In the northwest corner of Bern village, there are rugged facilities and warehouses for magic and technical research.

Lynette was ordered to do some of his work while Doran was away from Bern, as part of which he traveled to the research wing with Gandeus and Kirlinne.

Magic materials that can cause dangerous accidents if handled incorrectly, as well as saltpeter and gunpowder used for firearms are also stored, so each building is built terribly sturdy, and the sections are made of thick iron And covered with concrete walls.

It goes without saying that magic characters are engraved on the surface of the wall, and the effects of strengthening, soundproofing, deodorizing and the like are given by magic.

However, is there any human resource that can effectively use this facility in the village of Bern just because of the establishment of the research facility and the reopening of the northern development project? The question arises.

Prominent bachelors and intellectuals, or their distinguished disciples, are either already in the pockets of influential people or are rooted in the ground by opening private schools.

That's why Christina and Doran knew a hundred, so those who invited them to the village of Bern had the mavericks and the abilities who were so nailed by the academy that they presented too advanced ideas and theories. Most of the problem children were expelled from the field due to personality problems.

They have little attachment to Berne or loyalty to Christina, and Christina and Doran know it.

Nevertheless, in order to secure the unique colors, strengths and superiority of Bern village, it is necessary to provide a generous budget and an environment where research can be carried out as desired, considering that a unique nanica that is unique is necessary. As a result, he succeeded in collecting some human resources who read as genius and read as genius.

Lynette in servant uniform and Kirlinne and Gandeus in maid uniform went to one of the workshops in the research area and received reports of their research from the master.

The work area, which is reasonably large, has many shelves with various shapes neatly arranged on shelves.

The materials range from metal to wood, earth and rocks, fabrics, etc., as well as shape and size.

On a table in the center of the workshop, there was a square metal box that would be as large as a wagon. A number of elongated chimneys extend from the sides of the box, and a number of tubes extend from the top of the box.

In front of the box was the slim man with long white hair and white beard, the main man of the workshop, about to be over 60, and his assistant Lynette and a granddaughter who appeared to be of the same age.

Despite Lynette's visit, the man and his granddaughter were still working on the boxes. Linette doesn't care about what is common with researchers. After all, Ichelle, who created me, was of this kind.

However, the men did not forget that this living golem girl, acting as a deputy assistant, held the key to assessing their own research costs in the future. Face each other.

"Thank you, Dr. Mazda. Today, many fears replaced Mustard Run, and Lynette asked to confirm the research results."

Man: Dr. Mazda burst into the linet, moving his mouth buried in the back of a beard in a linenette, one or two smaller than his own.

"I came here often. Did your assistant go out? Isn't he recruiting not only me but also other researchers, as well as arranging housing and work for migrants? There is nothing other than wonderful.

Even though I live three or four times as much as him, I can only do research and invention. ''

Mazda gently meditates on one eye, and Lynette relaxes her mouth a bit.

Lynette did not hate the old man in front of her bright, childish eyes. But Lynette's personal feelings and work must be considered separately.

This is an example of how Baron's territory is being managed, both public and private.

"Be fortunate, by then, Dr. Mazda was so deemed worthy of invitation that the Highness of the Baron and Mustardran also called out. Could you tell us about your research results? "

As Lignette cuts out, he activates the recording papers and exploration equipment that Gandéus and Kirlinne each have in their hands, and arranges for detailed records.

Not only Mazda, but also those who were invited to this research plot, invested a considerable amount of money, and Lynette was demonized that there should be no omission in its recovery.

"Um, I'm deeply grateful to you for reaching out to us, who have been stuck in research funding, and the facilities we have provided are fantastic.

His granddaughter, Charlo, is also an excellent assistant. I was excited to show the results here. Come on, Charlo, are you ready? "

"Yes, Doctor. Lynette, Gandeus, Kirlinne, look closely."

Mazda and Charlo face the metal box again, and Charlo picks up Juro at his feet, removes the lid on the side of the box, inserts Juro's mouth into it, and puts it inside. Start pouring the liquid.

"This is a prototype of the twelfth magical steam engine I developed. The ether mist generated by burning a special fuel liquid containing melted magicite moves the piston to generate power!

The heat may be generated by burning wood or coal, or the heat may be generated by using firestone. Anyway, it is sufficient if a certain amount of heat can be given to the fuel liquid. By the way, now I use fire spar with the technique of heat generation as a heat source. ''

Linette senses that the magical power fluctuates inside the magical steam engine, and stares at it with calm eyes. The cylinder that protruded upward at the tip of the arrow starts moving slowly at first, and then gradually moves up and down.

Excess ether mist blows out from the elongated tube extending from the side and is reduced to the magic of the atmosphere. Unlike coal-powered steam engines, there is no need to consider smoke pollution, which has a negative impact on the natural environment.

"I see, the combustion efficiency has increased by a factor of 10 or more compared to the time of the previous assessment. The fuel efficiency has not changed, and the horsepower is currently about 18 horsepower. There is an eye for the operation of the means as a main institution. ''

"Well, yes, that's right! Reich's magical electromotive drive mechanism and Ms. Prana's mana passive engine are also commonplace, but I think this magic steam mechanism is the first to build an era. I have!

But you still have a terrifying observation eye. As well as the aides, it's not just magical sight, but too high an understanding of things. ''

"In the case of Lynette, this is because he has some knowledge of the heavens. Dr. Mazda's achievements will inspire Professor Reich and Ms. Prana."

"They seem to see them working on the research, regardless of whether they stay up all night or not. I'm still looking forward to showing them when the aide goes home.

Maybe he will be a wife at last? This may be inspired by other fiances, and they may avalanche into marriage one after another. ''

"Dr., I'm profane to the Lord and Aide! I'm sorry, Mr. Lynette. He's a bit too open-minded."

"Don't bother. Nobody else has ears, and the topic of marriage of mustard is significant in Baron Berne, and many people care about it."

It is, of course, a lignette. Lynettes are also required to be less embarrassed and behave in a manner that is less embarrassing as their husband's fiancée may have become his husband's mate in the future.

Although not on his face, Lynette was already excited.

(While Mustardran greets Selina's parents, I don't think it's going to get married right away, but it's a future that will happen anyway, and only in my heart from now on But there will be no loss in performing the dry run)

Ghunde and Kirlinne stared at Lynette, a powerful sighing breath, with a slightly suspicious look. Seeing that, although slight, it is no longer completely expressionless, it seemed that little by little, both spirits were growing.


The wind coming across the dark wilderness from the northwest seems to carry the rest of the blood of the calming war, and it seems that it contains some rusted bloody smell, and I am a little I raised my eyebrows.

The sun is setting below the horizon, and the world is shifting from dark red to dark.

The delegation, which left Bern village and separated from the pioneer in the swamps where the former lizards lived, was on a smooth road to the foot of the Mores Mountains.

Before the sun sets, camp preparations are underway, and sentries guarding for monsters attacking the bonfire at the landmark are glaring at the surrounding darkness.

A light source using gemstone is set up everywhere in the camp, and the falling moon and the light of the stars combine to drive away the darkness around.

Several lanterns containing gemstones are also placed on the desk to ensure sufficient light.

The escort soldiers range from young people from the village of Bern to other rural people, or from former mercenaries and adventurers. Thanks to the harsh training I received, she looks good.

The highest-ranking and most responsible member of the mission is Dolan Belrest, the Deputy Chief of Staff and the representative of the mission.

Now she is stepping off the carriage for camp and is discussing her upcoming schedule with Serina, secretary and guide, Knight Neogio, a representative of escort soldiers, and Shumal, a civilian representative.

The main contents are to spread the map of the surrounding area on the assembled desk unloaded from the carriage, place pieces imitating themselves on it, check the current position, and fine-tune the schedule in the future.

Neogeo, who manages the escort escort, is a middle-aged man who originally served as a small mercenary leader.

I was finding new business opportunities due to the smell of the war that was continuing to smoke in the east and west, but when I was worried about seeking stable income due to my age, I heard about a recruitment of volunteers in Bern village, He is part of the Knights of Bern, along with several others who have disbanded the mercenary corps.

Due to his experience of organizing the mercenary corps, albeit small, and his reputation, he was appointed one of the knight captains after a trial period of observation.

Even in a meeting place, the surroundings may be called a dark wilderness, and neo-geos wearing thick armor without loosening their vigilance are very wrinkled, tanned, severely faced, such as mercenaries who are very experienced, wide and solid, with a firm body You are.

Shmal, on the other hand, is a veteran of the Al-Madia family who followed the earlier pioneering work of the former Marquis of Al-Madia.

A loyal man who returned to Almadia territory when the reclamation plan was frozen, but heard that his beloved lord's granddaughter had returned to Bern again, and left his adult children home to seek a secretary. It is.

In his early years he was in his fifties, much higher than Neogeo, and now enjoys living alone with his wife and is contributing to the reign of Bern.

"I've already sent news to the Queen, not Jarula's mom ... so it's safe to assume that they're ready to pick you up."

The Queen, the representative of Jarula, is determined by the votes of the inhabitants and is not hereditary. For this reason, it should not be considered the same as the monarchy of the surrounding nations such as the Arkrest Kingdom.

Nevertheless, the fact that Serena, the daughter of the queen of the modern age, is serving as a guide for the delegation has provided great relief to everyone on the mission.

The news that Selina sent to her mother and Jarula was the same as when I signed a limited time contract with a bird or insect and used the improvisation, contacting the wild snake as Selina's improvisation. I asked.

It is easy for a half human half snake Lamia to communicate with the kind of snake. Fortunately, there were no attacks on the kind of beasts that were on alert, and it would not take much time to reach the Mores, if not more.

"I'll have the delegation wait near Jarula, greet the Queen with me in Serina, get permission, and then enter Jarula."

Both Neo-Geo and Shumal are, from my point of view, far older than my father, and although I'm better on the stand, I'm a bit more reluctant to listen to this mouth. Things will increase in the future, so I have to get used to it.

Fortunately, neither Neo-Geo nor Shumal have shown any pretentious behavior. I am grateful if it is in my mind, but if not, I will not show it on my face, so this must be emulated as adult response.

"There's no problem with the morale of the soldiers. The discipline isn't loose at the moment. Fortunately, the aide had modest contact with Serina."

"It's an environment where there is only a woman and a woman alone, Selina. I take care of my surroundings a little. I hope that when I get to Jarula, everyone will not be overly lifted by the reaction.

By the way, have you got used to Lamia? Lamia is a monster for people born elsewhere, even if they are from the village of Bern. Rumors about Selina would have been known, but once you look at it, you'll be afraid. ''

"There's almost no problem there. Serina's longing to work in the village of Bern is witnessed by the soldiers, and some of the accustomed are rude and stretched under their nose. There are also people.

If you call out to the beautiful ladies in Jarula, you have to be careful not to let anyone reach you.

I guess it's about this selection, but the young guys might have been harsher in a different sense than going to the battlefield. ''

"Yes, I personally welcome cross-cultural exchanges, but everything is in order. I have to take into account the intentions and policies of the other party, and I'll be more patient. As expected, but how about consuming the load? "

From the soldiers, to the food consumed and the maps you have made up to this day, if you point your water at Sumar, you will get the same answers as in Neogeo. It would have been a question supposed in advance.

"This is the consumption within the error correction assumed in advance. If the swamp can be used as a stopover, you will not have to worry about the depletion of supplies between Jarula and Bern.

The goal of avoiding the route through the forest of Ente and developing a route from the dark wilderness is likely to be achieved at first.

Depending on the geography of the village of Jalula, it may be possible to create a river-based route like the Huara people, and I have to look forward to my aide.

"It's a big responsibility, but it goes without saying that I'll do my best and best to get the best results."

I didn't put it into words, but the fact that the situation as a private person as well as a public figure was complicated, I suppose, even to soldiers who are not here.

From the time I left Bern, or from the time I clearly recognized my love for Serina, I spoke of my determination, and Serina stared at the Mores Mountains soaring high in the dark at night.

"Sometimes it's a dark wilderness. I don't know if I can reach into the Mores, but if you tell the threat, you'll never make the wrong choice."

For Serina, the visit of the delegation is also a return to prevent her hometown from being caught up in the war that will occur in the coming years.

Among the missions, Serina was the only one who was worried about her future with Jarula. If so, there is no better role for me than to clear the cloud of anxiety that is coming into Serina's chest.

Further after this, we take the course to the Mores Mountains, and gradually approach the scene of the desolate dark wilderness where rocks and some green are scattered, and the proportion of green gradually increases, The frequency of seeing creatures also increases.

The foothills of the Mores Mountains are deep forests that extend from the forests of Ente, and the countless large and small rivers and abundant groundwater flowing from the mountains make it a rich land where countless lives can live.

Selina travels as far as possible on the river when leaving Jalula, then approaches the closest human settlement, the village of Bern, once on the dark wilderness side, resting in the swamps where the lizards lived. I met me where I was.

This time, the course of Serina was reversed. Looking to the future war, I would like to have at least one fort between the Mores and the swamps.

Fortunately, there are local wood elves and beasts awaiting our arrival through Ente in the woods at the foot of the Mores Mountains. He gave me

After all, Ente Yggdrasil's endorsement has a great effect on the residents of Ente Forest. At the same time, she is determined to betray her expectations and trust.

The members of the delegation have been swinging for a few days, but they can talk with other people, and because there are multiple women in the guide, they want to talk a lot, Neos yells and fists are shaken several times It's a shame that it's a shame, but it's a smile.

After passing through the woods and into the Mores Mountains, there are few human tracks so far.

On the way to the lake where the lizards have settled, they have sent a delegation last time. .

Because Jalula is a hidden village made to hide from the eyes of other races, it is concealed from outside so that it is difficult to understand that the village is there, so the road to the village is maintained It is out of the question.

Although the mountain road is more conspicuous than the soil, the horse golems pull on the carriage without any difficulty on the bad roads, and the soldiers follow them with a short breath.

The speed is not so fast because it is climbing while keeping a moderate break with the speed of the slowest person.

Stop marching at a point close to Jarula, build a moderate square on the hillside, and entrust the mission to Neoggio and Shumal. From here on, I and Serina alone.

"On such a steep mountain road, it's hard just to get off the mountain range."

"Well, when you leave the village, you have to choose such an environment, but I grew up here since I was a child, so I don't care about it."

"I have a lot of trouble finding your spouse."

"Recently, the population of the village has increased, so there are daughters who can find someone in the village. It is not good that the blood is too close, so there are still many daughters who go out like me. "

"Around a thousand people, more than three times the size of the village of Bern when I met Serina, but I think that in this environment I often increased. Hidden villages like Jarula are scattered around the world Is there any interaction with the rest of the village? "

"Well, there is a village of Lamia and Serpents somewhere in the forest of Ente, and the representatives did not contact each other at least once in a few years. It was closed anyway. That's true. I think there is a lot of information that you will not learn unless you become a queen.

"Is the number of people who know important information less, the less danger of the leak. It is a natural sense of danger from the viewpoint of human treatment. If this visit goes in a good direction, it is best ..."

"Okay, I'll tell you all the good things about interacting with Baron Bern.

And not only in the village of Bern, but also around Galois, Lamia can now be a little surprised when walking around the city. I didn't spend nearly a year in Galois with Date! "

"If a group of Lamias would stroll, Bern village would still be surprised, even if it was Galois. It will take some time, but we will expand our understanding that Bern village is a gradually accessible entity. Is it going to go first? "

"If you hurry too often, you'll get bad results, so it's unavoidable, and Lamia will do horrible things like lore."

"Some of the villains are rumbling among humans. It's the same. Well, it's time to see them soon."

When the mission arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was well known not only to me and Serina but also to the mission that dozens of snakes were lurking in the rocks and watching the movement.

It's easy to imagine that we had been waiting for Chiaki for a day since we arrived from Serina.

Hopefully in the future, it will not be necessary to let the Lamia girls leave the hiding village until they carry the danger, and they will be able to find a mate safely. Think about the possibilities.

I wonder if Serina had been manipulated and taught me the location of Jarula, or did she really find me as a mate and come to literally interact with the village of Bern?

The snakes that have been watching us so far have disappeared silently. Is it a sign that your favorite people will soon appear?

As I walked around the reddish-colored rock, which Serina told me to be one of the landmarks, I was able to confirm that the words I spoke were correct.

Lamias were waiting for us to visit, with one of the entrances to Jalula cleverly hidden in the hills and rocks behind.

Beastmen and humans are also somewhat skewed, but this is definitely Lamia's companion or his children. It is because of the race of Lamia that Lamia is born if a girl is born and the same race as the father if a boy is born.

For the time being, she wears only a sword, but otherwise she is dressed for mountain climbing.Lamia standing in front of demilitarized Serina also has scales and hair colors such as bright red and awakening blue. Various beauties.

Because Lamia is tempting to attract males of different races, it has high aesthetic standards on a tribal level so that it is easier to seduce a large population and its subspecies.

Lamia, in the middle of the beautiful set, has the same dark green scales as Serina, and her blond hair, which stretches only the left and right of her bangs for a long time, has blue eyes and many things in common with Serina.

Most or all of the Lamias who are waiting for us feel like they are acquainted with Serina, and they can feel the dexterous imitation of Serina being nervous and relaxing.

Are you a relative, or a mother who is the Queen of Jarula?

"I came from far away from the village of Bern to our hidden village of Jalula. I am the queen of Jerula, Seribear. I am also the mother of Lamia and Selina there.

Just one greeting, unlike Serina, is a gloss that fully understands the characteristics of Lamia, which deceives the opposite sex.

She can't look into her face as a mother, but she faces Seribea, who is acting as a representative of a society called Jarula, and is so nervous that she wants to talk. Can you behave as a mother and daughter if there are others? I'd like to move on earlier, but now.

"I am Dolan, aide to Baron Christina Almadia Bern, Lord of Bern, and I am now the baron of Bern."

"I know the name and purpose of the visit from Serina. I'll guide you to our village first."

With a slight noise of rubbing the scales and the ground, Seribea looks back and the other Lamias follow.

She looked at her mother's back as Selina said, but she did not look back. Other Lamias stared at Selina thinking, but if Selina was a respectable adult she would be the representative of the group. If it is time to say something, you have to keep your personal feelings down.

Following Selebea, follow a gentle slope downhill, and Iwato, built using huge natural stones, was waiting for us.

There are many signs of being killed in the pits and rock shades that are blind spots from the road leading to Iwato, and it can not be noticed unless it is a reasonable skill. The security of Hidden Village is well done.

You can hear the gears meshing in the ground and somewhere in the rock mass on the left and right. You can see the houses installed inside and underground, and you can see the faces of the residents looking through each window.

There are many flying monsters and beasts in the Mores Mountains, including Wyvern and Griffon. Lamia won't be a prey so easily, but is there a natural reason to have young children and old people?

"Selina was born and raised here."

"Yes. Like the village of Bern, we all help each other and we live together. Well, it's the same as when I left.

"Hmm, are you assured that Serina is at first safe? There will always be time to talk with my mother without water. Can you put up a little before that?"

"I'm already a good adult? I can endure that much. Mr. Doran will treat me as a child no matter how long."

"I don't treat myself as a child. I'm an important companion. I'm grateful to understand the difference."

"Oh, fufufu, I'll forgive such a thing."

"Hmmm, that was good. Some things can't be conveyed without words.

Then, I and Selina were guided to a palace built in the rock near the center of Jarula. The wall is beautifully polished without any irregularities, depicting a caricature of Lamia and other race males who may have been his companions with some sort of paint. It can be interpreted as an easy-to-understand mural of Lamia's ecology.

"This is the house where the elected queen lives. Right now, mom, um, the current queen Seribear and her husband Clade should be living. I used to live here."

"For Serina, in addition to the hometown of nostalgia, is it a home of nostalgia?"

"If you just came back after finding a wonderful husband, you only need to be welcomed, but this time I am also a guide to the mission, so it is an unprecedented return home."

The surrounding Lamias seem to have no choice but to worry about me and Selina, and look at them with a flicker, but Seribea looks back only once. What do you think of your daughter's return in your mind?

Shortly after being invited into the palace, carpets embroidered with flowers, animals and unique patterns embroidered in the Mores Mountains are laid, and candles emitting a faint aroma are passed through a burning room.

A long desk is placed between us and Seribea, and a strange-aged Lamia sits on the left and right of Seribea, one by one, sitting on the lower part of a clogged chair instead of a chair. That's what Selina does well.

The other Lamia and her husband stand by the door and by the wall of the room, guarding and monitoring us. Well, of course. Nothing to worry about.

"Please come. Lamia's village, but there are chairs."

So, if I sit down in a chair that was prepared in advance, Selina will follow me and her mother like a mother.

Well, I was aware that I was nervous as well, but considering that Serina was an unprecedented return home, this situation is unprecedented even for Jarula, and I have been groping about how to respond. There will be.

By the way, we have to find each other's first experiences and fumble for better places to drop.

On the desk was a red drink squirting steam. The mountains are cold, even though spring has been halfway through. I want to give hot drinks to all the waiting missions.

"Thank you. We already know the purpose of our visit, but I will tell you again.

At present, our lord Baron Bern considers that, in addition to exploiting the dark wilderness, interacting with the Ente forest and the tribes living in the Mores Mountains, is essential for the development of the territory and the prosperity of the people. is.

For that reason, I borrowed the wisdom of Miss Serina, a person from this village, and today I heard his greetings. ''

"We knew that Bernard, the Aide, was interested again in the dark wilderness, not from Serina, right?

Snakes that live in the dark wilderness and in the forest of Ente sometimes replace our eyes and ears, so it's not difficult to gather information about the surroundings. ''

Well, were you defended that Serina did not casually disclose information on the Baronian territory?

"Did you know that we already have a relationship with the lizards and the Uala people who are sheltered by the water dragon Wedro?"

"Yes, it's rare for people to climb the mountains, but when it comes to a group, it's reasonable to draw attention. The other side of the group keeps us close and close. It's even more so if you're the ones who do. ''

"That's true, so I'd like to talk about it. I've made this document the price and friendship arrangements we can provide. Please. "

Materials for three people sitting in front of you are handed over from the bag you left at Serina. Negotiations and content with earlier Lizard and Huala peoples are almost unchanged.

Arrangements include establishing an embassy in each other's villages, freedom of commerce, and granting jurisdiction, employment conditions, and residence to those who have violated the law in each other's territory.

It has been clearly stated that Lamia, which is perceived as the most important monster for me, is treated like a human race, and that it is strictly forbidden to add unjust violence or discrimination.

On the other hand, Lamia also prohibits temptation in a form that deprives the opponent's will with magic of fascination. Although there are differences in racial units and inconveniences or disadvantages to each other, this has been concluded by Christina and Ms. Christina, who must find a compromise.

Having read through the full text of the material from Selina, Seribear gently puts the material on her desk with an unreadable smile.

"I've heard the offer from the people of Bern, but it's a big part of Jalula's fate, and I'd like to give him some time to do so. Will answer.

In the meantime, please join Jalula if you have other missions waiting outside.

Slightly everyone in the village may stand up, but please forgive it. It's something that has never been in the past, such as there are so many people from the outside. ''

"Thank you for your generous words. Although I have told the delegations strictly, it is the first time for them to visit this land like Jalula where the Lamias live. You may also do.

Most people are single without a home, so the Jarula people are a bit too exciting. If there is anything, I will treat it with severe punishment immediately. "

Oh hey, Seribear laughs, but hum, apparently, if you don't contact them, you'll be able to see that they'll close their eyes even with a little mischief.

Some of the members are still not likely to hold hands with the opposite sex, and the lower body is a large snake, but it will not be able to counter Lamia's appeal. Well, that's what it is. Hmmm.

"You are very serious about your aide. Please take a rest and relax today. We have a room in the hall.

But not as a queen of Jarula, but as an individual, yeah, I would definitely like to talk with her husband and daughter as a mother. ''

I should not forgive the refusal, and Seribear's smiling eyes, with a smile, were appealing to me. Well, now you're pushing your face as a mother, not a queen. Heartlessly, the Lamia in the room are looking at me steeper than before.

A rigorous review is waiting to see if I am the right guy for Serina. I gently squeezed Selina, which had grown from under the desk, gently holding my hand.

Well, Selina gave me a lot of courage. Finally, let's go to the greatest battleground in my personal life!

Even so, what kind of father is Serina? And what kind of mother is Seribear in a private setting? I felt like my heart was about to burst.

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