Kushri and Aznal receive unexpected advice from Nernesia, Manos, and Renia, and struggle beyond Renia's expectations against the three dragon species who have bought mock battle opponents on their behalf. Showed.

Not only Renia, but also Doran, when it comes to Nernesia and Manos, understands the preference for fighting strong opponents for a long time and their propensity to devote themselves to research, so it is easy to inspire in simulated battles with precious dragon species I was imagined.

However, Kushri and Azunal only exchanged words with Renia and showed a movement that exceeded expectations and made a total of three strikes, one for each one, exceeding the `` good and good strike '' that Renia said. I left it.

For this, Renia, who was exercising her knee pillow on Irina, and Doran, who also served as a judge and commentator for Fatima, had a sigh of exclamation.

As a result, the opponents of the mock battle were not as good as Renia, who was shown with astonishment earlier, but at least at a glance to Nernesia who challenged with their power beyond human beings and the rage of rage. I put my second glance.

The mock battle between the dragons of the Mores Mountains and the students of the Galois Magic Academy was a very packed one, with the content being extremely rich, and the mental and physical aspects of the students except Renia were exhausted to the limit, The end is over.

Now return to Christina's mansion, as the village of Bern, where many buildings have been erected by dusk, has been warmed up and people have returned to their homes and / or the corners of the village have become busier for evening trade. The Reniers were allowed to surround the dining table with Baron Christina after bathing and resting.

At the table, dragons who came to watch the mock battle were also invited, and they turned into dragons.They sat down on tribal chairs with tails, and delicate work decorated in the room seemingly unusual It is used to correct items and silver tableware.

Served by Lignette, Gandeus and Kirlinne, as well as several butlers and maids, led by Christina's grandfather, the son of a former butler who served the former Marquis of Almadia.

Some of the maids seemed nervous because they were in front of the Ryujin, but fortunately they did not lose their contents and stumbled and fell.

Christina is sitting on the top of the rectangular table, Doran and Rennie are sitting on her right hand side, and Vajé and other dragons are sitting on her left hand side.

The three Lynettes are standing by the wall so that they can always wait on the wait. Linetto usually surrounds the dining table, but this time it is a place to invite guests, so it seems that he intends to concentrate on serving.

Serving dishes one by one, starting with an appetizer, is a recipe at the awe-inspiring dining table in the kingdom, but it is a seat of a guest, but it is a student of Magic Academy and invites dragons who are not bright in the manners of human eating. Because of this, the format in which most items are arranged on a table first has been adopted.

Until then, the dragons, who had been turning their eyes to interiors, turned their eyes all at once when dishes made with wisdom, knowledge and technology were arranged in front of them, and the most human dishes among them Vajé, who is accustomed to, glitters her eyes with interest in dishes that she has never seen in Galois.

Looking around the faces of everyone gathered, Christina, the owner of the mansion, smiled satisfactorily.

Christina, who worked with Doramina and ended with a limited express, did not catch up with the mock battle, but was disappointed at the heart.However, in front of the dragon species that formed a friendly relationship, I was glad that I was one step closer to the future map I wanted.

"The Kushri seemed quite tired, but looking at Renia and Nel's face seemed to have had a meaningful time."

Kushri and Aznal have refreshed once in the bath, and have sought to simulate their fighting spirit, so they are still tired but their faces are clear.

The dragons say Winchante and Klaubolt are still tired, but Vajé is back to normal.

The only way to know the true nature of Renia on the dragon type side was that it was a hard work and a terrible vajé, but I have already experienced twice the experience of knowing the astonishing identity of Ruyu and Doran, The resilience of the exhausted spirit was inevitably strengthened, and the speed of recovery and division was one of the best in the world-should we have to say.

After the mock fight, on the way to return to the mansion, Vage is called by Renia, and this skapontan, ampontan, sutkodokkoi and well, it is flooded with the abusive language that comes out, the wings are folded small, the tail is It was a depressing condition that it hanged down.

In particular, Veneer's heart was deeply penetrated by Lenier's words, "I can't read the air better than me." No way, it is said that you can't read the air more than Renia! Vage's shock was enormous.

After Renia was called out by Irina and upset her, angering Phunska and her shoulders, Vaje remained depressed for a while, but she was soaked in the warm water in the bath and was laughed at by Fatima. Up to that. The mental state is now fully restored.

It hurts and surprises, but at the same time recovers faster. That is the spirit of Vajé today.

"I thank Winchante and Klaubolt and all of you who have been with them. The return is a bit of a misnomer, but the dishes I'm studying day and night to make it a specialty of Bern. I would be grateful if it was a little bit of comfort at this tasting party. ''

Currently, the dishes lined in front of the Christinas are made using vegetables, grains, fish, and other ingredients that can be harvested in the Baron Berne, as well as ingredients imported from the Ente no Mori and Ryugu countries. It's a dish.

Mainly vegetables and cereals, as well as the proximity of carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous and dietary forms due to the inhabitation of many sub-ethnic groups and the fact that Christinas are inactive in edible livestock operations. Because there is a taiga, it is a menu that uses farmed fish.

One of the few conditions given by Christina and his colleagues during the training camp in Bern this time was to take part in the tasting and give their opinions.

The Vajés are often invited to the tasting in a form of remorse. Dragons in the Mores Mountains are among the most powerful forces on the ground to work with Bern.

In order to build friendships with them in the future, it is important to know what kind of dishes to serve when you have them in earnest.

Also, the tongue of the dragon species has more organs to sense taste than humans, and can understand taste more complicatedly, but the taste is different.

Vajé prefers more wild animal flesh than domestic animals, and in particular loves sweetness, but now has the right opportunity to learn about other dragon species.

However, it is certain that Bern, who is not aggressive in cattle breeding, will be in a somewhat difficult position against roughly carnivorous dragon breeds, so if you can find other favorite things, it will be yours.

There is a lively grilled, fried, freshly cut river fish with vinegar, a colorful salad of fresh vegetables, and a carefully prepared potage of various vegetables. There is no idea what the original ingredients were, or even a square dish made up of a number of paste-like layers, all of which can be seen after the ingenuity of the hired cooks.

First of all there may be mistakes, but that is it. You have to try everything and you don't know whether it's good or not, so you have to start with eating first.

Pre-meal prayers and greetings were conducted according to the manners of each person, starting with salads, reaching out to the main dish of fish and bird dishes, or poured into glass glasses. The drinkers who talk to wine and beer and the way of eating are different.

"Is Vajé still fond of sweets. It uses fruits harvested in our territory and sugars extracted from it, but how about the taste?"

Christine was questioned by Vage, who cooked citrus peels with honey, stuffed crepes with boiled syrup in his mouth, and wore cream on his cheeks.

At this point, it seems that he has completely recovered from mental exhaustion. Is it a flexible mental structure or a simple mental structure that can easily recover with a single sweetness?

Vaget finally responded, picking up smoked goat and beef cheese, and chewing on a cake of fried flour dough with fruit jam.

"Well, it's not bad, at least it's good enough that I can afford it. If you want to make your territory a specialty, try simple cooking so you can make it on a stall, and the ingredients are cheap and large. Should be available for purchase.

It feels like it's just like sandwiching the separately cooked ingredients into the baked dough. In this case, a stall can be prepared immediately. If it's too easy, it will be a dish everywhere ... "

Although it was a statement that was a target for Vage, Christina said that Vage was simple and intuitive in his past relationship, but that it was not always bad, that a lot of thinking ability was allocated to meals I knew that I was there, so I took it seriously.

"Yes, it's true that differentiation from other places is a challenge, as is its own recipe, but if there is a fruit that can only be eaten here, it will be advertised without having to cook it in the first place.

There are things that I just eat and walk around, not just Galois. Vage's opinion will be helpful. ''

"It's not funny that the number of strangers increases, but as the number increases, people who have cooked in places will gather and cook better, so they can eat more delicious foods." That would benefit me too. ''

"Well, that's the reason. Then we have to make this area a more livable place for people to meet your expectations and get more people together."

For that reason, Renia, who heard the word of Christina muttering small that she could not lose to the army of the dark wilderness, momentarily ferociously laughed, and the other side of Doran saw her. Shrugged.


The demon king Yaham, who united the powers that were wriggling in the dark wilderness and created the unified power Mundus Khanus-the so-called Demon King Army.

He is a descendant of the sacravers of one of the many war gods, and should be referred to as a demi god demon who strongly expressed the blood of the war god.

Goblins, ogre, giants, humans and various sub-humans, as well as demons that were divided into many factions were integrated, and their skills, fighting abilities, and ambitions as a single organization contained only one country In short, it stretched across the continent and to other continents beyond the sea.

Currently, it is competing against a fierce territory that builds a mountain of dead bodies against the great country of the grassland existing in the dark wilderness, but naturally it exists in the northern land, including the Arkrest kingdom and the Romar empire in the south. They are also looking at nations that do.

Goetia, the capital of their homeland, is a floating island that was once brought out by the Sagrabath kins, who appeared long ago in the dark wilderness, from the Makai set up in the middle of the wilderness.

Floating islands now rooted in the earth expose a huge mountain-like silhouette to the moonlight, and over the years the homes of the demons whose blood and spirituality have diminished and their cultivated fields are exposed. Covering.

At the center of the floating island is a huge and high-density magical magic crystal refined by Makai, which is linked to the magical techniques spread over the entire floating island and the magic of the residents, making it permanent. By functioning as an institution, it has multiple layers of barriers to protect the whole of Goetia, has the function of protecting the inhabitants inside, and has the side effects of hastening the development of food inside.

When they appeared on the ground, they were tired of the battle, and the demons, who had been good at stagnant well-being, forgotten the tiredness of the battle over the years. Reviving the character he seeks, ending internal struggles between demons, spending hundred years preparing for war with external forces,

In the era when the Dorans were born, they finally exploded their military reserves.

Aside from the struggle between family members, Goetia, who never stepped on any army of any kind, saw a pretty invader from the south who cast a shadow only because the moonlight was clearer and clearer It was a night that glowed.

Normally, Goetia and other sub-dragons such as Wyvern, Manticore and Griffon are capable of flying monsters and winged demons and subs. But the night was different. More cruel.

Leaving the bustling city of Goetia at night, the Invictus Castle in the center-not to mention the Devil's Castle-is more strictly guarded than its suburban suburbs. No.

In addition to the Demon King Yaham, who is the leader of the Demon King Army and the strongest at the same time, the six Demon King Generals who are always swords in the military aspect-at least one of the common names, There are 10,000 state-of-the-art SS guards swearing absolute loyalty to Yaham. In addition to the demons' guards, which have the power of 10 ordinary soldiers, there is also a separate capital defense force, and if you are in Goetia, a product of the Makai era, an army that can drop this castle with power on the ground Has a robust defense system that can be said to be nonexistent.

That day, she didn't need to reconsider until she visited, and everyone involved spoke of the iron-clad defense system, which instantaneously overlapped with the shattering glass shattering sounds that broke when the barrier was broken. At the same time, he began rolling violently on the slope of collapse.

There is one type of sound per barrier. The multiple overlaps indicate an incredible situation in which a solid, tightly bound barrier was broken almost immediately.

In the event of an emergency, the movement of the soldiers in the Demon Castle was extremely quick. Everyone takes the best action to check the situation and communicate information, assigns the highest priority to the guardian of the Demon King's body and the magical engine that can be said to be the heart of the floating island, and then the remaining defense force according to the priority Allocate.

The air force, which forms an aerial network that should not overlook the intrusion of a single bird, immediately responded to the communication from the commanders of the Demon Castle, which served as their command and control, but some units were in the message He was unaware of the enemy and was immediately deemed to have entered an enemy from his area.

However, sooner than the control room was able to pass on the information to the SS or the defense forces, they were also made aware that some of the air force had been destroyed.

Not only did the Wyverns and Griffons, whose consciousness reaped and turned into the appearance of Zutaboro, but even the evil dragon, who was the largest force in the aerial warning net, fall from their heads and slam into the Demon Castle. Because it was done.

The small amount of blood rain that fell from the sky and the impact of the fall that shook the castle transmitted the swaying wave to the evil spirits of the demons, and they inevitably understood that an unusual situation had occurred I let it.

And the extraordinary situation, without having to look at the evil dragons that became the insect's breath, was to understand Yahram, the master of the castle and the floating island.

In the Yarm's bedroom, where twenty of the most elite members of the SS and one of Mamoroku's generals are waiting in the next room, the Yarm has already returned from sleep and has been fully armed.

I can not help thinking about how much training was spent until that point, the five bodies that covered the almost inexhaustible muscles with gray skin are covered with red armored white armor On the right hand is a large sword with a blue jewel embedded in the center of the handle.

Sharp corners extended forward from the left and right temporal regions, and objects like red crystals glowed between the eyebrows. It is an organ for controlling enormous magic power and god power.

The red eyes, the same as the crystal on the forehead, shine with uncontrollable light of ambition and the intelligence and ambition necessary to execute it. This young man, who appears to be in the middle of his age, was the Demon King Yaham.

"Sorry, your Majesty!"

Simultaneously with the voice from the outside, a soldier guarding in the bedroom of Yaharm and one corner of the six devils who were waiting for this night, a false fellow turned into a dragon, Masfellow rushed in and relieved to the intact appearance of the master Sighed.

With a red tip and long purple hair, Yahram softens her eyes a bit with the relieved figure of Tadaomi, a bewitching woman whose limbs and tails and scales cover her limbs.

"Noisy, Masfellow"

"Yes. I'm sorry to have prevented my Majesty's restful sleep and to bother my ears."

"Better, than you do your work."

"Huh, the thief seems to have invaded from the 17th area. The communication from the 18th, 19th, and 20th companies in the Capital Defense Aerial Corps, which was in charge of security, was cut off, and the sick dragon Hegra and the shadow dragon Shadia The death dragon Del Terror has been shot down, but none of them have died. ''

"In the 17th direction, in the direction of the Arkrest kingdom. I've heard that the land of Bern is getting busier and obviously prepared for us, but it's no wonder we can connect it straightforwardly.

Everyone defeated by the intruders doesn't seem to have been killed until their lives. Is it really kind of, or with an incomprehensible intention? "

Jahharm shouldn't be out of the bedroom, but apparently he can tell what's happening in the castle. Is there some kind of incompetence or such a communication function toward the castle?

The loudness of the castle has spread to the bedrooms of Jahharm, but no sound of battle has yet been heard. The intruder remains in a terrible silence after defeating the units that were guarding the air without losing their lives.

The fact that they allowed the invasion on their behalf of this floating island and Goetia, which had prevented the invasion of all enemies except their relatives since their appearance on the ground, and more than that of their revered master, Yaham Leaving such a spot on the world was igniting an angry fire on the chests of all soldiers, including Masfellow.

If the intruders appeared before their eyes, they would cut their bodies into more than a thousand pieces of meat, causing almost every conceivable pain.

The Masfellows were angry and hateful, and Jerham suddenly turned his eyes to the terrace facing his bedroom.

Child "Hmm, what's your aim? To be late at night, it's a bit of a mischief."

The red eyes of the rare Maou Yaharm reflect the night view of the castle through the glass that separates the terrace and the bedroom, and countless white and soft lights of the moon and stars. And she was a pretty girl standing on the terrace railing against the eerie brightly shining moon.

In addition, a beautiful and even more horrible smile, like a crack, a crescent, appeared on the face of Renia.

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