over the helmet's slit, and Zacht's spirit was immediately dragged into the crazy territory by calm burning anger at the bottom of his blue eyes.

She understood that it wasn't something humans could touch. No, given the mental state of Gwandan now, should he consider it intentional?

A scream screams out of Zacht's throat, unlikely to be human. It was nothing more than a scream of those who looked into the darkness of the abyss and looked back into the abyss, propagating madness to all who had heard it.

Immediately after, the remaining Mexeda and Alatra were cleared by Lignette and Kirlinne without Gwandan's hand.

Lynette's Mace was only shaken once and again, causing Tenplace's neck to fly, his arms squashed together, and Mexeda inside losing consciousness due to the impact of being half-crushed by his armored armor.

Alatra was even more miserable. Killlinne, who had let go of the great sword, was tearing off Tenplace's arm with his bare hands, cutting his legs, and smiling with a happy smile.

Alatra, who was shown the scene up close, spouted foam by the time the armor on his chest was forcibly removed, fainting and incontinent, and would have been more for her.

The fact that the battalion's trump card magic armor turned into expensive iron scraps without holding it for a minute, Gwandan's eyes continued to stare at Adelaide while other members who were still safe looked stunned. Was.

Her eyes as Dragonian couldn't hide the anger she felt as an ancient dragon. Ahead of his eyes, Adelid was turning the tip of a long tube received from Euria to Gwandan.

"A monster must have been killed cleanly. You are not of course, but eat and die!"

On the right-hand side of Adelid's right hand was a miniature, portable gun that was developed at the Arsenal of the Lomar Empire.

Each shot requires magical power equivalent to fifty magic stones for magic guide guns, but its destructive power is origami, and it explodes giants and large golems with one shot.

What Adelid brought out was a modified version of the character that increased the magical power for artillery shells and magic monsters instead of anti-personnel.

It was clear that the Saatches would be involved if released at this distance, but within Adélide three have already been treated as having died in honor.

At best, tell the bereaved that the fight was brave and scattered brilliantly, and if you give it a scorched piece of hair or hair, it will expedite the hatred of the rebels and expend even more enthusiasm for destroying different races and different races .

A dazzling mass of white light emerges from a cylindrical muzzle that is as long as Adelead's height. Depending on how it was used, Gwandan was the first to react to the magical cannonball that could dozens of people with a single shot.

Earlier than Gandeus shot through the shells, and earlier than Lignette and Kirlinne smashed them, the shells hit Gwandan's face directly, scattered in countless light particles.


Not only Adelied, but also Euria and the surrounding knights muttered stunned, simply because they could not withstand the enormous magic that Gwandan's body was wearing, and shattered shortly after explosion.

Knowing the theory, the Adéridians would only have become increasingly desperate. As if unaware that he had eaten a shell, Gwandan stepped on the ground and accelerated, grabbing and lifting Adried's neck, trying to abandon his magic gun.

"Where do you want to escape, the commander. Would the appearance be bad if you put your subordinate and the superior escaped?"

I will keep it alive. However, Gwandan's implicit eyes told Adelaide that the hell was told in the story, saying that he would not be escaped unharmed and that he would have a decent eye.

And that was definitely correct.

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