Visiting Baron of Bern, the next king, Crown Prince, and his sister Frau, was not a metaphor but a phenomenal event for most of the Baronites.

Kristina and Serina, who know Superion and Frau, and whose boldness and sensibility are different from ordinary people-or have been out of sync-can not show the embarrassing place, it was a feeling of rank, but so Not for the general public, it's surprising to open their eyes.

Over the decades ago, the royal family had never visited the northern frontiers more than a decade ago, and the most prestigious Arkrest man who set foot on Bern was the former head of the reclamation plan and Christina's father Before his grandfather was Marquis Almadia.

It will turn into a superion, and the land of Bern will be honored to welcome the royal family, and both old and new residents will be more or less excited.

From large merchants to new merchants who were gathering like mountains aiming at the myriad business opportunities gathering in the land of Bern, visiting the royal family is a convenient event that blows a new wind to business, and products from various people Purchasing, developing new products and advertising.

Even mercenaries, adventurers, and itinerant knights without masters who gathered in search of a baronish servant, shine brightly at the chances, desires, and dreams that would best be seen by the royal family.

Even those who had swarmed to Calavis Tower, whose search was finally lifted, could not ignore the big event of visiting the royal family, and quite a few people moved from Calavis Tower to Bern, and there was A staffing and security review was also urgently needed for Bern's leaders.

And while it's not publicized, measures against internal and international intelligence that seek to sneak in and temporarily penetrate this Baronian territory also helped increase Christina and Doran's work. Was.

Intelligence has been detained on the grounds of the Knights' Fortress, which was founded in the western part of the village of Bern, on the grounds of the Lignettes and their three sisters in the past few days.

In order to avoid self-harm, he has thoroughly examined everything from his luggage to the inside of his body, and has confiscated all kinds of poisonous drugs for self-harm, and has separated cells by gender.

A simple solitary cell with clean beds and external grate windows and screened toilets would be enough for an opponent in a position where there is no choice but to be killed.

Flowers decorated beneath the gemstone lamps in the corridors not only serve to maintain the mental health of the prisoners, but also serve to monitor the prisoners.

Behind the thick wall separating the cells, Doran, Balun, Lynette, Gandeus, Kirlinne, and other key figures involved in inter-intelligence capture are on face.

After regular interrogation and magical drainage of knowledge and memory, the prisoners are quiet in the cell, but this has not been interrogated and they still consider themselves worthy of prisoner of war. There will be some effects.

If they are known to have obtained enough information, they may abandon themselves in any way besides self-harm, and leak information if they release them. If not, there are plans to mislead the other side.

Normally, the soldiers in the cell surveillance are out of their seats, baluns with difficult faces stroking their neatly raised heads, opening their mouths as to what has happened.

"Well, I used to send these guys to Galois in the past, but now it's a fine baron, and we have to do it at our discretion and responsibility. They got it all and they're not worth it.

However, the execution is not good, because it seems to be able to soak the bloody smell into Bern, which has started sliding smoothly.

Interrogate for a while and wait for the assassin on that side to come to a close, or around a forced stone quarry or Karavis tower? No, there is no mine. ''

Balan's proposal is probably a reasonable penalty in the current state of Bern. The spiritstone quarry has long been a source of financial support in the village of Bern, so working with prisoners does not feel very good for those villagers who have been there for a long time.

Would it be a serious penalty in the current Baron's Barracks to engage in exploration work inside the Calavis Tower, where there are countless unexplored places, and life-threatening, or to engage in hard work such as building and clearing as a labor force? .

"Forced labor at Karavis Tower is a good idea, but this time it's foreigners.

It is a good idea to deny that both of them are different from the former party, but this time, those who are accustomed to such things will come. I think it would be better to push it and leave it to me. "

Dolan, of course, is proposing to give Prince Superior's party to Bern a gift as a souvenir. Certainly, the Crown Prince and his backing, the King and his reigns, would be better off dealing with them.

However, Balan frowned with the idea of imposing trouble on those who should be honest and hospitable.

"But isn't that exposing Bern to lack the ability to deal with them properly?"

"I can think of it, but this was probably the idea of Prince Superior or His Majesty the King. You can ask for it. ''

"Don't say something ridiculous with a terrible face. Something has changed from before, but in recent years the idea has become more and more fearless or surprising."

"I've got the position I've been longing for, and I'm a little bit on the diagram. I can't help Baran, who has been taking care of me for a long time, thinking she's on track. "

"I'm sure I'll be able to complain even if I get on the beat. In doing so, I'm amazed at what a bold thing is against the Crown Prince."

"The Highness of the Crown Prince of Japan is a very large one, so please forgive me with a bitter smile. However, the information obtained from them did not lead to the Lomar Empire. It was a good selection of people. "

"Is this the first wave of wait-and-see? I don't want to harm the Crown Prince and our baron directly, but is there anything else that Doran is controlling?"

"I got involved a little at the end of last year and that's what it is."

"As soon as you left Bern, you got caught up in a lot of things.No, thinking of a strange event in the forest of Ente or meeting Serina, it's faster than last year to leave Bern. It's the impression that everything has happened and that you're all involved. ''

"Hmm, it's true when you say it. When you think back, you've lived a rich day like never before since you're sixteen. Perhaps you'll never get bored like this. Will follow.

I think you'll have Baran-san as well. First of all, thank you for the welcome of the Prince, Knight Commander. ''

Balan sighed greatly to Doran, who spoke in a slightly joking tone.

Until this time, Baran, who was only a captain of a soldier in the village of Bern, which was a remote countryside, a countryside in the countryside, did not dream of welcoming his royal family as a knight commander. It is an event that you want to doubt.

As one of the representatives of Baron Bern, you have to behave in a way that is not ashamed, but if you are confident that you can do it perfectly, you will be lying.

Despite the best efforts, of course, it is also true that the balun is under extraordinary pressure and mental stress.

The same goes for Senna and the village mayor who are holding the baron's purse string, as well as the valet who started working under Christina. With such a balun, the boldness and nervousness of Doran, who smiles and is ready to drink, are enviable.

"I think I'm not sure what will happen in the world these days."

"But there are more good things than bad things, so let's think positively."

Deran speaks cheerfully to comfort the balun, but in fact, they were thinking that they were inner. It is certain that his life has been turbulent since his life as Doran, as Barran pointed out, reached the age of sixteen.

Why was he 16 years old? Why was he not from the age of fifteen, or from the age of seventeen?

These were things that I had always been aware of in one corner of my heart before there was any indication from Balan.

Whether by accident or with the intent of somebody, Doran was "watchful" that something might have triggered his life's diversion.


While the Baron Berne was working on cleaning their territory, the party including the splendid capital, Sperion, Frau, Amuria, Yachiyo, Fuka and others enjoyed air travel by airship. Disembarked at the port town of Wagrail near Galois, and has since continued on land.

The knights with the flag with the royal coat of arms are standing at the head of the line, and a luxurious and huge eight-carriage carriage is located slightly behind the center. This is the carriage on which the Superiors are riding.

It is a group of about a hundred people, including female officers and servants who take care of the knights on board and the soldiers on foot.

Royal visits to other territories The so-called deeds are a great honor for the visitor, and at the same time, the responsibility and responsibility of the royal family if something happens to them while they are in the territory, and inadequate territorial management. It is not simply a pleasure to be pointed out.

Even for the Governor-General of Galois, the route to the Baronian territory of Bern, even the short stay time was considerable pressure for those who belonged to the Governor-General, because of the territory of the royal family.

After meeting with Galois and other governors of Galois, Spellion finally thought of the Dorans in a carriage that had finally begun to follow the road leading to Baron Berne. I made it.

"What doran guys really think when we show their face? Do you think it's awkward when they're just starting out, or are they welcome and welcome?"

Among the carriages, surrounded by luxurious furnishings worthy of use by the royal family, are the speakers Sperion, Frau, Amuria, Yachiyo and Fuka, while the full-time knights Chard and Radia are on horseback. Become a person and refrain from the carriage right and left.

It was Yachiyo who responded to Superior's muttering.

When Spellion first kicks off the conversation, Frau, who is often his sister and the same royal family, often answers, but Frau is close to Christina, but his involvement with Doran is sparse and quick. I guess no words came out.

"I guess Dran would be polite and a little sloppy, and I would be able to stab him with a nail. But I'm sure Christina and I would welcome you and your Highness. It's a bigger guy and it's interesting people! "

Yachiyo is a tube hakama made of very fine fabrics compared to when he first met the Superiors. The combination of cherry blossom petals scattered on a white background and a deep indigo blue tube hakama.

Fuka sitting on the other side across Amuria emphasizes ease of movement, or in the same military uniform as the female knight of the Arcrest kingdom, the difference is that the waist belt has a knnai, a stick shuriken, a kind of sword Is it pointing?

When they met with Doran, they were one more, no, two, no, no, tolerant, but still poor, but now, well, maybe it's just one person, just one person It's growing about.

Although they are staying in the Arkrest kingdom under the escort of Amria, it would be nice to be a friend, not an escort and an escort.

"I enjoyed the royal city, but we heard that Bern, home to Doran, now ruled by Christina, is a place surrounded by nature, albeit fast-growing, and is a great way to change your mind. Ahh, hey, Amria. ''

"Yes, Mr. Yachiyo. His Highness, Frau, and the rest of the Arkrest kingdom have been very good, and they are just taking care of him. Doran and Serina are also very annoying when leaving the empire. And I have to say thank you again when I see you. ''

Amria has become much more expressive of emotions than when she was trapped in a castle building in the mountains, and she has been laughing more and more because of the buzz of Yachiyo and Fuka. The attitude that has passed has not changed.

These are personalities built in the environment where they were born and raised, so they are unlikely to be easily improved.

"Amria is kind and windy."

"I'm sorry to be troubled, figure eight. Once I say thank you, I'll laugh and say I'm sorry. I'm sorry to see you. If you care too much, you will rather care about that.

If you don't forget to thank them for being honest in telling us that they will be friends, thank you for doing bad things, and thank you for doing good things, then you'll be fine. Ninnin "

"That's it, but if Mr. Fuka says so, I guess it will be so. I will do my best."

"Yeah, that's what I mean. I don't need to fix anything right now. It's okay to just remember. It's okay because I'll be with Dran for a long time."

"Amuri, as expected by Fuka. Mr. Amuria. A serious person like Amuria will lose tension and strength somewhere."

This modest (?) Weakness of Yachiyo and Fuka's looseness is working in a good direction for Amria so far, and is greatly linked to Amria's smile.

This is something that everyone involved in the Ojo, not only the Superion and Frau, would admit that they could not compete.

Surrounded by the warm atmosphere of a dog and a soul, Amria smiled calmly like a spring day, but she asked Spellion and Frau that she had been thinking about this place without her ears. Was.

The word was spun with the confidence that brothers and sisters who are intelligent and kind, but who are also members of the royal family who are prepared to serve as public figures that prioritize the interests of the nation will be able to answer their questions.

"Even though Yachiyo and Fuka shouted, I sometimes had to ask His Excellency as my duty."

Recognizing the change in atmosphere, Yachiyo and Fuka tied their lips tightly and watched the progress, while Superior and the nearby Frau silently waited for the princess whose existence had been concealed.

"In the empire, I have heard that my uncle in the Romar empire has finally solidified itself as an emperor, and that the struggle in the empire will be larger and more intense. Weak and vulnerable people will die. "

It was about the recent situation of the Romar Empire, which he kept as little as possible in the ears of Amria.

It would be a lie if the kings did not deliberately signal the future of the Empire and the tragic consequences of visiting it, and urge Amria to ask for the involvement of the kingdom as a royal family.

However, it has been rejected by Kings and the majority of senior ministers who feared the strong opposition of Superior and the volatility of the state of the Empire.

The only thing that Amria knew about Romar was that she managed to gather information from the castle.

"On earth, from whom do you talk about that?"

The reason why Spellion did not speak of junk or joke or negative words was that she could understand from her expression and glance that Amria had already recognized it as fact.

There is nothing to be gained from lying a boring lie in front of this gaze, only to lose trust in Amria.

"I have feet, eyes, ears, and mouth that I can walk around with. I can walk around in the castle, talk to various people, tell me what I don't know, and then work my own head. I know that. "

"I see, indeed, when I was told, Yachiyo and Fuka either played well when I was there, but when I was alone I heard that I was working hard, but surprisingly She was an active woman. ''

"Compared to when I was in that castle, there are so many things I can do since I came to this kingdom, so I couldn't help curbing my curiosity."

The appearance of Amria, who shyly blushes her cheeks and looks down, was very adorable even when younger Frau was of the same gender. Asteria, her twin sister, was a beautiful woman with a somewhat alien impression, but her intelligence may be as good as her sister.

"It's not a blame. Rather, I'm sorry for the fact that we only allow you to go inside the castle with restrictions."

"If you apply in advance, we will allow you to take a long trip or go to the castle. I am always grateful. Your Highness, Superior, Frau, I do not know who I am, I do not know who my parents are It is a human who has continued.

But even if I don't know me, it seems I have some value.

And although he was trapped in the castle, he had no problems with food or clothes. The warm bed was filled with unreadable books and some tutors were there. ''

What is the purpose of Amria's intent in her former life and how much she was blessed? The four kept silently listening.

"Until I was taken out by His Excellency Superior and Yachiyo-san, I had covered all the food, clothing and shelter thanks to the people of the Empire, and now I am living thanks to the people of the Arkrest Kingdom.

Your Highness, I don't know about people called Imperial people. At the same time, I do not know the people of the Arkrest Kingdom. Nevertheless, I feel that I have the benefit of using it to this day.

It's a foolish question from His Highness, Superior, Frau, the world, humans, a stupid woman who doesn't know anything.

Is there any way I can give back to the people of the Romar Empire and the people of the Arkrest Kingdom? I don't care how you use me for that. ''

The kingdom of the Arkrest side unintentionally asked for help from the Princess of the Romar Empire.

With the presence of Amria as a pretext, the Arkrest kingdom has set the stage for intervening in the war of the Romar Empire, but the staring eyes of Amria did not allow neither Superion nor Frau to have such an idea. .

Without knowing their inner feelings, Amria struggles to repeat her words. She did not yet fully understand her value, the relationship between the empire and the kingdom, and the situation in other countries, but she realized that she was doing something that only she could do.

"A woman who doesn't know the people's faces can laugh when she hurts her heart and says that she gives back. But I'm like that.

I'm like a Romar man to the point where I can't help but know that my hometown will suffer a lot of hardship. Please, please. "

In spite of this, Amelia bowed deeply, and Sperion renewed that she was not just a naive woman.

I understood what it means to say the word for salvation from Amria, and I asked him in this place where no one could see it.

Knowing that in some cases the name and framework of the Roman Empire will disappear, and that the kingdom of Arkrest will not move as Amria wishes, however, Sperion and Frau will, as far as possible, follow Amria's wishes. I believe they will.

Sperion wonders why she is a pretty woman.

"Um, if possible, I would like people from both countries to be as comfortable as possible."

Although Aria has added it in an uneasy way, it seems to have spouted involuntarily. Oh, what a greedy and greedy princess! This made it natural for Doran and Christina to love, Spielion laughed.

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