Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei

It is a story that falls between the intermissions. This is how Bern is becoming more and more unusu

The delegation, headed by Doran, returned from the village of Jalula, returning to the village of Bern, with 14 men and women on the inspection.

In the evolving Baron's territory, members of a particular stratum were gathered by Lord Christina and his secretary, Domina, a member of the Knights of the Shortstop.

About seven people were called to the lord's palace except for Christina.

It's not luxurious, but there's no painting in the room, no candlestick now lit, no round table in the center of the room, no work on the glass door frame. It was a room with a delicate harmony that was spoiled.

They were politely requested to meet and they responded to the herbal tea from Lynette, Kirlinne, and Gandeus, dressed as maids, and then became eyes and consciousness to the lord standing on the terrace leading to the courtyard. Turn to.

The fact that the lord and the secretary had the same bracelet on the left arm together slightly attracted attendees' consciousness, but it also reached the crimson of the young baron who saw himself with serious eyes Seeing his eyes and his beauty, he immediately drove to oblivion.

Collected by Christinas in the absence of Doran were representatives of the religions that have now gathered in the village of Bern one after another in the wake of the battle with the goblins last summer.

Originally there are more, but with regard to the same cult of worshiping gods, we will talk to each other and send out representatives and listen to the story later, preventing the situation of rushing into the house in large numbers Action has been taken.

Among the attendees, Christina and Doran, who are familiar with the religious ranks of the Mylar Order who had been seconded to the village of Bern, are newcomers newly sent to the village of Bern.

The Mylar cult was one of the most religious of all human races, and because of its high influence, a person other than Retisha was also dispatched to be a priest, and Retisha attended the meeting as an advisor to the priest. I have.

In addition to the Chaos, the Aldes, the Ordin, the Jaleid and the Mylar, there are also followers of the gods known as the Great Gods.

However, those members of these religions are usually dispatched to new cities and towns where development is expected, etc., which is not a strange face.

Rather, the fact that they were dispatched is a proof that the village of Bern is looking forward, which Christinas should be pleased with as lords.

At the meeting between the religious stakeholders and the lord in the village of Bern, there are usually three occasions where they are rarely seen or the first in history-or three One! -It existed.

First, among the gods that govern the time of this talk, there is Archbishop Leuelbain of the Chronomay's Order, a relatively small group of few worshipers.

At the age of sixty, Royelwein passes her sleeves through a sleeveless robe with a chrono-maze symbol and a gentle smile on her wrinkled face.

If there were Yachiyo or Fuka who lived as an escort in Ojo now, he would have heard his thoughts while thinking about his hometown, saying that he would not be able to use a smiling Jizo-like man.

While the priest is the chief of other cults in the village of Bern, there is an unusual situation in which the Chronomaize cult is dispatched with the third highest archbishop, next to the professor and vice professor.

Initially, when the Archbishop of the Chronomaize Order was dispatched, the Archbishop was a surprise to the members of other Orders, even though they were weaker.

The second rare case was a wild-looking man sitting on the left side of Royerbain, with a long, reddish-brown skin on his yellowish hair, almost in his mid-thirties.

A pair of large and small gray corners on the left and right protrude from between the hairs tied together with some kind of strap, and the gray eyes are elongated vertically.

The muscular body was a short-sleeved shirt dyed green and blue pants, and it was a general costume, but from the elbow to the tip and neck, it is slightly covered with gray scales There were thick claws on the fingertips of both hands.

Despite the distinctive dragon character, the man was still not a Dragonian.

A religious group that believes in wisdom dragons, not gods, and acquires acquired attributes and abilities as dragons by contracting with them or imitating their ecology-Denatsu, the representative of the dragon cult, this man Met.

A strange cult that worships dragons instead of sparsely existing gods in various parts of the continent has a lateral solidarity that is not so deep, and a group that closely observes the dragon species in some deep mountain valleys, I was visiting.

Although it is a dragon cult that does not worship God, it is not an evil entity that avenges humanity, and it is an organization that shares common sense and ethics, so it is particularly heretical and hostile from human society. Not necessarily.

If you see it in town, it seems to be rare, what is a dragon cult? The most common reaction would be to tilt your head.

And even in these two rare cases, the oversized matter, hazy, stood beside Christina, with a friendly smile to the attendees, until now, silently.

This is a regular meeting for the distribution of land of each cult and the coordination of festivals in the village of Bern, but this time only for those who stand next to Christina, or to get some information about their existence. It's not an exaggeration to say that they gathered in

Christina finally opens her mouth in a room that has the atmosphere of tingling skin in silence.

While the attendees of each cult are nervously nervous, they have recently become accustomed to the lordship work and have regained their attitudes. The dignified voice that everyone thinks is echoing cheerfully.

"Thank you very much for your efforts. You've come to Berne village and it's been a while, but have you got used to living in the village?

Fortunately for me, many people from all over the country have come to our territory, and I would like to brag elsewhere that the noisy and bright days continue. ''

All attendees fully understood that a young girl was a good and honest person unsuitable for the lord, and was an adult enough to allow her to speak a little shyly Met.

Nevertheless, he understands that Christina is not sought after here, but is more of a greeting and bragging than a social decree, and he knows what to say.

He closed his mouth once, paused, looked at the presence once, and cut into the subject immediately.

"This meeting has been held so far, but this time, we are currently attending with Ririel Thiel, the representative of the Dragon Inma, who is working with us. Will be here at Liliel Tier. ''

Lierieltier dressed in the same design as the first time he met the Dorans in the Caravis Tower, but now has the same white uniform as his folded wings and tail, horns and hair.

Christine's eye-catching Lil'ieltier looks at the humans gazing at her piercing gaze and speaks calmly, minimizing her capacity as a devil.

"Nice to meet you, people on the ground. Liril Tiel, the one who bundles the dragon demon entrusted to you by Baron Christina.

Normally, the demon-succubus is an entity on the Makai side, and is a hostile entity for humans on earth.

Although it is a relatively talkable person, humanity is a kind of food from the perspective of the devil, it is difficult to build a friendly relationship, and the response of the human side is almost always limited to one hand that exterminates the devil. It is.

However, the dragon nymph, which has not been confirmed so far, does not need to deprive others of its vigor in order to survive, and that it does not belong to the Makai side, it has already cooperated with the Baron Berne side Because of his unusual presence, the priests who attended the party did not take any action and kept watching.

"But you wouldn't want to be vigilant against me and your compatriots. You can't help but misunderstand that we've fascinated Baron Christina.

Although it may be useless to say, we have no intention to harm humans other than to protect ourselves. Our religious dragons do not hate humans who have killed themselves. ''

One of the reasons that the members of each cult did not take immediate hostile action against the dragon nymphs is that they professed that they worship the Old Dragon Dragon, thereby gaining their attributes as dragons. This is because it has evolved into a different entity from the normal lewdness.

The resurrection of the ancient dragon dragon was known to the general public due to the presence of Lil'ieltier and others, and the religious community was shaken to report the resurrection of transcendents who once destroyed many evil gods.

The clerics were dispatched earlier than usual by the cults, and the spy was dispatched in a way that they were not even aware of. Is a major reason.

The resurrection of dragons, which had friendships with many of the good gods, including Mylar and Chaos, was a non-negligible factor for followers of those gods, and above all the dragon was killed by humans The point was also greatly regarded as a problem.

Even though it is reported to the leaders of each cult that the dragon, which is said to be unable to win even if all the gods converge, is accepted by humans, the dragon actually does. There is no other way to imagine what feelings we have for humans.

The humans of each sect knew that if a dragon revived with hostility towards humans and took hostile actions, it would be more terrifying than any ill enemy. .

Fortunately, Lilieriel said that the Old Dragon Dragon did not hate humans, so he breathed a little breath of relief in his chest. Of course, if you can believe what Lilieriel has to say.

On the other hand, Christina and Domina, who knew that the Old Dragon Dragon was Doran, felt like they were working in a scam.

Lilier Tiel said that the dragon was resurrected, but not that he was reincarnated, which may be a factor contributing to fraud.

To relieve such a feeling, Christina simply chose to proceed in exchange for a deliberate coughing.

`` Although the Calavis Tower has already been opened and requests from the religious cults to cooperate with the establishment of a branch office have been reported last time, the people of the dragon lewd demon, including Liriliel, are basically Spend in their city inside the Vis tower.

Only a few are in Bern for missionary activities, but we have negotiated to go out and exchange human resources for mutual understanding.

In the future, it will be more common to see dragons in our territory, but please take off the colored glasses for the normal dragons and see what works right and wrong.

As you all know, in the territory of Bern there is a willingness to coexist, we have shown our willingness to comply with the laws stipulated here, and as long as we comply, we have enacted a law that recognizes demons as territories.

The dragon witches are different from the territory, but I want you to understand on this occasion that Bern is officially a person who has recognized exchange and its existence. ''

The law that intellectuals classified as monsters are recognized as occupants if they obey the conditions presented by the Bernese side is unique to the Baronist sovereignty of Bern, and the clergy of each cult, including those who are not here. A law that surprises, impresses, or hates

In fact, some of the attendees sighed with a sigh, in the reality that Christina, the lord, said again.

"The Lil'ieltiers have allowed us to use the city inside the Caravis Tower to support our research and adventurers' activities. It is safe to investigate inside the vast tower Needless to say, how important is a secured base.

Already from the inside of the tower, we have found relics that seemed to have used the facilities and gods of different cults in other worlds, and had contact with groups that were thought to have been separated from the world in ancient times. ''

The Caravis Tower, built by Caravis on the territory of Bern, was literally a treasure trove of mountains, and the wealth of goods, people, and materials that were discovered one after another was baron Berne. He promised to bring it to the territory.

However, the value of enormous wealth is proportionately attracting lustful people from all over the world, and it is also a dangerous item with a corresponding crisis, and the handling of Doran, including Liliel Thiel, also requires caution. I have.

Now, due to the activities of the advanced expedition including the gods, it is now limited to items and information that are determined not to cause a crisis that would cause the world to collapse from the bottom to the middle of the tower, even if they would flow into the terrestrial world. I have.

The reason that each cult does not take a hard-line attitude toward the Bern territory, partly because of its benign nature, is an unexpected treasure trove that comes from the Karavis Tower, which is owned by the Bern territory. It was clear that the eyes were dazzling.

Once Christina stops speaking, Dolamina, who had shut her mouth before, took a bunch of papers in her hand and distributed them to attendees one by one.

From here it is time for the explainers to change from Christina to Domina. Doramina regretted that the attendees had no followers of the creator of their race.

Attendees listen to the explanation while listening to the voice of Christina, who is different from Christina.

For some, listening to Christina and Dolamina may have been the main purpose of attendance.

"At present, the Calavis Tower has been opened in stages, and some civilians and members of the Knights of Bern, who have allowed access here, are conducting investigations in cooperation with the Dragon Nymphos.

At the foot of the Calavis Tower, there are some accommodations, eating and drinking facilities, blacksmith's facilities, medical facilities, and the minimum appearance required for a base for exploration.

In search of the inside of the explorer, for those who have passed the examination established by Bern, we have established a profession of "" and a class system based on the results, independent of the adventurer admitted by the adventurer guild. It was established. The word explorer itself is a familiar one, but in the future it will be referred to as the Bern Seeker because it is a unique explorer of the Bern territory. ''

A number of documents distributed by Doramina include information on what is now known and available within the Caravis Tower, as well as the Bernseeker's accreditation requirements and class privileges corresponding to performance.

In cities where the labyrinth is a source of revenue, monetary information is often added to the labyrinth's information, but imitating such a cleric's meeting at this meeting would only lead to extra remorse.

The management of the Caravis Tower is held by the Bern side, and the party who establishes the management office and recognizes the seeker's qualification will provide free information on the guide to the village of Liriliel and the monsters that appear and disappear. Therefore, this level of disclosure was not a pain.

This is because the Caravis Tower was originally brought to you in an unexpected way, so there may be some reason for the Bernese side to be less aware of actively trying to make a profit with the Caravis Tower.

"Some of you already belong to your cult and have stepped inside the tower, and if any relics found inside are related to your religion, donate them first. I will have it. "

The objects found inside the Caravis Tower have many shrines and relics that inevitably have the breath of super-ancient gods, since the cut and pasted world was a time when the gods were fighting.

The offer of these to the cults on a priority basis by the Bernese side without monopolization was decided unanimously by Christina and Doran, as well as by the mayor and accountant Senna.

Unnecessary disputes should have been avoided if they could be avoided, and thanks to Deran's circumstances, although we were friendly with the gods, we could not rely on them.

"In the future, we plan to invite some dragons to give guidance at the public prostitute to be built and to provide protection for sexually transmitted diseases.

As the territory of Bern continues to expand further, the presence of a prostitute is indispensable for maintaining security, so we appreciate your understanding.

It is a matter of doubt that you may be insane, such as hiring a demon as a leader of a prostitute, but in prostitutes and other places where high-level wizards are the owners, summon the devil to protect the safety of prostitutes and male prostitutes, In some cases, protection is provided to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

It is no surprise that Bern, who has openly declared the establishment of a coexistence system with the dragon lewds, will focus on gender-based industries and fields if they try to take advantage of their seed characteristics.

As the representatives of each cult sneak out and talk, it was Archbishop Royelwein of the Chronomaize Order who clearly offered his opinion. Does this include Christina or Domina? Do not hide the surprising look.

"The people of Bern are going to make really innovative attempts. Like the flow of time, like the flow of rivers, the way we live is also changing. We are only present at one of the times of change Thing.

That is also what each God wants. First of all, why don't you look at the flow of the times? ''

Then, following Leuelbain, Denato opened his mouth.

"As Archbishop Leuelbain put it, it's especially important in our dragons and the Chronomaize Order that the presence of the dragon demon is particularly strong.

And besides being a demon, it would be a bit of a problem that they wouldn't say that Lilier Tiel couldn't be ignored above all. "

Yes, Lilieltier is a true god.

Although the rank of God is inferior to Chronomaze, it is an unprecedented existence that manifests itself as it is in the terrestrial world through the Karavis Tower.

There have been many times that Aldes and Mylar have come down with reduced power, but that is only to bring down the body with the mark of Doran from the main body, but not the main body itself.

How can we ignore the fact that the true God, even the devil god, can walk around the earth? Only a few can be ignored, such as Christina and Serina, who are accustomed to God.

"Yes, as you might have said of Denato, Liriliel is undoubtedly a God.

If you leave the tower, you lose most of your authority as a god, and you will exert only the power equivalent to a high-ranking devil, but you can behave like a god if you are inside the tower. Yeah, Lilier Tiel. ''

"Yes, there's no doubt what Dramina says: I'm barely a low-ranking god who is at the very end of God, a god for the devil, but God is still a god.

I am not involved in humans or the creation of the earthly world, and I understand that God is that much, but you cannot ignore that much.

And I'm not the only God in the tower. Since these gods have been isolated for some reason from ancient times, most of them are those who have not even passed on your name or lower gods like me.

Yet God is God. Although you can act as a god in the tower, there are other gods as well, so you need to always have room to deal with them, so you will not be shy.

I'm going to be a friend of the dragon and build friendships with humans, especially the people of Bern, so I'm working hard to prevent malicious interference from other gods. ''

Except for Christina and others, attendees were given new surprises to the new information that God exists inside Caravis Tower besides Liliel Thiel, but was again handed over by Dramina. Christina articulates her views as lord.

Anyway, the Christinas know what kind of gods, their kins and asylum-dwellers already live inside the Caravis Tower, and they know that no adversaries now exist Therefore, there is no fragment such as a panic element.

"Our policy is to build friendships as closely as we can with Lil'ieltier, and if we wish to go out we will do so as far as we can.

Fortunately, these are the godly children of the gods, and given that the gods Mylar and Chaos have set up the barriers surrounding the Caravis tower, this is the god of heaven. The land is a remarkable place. ''

And once, once again, Christina laughed at Lilieltier.

"That was the story of the Old Dragon Dragon, who became the Lord and Lord of the Lieriel Tiers, keeping an eye on the inside of the tower, right?"

"Yes, it is said that our dragon, the Lord, does not actively interfere with human activities, but if there is any malicious interference from the gods on humans Has stated that he will stop it with all his might.

Please rest assured. Once a friend of the gods you worship with your dragon, you will have an unchanging friendship, a good friend again for the heavenly gods, and a great bow for the gods of the demon world. ''

Fumu, and Christina and Domina dispel the lover's habits only in their hearts. We knew in advance that the revival of the dragon would be public on the ground so far, but we were thinking of a future that was increasingly attracting attention from the dragon cult and the cult of the gods who were close to Doran.

And in response to Liliel's remarks, it was Royelbain and Denat who had eaten away.

"It is unbelievable that we, as a dragon religion, have a place on this earth that has something to do with the Seven Primitive Dragons. The obtained dragon nymphs can be said to be those who have set foot before our wishes.

Does the Baron also interact with many dragon species living in the Mores Mountains?

Aside from the lower dragon species that have lost their wisdom, it is difficult to get in touch with the wise dragon species, so places like Bern are rare.

For us, this land, Bern, is a sacred place and a place to worship. But how is Mr. Leuelbain nodded to agree with me? "

As Denat pointed out, Loyelbain had repeatedly shaken her head to the words of Denat, with a face resembling a smiling Jizo.

Apart from the Renaissance Denat, other cult priests look strange about the reaction of Leuelbain.

"No, I don't know what Denato pointed out. This is the secret of our chrono-maze cult, which I haven't talked about until now, but in time for me to be dispatched here. I was going to inform other religions. ''

Then Royelbain told Liliel Thiel with a smile appropriate for his granddaughter.

"Actually, our god Chronomaze has become a kin of the ancient dragon Dragon, like Liliel Tiel, and other gods and angels have the attributes of a dragon.

We were not surprised at the fact that the god who worshiped the dragon, rather than the other gods, was devoted.

However, the power of Chronomaize who benefited from the dragon was increasing day by day, and the content of the doctrine was not particularly overturned, and it was only profitable, so our believers accepted it "

Leuelbain confessed a bit shyly, but from the religions of others, including Retisha, that his religion was voluntarily subordinated to other beings. It is a situation that is overturned.

That's a big question that you have to ask your faithful God with a loud voice to ask what you believe and spend in tomorrow.

Regardless of the passage of time, regarding the reversal of the Chronomaize, she has been gazing at the incredible eyes of Loyelbain and the Chronomaize Order, who are accepting it.

`` In this situation, we have the goddess of time, Chronomaize, as the Lord of the religion, and at the same time, the lord of the Chronomaze, or the place of worship. It is a little different from the religion, but it is respectful.

We are in trouble because it is an unprecedented situation, but we cannot change the will of God. There is no way to do it. More than that, we're now halfway close to the dragons, so we're close to Denato.

"Oh, was it? It would make sense to be happy to have Lilier Tiel, a direct descendant of the Old God Dragon. It was just the edge spun by the Old God Dragon. The palace, the faction of our dragons, and the Chronomay's Order gathered here.

This is a funny thing. It is unusual for a dragon to be godless. Hahahahaha! No, was this crude in front of the Lord? "

"No, I don't mind. Some people agree with what Denato says.

This land of Bern has become a rare place to interact not only with the so-called monsters, but also with the gods left in towers like the Lil'ieltier and the dragons of the Mores Mountains. .

Nowhere else in the world is there any other place than Bern. In this Bern I will seek a new form of coexistence and co-prosperity with evil, god and dragon, and set a good precedent.

As a godly child of the gods, and as a person living on earth, I look forward to your further assistance and guidance. ''

The girl, who told her that became the lord of the world's most unusual, bizarre, but not so strange, strange land, bowed down to the adults in front of her.

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