The morning after Renia's raid on the Demon King Yaham, causing the upper layers of the Demon King's army to be in havoc.

God-Beast The turbulent night that the strongest and worst girl brought to the dark wilderness has passed, and the sun will be assured that it was good that nothing happened while you were in the sky. The only one who knows exactly what happened in his territory is the one in Baron Berne, who is always on track with Doran and oversees Dorado Note.

Is Doran a rarity last night? No, abnormal situation? As for Silent, Silent was concerned about how Dorad Note also reported to the main Christina, and after seeing Doran shut, she imitated this and told Serina and Diadora the story. It was not transmitted.

On the other hand, Lenia returned to Baron Bern before the dawn, and today he eats a few freshly baked tender white breads from the morning and eats salads using various vegetables piled in bowls and vegetables. He eats crunchy, replaces cold tomato soup many times, and avoids grilling river fish with herbs and eating only bones, and turns many fish into bones.

Despite the fact that Christina's hired cooks-some of whom are intelligence-are still good for Renia, Doran is present and wants to praise himself last night. It was because I had the pride that I did a good job.

After many days of rain, Selina talked to her next seat, Dolan, with her eyes fluttering as she grew up with a refreshing look, as if she had seen the blue sky peeking through the clouds.

"Renia is always more appetizing this morning. He always eats three instead of bread, but he's already eating seven today.

In front of Serina's gaze, Renia's hand was holding a fist-sized loaf of bread, mixed with the pulp of the fig carved into small pieces.

Renia doesn't seem to notice her gaze from Serina, she paints colorful bread in a small glass bowl and spreads over the bread, and starts eating little by little with her small mouth.

Then, while moving his mouth and eating bread, Renia's left hand was holding a large mug full of freshly squeezed milk, and was ready for the next thing to put in her mouth.

Doran smiled a small smile for the first time as my daughter's damaging family, and returned an answer to her beloved snake girl, which dimly misunderstood the situation. While Irina, Kushri and Aznar are present, it's hard to say that she went to fight alone with the Demon King Army last night.

"I guess I'm hungry all the time because I'm moving alone late last night. It's just about the age I get bigger."

"Well, yesterday night I didn't do that, but it's easy for Renia to move around so we don't notice."

Selina's blue eyes swirled at a rate of three and three with suspicion.

Telling honestly, in light of the two experiences that Renia is convinced that he can't just move his body, and that Doran has responded crisply, and his experience so far. It was not difficult for Selina to perceive that there were circumstances.

Well, Serena immediately concluded that Renia would not be a bad result for Dolan, and resumed her diet.

Many people who knew about Lenia, such as Christina, Deirdre, and Lynette, came to the same conclusion as Selina, and today Nernesia and Aznal trained severely with the Dragons and Lynettes of the Mores Mountains. We were focused on talking with us.

Lenia immerses himself in emptying the plate in front of her, ignoring the interest and attention from others, screaming occasionally with humorous laughter. It doesn't seem to be bad mood because of the laughter.

Since mock-ups with Vajé, Winchante and Klaubolt, Renia's participation in mock-ups has been low, as she has overwhelmed Vajé, the top dragon species.

Renia is already the owner of the perfected strength, and although the opponent is a dragon species, he can not expect growth even if he repeats mock battles further, and even if he grows up, he will make full use of his power at the competition festival There is no reason to play.

This will lead to a decrease in the participation rate of Renia's mock battles.

Manos and Nernesia were delighted, while Kushri and Aznal flew the dragons with determined faces, and sometimes the sun rose against Serina, Drumina, Linnett, Gandeus, Kirlinne, and Christina, who made time to appear. The time before sinking was spent in mock battles.

While the young males at Galois Magic Academy are steadily nurturing their talents, Renia has the opportunity to enjoy the happiness of working with Doran, who has done his job early. Was.

This promise was already in place when he told Doran and Christina that he wanted to hold a mock battle before coming to the village of Bern.

In anticipation of a war with the clearly-hostile Demon King and other powers, the flow of humans and supplies within Berne's Baron territory grew intense, and Dolan, the lord's aide, was steadily working. is increasing.

However, the desire to make a special time with Renia who came with a great deal outweighed the workload, and while Nernesians were immersed in the mock battle, they decided to take care of themselves around Bern village.

After having breakfast, I did not wait too long, invited Renia to Doran, and with a pleasant consent, Renia seemed to have spread a flower field in full bloom at that time. Irina recalled.

After changing his clothes, Doran became a staple since becoming an advisor, with a plain shirt, a little better than a farmer, a blue vest, dark blue pants and leather shoes.

Renia is a light blue puff sleeve dress with fine plant embroidery. Around the neck is a combination of white collar and white ribbon. She had long black hair, but she had a little straw hat on her head.

It might be Irina or Fatima's clothing in Galois for Lenia or sent from their parents' home.

Renia admits that Doran waits in front of the main gate of the residence, and ascends shyness and pleasure vermilion on her fine cheeks and rushes to her father's father.

Doran, who has a lot of patronage as a parent, relaxed her cheek to the very lovely appearance of her daughter. For those who do not know the identity of the two souls, they can only be seen as innocent lovers who have just started dating, but no one can tell that they are thinking of each other's father and daughter right

"Oto, Doran-san, kept you waiting."

"You can wait as much as you want. You don't have to worry. Today is more adorable than ever. Did you prepare for today?"

"Yes. When I consulted with Irina, Fatima and the Sierras were very happy to lend me a hand, even though they squeezed their mouths. I just want to ... "

Renia grabbed the straw hat brim on his head with both hands and looked up at Doran with anxious expression.

Doran is full of eyes, with eyebrows lowered to figure of eight, eyes like large black jewels swaying uneasyly, Renia who does not want to be disliked by this person and has full of thought to want to be praised Answer with a smile.

Kizuna: Now obsessed with his love for Renia, he has turned into a respectable parent.

"For me, Renia is always a cute girl, but now she's more adorable than anything else. She's so much care for her that she's so joyful. I'm sorry with the same outfit as usual. ''

"No, Mr. Dolan is usually busy with his duties as an aide. I'm grateful like a storm just for making time with me, and wanting more than that.

I can only be with Dr. Dolan, and I remember the happiness that has reached the end of Tenjo Rakudo. ''

As usual, fanaticism, blind faith, and delusional enthusiastically combined shoulders, and it was a dialogue that showed the terribleness of the love and reverence of Renia for Doran.

Doran, who intends to get used to Renia, hasn't lost his resistance to Renia's excessive rhetorical rhetoric, and she halves her expectation that it will be cured someday and that she will not be able to do it anymore. I'm hugging.

"If Renia is pleased, that's the best for me. Well, where do we go first? Thanks to new people coming in every day, Bern has become much larger.

You can see everything in a day, but if you do not return before dusk, everyone in the mock fight will not be amazed at one of the complaints. ''

"It's not worth listening to complaints from the elephantless elephant, but complaints from Irina and Fatima are stuck in my heart.

Well, it is not a complaint about complaining, and did you enjoy it with two people? Or rather words will come to care for you. It will make you feel more unbearable as you were here. ''

"Irinas are indeed another frame, but I agree. Let's act so that we can eat dinner together, and if possible, take the insert after a mock battle has settled down."

Along with Doran, Renia leaves the main gate and starts walking towards the commercial block in the southwestern part of the village. There are also rickshaws and small horse-riding wagons, but they are still in the early hours just after breakfast, and they have chosen to walk leisurely with their shoulders.

"That's right. Especially Kushri and the blue cat are struggling more than I expected if they put their luck on the first day, and even a little pampering will be enough to reward me."

"Haha, this may be a surprise to Renia, but I'm kind to you. Is your junior cute?"

"Just a junior isn't pretty. No, it's not worth remembering his name and face, but Kushri and the blue cat are immature and sometimes lean, but they're still following me to this day without breaking From here, we consider it a junior with a lot of highlights.

It is just a matter of responding to those who have an interest. If you reward them for their efforts, they will work harder. I wonder if they were candy and whip. "

"A candy and a whip. It seems that the whip is too strong, but they may feel the candy sweet. You may also see your teaching skills this year at the festival. I'm looking forward to it. "

"If you're looking forward to Mr. Dolan, it's the most important mission for me. Stunningly, let's train Kushri and the blue cat to be a great warrior and see who they are! Even if they win, they will be able to achieve the second consecutive victory in the Demon Festival! "

Doran, the pupil of Renia, who shines like a sea surface reflecting the sun's light, felt deeply in her mind that Kushri and Aznal felt deeply in her heart.

-I'm sorry, just as my thoughts were so shallow, you might be challenged by further challenges. I can help as much as I can, but I'm sorry.

In such a situation, Doran repeatedly apologized to the two, but Speaking of Renia, the fact that he was expected of Doran filled his head and chest with the inner part of Doran. Did not realize.

Among the passers-by and passers-by-the-shops on the street, Doran, who is an assistant to the lord and known as a husband candidate, acts beautifully with a girl who is known as a noble from clothing and behavior. What he does is to round his eyes and smile at his mouth.

Depending on the interpretation, it is a great opportunity to determine how to behave and connect in the future baronial territory, but forcing the atmosphere that Renia is hitting his cheeks with just the moment of being happy and happy Being felt and having contact with me was naturally frustrated.

In addition, some of the witnesses who glanced at some of the warm emotions were the back-workers and social adventurers dispatched from Renia's parents' home.

After the festival, Doran and Renia told Renia's parents that she had no romance with each other, but she still seems to be the first candidate for Renia's son-in-law or marriage candidate.

With Renia smiling with a big smile, Dolan wisely thinks that it is better to avoid talking about Kushri's topic anymore for them, and imagine a number of different topics in my mind I switched my consciousness to work.

"Speaking of which, how far did you go for a walk last night? I don't really recommend staying up late."

Do you know last night? In spite of that, Doran told him that Renia was rather proud. Doran, his father, is convinced that he knows everything about last night.

By the way, it was clear that I had no negative feelings about what I did.

"Last night, if I couldn't sleep and stare at the starry sky from my room window, I thought it would be a good night, and I went out for a little while, thinking that I was careless.

Unlike daytime, the scent of flowers wrapped in the darkness of the night, the crying and sighing of nested insects and birds, and the stones bathing in the cold of the moon instead of losing the heat of the sun Listening to whispers and the voices of the trees was just the beginning of a wizard, and it was just good to calm my mood. ''

"Yes, some people won't sleep if their pillows change, and sometimes they won't fall asleep. So why not just take a walk and calm down?"

"No, the story continues a little. I decided to turn a little west and left my mansion without permission. Now Bern is full of bustle, but once I leave the village, Only the desolate earth without human traces spreads there.

I was wondering what would be beyond this earth and looking at the end of the west land swallowed up in black darkness, thinking about such things. ''

It is only a few that we do not declare that Lenia raided the city of Mundus Khanus directly, taking into account those who are listening to the lord's aides and their accompanying conversations.

Most of the other reasons were dominated by the innocent and insatiable desire to enjoy this trivial play with Doran. It was due to her feelings as a bullying daughter who found joy in a small contact with her father.

"It's not a praise, but let's not say that women and girls of old age were there any fun things beyond the black darkness? It creates fear, but ... in your case, it was an extra worry. "

"No matter what is lurking in the dark night, there is no reason to fear me. For a long time, the darkness remains the same, and I look forward to the tower where the gods were built and the lights that solidify at the foot of it. I could see the lights as if the stars were falling on the ground. ''

Doran expressed a serious expression for a moment, muttered her usual habit, and urged Renia to continue the talk. Anyone who doesn't know will tell you that it's like a casual talk about the Devil's army based in the dark wilderness.

Even if we couldn't believe it, we can't believe that Renia alone had crossed the dark wilderness overnight, and even rampaged against the recently rumored Demon King's army.

"In the sky, there were a number of weird creatures with an unpleasant cry, and on their backs were those striking humanoid shadows. Finding me and patting them gently Go ahead, go on and on, and there's their nest ahead.

It was a brilliant nest, cheeky, but it was a sloppy security that finally rushed in after I sneaked in and came to the Lord's sleeping place there. ''

"Did you mess up with the queen ant or queen bee? The guards may have lost their jobs."

"I'm a lazy man, so I'm supposed to get my own job. So the nest wasn't a female, but a male. Even when I showed up, I kept myself calm and calm down. Let's do it "

"Hmmm, if you value that much, is this another person who needs to sit down?"

"Depending on who will respond. Well, Baron Bern is not a problem. I want to hear a few humming bugs buzzing around the Lord of the Nest. You just need to beat it down without mercy. ''

In the words of Renya, who was still busy and radical, Doran asked one of the words he was worried about.

"Renia, Bern is fine, so it's no different."

"Yes. No problem in Bern. Even if you are late, your opponent will be tough."

"That's it. If you look directly at it and judge it, that's right. Thanks, Renia."

"No, I was worried that I would talk about boring and bother Doran's heart, but it would be great if it helped."

Renia laughs radiantly, but she hasn't told Doran something. If we wanted to be more accurate, we couldn't tell because Renia didn't even know the information ...

Renia didn't even dream at this time, and Doran didn't even think it was. Yahharm, the Lord of the Nest, wants Renia to be his wife!

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