A man named Benes, a short, thick body and white-haired red hair of his late fifties, serving as one of the gardeners under Christina, who became Baron Bern, is actually the father of Christina. It was a shadow escort sent by the Marquis.

Apart from Benes, the escorts of the great idiots ordered to block the movements of Christina and those who would harm Baron's reign were repatriated, besides the mansion A number of people have entered Baronism, dressed as family members, merchants, and mercenaries.

More than the escorts of the shadows, Benes et al. Are in the hands of other lords, or strangers or secret society wandering in the darkness of the world.

The abilities of those who governed the land and the circumstances that led to it were too peculiar to accuse the country of devoting excessive staff to remote areas.

It is already well known to neighboring nations that the combat abilities of Lord Christina and his aide Doran are comparable to the mightiest wizards and warriors of great powers.

Indeed, they are non-standard monsters equivalent to Ikki Tousen, a large knights, and there is no option to leave their locations and trends.

In addition, if the relationship between Ryukyukoku or Ente no Mori and the Arkrest Kingdom, which was governed by Ryuyoshi Suiryu, who had not interacted with the human race for a long time, and the trust of the respective heavyweights would be strong, it would be no good. I have to pay attention.

Even if you turn your eyes away and close your ears, the light that penetrates slightly through the gap between the eyelids and the information called the sound sneaking in and squeezing into your ears will force you to pay attention to the stupid information you want to express The Baron of Bern emanates from one to the next.

At the moment, there is no underwater struggle among those who are in charge of the back work of each power, and the number of people is increasing every moment, fields and fields are spread, and information and money goods are complicated like tributaries that separate from the river. The current situation is that they are trying to gather information on baronizing territories.

However, in my opinion as a personal Benes, the vampire named Domina, who now mainly works as Christina's secretary, may be able to see through all the movements of the shadows, including myself. Occasionally moments of doubt exist.

For a time, that beautiful vampire who served as an assistant to Dolan's assistant, even when the Prince Superior was visiting the Lomar Empire by condolences, gathered together with the elite of the guards including the prince, and did not disturb one breath He is a whisperer of rumors that he beat everyone and practiced.

In addition, he leads Christina as if he were an old politician, and his reigning sovereign's reign and watch for growth suggests that the spies other than Benes suspect Doramina.

The upper part of the Baronian territory of Berne is composed of several races, such as the Dramina, as well as the Lamia girl near Christina and the sperm of the black rose, and unusual place in the multi-ethnic nation Arkrest Kingdom, At the same time, each individual had a prominent power and extraordinary features, or a kiwamono that was the master of personal connections.

The other day, a group of Lamia living in the Mores Mountains has been brought into the territory, and Benes and other spies have just sent information to their masters that they should remain fresh.

Yes, I just sent it ... Benes muttered unintentionally, looking up at the sky. Although informed in advance, the impact was actually tremendous when seen.

Even now, they have wisdom and manipulate dragon magic, so there are eight real dragons flying in the sky! And to form a formal friendship with Bern!

"Miyagata-sama, your breath woman seems to be an outrageous person."

Benes uttered words he shouldn't say, but fortunately no one heard his words looking up at the sky from the courtyard of the mansion.

The spies who were hiding in and around Berne also began to deal with the hassle of information that had to be conveyed to their masters in a hurry.

There was one very different sentiment between Benes and them.

Luckily for the spouses of the Marquis of Almadia, like Benes, or the spies of the Arkrest kingdom and their masters, Baron Berne is not an enemy, but a small but potential threat to others was.


While those standing on the ground thought of the giant dragons occupying the sky at will, the dragons flying in the sky each had their own thoughts on the negotiations.

Basically, it is not that the dragon species builds a constant cooperative and symbiotic relationship with other races.

There are examples of some sub-dragons being used, including the degenerated or over-degraded dragon species Wyvern, but now the wise dragon species flying over the village of Bern It cannot be treated in the same row at all.

On the other hand, the Emperor Sanryu and other dragons live in the same habitat in order to protect their mighty power, but this is one of the extreme cases, It would be inappropriate to treat it as a story.

Some individuals, such as Wedro, have established a symbiotic relationship with the Huala people, but the other seven dragons, like many dragons, live in their own close family or as individuals. Those who are.

It was a rare case for them to come into contact with and formally engage with members of human society.

Since they originally lived together and had lived without any problems, the question of building a new relationship was held to a greater or lesser degree by one person. Information deterred them from breaking the relationship.

It is information that there are multiple false dragons in the dark wilderness-based demons' army, which are their greatest enemy of the dragon breed-false dragons.

At the beginning, they imitate the dragon species that are too powerful, and the false dragons created by the evil gods have their existence meaning as extermination of the dragon species, and if they meet each other, a merciless killing will break out immediately is there.

If these fake dragons are part of the army and will soon be attacked as invaders, it is unlikely that there will be any dragon species that can listen to this and still be on the sidelines.

What helped us take a step forward in building relationships with humans that we had no interaction with in the past was Vajé, who had been immersed in Galois for a long time and had been interacting with humans.

However, all but Vajje know that Doran is a high-ranking dragon that has been reborn as a human.

The only person who knows that Doran is the reincarnation of the old god dragon is Vage, whose secrets he holds alone are somewhat hurt his nerves and stomach.

Their trust and respect for Doran is also growing because of their relationship with the Ryugu country. Doran, on the other hand, has not revealed their identity to them.

Once they reveal their position as an ancient dragon, an absolute existence for the dragon species, the Wedros will not respond to Doran's wishes without rejecting any negative words. Doran didn't want that to happen and nobody wanted to break the friendship that he had with them.

If you think that all means must be taken for the village of Bern, this response to Doran is inevitable to blame, but again this is good for him to live as a human, not an old dragon. It was a judgment because there was.

It is up to the people to make the right, wrong, good or evil decision. Or if Doran had lost his spirit and memory as an old god dragon, such an option would not have existed ...

While looking down at the pre-designated descent location, a group of Bernese Baronites such as Christina, Doran, Dramina and Senna sitting on the desks and chairs arranged there, and the Lillier Tiel who was commissioned to witness, the wind The dragon Winschante opened his mouth.

A wind dragon, the nephew of Oxys, a young man in his mid-twenties when converted to humans. He got acquainted with Doran through the introduction of Oxys, and some of them, other than Winchante, became familiar through Wedro and Vage.

"To make a deal with this kind of brotherhood, should we say that those people are fat, uncle?"

There was no particular sound that was despised, and Wincante, who seemed to be really impressed, nodded back to his uncle Oxis. Oxys often talked to Doran with Wedro, but it is rare that many fellows living in the Mores Mountains meet and meet.

"Apart from Doran, whose soul is a dragon, Baron Christina and the vampires by her side do not seem frightened. Their power is not half-birth. Not only boldness but also normal human beings are certain. "

At this time, those who have a spiritual connection with Doran, such as Christina and Domina, and who are protected by the old god dragon, can not feel the protection of the old god dragon as Doran is self-restraining Was kept in condition.

For that reason, Winchante and Oxys' evaluations are based on the gods of the ancient gods.

"However, what was the most aggressive crimson dragon in such a story, what was the most aggressive? I'm worried about that. Diorda."

It is the oldest land dragon, Giolda, among the dragons that Oxys turned to. The degenerate wings are smaller than the other dragons, and the giant in the air in a four-legged position resembles a turtle.

Although the earth dragon itself is often of a kind nature, this diorda has a particularly gentle personality, a wide face in the Mores Mountains, an individual located at the center of the horizontal connection between dragon species .

The fact that Vage's family told them that they should rely on them in the event of an emergency suggests the breadth of their personal connections.

"Because Vajje was the one who had the most fondness for Doran, he would follow him with the request of Onito. But from some time on, Vajé's attitude toward Doran was completely changed. It's a pretty mature adult, and there's a reason for that. "

Old Jorda seems to be smiling at the change in Vajé's attitude that would be safe to say to his granddaughter.

It was just when Vaget learned about Doran's soul. Certainly, since then, Vage has softened his attitude not only to Doran, but also to other dragons, causing the eyes of Diorda and Oxis to be rounded.

"Do you think so too? It's awkward to look at Vajé's eyes and attitudes simply because you can think of it in connection with men and women."

"Because there is a strong brilliance in my eyes that excels in love. It's a great deal of reverence. Tell Doran whether the contents of Doran were as high as we thought or a higher dragon. I don't seem to intend so I can only guess.

But don't say it's troublesome. Oxys. And it doesn't seem that men and women aren't without them. This would result in a slightly distorted combination of the human body Doran and Vajé, a dragon both in mind and body. ''

Nevertheless, marriages between dragons and mankind have long existed in some cases.

Unlike the Dragonian, humans with the characteristics of dragons are often born of the mixture of dragon species and human blood.

The old men care about Vajé because, from their point of view, they can't help but care about the future of their brother, their daughter. I guess he's feeling like a father.

The fire dragon, Fiora, called out to pierce them. It is a female dragon characterized by five wide horns that spread like shades of red scales and petals. She has the same age as Oxys and a daughter of the same age as Vage.

"Lord, that's where the extra talk goes. Leave Vajé to Vajé, leave Doran to Dran. If we're offered a talk, we'll respond. But.

What do young men with good age have to do with wild phallic nature? It wasn't quite a good story to listen to. ''

"Is that from the perspective of those who have experienced their mothers, isn't that Vajé's guy angry and good?

No, I thought I would shoot one of the fire bombs, but the story itself was not heard. You have a rounded personality, are you nervous? "

As Oxys says, Vage does not listen to the stories of Diorda, but rather looks nervous and looks at Doran under his eyes.

The Vajé is a bit less relaxed because he is not in front of Doran as the Old Dragon Dragon, but even if he is acting as a human, he must be a little nervous as he is in front of Doran. Absent. Fiola and others interpreted the situation without knowing the situation.

"I guess that Drag Succubus is the one who cares, or who can be ignorant of this person? Did he deceive you? "

Fiora's point was very accurate. Even other Klaubolts, Gantons, and Wedros are conscious of the existence of the dragon goddess, the dragon goddess who was invited as a witness to the agreement.

They met with the old dragon dragon just recently, and how their great power changed them from obscene to dragon obscene, and how can the dragon species be ignored by those who became dependents?

Giolda laughs in the voice of an old man, laughing, and utters words that teases Fiora.

"You are a reluctant tummy, Fiora. You may have a companion, even a fierce temper like you, so Vajé will have a good husband."

"I'm too vocal about unnecessary things. Old Oiwa. Even if I didn't have that dragon, the stories of the people in the village of Bern were enough to gather us, but I couldn't ignore the dragon. It's definitely a big deal. ''

"In that state, apparently the story of not being able to exercise God's authority on earth is true, but the dragon factor carved in his soul certainly feels like a dragon.

I heard that the dragon was reincarnated as a recent story, but when did he become a kin of a dragon indeed? If I told me when I met, my attitude has changed again. ''

"We don't want to bother the dragon for our sake. Let's get down soon. Even if we fly too much, it just gives the other people extra anxiety."

Starting with Fiora's words, the eight dragons begin their descent to the ground. I don't even dream that there is a reincarnation of the old dragon in the middle of the world except Vage.


With no stubble, Christina caught a little corner of the mouth when he saw the Vajés descending slowly towards him.

I saw the giant dragons flying in the sky, I was really spectacular and I didn't get tired of it, but today I got together to talk, so I started talking about not getting down I can't.

"Oh, it looks like you're finally going down."

"You seem to have exchanged a little language, but for those living in the Mores Mountains, you may be cautious about something unprecedented."

Domina, sitting to the left of Christina, responded. Despite the veil being removed, Doramina, like Christina, wears an Agururua bracelet.

The true beauty of the girls, even if they are dragon breeds, is effective without question. If the dragons of such mass fall, the damage to the village of Bern will not be small.

"Speaking of which, were dragon species rare in the home of Domina?"

Recognizing that he was standing here as a lord, Christina chose the boss's language and attitude toward Doramina.

This is the same for Doran here. Doran looks back at Vajé, who is looking at him, and succumbs, meaninglessly.

I returned to the Mores Mountains, including the meaning of a little vacation, but if I had a chance to meet Doran, it would seem that my shoulders would help me and my heart would not rest. If it were a more private place, it would not have been, but Doran decided that this would be reviewed on the next occasion.

"It was a lot more rare than this. Vampires are a very long-lived race among humans, but I've hardly heard stories of wise dragons in their homeland. but"

"Are you trying to avoid extra quarrels with the vampires? Still, everyone is too nervous. What if you follow Dolan and Domina? You're either pale or cold and sweaty."

It is a word for Sienna and Baran who are present.

Christina and Doramina not only have the presence of Doran, but also face Alexander and Bahamut etc. They cannot hide their tension in front of the dragon species that they are unlikely to encounter once in a lifetime.

Christina and Doramina wrote a small story to try to relieve the tension.

"Baron, even though I'm told I'm not nervous, I'm still trying hard ..."

While wandering around the back of his glasses, Senna managed to squeeze out her trembling voice.

As a person holding the strap of the Baron's wallet in Bern, he is a talented woman who has fully demonstrated its ability, either swallowing humans with a sip, or a huge existence with the power to kill easily I can't control my trembling body.

The baluns and others still manage to clench their teeth and ticks, but asking Shenna for the same thing would be too harsh.

"No, I don't think it's an unreasonable order, let's just leave it to me, Domina and Doran, and if everyone manages only to stun, they'll look good.

Well, I'll be able to end the talk without any hindrance if the over-excited Dragon Cults don't break in. ''

Christina speaks with a little smile and a smile, and Shenna has never relied on Christina as much as this time.

Schenna was even thrilled at how many people in the world couldn't even show a terrifying behaviour, like Christina, to several dragon species.

Finally, the dragons silently drop the giant to the ground, and everyone on the Bern side stands up and mixes their eyes with each other.

Feelings of insult and arrogance on the dragon's side are extremely rare, and on the human side, with the exception of some, fear and anxiety are endless.

The dragon cults and priests are watching the outside of the mansion, and the voices of the horses are hampered by the sound insulation barrier that Doran wrapped around the outdoor venue.

It's okay to see the talks, but it's not interesting to know what you exchange.

Christina looked around in love with the dragon breeds standing in front of her, and relaxed her cheeks, acknowledging the appearance of Vajé, who had Doran's figure half-strengthened.

In one sense, Vajé was in the most troublesome position.

"Oxys, Winchante, Klaubolt, Ganton, Giolda, Wedro, Fiora, Vage

I am Christina Almadia Bern, who I took the land of Bern from the Arkrest Kingdom. I sincerely hope that you will have a good connection with the dragon breeds you haven't known for a long time. ''

The dragons fluttered their eyes as if they were a little impressed by Christina, who shouted loudly like a famous actress on the stage and spoke words dignifiedly.

He knew he was really welcoming the visit without fear of a bit of fear from himself.

I suppose they didn't think they were such a strong partner. First, the elder of the dragon, Giolda, returned to Christina. If you decide to force a representative on the dragon side, you will be an old-world dragon.

"What, if we thought it was worth visiting and exchanging words, until we did that, and we can't guarantee that we'll be able to tie the good edge you're going to have. Yes! "

"Isn't it that you can't be cut off without fellowship? Then it's up to us, and that's enough for us.

As I told you in advance, this is Liriliel, the goddess of Dragu Succubus, the witness at this meeting. ''

Lilier Tiel, who had been silent until now, walks slowly following Christina's introduction and stops at the point halfway between Christina and the dragons.

Christinas are on the right hand side and the dragons are on the left hand side when viewed from Liliel Tier. Lilier Tiel is a gentle gesture and breaks deeply toward the dragons.

"I'm Liril Tiel, who was just introduced by Christina. This time, since my brothers and I are related to the old god dragon, I asked a special witness if there was a connection with the dragons. And we are here.

As a kin of the Kojin Ryu Dragon, I will watch from the beginning to the end of this talk. Please don't worry about me, I hope you can exchange frank opinions with each other and deepen mutual understanding without decorating. ''

The dragon goddess, the dragon goddess who can exert even more power than the three dragons, if the conditions are in place, will be flooded with the eyes of the dragons, and the eyes will be peeled off only after confirming that there is no hostility against any sand particles .

Only Vajje, who knew Doran's truth, was relatively low on Lil'ieltier, but was frustrated as a woman by the presence of the dragon, a sign of a dragon he had been approaching until recently.

Christina and Doramina were all smiles, looking through the heart of such a vage. This is a sign of the room between Doran and his lover.

"I heard from your messengers, but this is certainly a sign of a dragon. If he is the chosen one, then no one is more worthy of a witness. Is "people" just a little bit bad? "

"A person who would be able to act as a witness with a breast like a dragon if I can be admitted so.

I'm just fairly neutral, and I'm not going anywhere, but I hope there is still a good connection between Bern and the Mores dragons. ''

Lilier Tiel implicitly states that this is the end of her speech, and nods to Christina and the dragons. From here on, it's time for human-dragon discussions.

"Now, Baron Christina, I'm going to give myself another name. I'm the earth dragon Giorda. I'm an old man who's just lying in the Mores Mountains."

Following Giolda's name on behalf of the dragons, Klaubolt and Winchante will also give their names.

From their point of view, they are just talking normally, but it is a secret story that Christinas were driven by the urge to close their ears a bit for the amount of voice that matched the huge body.

Everyone at this place has introduced themselves, and Christina reiterates the purpose of the talks. Both Dolan, his aide, and Doramina, the secretary, keep the mouth of Christina Cristina out of the talks unless asked to do so, unless otherwise requested.

`` I would like to reiterate that we have approached you to enter into a partnership or alliance because, in the future, the number of people in our country who have entered the Mores Mountains has increased, and unfortunately, This is because we wanted to formally establish a relationship in advance in order to prevent the occurrence.

And I want to build friendly relationships with you as dragons.

Although dragons and humanity are so far apart from each other as living creatures, they live so close together, so we believe that finding a point where they can cooperate with each other and repeating exchanges will lead to a good future. ''

This was the true feeling of Christina.

I couldn't say this, albeit not very often, when I was tormented by the murder of the old god dragon, but now that I am free from my sins, I'm afraid of these words It can be spoken.

Also, from a lord's point of view, having a connection with the dragons of the Mores Mountains is of merit.

Simply increasing their military strength against the backdrop of the mighty fighting abilities of the dragons, and long-lived in the Mores Mountains, they are familiar with the resources that sleep in the Mountains and will be so reliant on developing the Mores Mountains There will be no guide and escort.

Eventually, not only the Mores Mountains, but also going beyond the Mountains will be someday in the future. Even in such a case, the dragons who can fly freely in the sky and use dragon magic to transport large quantities of goods at once, and have extremely high self-defense ability, can rely on them.

"I understand your intentions here."

Looking back at Christina's crimson eyes, Thunder Dragon Klaubolt opened her mouth. Whether you're 20 or younger in humans, you're the younger generation of Christina.

He spends most of the day in the sea of clouds, eating large flying creatures and clouds at high altitudes. The call to Christina came from a calm young man, without any frustration.

"If you live the same way as before, then it's just unnecessary to interact with us.

However, given the remarkable transformation of this village, which I sometimes saw from the sky, it would lead to a different life than before, and it may be natural that you would consider interacting with different kinds of people like us Absent.

Even more so, if you're going to go to the dragon's home, it's wise to think about talking in advance. ''

Surprisingly, he would be rude, but in a calm and intellectual impression of Klaubold, the Christinas chose silence and waited for the continuation. The young thunder dragon spins words from time to time, showing a careful choice of words.

"We don't feel anything short in our lives, but we've seen occasionally the Crimson Dragon go to your city in a good mood. I think it can be done. ''

Vage's face was distorted in an interesting way, but even the one who squeezed his mouth did not know the scary thing to point out.

"Yes, I hope you will not only be materially rich but also enjoy our food, music, drama, literature, philosophy, ceramics and other cultures."

"Because we also write songs and cook. Especially the culture of the race is so diverse. Yours will be a good stimulus for us.

But that's a quiet time. Needless to say again that we have responded to you and that is not the reason on our part. Christina Baron, hurrying and bad, but I want to make sure of it. ''

Of course, I didn't mean to end without talking to Christina. Looking straight into Doran, Dolan immediately stands and takes out a box-shaped magic tool that projects a previously prepared image and places it in front of the dragons.

A lens about the size of a fist is embedded in one side of the box, and the optical image recorded on the quarry stone enclosed inside is amplified by the lens and projected into space.

Doran notices that Vage's eyes and consciousness have been on her from beginning to end, and falls down a small stick protruding from the side of the lens, as she sees that she is almost unwilling to smile.

The built-in magicite reacts to generate a small amount of magical power, and when it flows into light quarry, the image is reproduced.

Doran explained the projected video.

"Here's a picture of the fake dragons participating in our captured dark wilderness army."

Projected into the air was a different form of the dragon, born from the Archeopteryx, an immortal enemy, a group of imitators, counterfeiters, and counterfeit fake dragons, presented in a different form in the village of Jalula. .

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